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Winter Assault with the Angels Sanguine


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So, after the mad rush or painting models for ETL III, a tournament has been announced at my LGS.

I'm planning on using this thread as a WIP / Battle Report / List tweaking blog of sorts.

The tourney is 1800 points which is a bit different. Most games I've had lately are 1750 or 1850.

Pictured below is my current (1 game tested) list that I'm thinking of running.

Hopefully I'll get a few more games in before list submission date (19th August) and everything painted by the tournament itself (23rd August).


Featured in the list is the following:

HQ: Librarian w/- Jump Pack & Force Sword. (125)

Elites (1): Sang Priest w/ Jump Pack. (75)

Troops (1): Tactical Squad w/- Lascannon, Plasma & Sarge w/- Combi-Plas & P.Sword in a Rhino (265)

Troops (2): Assault Squad w/- 2 x Melta, Sarge w/- P.Sword (225)

Troops (3): Assault Squad w/- Flamer, Sarge w/- T.Hammer (135)

Troops (4): Death Co. w/- T.Hammer, Bolters & 2 x P.Axe & B.Pistol in a Land Raider Redeemer (440)

Heavy Support (1): Predator w/- Autocannon & Lascannon sponsons (135)

Heavy Support (2): Dreadnaught w/ 2 twin-linked autocannons (120)

Heavy Support (3): Stormraven w/ twin-linkedMultiMelta, twin-linked assault cannon & Hurricane bolters (230)

Total: 1750.

It's taken some inspiration from PaladinsSanguine's 2k list here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294001-2000-points-armor-core-assault/

I bought an attack bike today, which will get a multi-melta, to knock the list up to 1800.

For today's game I upgraded the rhino to a Razorback w/ assault cannon, which didn't do much.

I'll do up a brief rundown of the game tomorrow when I get a bit more time.

For now the games & restrictions on the Tournament are as follows:

Round 1: Purge the Alien with Dawn of War Deployment

Round 2: Cleanse and Control

Round 3: Big Guns Never Tire with Hammer and Anvil Deployment

Round 4: Contact Lost

Games will last 2 hours.

For the missions where Tactical Objectives are used along with the usual ability to discard one objective per turn, unobtainable objectives are automatically discarded when they are drawn (and shuffled back into the deck for players with cards). This can only be done with objectives that are impossible to obtain, for example if a player rolls or draws the objective Witch Hunter and the enemy army has no psykers in it then that objective cannot be achieved and a new one is drawn. If an objective has a chance to be completed even though it is very unlikely it cannot be discarded in this way.


No Unbound Lists will be allowed or Apocalypse units.

A maximum of 2 Detachments are allowed, however they have the following restrictions:

· A data slate will count as an allied detachment

· Supplements, Forgeworld and E-Codex are allowed as long as the player has the relevant pages (if a digital version) and FAQ’s printed out and the copy of the book that they come from.

· To restrict the amount of psychic shenanigans going on once you have exceeded ten mastery levels within your forces you may only generate warp charges with your primary detachment.

· WYSIWYG is in effect, while conversions and aesthetic choices for models are allowed, proxy models are not. The model must represent what it is and not be able to be confused as something else at first glance.

So, it's fairly tame I think, from the little of 7th I've seen so far.

Most of my opponents will be Marines (GK, UM, IF, etc.) Chaos Marines, Eldar, Guard & possibly Tau from memory. Maybe some new wolves too.

Painting wise, I really want to get that Raven done, as I use it just about every game, so that's next on the to do list.

Any queries, questions, comments, suggestions, feel free to fire away smile.png

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Look forward to seeing how it goes! And rather like that Baal turret on the Raven, a good idea I've not seen before. 


My only thought that is in all the games I have played recently I have found no use at all for an upgraded close combat weapon on a ASM sergeant. Or rather, I have not missed not taking them. I normally play Eldar, Space Wolves, SoB and Tyranids and if I take one it either gets sniped or doesn't make it into combat as too busy jumping around grabbing objectives or hiding in order to be able to grab objectives. 


Eh so yeah not really sure why my point is... but if you did decide to trim points to add in another DC (my usual habit ~ahem~) that would be the first place I look :).

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Thanks guys.

My power weapon sarge's are a hangover from 5th & 6th ED.


Hammer Sarge is new with ETL III, and probably one of my better painted models. Pity he went toe to toe with an Ork Nob and traded kills :)


Started work on the raven tonight, first red & black layer down.


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So, I've had a couple of battles with my intended list.

Battle reports and summaries below:

Game 1 vs imperial fists 1800.

My army (same as above)


Imperial fists:



Iron clad dread in a drop pod

5 sternguard (no combi/specials) in a drop pod (lysander went here)

5 tactical marines (drop pod - rhino standing on end as a proxy)

2 x 5 tactical marines in rhinos

5 shooty centurions w/- grav cannon/amps & missiles. 1 w/- tl-lascannon & missiles

stormtalon w/- skyhammers

hunter (rhino w/- multimelta on top as proxy)

6 scouts w/- snipers & ML

I'll be brief, as it was on saturday, and I don't totally remember what happened exactly, but the pictures tell most of the story :)

Mission was purge the alien & standard 12" long board edge setup.

No red thirst for me, Libby rolled on Biomancy and got endurance & warp speed.

I won the roll off and deployed/went first.

Angels Sanguine deployment:

Libby & priest attached to the 10man assault squad. Not a lot of cover on this open board.


Imperial Fist deployment:

Centurions on the right, Scouts in the trees in the middle, Hunter with 2 Rhinos blocking LoS in the back left.

5 Tactical marines deployed to have an empty pod drop in later as well.


Angels Saugnine Turn 1:

Both 10 & 5man assault marine squads moved up with the attack bike to take some cover behind the bridge, rhino & redeemer followed closely.

Libby went for endurance on his ASM squad, succeeded, and got perils. He ended up losing a wound due to it.

Pread & Dread shot at the centurions, killing 1. Both ASM squads ran 1" each. Lazy chaps tongue.png


Imperial Fists Turn 1:

Ironclad DP lands next to my Pread, with Lysander & Sternguard's DP landing smack on the bridge.

The Centurions moved up, and their volley removed my 5man ASM, who had no cover. They also managed to get a wound on my attack bike with scattering blasts.

Ironclad missed his melta shot at the Pread (phew)

Sternguard shot a few hellfire rounds into the ASM squad, killing 1.

The snipers let rip on my attack bike and finished him off. Ouch.


Angels Sanguine Turn 2:

Raven flew onto the table on the LHS, out of picture, to hopefully deal with the Hunter. I jumped the ASM over to the centurions, to tackle them in assault. The Redeemer moved forward, and the Death Co. got out, ready to charge Lysander & his Sternguard. The Rhino shuffled across to deploy the Tactical squad, with the Pread & Dread backing up to fire everything I could into the Ironclad. The redeemers flamestorm made short work of the sternguard, killing all 5, and leaving Lysander at the mercy of the Death Co.

ASM shot the meltas & pistols into the Centurions, taking out 1, and causing a wound on another. Raven shot at the hunter, but cover saves proved to strong.

I charged the centurions in assault, but lose 5 on the way in to some accurate grav cannon, missile & lascannon overwatch. Having furious charge helped here, as I managed to take out 1, and wounded another. I lost the assault, but passed morale. The Death Co. charged into Lysander, and caused enough wounds, taking him down with the loss of only 3 in return.

Imperial Fists Turn 2:

The rhino's hiding at the back move up, with the tactical marines still inside. Stormtalon comes on the RHS to line up my Pread. Ironclad moves up, shoots his melta at the Dread, and misses. Again. (phew. again) Scouts, drop pods & rhinos open up on the Death Co. killing 1 I think. Talon shoots at the Preads side armour, stunning it and stripping off a hull point. Ironclad charges into my dread, but only manages to take off 2 hull points. Centurions vs ASM, I manage to take 1 more down, don't think I lost any, and they hold.

Picture taken during turn 2:


Angels Sanguine Turn 3:

Raven moves across, but due to good placement of his talon, I won't be able to shoot much at it. Tacts jump back in the rhino to move up and support the ASM if needed. Redeemer moves up, and the Pred moves back the full 12" since I'm snap firing anyway, to hopefully avoid the Ironclad. Death Co. move up to makes friends with the scouts. Poor shooting from the Raven, means only 1 hit gets through to the Talon, and glances. Ironclad finishes by Dread off and looks menacingly at the pred. Death Co. charge through cover successfully, wiping out the scouts with no loss. ASM manage to take out another Centurion, and the combat continues.


Imperial fists Turn 3:

Not much if anything moves here, drop pods, rhinos & tactical inside fire at the Death co. killing 2. Talon Hover's and strips another hull point off the Pread with it's volley. Hunter fires at the Raven, which i manage to jink. Ironclad shoots his Melta at the Pred, and misses again! Good rolling sees the ASM finish off the Centurions, and move into the middle. Ironclad gets his charge off into the pred and destroys it.


From here I only took a couple more pictures, and missed turn 4. rolleyes.gif

Angles Sanguine Turn 4:

Raven goes into hover move, to get another shot at the talon, since it's snap firing. ASM move up next to the rhino in front of the redeemer, while the remaining Death Co. marine breaks cover to assist. I roll again for endurance, and my libby decides that he's to tired for such things, and perils a 2nd time, removing himself from the table. Poor guy. Raven fires into the talon, and snapfire proves ineffective. ASM & redeemer fire into the rhino, wrecking it through glancing hits. The tacticals jump out on the redeemrs side, hoping to avoid an assault from the ASM. I elect to charge, since they're only 8 inches away, but fail miserably, and lose my priest & remaining melta to overwatch. Ouch. Death Co. marine knocks on the door of the other rhino, but no-ones home.

Imperial Fists Turn 4:

Iron clad moves up to assault the redeemer, Talon goes hovermode and backs up to fire at the now vulnerable ASM. Dropods, rhinos, tactical marines inside the remaining rhino and the talon fire into the remaining ASM, wiping them out. The backfield tacticals long range bolter the remaining Death Co. marine. Hunter shoots again at the Raven, glancing it. Ironclad shoots his melta into the redeemer, taking off a hull point from memory, then charges into it, destroying it gracefully.

Angels Sanguine turn 5:

Raven flies up next to the talon, to hopefully finish it off. Tacticals jump out to shoot at the Ironclad while the Rhino moves out to hide behind the trees and go for linebreaker. Raven finishes off the talon with a snapshot assault cannon. Tact's miss the ironclad.

Imperial First turn 5:

Again, more concentrated fire from the drop pods, rhino & tacticals fire at the Angels tacticals, killing 1 or 2 from memory. The other rhino moves out to cut off the Angels rhino. Ironclad gets all giddy and attempts to charge the tacticals. Overwatch from the lascannon hits home, and takes the MVP ironclad down.

End of turn 5:


I rolled for another turn, and we go into turn 6.

Angels Sanguine turn 6:

Not a hell of alot happens here, Raven shoots at the tacticals in my deployment zone, but does no damage. Tacticals in the middle try to destroy the drop pod, with shooting then assault but to no avail.

Imperial fists turn 6:

The remaining rhino & tacticals inside retreat to have another go at my rhino. More concentrated bolter fire into the Angels tacticals, but no wounds are caused.

We roll again to see if goes into turn 7, but the game ends there.

End of turn 6 & game.


Net results end up being 8 victory points to the Angels, and 13 to the Fists.

It was a good game, and that darn Ironclad caused a lot of headaches.

My stormraven did well to take out the talon under constant fire from the hunter, jink saving like a boss msn-wink.gif

I'll hopefully post up the game vs orks this week.


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Thanks for the pick up K&F, first time I've played against Centurions, didn't even think about it!

You're right too, I could have gone around to the left, behind the ironclad, rather than backing up to the right and shooting into the front armour. Rookie mistake msn-wink.gif

I'll keep your points in mind.

@Jolemai, I've had this dread conversion for about a year, when ETL II was around.


I've quoted below how I went about it:

Cheers lads.

Demoulius, I made the arms from the quadgun and a pair of Ironclad dread arms (Furiso one's will work too!)

I cut the dread arms at the elbow joint, so it's flush - if you're pro with magnets, you can probably magnatise the joint.

The quadgun's a little more tricky, but if you cut each section just behind the 2 fins (see pictures above) then file one side down (the one without the skull) so they're flush and glue together. Then it's just a case of filing down the top part of the gun where the sensor sits, and glue it to the dread arm so that the barrel joint sit's flush with the front of the dread arm.

Then simply cut the ammo feeds and pair them up, and stick them on the end.

I'll look at doing a tutorial perhaps at some stage, it's a fairly simple procedure.

Cheers. biggrin.png

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Cheers :)


Been looking at doing a similar conversion one day. I've tried the "hellfire" configuration (TLLC & ML) and I'm currently using the Assault Cannon & ML combination, but I'm thinking of going for an Assault Cannon and Auto Cannon combination or Autocannon & TLLC next time.


Looking forward to the report against the Orks :)

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Game vs Orks 1800.

My army, same as before.

Orks: (note, these are actually my orks, but my mate uses them for games until he builds his own force - some models are 10-15years old, when I started collecting them in 3rd ed.)


Warboss - mega armour

Warphead (proxy old metal warboss)

2 x 7 lootas

3 x 20 slugga boyz w/- eavy armour

2 x 12 shoota boyz in trukkz

2 dakkajets

This game was played sunday, so I'll do my best to recapture it happy.png

Mission was clense & control.

I won the roll off, and chose to deploy/go first.

No red thirst (again) and Biomancy got me warp speed and hemorrhage.

My warlord trait was +1 to charge & run distance, which didn't help int he scheme of things. His wasn't useful either.

I didn't get a photo after deployment sadly.

Objectives with classy ms paint skills from turn 1 below

Angels Sanguine turn 1:

Picking up my 3 objective cards, one was to have 3 scoring units in my deployment zone at the end of the turn. So with this in mind, I held back my assualt squads, and tacts in the rhino. redeemer pushed forward, ready to flame any ork silly enough to break cover from the ruins. Another card was to capture objective 5 - this one was sitting next the lootas at the rear - no chance of getting that one huh.png The other was kill something in assault from memory. Pred & dread open up on the lootas, taking 1 down. Redeemer turbo boosted up, as did the attack bike to take cover behind some ruins (out of picture next to obj 1), to deal with the trukks if need be.


Orks turn 1:

Slugga boyz moved forward towards my line, trukks flanked towards obj 1. My attack bike suffers a would from 40 odd shots coming his way. I really need to protect it better.

Lootas unload into my dread, 1st squad does nothing, but the second squad manages to get 2 pens, with both results being weapon destroyed, leaving my dread now fairly (h)armless.... laugh.png

Angels Sanguine turn 2:

Raven comes on, close to the lootas to soften up the slugga boyz close by. Both ASM squads move up to try and get a co-ordinated assault off. Pred moves up for some cover, and to snipe some lootas. (Really should have moved it around the other flank to help deal with the trukks in hindsight) Redeemer moves forward to flame some orks, while the Death Co. get out to charge the orks in one of the trukks, as long as my attack bike moving backward hits......which it doesn't, of course. Redeemer kills a few orks, with the Death Co. stripping a hull point off the trukk with bolter fire I think. Raven kills a few orks, but due to them having 4+ armour, only 2-3 go down. Hurricane bolters proved ineffective here. I charged with both ASM squads, but only the 5 man makes it. Here I made the error to commit too early, as the orks take them all out with superior numbers (nob & warboss power klaws really did the job here), and the priest being out of FNP range - which wouldn't have helped. Death Co. charge into the trukk they shot at, since the orks were still in there, and destroyed it. (out of picture behind the bog ruins)


Orks turn 2:

I think this is where he gets one of the objective cards where if you hold twice as many objectives as your opponent, you get +d3 vp's.

Dakkajet comes on, right in front of the Death Co. ready to dakka. (note: we took it off the base, as it was in the way during the assault phase and forgot to put it back on.....) Slugga boyz advance, looking to get into assault asap. Warhead gets the +1 attack psychic power off ( i forget the name of it) and Waaagh is called. Shoota boyz & dakkajet rip into the Death Co. causing about 12 wounds. Some epic rolling sees only 1 fail, which gets FNP'd. Warboss and his ladz move up to the redeemer, while the other slugga unit with the warphead moves up to the ASM squad. The 3rd slugga unit moves up to the Dread to finish him off in assault.

All the orks get into thier intended assaults, except the one next to the dread who failed the distance roll I believe? warboss & nob hit the redeemer, immobilizing it and taking off a hull point. Warphead declines a challenge, as the ASM & sluggas go at it. Clever trick here which we both realised, this allows the power klaw nob to swing freely, since the warphead can just decline challenges all day. I thik 4-5 orks go down, along with 2-3 ASM's including the sarge, because he's up the front like a muppet. Shoota boyz vs the Death Co. fairs worse for me, as 5 go down to the sheer amount of attacks. Guess they all used their armour saves up. I take out 3 in return with the Axe & Hammer.


Turns are fairly short now, as most of our armies are in assault. Oh and single photos, because I forgot again rolleyes.gif

Angels Sanguine turn 3:

Pred backs up for more loota sniping, which proves ineffective. Redeemer flames lots of orks, but they hold. Raven goes hovermode to try and remove as many slugga boys as possible, again failing horribly due to 4+ armour, with only 2 falling. Attack bike moves up to shoot the remaining trukk, scoring a hit, but then rolling snake eyes for armour pen. Ouch. At least it glanced rolleyes.gif Assaults continue, with a few the ASM going down in a 1:2 ratio to the orks, again, free swinging pk nob doing the damage. Shoota boyz finish off the Death Co. and look to go after the attack bike & redeemer respectively. Dread charges into the other orks to hold them up from going at the ASM, but no hits are scored on either side.

Orks turn 3:

Shoota boyz move up to the attack bike, while the other mob goes for the immobilized redeemer. We forget about the dakkajet off the board as well as the one on the board, clearly too concerned with melee's going on all over the place laugh.png Lootas open fire into the raven, making me jink, but 2 glances get through, leaving it on 1 hull point. Assault wise, with the warboss, and 2 pk nobs on the redeemer, it only loses 1 more hull point. What a beast! Attack bike either got shot or died in the first round of combat here. Either way it's having a bad weekend. Since he has 3 objectives, to my 0, he rolled for +d3 and got an extra 3 points! He also picked up another 1 or 2 with assaults being made & won through objective cards.


Angels Sanguine turn 4:

Even though things are looking grim, I'm only down 1 VP, with 2 more turns to go. Sadly my cards are do-able, but very hard.

Raven goes back into flyer mode, to help thin the orks wailing on the redeemer. Tacticals jump out of the rhino to help out. ( i really should've got these guys out earlier, as they were just sitting around snap shooting from the hatch - a waste of resources.) Combinde shooting from the redeemer, raven & tacticals reduce the WB slugga unit down to 3 (boss, nob & 1 boy) In assault, my ASM fall to the warpheads squad, with the pk nob getting most of the credit.

Orks turn 4:

Here the orks play ring around the rosey around the redeemer trying to get into the flamestorm cannons deadzones. Warphead unit moves up to tackle the tacticals. We forget the dakkajets (again). Lootas fire at the raven, but jinks save the day. Warphead unit fails the charge against the tacticals, and the Warboss & nobs can't do anything to the redeemer again.


Angels sanguine turn 5:

Very little to do here, with only the pred, raven, redeemer, empty rhino & tacticals left. Raven goes into hover mode, unleashing everything into the warboss unit, along witht he redeemer's assault cannon. Some lucky hits manage to remove the boy, pk nob and then the warboss respectively. Tacticals fire into the warphead unit, taking out a couple. I go to charge, but remember you cant charge after rapid firing.

Orks turn 5:

Dakkajet comes on, (we remembered them now happy.png ) as the other flys up to the pred. Here he picks up the card to score obj 2, which is near the unengaged ork unit, so they move out to capture it and seal the game, regardless of another turn. Lootas & dakkajet fire into the pread, because they can, immobilizing it, and reducing it to 1 hull point. The unengaged sluggas run to capture the objective, doing so with ease. Warphead unit shoots along with the new dakkajet into the tacticals, taking out 3. They hold. Warphead unit charges into the tacticals, challenge was issued, warphead denies, and another 3 die, at the loss of no orks. Shoota boy nob tries to hurt the redeemer, but the machine spirit laughs it off.


At this stage I only have 4 points, to his 8/9.

We decide to play it out, and roll into turn 6.

Angels sanguine turn 6:

Raven goes into fly mode to try and get the new dakkajet. Pred snapfires into the boyz holding obj 2 in spite. nothing happens. Redeemer flames some more boyz.

Tacticals finally give out to the remianing orks in assault.

Orks turn 6:

Lootas & dakkajet finish the pred, orks fail to destroyer the redeemer.


Game over.

Orks with 9 VP to the Angels 4.

Things I learnt:

Don't commit an an assualt to early, try and thin out the numbers first. Orks in heavy armour are quite durable.

Talking with my mate who stopped by during the game, I've decided to tweak the list.

I'll make a new post tomorrow with my proposed changes.


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Seems like you were far too aggressive in the first couple of turns. Should've held waaay back, pop the transports and keep thinning their numbers until turn 4/5 where you assault to mop up. Would've deployed the Redeemer to the right of the dread and the tacticals in the ruin to the left of the pred so they can be shooting from the get go, probably combat squaded so you don't lose all the bolters should you decide to fire the lascannon at something with an AV. Maybe you could have reserved the big assault squad so you could call them down at a more opportune moment, maybe drop them behind the Lootas turn 3 after most of his army has started advancing towards you, give him something to think about. We all love the BA's close combat rep, but against that many Orks getting close to them was always going to be asking for trouble.

Redeemer definitely seemed to be MVP.


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You're spot on sock, I was waaaaay to aggressive and the redeemer certainly took a lot of punishment but was the MVP.


I had a game against another mate and his Emperors Children (HH) army with a new list that I'd been talking to him about, which was good.

Will post it up shortly :)

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Ok, after a couple of losses, it was time to change up the roster.

Game 3 vs Emperero's Children (HH) 1800

Below is my new list:


Libby w/- Jump pack

Priest w/- Jump pack

Furiso Dread w/- talons (proxy'd fists for now)

2 x 10 man ASM w/- 2 melta & Sarge w/- P.Sword

5 man Tactical squad w/- combi plasma

7 Death Co. w/- 2 P.Sword, 2 P.Axe & T.Hammer in LR Redeemer

Pred w/- Autocannon & Lascannon sponsons

Dread w/- 2 x TL-Autocannons

Stormraven w/- Assault cannon & MM (my other raven without the hurricane bolters)

His army consisted of something like:

Fulgrimm (represented by a dreadnought as he left his model at home!)

5 Termies with super P.Spears

Tactical squad w/- bolters & HQ guy (forget what he does)

5 man squad of something, all with meltas, in a rhino

5 man squad of power swords, with a HQ champion, in a rhino

10 man tactical squad in a rhino

Stormeagle w/- whirlwind launcher thingy (Fulggrim & termies in here)

We played Big Guns Never Tire with Hammer & Anvil deployment.

For the third game in a row, I didn't roll any red thirst.

Warlord trait was he & units within 12 had move through cover. (Which I forgot about, and may have been needed. doh!)

His was +1 to cover saves in ruins, which I think was a HH book trait.

My Libby went on divination this turn, taking prescence & forewarning (4+ invun saves)

We rolled for 5 objectives this game.

I won the roll off and elected to deploy first, but go second.

Armies deployed:

Objectives marked up in white.


Emp Children turn 1:

Rhino's rush forward, taking cover behind the central ruins as best they can. The one with the power sword squad gets immobilized next to the objective.

The 2 mobile ones turbo bossted in the shotting phase. Tacticals chill out on one of the objectives.


Angels Sanuine turn 1:

Pred & Redeemer back up, while the Assault squad with the libby jumps behind the other one, since that side of the board seems where the action will happen. Dread moves up. Libby gets prescence off on the pred, which then opens up on the tactical squad rhino, destroying it for first blood, and taking out 4 tactical marines in the process. Dread shoots into the melta marines rhino, taking off a hull point. LRR assault cannon fires into the tacticals, killing 1.


Emp. Children turn 2:

Eagle comes on, right into the heart of my line. rhino moves up, and the melta marines jump out. power sword marines jump out of their rhino and leg it towards the mobile one.Tactical marines move up towards the redeemer. Melta marines fire into the Redeemer, taking down 2 hull points, stunning it, immobilizing it and destroying the LHS flamestorm. Stormeagle fires into the side of the pred, destroying it, while the whirlwind launcher PoTMS fires into the clumped up ASM, killing 2. Tactical marines charge into the redeemer, but fail to damage it with a meltabomb.


Angels Sanguine turn 2:

I roll for the stormraven and get a 2 rolleyes.gif reeeeeeeeeally needed it this turn to have a crack at the eagle. Oh well. Death Co jump out of the redeemer, both ASM move up, with the libby lagging behind to get prescence on the Death Co. (which goes off) ASM fire into the melta marines, taking down 2. Dred, and the libby ASM fire into the Eagle, but don't get any hits. Priest ASM then fail to charge (I rolled a 4) into the melta marines, while the Death Co. charge into the tactical marnies, wiping them out. In hindsight, I should've dual charged into the melta marnies at the same time.

(Note the photo was take during the movement phase of his 3rd turn)


Emp Children turn 3:

Eagle goes into hover mode, to disembark the terminators & Fulgrimm, who split up. Power sword marines move up to tango with the Death Co. empty rhino dashes away. Melta marines fire into the redeemer, and 3 1's are rolled. wow. I think the eagle fairs better, taking a hull point off the redeemer, while PoTMS the whirlwind launcher into the ASM, taking out 1 I believe. Power weapon marines charge into the Death Co. with Int 5, WS 5, I'm expecting to take a few casualties, but only 3 wounds go through, 2 of which get FNP'd. Attacks back, I end up wiping them out, with some good rolls. Termies charge the ASM with priest, taking down 5 with no loss. I fail morale and they fall back. ASM with libby get charged by Fulgrimm, taking 4 casualties, but hold.


Angels Sanguine turn 3:

I roll for the raven again, and wouldn't you know it, a 2 came up. sigh. Death Co. on the rampage move forward to try their luck on the termies, while the ASM & priest rally like good space marines knowing no fear. I attempt to get both forewarning & prescence onto the Death Co., with having 6 warp charges this turn, but only manage to get forewarning off. Redeemer flamestorms the remaining 3 melta marines, and PoTMS the assault cannon into the termies, with the dred also firing into them, killing 1. Death Co charge into the termies, I lose one, but manage to wipe them out, with the axes & hammer doing their job. They consolidate towards Fulgrimm.


Emp Children turn 4:

Fulgrimm, empty rhinos, a stormeagle and the tactical squad at the back camping the obj are all that's left. Eagle fires into the redeemer, removing it's last hull point, and destroying it. Fulgrimm manages to kill all the ASM, and put a wound on the libby, who promptly decides to fall back right to the table edge. Fulgrimm consolidates towards the dread.


Angels Sanguine turn 4:

Hooray for the raven finally coming on! My ASM & priest jump over to the libby, to pick him up. Dread moves forward to the obj in the ruins. Death Co. now brimming with confidence move to engage Fulgrim & hopefully tie him up for as long as possible. Libby attempts to get forewarning & prescence onto the Death Co., but 1 fails and the other is denied. ASM melta snipe fulgrim, who takes a wound I think. Death Co. shoot at him to no avail. Raven unloads into the eagle, taking off a hull point. The multimelta missed sadly. Dread shoots into the eagle as well, but doesn't get through the armour. Death Co. charge Fulgrim, losing 4, while the hammer struck back and dealt a wound. Being fearless, the combat continues.


Emp children turn 5:

Stormeagle shuffles across in hover still, to try and melta the raven. Snapfire from the melta hits, stunning the raven, and removing a hull point.

Fulgrim finishes off the hammer Death Co. marine and consolidates towards the objective.

Angels Sanguine turn 5:

Raven goes hover mode, and drops off the tacticals on the objective, while the furioso moves towards the mobile rhino camping the obj in the ruins. ASM fly across away from fulgrimm. Furioso fires his melta into the mobile rhino, and manages to destroy it. I think it had 1 hull point left, but I can't remember how it got to that stage. I know the dread shot at it, but i didn't get through the armour. Raven unloads into the rhino on the obj in the middle, and destroys it as well.

End of turn 5:


We roll for turn 6, and get it.

Emp Children turn 6:

Eagle backs up onto the objective in the white ruins. Fulgrimm moves to cut off my dread from capturing the obj in the grey ruins. Eagle fires into the raven, pen's, and stuns it, leaving it on 1 hull point. Whirlwind launcher fires at the tacticals and scatters off just far enough away to miss them. Fulgrimm charges into the dread, glancing twice and taking off 2 hull points. I attack back, taking off a wound.


Angels Saguine turn 6:

Raven moves up, to claim the middle obj, while the furioso moves to engage the eagle. ASM jump over just in case turn 7 comes along. At this point it's a draw, as we have 2 each, and fulgrimm/dread are contesting the third. I shot the melta from the furioso into the eagle, but do no damage - good old cermamite plating msn-wink.gif Fulgrimm manages to glance my dread to death, leaving him up by 1.


We roll for turn 7, but don't get it.

Game over, Emp Children 4, Angels Sanguine 3. I got first blood, and he got linebreaker with Fulgrimm.

MVP certainly goes to the Death Co, who killed 3 units, including terminators. I was unlucky not to have the raven on earlier, as that was 400 odd points off the table for 3 turns. I could've also ran the furioso instead of shooting, and possible contested the objective there, which would have been a draw?

However, I think he gets more points for killing heavy support units, which I didn't think about until now, I'll have to check that up.

I feel more confident with this list, but will make a minor tweak to the tacticals, swapping them out for ASM on foot with a plasma & rhino (maybe) and maybe dropping 1 Daeth Co. marine with an axe, as they might be a little too costly. But, then were amazing this game.

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I think you acquitted yourself pretty well considering you had a fething Primarch dumped into your lines and the Redeemer pretty much out of action by turn 3 as well as the Raven Pilot showing a fairly lackadaisical attitude towards fighting heretics.

How did you find 30k marines, any different to their present day counterparts?

For further list tweaks, perhaps ditch all the power swords and try to get that Furioso a pod? I don't know that swapping the Tacs for ASM on foot would gain you much, if you lose the ASM's mobility then I'd rather have the improved range and rapid fire capability of the Tacs. Are you getting the return you want from the rifleman dread?

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Cheers, yeah I have an open mind when it comes to playing armies.

Even though there was a Primarch, I felt like I could deal with his army mostly. Then again, I may have got lucky with the Death Co. doing what they did, which made things seem easier than what they normally would? I'm not totally sure as it's the only game I've had against 30k marines. It's essentially like playing another marine codex, but the extra little rules multiply 10 fold when primarchs are involved, so i can understand why people shy away from it.


I am actually really torn between swapping the tacs out for a rhino based ASM. It does give me another unit to zoom around the board and capture/contest objectives (3 of the missions being played involve them) Then again the rhino from the previous 2 games didn't do much, or I under utilized it.


The rifledread on the other hand, yeah I see what you mean. His output hasn't been the best, but he's there for back-up flyer defence & light transport popping, which my the sounds of things, rhino's will be everywhere. My only other option is a dev squad with 4 missiles, which is what I ran towards the end of 6th, or a Baal pred. I'd need to trim points down to fit them in though

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