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Bloodcrushers, worth taking?


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I´m thinking that I want to use something new in my armies and so far I use very little with Khorne. So I´m wondering if bloodcrushers could be any good. I was thinking three with a champion that gets axe of blood (for ap2 and with some luck instant death) and perhaps join up with a herald or skulltaker. What do you think? Could it work?




Anyone tried them and have any battlestories to tell?


What is right number for them, 3,6 or more/less?


S8 is dangerous but how do they hold up otherwise?


What should be there targets?

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You run them with karanrak to give them scout for a turn two charge, they aren't the most wonderfully efficient unit, tending to kill whatever they charge and then get shot to pieces. S8 isn't that prevalent in the meta atm, missile launchers being ineffective tank killers, you won't see them that often, but they are too expensive imho.


Can be summed up as flesh hounds are better.

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Summoning them with incursion is nice. If you get the power getting 3 of them for free could be a huge advantage.

If you get the proper powers they can be golden, if not they can be useless. I remember one time i used them, i had enduranced rolled on a flying prince that he used it on the crusher unit a couple of times (big unit with Karanak) It made them very powerfull and effective.

One other time i got no buffs at all with all my rolls and they prove to be just an expensive meat never making it into battle.

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I pair them with Karanak for close combat or for abalative when I want to keep Karanak close to their Pskyer heavy unit(s) like Seer Council, etc.


Bloodcrushers are still thougher and more effective when going up against MEQ given the latter's 3+.


I've had one lucky opposing Tac squad of 5 survive and kill 10 Hounds before Karanak finished them. They would have died almost immediately with Bloodcrushers.

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So if I understand right they can be good against right oppontent and with right support.


What do you think is a good number for them? 3, 4 or 6 perhaps? I´m leaning against 5 and then one skulltaker och herald of Khorne Bigger and they take to much of a footprint on the board. 

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