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the alternate era of man


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HELIOS - white angel, angelo emperor, emperor's sword


Morpheus - the liberator, crimson father, silver devil, the great deceiver, deamon emperor


ATLAS - gentle giant, the imperium's titans, stonemasters


Vlad - blood prince, night hunter, impaler, the bloody fang


Hades - the puritan, witch hunter, emperor's shield, master inquisitor


INU - great wolf, the red hound, the hound of hell


ZEUS - thor, emperor's wrath, skywalkers


ZIVON - the scorpion, poison master


Primus - the grenader, harvesters


SHADIUS - bright star, corrupter, dark seductress


DRAKON - silent monster, hidden demon


Luther - cold serpent


ASURA - wrathful father


SOLIDUS - soldier of sorrow


CHARON - lich king, desecrator


NEPTUNE - shadow blade, child thief


DARIUS - grey knight, music meister


PYRO - burning angel, phoenix king


BORUS - great tiger, beast master


REMUS - dark knight, winged crusader


ARTHUR - white knight, emperor's light


FENRIS - emperor's hammer,


ADONIS - desert serpent


FELIX - warrior poet


EZIO - the immortal






MORPHEUS - ALDUIN ( golden halberd that blows fire from its " jaws" through it's blades)


HELIOS - SIGMAR ( longsword that is able to cut through ships with one hit)


REMUS - NEVERMORE ( talon like ligthening claws that glow with a black energy and you see spectral ravens around it)


VLAD - MOKAR - ( staff that glows with red light, often used to asorb the blood off the ground and used for attacks)


FENRIS - SILVERWOLF ( ancient hammer crafted by morpheus, imbuned with the power of the honored dead)


Hades - pluto - ( a powermace imbuned with holy magic, is very effective against the dead and demons)


INU - ARES ( great axe covered with fire that once held back the rage of the direwolves, now it asorbs them and increases the rage)


NEPTUNE - TRIGON ( a trident that seems to control the very wind)


DARIUS - FIST OF IRON ( a large fist with a mounted speaker, known to crush mountains with one blast)


ASURA - INERNIUS ( a large scythe imbuned with shadows, it has the power to make a person's fears real.)


SOLIDUS - JUDGMENT ( a large sword that was forged from the sword of solidus's homeworld, it is now filled with the power of malal)


SHADIUS - DOMINON ( a long whip that multiplies the pain it inflicts, currently used by shadius to " discipline" those who stand against him)


Luther - MINERVA ( large mace that spreads ice where ever it hits)


ZIVON - SIDORAK ( a blade-staff that zivon throws like a disk, it never missed its target)


PRIMUS - SPIRAL ( a large drill-like weapon that shreds all who stand before it)


PYRO - BRISINGER ( a long spear that when thrown flies like a phoenix , covered in flames)


BORUS - TIGRE ( wrist blades made from the fangs of their tigers)


ARTHUR - MERLIN ( a staff that was forged with the light of the sun)


ZEUS - thunder and lightening ( two wrist blasters that focus his lightening)


FELIX - falcon sword ( a large white sword that has a hilt in the shape of a falcon)


ATLAS - EARTHBUSTER ( twin powerfist filled with the might of the gods)


ADONIS - SCORPIO ( a sickle that was made from the metal of Adonis's homeworld)


EZIO - The eagle ( a gunblade forged in the shape of an eagle)


DRAKON - PROPHET ( spear-like gauntlets that look like snakes. when they are close together as if in prayer, smoke arises from the gauntlets , hiding drakon and even poisoning the enemy.)


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I can no longer fight the chaos within me, I have weakened and will soon become a prisoner of my own mind. I can feel it happening already, my inner darkness is taking hold and I am now powerless to stop it. I am left with nothing but regret for what I've been made to do. I killed  remus, and even helios, and countless other horrors I've committed in the name of the "dark gods". I knew I would fail to defeat it, but I knew that  could. He would've hesitated, so I struck down father so he would hate me, so he could do it. I fought against shadius and slaughtered him. He still lives as shadius the eternal. I can feel it come closer now, my own personal daemon created from me. He knows I am failing, he cares not for the dark gods or the emperor. He only cares for chaos, and is willing to do destroy all who oppose him. I am fading now, they have ignored my attempts to speak with them and now its too late. I am using the last of my power to resurrect remus, the brother I slayed in the rebellion. Its over now the daemon has won. I have done what I can ( static)





It was during a full moon when a soul raven marine felt a call, he turned to his brothers and they all heard too. A dreadnought got up and walked to the original throne on terra. The older soul ravens knew the call, and all instinctively headed to the resting place of their father. When they got there, they heard the ancient call of the raven. A voice echoed from the throne, " FROM DUST I AM REBORN" the ravens that gathered around the body changed form, they became a purple light and bathed the corpse. When the light vanished there stood remus, primarch of the soul ravens. The new had spread like wildfire and soon all the primarchs came to see him, even helios. They asked how this was possible, but he would only reply " even the darkness can shine". Remus was told of all that transpired since his death, he only nodded.





Remus was meditating in his room on his flagship " RAVENROCK". He was sending his thoughts across the warp until he found his target solidus , who was also meditating. Solidus looked up, and said " so you've awakened brother, what do you want ?" Remus looks at solidus, and replies " Morpheus needs our help, and I ask that you aide us." Solidus stares at remus, and thinks for a moment, and says with an air of power, " I must think upon this request, if what you say is true then I may lend my aide. I will mediate on this, now begone." remus leaves as he finished.


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 The emperor has not heard anything from Morpheus in awhile, he can't even read any plans. This has set off warning bells in his head, so he sent a thought through the astronomicon, but received no answer. He was going to try again, when he sensed the warpstone , it was being charged by warp energy and infused into a giant statue . It had 2 giant wings, the body of a man, 4 hands with the claws of a dragon, wielding an axe, sword, hammer, and scythe in each hand. At the top were 4 heads: a bird, dragon, bull, and a bat. The statue stood at 50 ft. and in the spot where the heart would be, lies the warpstone. Helios quickly sent a warning to all loyalist forces to gather together, he would also go and fight. Meanwhile in the warp " yes, soon it will be done and I will ascend to be a god of chaos. I can feel the power, and I will rule! Morpheus ( deamon) spoke as he gathered warp energy for the merge. He made sure that his statue would be made from necrodurmis and deamon metal. He gathered all of the chaos forces, and gave them a speech " brothers we have been splintered too long, our forces falling to in fighting, and disputes. Are we not warriors? are we not killers? I say we are, and we will destroy the imperium once and for all, because this time I prepared a great weapon to destroy the land and to make the heavens bleed. We will stand victorious, now LET THE GALAXY BURN! At the end, the forces of chaos let out a demonic roar and chanted Morpheus's name. The forces gathered not for a black crusade, but for a dark conquest. They marched through the warp, all manner of terrible beings pushed out into reality. The 12 original traitor legions all gathered together again along with thousands of chaos warbands and millions of deamons . The imperium was also prepared and marched toward the chaotic hoard, ready to destroy them all. The armies stood facing eachother. A few minutes pass, then all hell broke loose. The loyalists and traitors charged at eachother, guns firing and grenades flying till close quarter combat.





As the armies clashed, the fenris and his sons charged through the horde to primus and the nexus legion. Primus charged towards fenris as well, and the sound they made when the connected, caused mountains to crumble under the force of their blows. They battled across the land, around them their sons battled as well. The fight looked to be in primus's favor until fenris smashed one of his horns with his fist. Fenris then, struck primus again and again with his fists. He then stepped back and unleashed his signature ability. " FIST OF THE BEAST KING" he cried as his fists glowed with a golden glow , he punched forward and released a powerful burst of holy fire onto primus. The heat of the blaze burned at primus, he screeched as the fire started to engulf him. In his horror he fled back to the warp, burning still till he was inside the warp. Primus managed to get into his warp pool where he later died from his wounds. Fenris was the victor, but he later fell into a coma from his wounds, he eventually recovered and resides at the temple of asgard.




The soul ravens are opening fire on the heretics, mostly direwolves. The direwolves have changed into terrible beasts and are barreling down towards the soul ravens. The two legions attacked eachother with red hot fury, Inu charged and grappled with remus. Remus and inu rolled across the battlefield, both trying to get the upper hand. The stalemate was broken when remus managed to grab inu and banish him back to the warp. Seeing their father defeated, the remaining direwolves retreated to the warp where they will break once again into warbands. Remus stared at the battle when he saw an army approach. He looked and saw that solidus and his sons had come to aide him. Solidus walked up to remus and said only 3 words " we stand together." with that the brothers stood united against the dark horde.





pyrus had slain thousands of the traitors but sill he could not find Morpheus. The deamon emperor had not been seen during the fighting and he was worried at what he is planning, then out the corner of his eye the statue was glowing. It started to shake and then it became alive. The creature turned to him and said " greetings brother!" in a demonic voice. He replied" you have long lost the right to call me brother Morpheus!" He then awakened his psykic power and started to battle with Morpheus. They clashed blade against blade, the area around them became electrified with their power. Morpheus had struck with his hand carrying a hammer and smacked him to the ground, he managed to block the second swing and sliced off his arm that carried an axe. Morpheus retaliated by punching him through the ground and was about to unleash his warp flames, when hades jumped from a pit and punctured the bird head of Morpheus. He also snapped the bull's head before being thrown off. Morpheus stabbed his sword into his arm, pinning him to a wall. Morpheus was about to deliver the final blow to hades, solidus and remus jumped on his back and started hacking away. Solidus cut off Morpheus's bat head while remus sliced Morpheus's legs. They were holding him down, but they knew it would be for long. " hades strike him in the heart, do it NOW !" they cried before the were thrown aside, before Morpheus could stand again, hades plunged his blade deep into Morpheus's heart. The force of the warpstone breaking, blasted him away as Morpheus howled in pain. Kwylo was blasting a steel blades marine when he heard his father scream, he tossed the corpse away and ran as fast as he could. Morpheus layed on the ground with the sword still in his chest, he found it ironic that the sword he made for him would be the one to end him. Hades managed to get up and started walking towards Morpheus when he reached him, he fell to his knees and looked in his Morpheus eyes and was astonish to see them as their original color of warm gold rather then the chaotic purple they had become. remus looked at Morpheus and said " your eyes are normal again?" with tears in his eyes Morpheus spoke to them in his original voice and said " thank .......y....yo..you...................broth-errrrrrr" and with that the deamon emperor was no more. they looked into Morpheus's dying eyes and saw the truth. pyrus picked up Morpheus's body and held it close to him as he  let out a great wail for the death of his brother. Kwylo arrive to witness this and felt great sorrow and anger, but he heard the voice of his father speak to him before it vanished. IT told him of a way to free him and his brothers from chaos. With great tears he and his brothers stopped fighting and gathered around them and Morpheus. They commenced and all of the chaos in them vanished, including the darkness in lu bu. The loyalists primarchs and solidus gathered around as well. Today was a day of tears. Morpheus is now held in a golden tomb, located on his new flagship " devil's tears" where kwylo now leads the newly named crimson dragons. 

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  • 2 weeks later...



HADES - he thinks more on how he treats his sons and brothers


VLAD - he makes a statue of morpheus, calling him the 1st "saint" of chaos


ASURA - his mind snapped even further.


DRAKON - unknown


ATLAS - he had to be pulled away from the body


SOLIDUS - he stood stoic


CHARON - his cold indifference broke briefly


PYRUS - he mused on the power of chaos, and was glad he stayed loyal.


SHADIUS - bitter laughter


REMUS - stoic as ever


INU - he bellowed in rage


BORUS - nodded in respect


and the others i think i laid their personality enough to know.

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A funeral was held for those who died in that battle and a private service for Morpheus. Kwylo insisted on keeping the body. Kwylo has now renamed legion as the crimson dragons and after Morpheus's favorite colors and animals. The no longer serve chaos but will not heed the commands of imperium, instead they have gone and forged their own system and have named it the " Morpheus's ring". The loyalists are busy healing from the great battle . The crimson dragons now have a new chain of command. It is said that Morpheus's soul is still with his sons and they guard it with fierce determination.


















Fire demons





5 fire demons = 1 dragoon


we are the fire from the mouth of the dragon

the red deamons of order

by the black shade we fight

we work in the shadows to bring the light

we stand against the horde and baptize them in fire

we are the crimson dragons, let the skies burn


kwylo even came up with the "purify litany"







Chaos has lost a great champion, the surviving chaos marines and deamon primarchs know that they will never again have such a powerful leader and have broken again into warbands. The dark gods are angry that the golden devil legion has escaped their hold and now are masters of their own fate. They have instructed their remaining forces to rebuild and to expand their power. Tzeentch himself is furious, as he remembers how kwylo had tricked him and had stolen the fates of his brothers now and to be. Tzeentch had hidden Morpheus's string of fate and had plans for him that were now shattered. Malal simply laughs at his fellow chaos gods and is pleased with solidus and his legion.


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After the funerals were over, kwylo and his brothers were leaving but were stopped by pyrus. " the deamon emperor is dead and chaos hold no more sway over you. I ask that you, what will you do now?" Kwylo looks at him and replies " we will take Morpheus's body and leave. He will be buried the way he wanted, on his throne looking out to the stars. you know throughout this whole affair he still cared for you and the rest of his brothers." Hades screamed at kwylo " He does NOT have the right to be considered our brother. he lost that right when he started the heresy and nearly murdered the emperor! he has taken the lives of billions. the Morpheus I knew died a long time ago." Kwylo narrowed his eyes at them then he reached into his robes and pulled out a modified servo-skull. " If that is what you think then you are truly a fool, he loved you with all his heart. even as he was slowly losing himself to the monster inside him. he never wanted the emperor dead, he felt the emperor was wrong. I see my words are wasted on you so here" kwylo then threw the skull to hades and left. the primarchs held the servo-skull and walked off to the throne room. They sat down and dismissed the guards. atlas activated the servo-skull and it started floating, then a red light appeared and the message began to play " MORPHEUS'S AUDIO ENTRY 1





Kwylo now lead the former golden devil legion and renamed them the " crimson dragons" none had any complaints as these were their father's favorite color and animal. They boarded their new ship the " devil's tears" and now search for a new home. They came upon many worlds and saved them from orks, necrons, and chaos itself. For this service, they had been given the entire sector. They have renamed it the " ring of morpheus" and have buried him on his homeworld and now recruit form all over the sector. There is a group within the crimson dragons called the devil guard that watch over and protect the final resting place of morpheus. They follow their own code which was written by morpheus himself. Kwylo is now the " grand devil" and leads them on things ranging from ork invasion to necrons to chaos. They also are dealing with some eldar that actually survived Morpheus's purge. Only time will tell if they will aide the imperium.






Charon was different after the day morpheus fell. He became colder, secretive, and questing for daemonhood. He has stayed in his room aboard the " harbinger" planning when he stumbled across the pendant morpheus made him to raise more of the dead than he could, it would heal them and they would keep getting back up unless shot directly in the head. It was the last thing he had from morpheus before the heresy. Charon stared at it until he suddenly had an idea! He walked out of his room and gathered his sons together for his plan. Hours later, he had a lich marine at every sight of the battle between the loyalists and traitors except for terra. When the altar to nurgle was built, Charon began his chant and the liches chanted with him.  As he finished, the ground echoed and the dead rose from the ground. Their armor becoming black as night and their eyes a horrifying red. This was the birth of the black legion. Charon was rewarded for the ritual by nurgle and ascended. He did not become bloated like others before him. His arms became claws, his legs became six and insect like, his eyes became a shade of green, his body became akin to a hornet. The pendant sunk into his body and surrendered its power to him. He became " CHARON THE DESCRATOR" . He now commands those who died in the battles and now seeks to dominate the others.

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Another of my tales. 


Mundus was an agricultural planet, it is responsible for food for the entire sector. They have recently just survived an ork invasion, thanks to the help of the blue titan and fenris wolves chapter spacemarines. The crimson dragon legion also lent a hand, and together they repelled the waaagh of da crusha. The marines stayed and conversed with eachother. Kwylo looked toward loki, chapter master of the fenris wolves and says " you fought well against the ork hordes." loki just laughs and replies " as do you crimson dragons". While the people celebrated, a dark force was coming. A great shockwave echoed through the planet and the sky, became purple with warp lightening. From the tear came 3 warbands: dark choir, blood drinkers, and the dark horde. The blood drinker warband is lead by their primarch Vlad, the dark choir lead by Apollo, and the dark horde lead by anumas. Kwylo looked up at the chaos primarch in contempt, " VLAD!" he spat. Vlad looked at kwylo and the rest of the loyal marines. " hello my nephews, it has been so long since I've seen you, and " at this his ships cannons aimed at them" good bye!" he screamed as the cannons fired. The spacemarines quickly ran for cover and opened fire on the traitors. The firefights spread across the planet. The guardsmen and pdf lending a hand to ward off the chaos forces. It seemed a stalemate until anumas sent his dark horde at the blue titans, Vlad had recruited the other 2 warbands for this assault and watched as they went to work. " soon I shall drink from the bloody chalice, it contains the blood of khorne. While the battle went on, kwylo had sent a signal for more crimson dragons to arrive, and called some others chapters for aide. This would be a long, bloody, battle. The loyalist gathered together and as one, charged the chaos forces.
While the loyalist were distracted by the other warbands, vlad and his men started searching for the temple of the bloody chalice. Legend has it that during the first empire of man, sigmar did battle with and spilled the blood of khorne which was captured in a chalice. It was then banished into space by sigmar and landed on mundus where it has remained for millennia. The chalice can grant instant deamonhood and cause all who are near its smoke or drink from it to go mad. Vlad desires the chalice to empower himself and to increase the strength of his forces. The blood drinkers had found the temple and are slowly moving in past the traps and obstacles. Loki and the other spacemarines were fighting anumas and the chaos marines. " brothers give them no quarter!" loki yelled as he cut off the heads of 3 heretics. The spacemarines fought valiantly but were outnumbered by their traitor brothers. All seemed loss until, a great bang was heard across the battlefield. Kwylo was the first to look up and when he did, he yelled for all to hear. He cried " my brothers have come to our aide along with the legio invictus, and darkstalkers". The others looked up after that and cheered. " 5th dragoon reporting brother kwylo." a crimson dragon stated as the ships landed. The loyalist now reinforced, charged the traitors with renewed vigor. Loki agreed to hold off the chaos forces while kwylo and a few marines went to stop vlad. The force ran towards the location of the temple but before they could enter, the temple exploded and from the debris stood vlad and in his hand was the chalice.
Vlad held the bloody chalice in his hands and started laughing." this world will drown in its own blood!" vlad laughed and then drunk from the chalice. After vlad finished, he started screaming in agony. He started glowing and got larger and larger. His eyes now glowed blood red, and his staff became alive. The other warbands left after seeing this. Jonas of the darkstalker chapter was looking for his brother jack. Jack was chained in the prison on the ship. The loyalists opened fire on vlad, but he was moving too fast and started massacring them. Kwylo was about to join the fray when he sensed a line of power from vlad leading to his ship. Kwylo followed the line to a prison cell and in it laid jack. Kwylo could feel the battle in jack's mind, jack's regrets and the influence of vlad. Kwylo reached with his mind and broke the link, freeing jack but tipping off vlad to his presence. Back the battle, vlad was killing many battlebrothers when he felt a link was severed. He looked and sensed kwylo on his ship, grinning vlad flew toward his ship. Jack was busy getting his bearings and kwylo was explaining what happened. Vlad appeared in the cell, only to be smashed through the ceiling by jack. Jonas heard the commotion by the chaos ship and went to investigate. He saw vlad in battle with another deamon prince, and gasped when he released it was jack. Jonas quickly ran to the nearest jumpack and flew up to the ship. Jack was busy in combat with the one who held his mind prisoner for millennia, he was about to strike again when vlad smacked him with his staff. Kwylo was busy sensing where the source holding the gate open was and he found it in the center of the ship. Kwylo had killed the few guards protecting it and broke the link, this caused the warp portal to slowly implode. The gate was sucking up the chaos forces and parts of the land as it was closing, soon only the chaos ship was left to be dragged into the warp (it only affects chaos and those near it). Jonas managed to get on the ship and joined the fray along with kwylo, the three did battle with vlad as the ship was being absorbed by the closing gate. Soon it was only the front of the ship left, kwylo and Jonas were bruised and battered but jack was a little bit better. Jack knew that there was not much time before the ship was fully sent into the warp, so he sent a message to kwylo telepathically and asked him to teleport him and Jonas off the ship. Kwylo agreed and grabbed Jonas and left, jack raised his sword and pinned vlad to the wall and destroyed the bloody chalice. At that moment the ship fully entered the warp and the portal closed, kwylo and Jonas appeared next to the surviving loyalists. After that day, Jonas swore to find jack once again.
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It was the 52nd millennium on the furon, the homeworld of morpheus and the crimson dragons. Kwylo was archiving the battles the crimson dragons have fought in and performing the rights for those who died. He was just finishing up when a child of the regular humans came to him. The children look upon kwylo and his brothers as protectors, kwylo is often called the red knight by the children. Kwylo was about to speak when a great explosion rocked the planet, kwylo grabbed the boy and ran to the evacuation centers. After the people were safe kwylo sent the call for his brothers to attack the chaos forces, he knew that only chaos would attack them so close to home. He also called the devilguard to take Morpheus's body to the escape shuttle, he and the remaining crimson dragons opened fire upon the chaos horde. The crimson dragons fought valiantly but were slowly being overwhelmed by the heretics, many crimson dragons fell to give time for the passenger ships to escape. The crimson dragons and devilguard that remained were pushed back to the former tomb of morpheus, it was crumbling and burning like the rest of the city. Kwylo would have stayed and fought to the end but his brothers convinced him to go with their father, only kwylo could communicate with morpheus and had enough power to protect the ships during the journey. After kwylo got on the ship and left adam ( formerly lu bu) took command and held the line against the deamons and their masters. The resistance fought to the last man until only adam remained, the others having told him to go and set the charges. Adam set the detonation sequence for furon and all the other worlds of " Morpheus's ring" he finished just as the doors to the tomb exploded and through it stepped marion, Charon, and inu. " look at this, the mutt of the legions. kratos, kill him!" spoke inu and kratos charged in along with hundreds of marines. Adam and what was left of his brothers charged them head on. The battle was fierce and they killed many chaos marines, but soon only adam remained. He was on the ground dying when kratos walked up to him and spoke mockingly " any last words my " son"?" adam looked him in the eyes and said " a few. I liked dad better and goodbye " mother" ! hahahahaha!" with that he passed on and let go of the detonator that had be in his hand. Kwylo was looking out the window of the ship when he saw the system explode in an array of lights, he looked at the lights and whispered " may you become one with the eternal flame my son and brothers". The refugees and what was left of the crimson dragons continued to travel and seek a new home when they bumped into the steel blade and heavenguard chapters. Kwylo spoke with them and stood ready to fight until the emperor himself came to kwylo, for they were close to terra and in the center of imperial space. remus asked to speak with kwylo, and he agreed. Kwylo ordered his brothers to be ready for anything. Both sides were on a course for the imperium.





While the crimson dragons were being attacked, the hammerfall homeworld was being invaded by the warbands that made up the nexus legion. The leader of this force was alphonse, of the blue spider warband. He had hunted down all of his brothers and their warbands to attack Valhalla. The skies were black with warships that burned the ground, dropping nexus legionnaires to the surface. The orks of a warboss named black-helm also joined in on the fight and attacked both chaos and imperial forces. The hammerfall marines stood ready to battle when they heard the footsteps of their father. Fenris slowly walked to the front of his legion and then turned to face them. He looked at each and everyone of them, the imperial guardsmen, and the pdf. He then spoke, " our planet is being invaded by the forces of chaos lead by our hated foes, the nexus legion. They seek to destroy us, sacrifice our families to their horrid gods, and to desecrate our ancestors. We are all that stand in their way, I have lived upon this planet since I crashed here as a child and I will not see it defiled by these heretics and traitors! our fore fathers gave their lives for this planet. if we're to die this day so be it, but lets make sure they never forget the name Valhalla, make them cower at the mention of the emperor, and that they will know the power of the imperium's hammer! for the EMPEROR AND VALHALLA!!!" with that fenris charged at the chaos and the orks. The protectors of Valhalla followed singing the song of the hammer as the orks could be heard in the distance.  The battle was brutal and bloody, the land was being bathed in blood as fenris and those who stood with him slayed the hordes of chaos and orks. Alphonse saw fenris and burned with hatred, he was there when primus died in his arms. H e watched as the life left his father's eyes and now carries the scimitar of primus. Alphonse charged at fenris, howling like a insane beast. Alphonse had began augmenting himself after his father's and Morpheus's death. He idolized morpheus as he always found a way to control a situation. Alphonse worked with the experiments morpheus had conducted and performed them on himself. He now stood as tall as the blue titan primarch and looked like a giant snake like man. Back to the present, alphonse was trading blows with fenris and figuratively and literally spat venom at him. Fenris had managed to hit alphonse in the stomach but received a punch in the face. Fenris began to tire as the battle continued, he knew he wasn't yet ready for combat. He was thrown to a wall of the beast castle, and his vision started to fade. As he was slowly falling to darkness he heard the voice of morpheus and his father, they told him t get and use the fury of the honored dead to save Valhalla. Morpheus taught him how, and when he awoken he sang the battlecall.  As the call rang forth, the remaining forces of the imperials felt the fury of Valhalla and became empowered. Alphonse was leaving when he turned and saw the golden aura showing from fenris and felt fear as the souls f the honorable dead rose and struck at the chaos forces. No weapon was able to harm the spirits and so they turned back the chaos marines and alphonse. After the heretics left, fenris fell to his knees. The loyalists quickly gathered around fenris and some moved to aide him but he waved them off. Fenris began walking to the top of a spire in the center of the temple of the honored dead. It was here he gave his final command to his five beast lords. He was to be burned on the funeral pyre here, at the top. He placed his hammer at the spot near were his head would rest and he layed there and died. As he requested, his body was set ablaze there. As he burned, you could hear the song of the honored dead calling him home. A   s the song began to end, the spirit of fenris arose and took the form of the wolf and joined the honored dead, his hammer the mighty " silverwolf" glowed a golden light and showed the face of fenris and the wolf. The spire now renamed as the " wolf's maw" is considered to be a holy place and the final test of future hammerfall marines and their descendants. Helios and kwylo would not hear the news until after they had finished their conversation and now often visit the site. As for the 5 beastlords, they often bring their novices to this site and see if fenris and the honored dead judge them worthy.


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It was in the 52nd millenium when a warmaster named mason, brought the idea for a crusade to reclaim the planets that were lost in the morpio heresy.Helios had given him leave to do so and has sent the titan legions, ten chapters of spacemarines, and thousands of imperial guard regements. The first few planets were quickly recaptured from the orks that held on to them, hundred of planets fell quickly from the might of the imperium. The crusade would be halted unfortunately on one sector, the "MAGNUS sector". At first everything was fine, the orks were falling as usual from the imperial guns but when mason led his army to the last stronghold of the orks, all he found was dead and burning orks and in the center stood a strange eldar woman. The warmaster walked towards the woman and asked what was she doing here, but recoiled in horror when he saw her eyes. She grabbed him by the thraot and snapped his neck, howling to the chaos forces to attack. The loyalists opened fire on the dark horde that seemed to come from the fires themselves. As the loyalists fought the dark horde, one guardsman was sent to relay a message to the emperor and managed to do so before being shot by the 2nd in command of the imperial forces. The message contained one sentence. The 7th black crusade has begun.





Kwylo was watching these events unfold and ordered his brothers to prepare for battle. As they were readying the ships, helios came with his steelblade marines and they went to reinforce the loyalists in the magnus system. When they arrived to the system, they found a battle was already ongoing and so they rushed into the fray firing guns and spells at the traitors. Kwylo personally led the ground troops while helios lead the naval forces. The crimson dragons ran towards the dark hordes howling for battle anf revenge. The forces engaged in bloody battle, warcrys and screams could be heard across the battlefield. Kwylo had just killed keeper of secrets when he saw an eldar woman running towards him. He turned to strike but was instead hugged by the woman. " my sons have come to me at last" cried the woman and when she looked at kwylo, he saw her demonic eyes and reliased what this creature was and came from. He threw her off him and began to attack but was blocked by the blade of a deamon prince. He looked up to it and gasped in shock, "you! ho-" was all he could say before being knocked back. The 2 fought blade to blade, niether would surrender. Kwylo had been slowly gathering magical energy during the battle and using his blade as a focal point, blasted the deamon prince back to the warp. The backlash of this exploded across the entire system as chaos forces were thrown back into the warp. The 7th black crusade had been short but it was brutal.


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Pyrus has recently begun looking into books of magic, in secret of course. He had asked kwylo if he could checkout Morpheus's library. He looked through the books until found what he was looking for, then he left and ordered missions for the blood ravens, iron dragons, and the black claws. He asked kwylo to investigate a ruin containing ancient technology to keep him away while he worked on the project. He ordered the black claws to head to typon's moon and gather the white shards of anti-warpstone. The blood ravens were sent to the asteroids that were once furon, and collect 5 rings of the ancient kings. The iron dragons were sent to a planet currently held by orks, to cleanse them for the titans located there. He sent the crimson dragons to aide the iron dragons in cleansing the planet. Pyrus and his sons went to a lone planet, morpheus once spoke of as a planet of pure magic. In the warp there is a great uproar as the 8th black crusade is being organized, Charon and his death guard abominations, vlad and his legion, nikolai and the deamons, and other chaos warbands gathered together. Malal has also taken notice of whats happening and told solidus to aide the imperials.
The blood raven's chapter were searching the area of furon's destruction and found 4 of the 5 rings, and were combing the area for the last one. They were getting close when a warpgate opened up and unleashed the black legion, zombies of charon. The blood ravens quickly opened fire on the traitors while their librarians searched for the last ring. The chapter master, Jesus luprical lead the charge against the traitors.
Jesus : forward brothers, for FENRIS AND THE EMPEROR! ( flies ship at the enemy.)
other blood ravens : SLASH THE EYES OF HERESY! ( they yelled as they charged)
Charon : go my dark hordes! feast on their flesh! ( charon says as he leads his legion against the blood ravens)
The librarians were sent into the catacombs of furon and searched the pathway, unaware they were being watched.They navigated the catacombs, till they arrived to a chamber with a bottomless chasm and in the center lay the final ring. Mario steps to claim it, but is held back by leonardo.
Mario : leonardo why did you stop me?
Leonardo : look around you with your psyker ability.
Mario: ( looks around and sees the black legionaries surrounding them) censored.gif!
Leonardo : brothers fall back! ( says leonardo as he grabs the last ring and the blood ravens retreat.)
The blood raven run through the catacombs with the black legion behind them. Meanwhile, jesus led the battle out in space.
Jesus: face me charon, face me in battle!( jesus says as he charges toward the flagship)
Charon: come then weakling.
Devon : clear jesus's way! (devon yelled as he shot down 2 grim reapers)
Other blood ravens: acknowledged.
(Back in the catacombs)
Darius : their right behind us! ( darius yelled as he fired on the beasts.)
They ran to the center of the tomb where their ship is, and sealed the doors around the catacombs, and listened as the black legion bashed against the doors.
Leonardo: mario take these rings and get back to terra.
Mario: but brother( mario said in shock as he received the rings)
Leonardo: just go we'll hold them here.
Mario: yes...yes sir.( mario got in the ship and started it up)
Mario: emperor protect you brothers( mario said, then departed)
Leonardo: (prepares his gun and powersword) emperor protect us all
Darius: we stand with you leonardo
Drake: as always
The three marine aimed their weapons at the four doors of the chambered, and waited. Then the doors burst open and the black legion swarmed towards the three blood ravens.
Blood ravens : FOR THE EMPEROR! ( they yelled as they opened fire)
Mario : calling all blood ravens, the rings are secure . en route to terra.
Jesus: acknowledged. blood ravens fall back! ( jesus said as the blood ravens retreated)
Charon: let them go ( halting the grim reapers and black legion) this is just the beginning of the crusade.
The blood ravens escaped to terra and warned the emperor of the crusade.
The black claw chapter had just arrived to typhon's moon when they saw orks on the moon, and opened fire on the orks. The orks belong to the BLUDZ MUNCHER's waagh. Konrad, chapter master of the black claws lead the charge against the orks.
Konrad: FOWARD! SLUAGHTER THEM WITH FURY! ( he yelled as he charged.
Black claws: YEAH!
Bludz: get thos gits boyz, lets show how an ork fights
Orks: crush them spas-marines.
The black claws fought the orks for 7hours but were slowly being pushed back. The black claws had sent their special unit behind enemy lines, they were the shadow fangs and they specialized in assassinations. The shadow fangs snuck through the battlefields and aimed their snipers at the war boss, but just as they were about to fire, a warpgate opens and out spills the bloodhunters and direwovle's legions. The warboss turned around and when he saw them, he yelled " get them chaos boyz!" the orks all turned around and opened fire on the chaos marines. The shadow fangs used the distraction to gather the warpstones and escaped back to the black claws. They quickly left as the moon became red with blood. They quickly brought the warpstones to pyrus on the planet, were informed of a black crusade.

The iron dragon chapter and the crimson dragon legion were sent to clear a planet of orks, iron dragons however knew the truth as they are descended from steelblades. Kwylo was looking around the planet and asked where were the orks , when he saw the " flaugship" of the beast. Joshua of the iron dragons, sees the ship and opens fire.
Joshua: kill the orks
iron dragons: yeah!( they said as they fired their bolters)
Kwylo: GRIMD THEM TO DUST!( kwylo yelled as he blasted the orks with his magic)
crimson dragons: SONS OF THE DEVIL WE FIGHT!( yelled the rest of the crimson dragons)
The spacemarines charged the ork hordes, weapons at the ready. The ork known only as " THE BEAST" lead the orks , carrying a stolen daemonhammer that was made " orky" . The two sides clashed in fury of swords, hammers, and bullets, the painted with the blood of the slain. Kwylo personally challenged the beast.
Kwylo: face abomination! face your creator's son !( said kwylo as he pulled out his daemon-scythe)
Beast: well if you insists git-boy. WAAAAGH! ( the beast yelled as he charged at kwylo swinging DA BASHER)
Kwylo attacked first with warp fire, but the beast charged right through it and only suffered minor ( to an ork) burns. The beast responded by smacking kwylo to the ground with his fist, he then picked up kwylo and smashed him repeatedly into the ground. Kwylo then managed to hit the beast's eyes with lightening, causing the beast to let go. He then gripped his deamon-scythe and jumped into the air and slashed at the beast, he ended up cutting off the beast's arm.
Beast: aaaaggghhhh! ( yelled the beast as he clutched the stub were his arm use to be.)
Beast: i'll kill you humie! ( the beast grips DA BASHER and smashes down)
Kwylo: i doubt it ( dodges the attack and shoots the beast in the head, killing him)
other orks: he killed da boss! run!
iron/ crimson dragons: PURGE! ( they yelled as they open fire on the retreating orks)
As the crimson dragons packed up to leave, the iron dragons dug up the tome helios required and they both left. Unknown to them a warpgate opened up and out came a large figure.
???: s-s-s-s-soon all will bow to the glory of s-s-s-s-slaanesh.
The dragons returned to terra and were told of a black crusade.
PYRUS's secret project : THE RITUAL
He gathered all the "sanctioned" psykers he could and had them recite the spell from the tomes, as the winds picked up. He was finishing the circle when the blood ravens came and informed him of a black crusade, he took the rings and told them to prepare for battle. He put the rings in place, then the black claws came and handed him the warpstones. They also mentioned a black crusade, helios bid them to prepare for battle. He had the stones in place when the iron dragons and the crimson dragons returned, kwylo has reported that the orks have been cleansed while the iron dragons handed him the tome. It was at that moment, that the black crusade forces hit the planet. It was comprised of charon's grim reapers and black legion, vlad's bloodhunters, nikolai's deamons, and INU's legion. They seemed to be lead by a deamon prince of slaanesh. The creature stood 13 ft , claw-like hands, pink glowing eyes, fangs for teeth, large bovine horns, long serpent's tongue, worn a crown , had ample breasts, and wielded a burning spiked whip. It turned to them and spoke.
??? : greetings slaves of the false emperor.
PYRUS : loyalists open fire!( said helios as he pulled out his bolter and opened fire on the traitors)
??? : i grow bored, destroy them ( the deamon prince said as it sat back on it's throne.)
The chaos forces charged at the loyalist lines shouting praises to their dark gods.)
steelblades : we are the line and WE WILL HOLD!
crimson dragons: THE DRAGONS RIDE!
The loyalists charged the horde head on, bolters firing and chainswords howling in the winds. pyrus was busy trading blows with Vlad, their battle moved from the land to the sky. Battles scattered across the planet as cries of battle and the sounds of war bounced across the land. Kwylo and jesus were back to back as they burned traitors and deamons alike.
Kwylo : just like old times huh? ( asked kwylo as he torched a grim reaper marine)
Jesus : indeed ( replied jesus as he smacked a nexus marine with his hammer)
Malek was leading the ritual as the marines outside fought the traitors.
Malek and the psykers : born of order, corrupted by chaos (the wind begins to pick up) bound by the chains of death and madness, we call upon life, and logic to break their hold. ( the skies begin to darken on the planet) his flood flows in the bodies of the warriors who fight, now allow those who died to return it. ( blue lightening smashes on the ground burning a few traitor marines) hear our ancient call , unite the innocent to his former shell, free his wrath to send his foes to hell. ( roars are heard and the crimson dragons begin to feel something) awaken the form of the golden devil and release the dragon ( the 5 rings and the warpstones glow) morpheus the liberator, morpheus the silver devil, morpheus the deceiver, morpheus the deamon emperor; we call upon you to return to aide your sons. WE CALL UPON YOU MORPHEUS THE BLOOD DRAGON! ( a beam of light shoots up from the rings and into the sky)
On the crimson dragon's flagship " devil's tears" deep in the ship, a light was shinning. The devilguard watched in shock and awe as the tomb of morpheus started glowing, unknown to them but the deamon prince had felt the magic of the ritual and ordered Charon to attack the flagship.
Set : brothers whats happening?
Vergil : I don't know I think - whoa! ( vergil started but was cut off by an explosion to the ship)
The devil guards looked out the bridge and saw the black legion firing on them, they heard another explosion and found their engines destroyed.
Vergil : their coming to board us ( said vergil as he looked out the windows and saw boarding parties)
Alucard : let them come! ( said alucard as he hefted a large broadsword)
The black legion latched on and blew a hole into the ship, they rushed in only to meet the bolterfire of the devilguard.
Set : GIVE' EM HELL ! ( yelled set as he fired heavybolter rounds into the horde)
Turok : FOR MORPHEUS AND THE CRIMSOND DRAGONS! ( Turok yelled as he emptied his bolter into the black legion. The devil guard managed to hold off the black legion until Charon himself arrived!
Charon : greetings nephews! I am here to offer you a chance to return to the fold of chaos and- ( that was as far as he got before they opened fire)
devilguards : we'll never join the quaden again. not even by our dead bodies
Charon : that can be arranged ! go my servants devour them! ( said Charon as the black legion attacks again)
Set : fall back to the Morpheus's tomb ! ( said set as the devil guard were being pushed back)
It looked bad for the devilguard as they were being slaughtered until a mysterious fleet appeared, and they heard a old un familiar voice.
Solidus : STRIKE MY SONS! FOR MALAL! ( yelled solidus as he fired his main guns on the black legion's fleet)
The devilguard were cheering as the sons of malice had come to their aide, they fought with renewed vigor and slowly pushed the black legion back. The devilguard knew that their ships were damaged beyond repair but fought anyway, until solidus appeared on their cox-comm.
Solidus : devilguard you have to leave that ship, its about to crash into the planet.
Alucard : we won't abandon our father's body! ( said alucard, and the other devilguard agreed with him.)
Solidus : i'm sorry but you have no choice. ( solidus said as he used his warp powers to teleport them to his ship)
Alucard : FATHER! NOOOO!( yelled alucard as he reached for Morpheus's coffin, only to fade through it and vanish)
Kwylo was cutting off the head of a direwolf marine when he looked up into the sky and saw the Devil's Tears crash into the mountains, his eyes got wide as he let go of his weapon and dropped to his knees.
Kwylo : no, no, no, NOOOOOOOOOO! ( screamed kwylo as he watched the ship crash)
The rest of the crimson dragons saw this and ran towards the crash site, where they searched for Morpheus's coffin. The deamon prince saw this and flew towards the crash site. It laughed at them and taunted them.
??? : HAHAHAHAHAHA! this-s-s really mus-s-st hurt for you. to watch him burn. I bet its heavenly ( said the slaanesh deamon prince)
Kwylo : DIE! DEMON! ( yelled kwylo as he launched warp flames at the deamon princess)
??? : Ha! that tickles! my TURN! ( the deamon princess said as she smacked kwylo aside and started torturing him as the crimson dragons were being kept back by the deamons.)
??? : yes SCREAM for me!
Kwylo : AAAAAAHHHHHHH! ( screamed kwylo as he was whipped by chaos lightening)
As the sound of kwylo's screams reached the body of morpheus, it started glowing again. As this happened the eyes slowly opened and when they heard kwylo's screams, they narrowed in fury.
??? : YESSSSS!
The torture continued until a roar was heard from the remains of the ship, and a glowing claw burst forth. The claw reached out and pulled the rest of itself out from the wreck, and it was a burning dragon !

It was a amazing, the symbol of morpheus has risen from the ship,
the dragon : ROARRRRRRRR! ( morpheus raged as power burned the ground around him.)
dragon : I see you were not only put backed together but received some new appendages eh seducer? ( it said without turning around)
Shadius : yesss thanks to my favored son, I an now eternal. and I will see you die! get him ( shadius said as bloodthirsters charged)
The dragon turned and ran at them, burning claws held high, yelling a battle cry. He jumped over the first bloodthirster, only to grab it from behind and use it as a bat against the other ones. When he finished, he grabbed both ends of the bloodthirster and broke it in two on his back. He as he did this, he started running towards shadius and sent solidus a mental message.
dragon (mental) : RAIN DOWN FROM THE SKY!
Solidus ( mental) : with pleasure
Solidus ordered his sons and the devilguard to the drop pods when the devilguard asked why, he simply said " can't let your brothers have all the fun" Solidus also said to launch the battle call.
Loyal and traitor alike stopped when they heard the haunting song and watched as drop pods fell from the sky. Shadius took this as his cue to leave so he vanished into the warp, leaving INU in charge of the black crusade.
direwolves and servants of khorne : SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!
The warriors charged towards the drop pods only to be smashed by them or shot down by their occupants. INU personally challenged the dragon to 1-on-1 combat, morpheus agreed and they ran at eachother. pyrus who was still in battle with vlad managed to stab him in the stomach and threw him towards the horde of chaos forces, he then joined in the battle song and fought alongside solidus. Reinforcements from terra and the other spacemarine chapters led the black crusaders to flee back to the warp, except for INU who was defeated by hades and flung into the warpgate. It was then sealed by solidus with the power of malal. The dragon walked to and picked up kwylo who was barely breathing, he would later be put into a dreadnought. his was the first of the crimson dragon's history before or current. pyrus walked towards the dragon and instead of attacking, gripped him by his shoulders and hugged him. The devilguard was especially protective of him as they returned to terra, after saying goodbye to solidus , who returned to the sons of malice sector.It now sits in the eternal flame under new furon and kwylo continues to lead the crimson dragons.
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NOW I CAN BEGIN THE MORE VIVID ASPECTS OF THE REBELLION. i'll start with what happened between the different primarchs during it, and how the others ascended.  i'll work down the battles, then i'll put up the current black crusade.(oh and there is a new warp entity, called the diablo or "warpdealer")

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During the burning of their way to Terra, morpheus tasked asura with halting the heavenguard legion's return to Terra by anyway they can.


Asura planned to break them at the magus system, where he would scorch them alongside the forces of khorne and slaanesh.


(in the magus system)



Arthur: we must hurry to Terra, the emperor has called us.


jonas: yes lord-primarch


Their legion quickly hurried through in the magus system, till they were impeded by a warpstorm., that locked them in the system.


Arthur: what the ?


jonas: my lord, we're being hailed.


Arthur: onscreen


an image appears on the screen revealing a corrupted asura.


Arthur: asura? what happened to you?


Asura: open fire on the heavenguard


Arthur didn't even have time to register that, when his legion was under attack by hellguard and daemons.


Arthur: return fire NOW!


The heavenguard legion fired upon the daemons of the warp, while asura and his sons left the system.


It was this moment that would forever bring hatred of the sons of Arthur upon the hellguard. Eventually, The heavenguard would escape, but their numbers were only a 5th of what they were.  

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I don't mean to be as rude as I sound, but really with the names. I feel it would be a bit more rich and unique, if you used some anagrams or fiddles with the words a bit.

do you mean the legion names? or the primarch names? cause i can do it, but i need to know which one you mean, and an example to base it off of.

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I don't mean to be as rude as I sound, but really with the names. I feel it would be a bit more rich and unique, if you used some anagrams or fiddles with the words a bit.

do you mean the legion names? or the primarch names? cause i can do it, but i need to know which one you mean, and an example to base it off of.

First off I love what your doing,


I'm talking about the primarch names

Talking examples from the original lore, they always change the names to make them unique or slightly move them from the original figure, except Horus


Rather than just Ghengis Khan, like you do Arthur, they select Ghengis' second son Chagatai Khan

Not just Lionel Johnson, but Lion El'Johnson, and he's known as the lion, creating a unique thing with the slight change

Demonstrating a process


Taking one of yours Vlad Nitros, presumably based on Vlad the Impaler

Rather than taking his original name Vlad, we'll take Impaler to begin, which doesn't sound like a name, so we add on the Latin masculine ending -us. Impalus, which reads like impale us, not a good idea. let's change the vowel to affect the sound of that ending to an a. Impalas.

Impalas Nitros

A strange name built on English conventions, unique to your story

Not Arthur, but this ones weaker, in a play on Excalibur, Excanton

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I don't mean to be as rude as I sound, but really with the names. I feel it would be a bit more rich and unique, if you used some anagrams or fiddles with the words a bit.

do you mean the legion names? or the primarch names? cause i can do it, but i need to know which one you mean, and an example to base it off of.

First off I love what your doing,


I'm talking about the primarch names

Talking examples from the original lore, they always change the names to make them unique or slightly move them from the original figure, except Horus


Rather than just Ghengis Khan, like you do Arthur, they select Ghengis' second son Chagatai Khan

Not just Lionel Johnson, but Lion El'Johnson, and he's known as the lion, creating a unique thing with the slight change

Demonstrating a process


Taking one of yours Vlad Nitros, presumably based on Vlad the Impaler

Rather than taking his original name Vlad, we'll take Impaler to begin, which doesn't sound like a name, so we add on the Latin masculine ending -us. Impalus, which reads like impale us, not a good idea. let's change the vowel to affect the sound of that ending to an a. Impalas.

Impalas Nitros

A strange name built on English conventions, unique to your story

Not Arthur, but this ones weaker, in a play on Excalibur, Excanton


oh ok. thanks, i like it, and i may have some ideas for the others.

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THE PRIMARCHS' FULL NAMES revised - (under construction)
















































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During Hades' preparations to head to Terra, his equerry Thanatos was in his quarters contemplating. He was the first of imperial knights to see hades and was the first psyker of the legion. Now due to the events of hades' homeworld, he had a GREAT dislike of magic and psykers in general. It was so bad he forced all of his sons who were pskyers to wear "psyhic-collars" so block their powers, and if any attempted to take them off without the authorization code, would cause their mind to explode from the block's pressure. This angered Thanatos, and he wanted an end to it, little did he know that someone/something heard his plea.



(in thanatos's room)


Than: CURSED COLLARS! and "bleep" hades for putting them on us. First he forces us to swear never to use our powers, then he forces these collars on us, and NOW he wants us to be the first way against demons. this is lunacy, but what can i do? hes my primarch.


(A voice enters his mind)


?:  u could revolt against him.


than: whose there?


?: simple, revolt against him.


than: and how would i do that? hes a PRIMARCH.


?: simple, ur a psyker, and pskyers out number them. i'll even give you a hand.


Thanatos felt his collar unlock, and his mind free. then he could "feel" the being who speaks to him.


than: who are you? what do u want being of the warp?


?: i am the deal maker, the fate breaker, the lord of freedom. i am...DIABLO


than: you want me to surrender my soul to you? th-


diablo: no. i want you.....to be free.


than: that's it? whats the catch?


diablo: free your brothers, and stand for yourselves.


than: fine, give me the power and me and my brothers are yours


The diablo smirked and empowered thanatos into a deamon prince of freedom.


diablo: now go 


thanatos got up and sent a beacon to all his psyker brethren, with this message.


thanatos:" long have we suffered under our lord's hands, its time to rise and fight our oppressor. We have a new lord, FREEDOM!"


As he ended the message, the collars of every psyker shattered, and the planet was embroiled in civil war. Hades could be seen fending off the wrath of six psykers, when thanatos step forward fueled by the powers of chaos.


Than: HADES!long have you chained us like animals, treated us like filth, NO MORE!


hades: you traitors will die for this, and you're first thanatos.


hades slayed the other psykers who were attacking and launched himself at thanatos. They crossed blades again and again, bathing the ground in sparks and fire. Hades fought with cold fury, while thanatos fought with unholy wrath. They battled all the way to the center of their home-world's main city.


Than: had enough jailer?


hades: die traitor!


They struck one final time, causing the ground to explode around them, and thanatos' sword to break. Thanatos fell to his knees, clutching the hilt.


hades: any last words traitor?


thanatos smirked, and spoke


than: you hate psykers so much, then you'll never have to deal with them....AGAIN!


Thanatos blasted hades with a psykic spell, forever removing the possibility of him having psykers in his legion again, and was rescued by their dark god, who teleported all of the psykers off world. Hades would have no time to find them, for the traitors are striking Terra itself. In his fury he called them "dark templars"

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Pyros was talking with Morpheus about the technology of the past, he wondered why there are so few now. Morpheus told him that the mechanicus holds all those specs in their facility and hold even more technology. He also told pyros that the tech he had seen so far wasn't even the "good" stuff, that the tech priest keep the "good' stuff to themselves. Pyros alarmed at this called the fire angels, then he went to mars and spoke with the head tech priest.


Pyros: I need to speak with you concerning the old technologies.


Klingon: sorry my lord but those machine spirits have been sealed away as they may have been corrupted during the dark age.


Pyros: why haven't you built new machines to replace them, or new armor, anything?


Klingon: you seemed quite happy with the old armors, we did not see the need to make more things.


Pyros: I would like for you to begin reproduction of the titans, and other machines immediately.


Klingon(smirking): sorry but only the emperor can ask us to do that as our treaty states.


Pyros pulls out a seal with the signature of the emperor and shows it to Klingon.


Pyros: this is the emperor's seal which gives the right to all things of the imperium as per the treaty, and I would like my requests met


Klingon: I see, good thing we don't serve the imperium.(with that he blasted the primarch into a wall) all hail the omissaha!


Pyros put his finger to his communicator and told the marines to open fire.


The spacemarines killed 30 tech priest before they realized what happened and returned fire.


Pyros opened his vox all across the imperium and even to new furon and spoke.


Pyros: attention all loyalist forces, the mechanicum has betrayed the imperium and I request immediate reinforcements.




A great eye opened and a body stirred, waiting to be free.













The closets chapters are rushing towards mars for the siege, meanwhile mars was ablaze with fires, and the cries of the dying. The blood ravens leading the way with the fire angels not far behind, the black phoenix chapter were burring the tech priest in smoke and ash, all sensing the battle to come. The priest unleashed all the warmachines they had and many marines lost their lives in battle against these things. The marines were reinforced by the sons of fenris, the vanguard, sisters of battle, and other marine chapters. Thousands of spacemarines were gathered there, fighting techpriests and machines of the old world. The planet was embroiled in war, the marines were slowly gaining ground when inside a secure location the head techpriests spoke.


Klingon: my brothers it is time to wake the omissaha. Only he can save us. gather the ritual.



Pyros was leading the marines into battle like he did during the crusade and the heresy. He was carrying a large sword on his back, it was given to him by Morpheus before he left. Pyros asked what he needed the sword for but Morpheus only told him " you'll know when you see it".


The techpriests have gathered together as the walls were being shot at on all sides.


Klingon: for the omissaha we give our lives( with that he pressed a button as the walls burst open.)



Pyros walked into the room and stared at the dying form of Klingon.


Pyros: you will die for your betrayal to humanity and the imperium.


Klingon only laughed and said "as will you all" then he died and a great roar was heard from the main temple.


Pyros ran out and saw a terrible beast arise from the crater of the fallen temple, his only thought was " now I know what the sword was for"







Pyros handed his spear to one of his sons and pulled out the sword, it was a beautiful blade with the guard in the shape of angel wings, the hilt and pommel look like parts of a bird, and the blade lights on fire like his spear but with pure white fire. Pyros breaks out into a run as the marines open fire on the beast and the machines it has corrupted, as he ran the fire angels began to sing.

















The fire angel marines were right behind him, blasting any foe that would stand in their primarch's way. Pyros ran off the platform and jumped, when he felt something sprout from his back. He turned amazed as he saw wings, quickly he used them to fly after the dragon and when he caught up, he slammed the sword into it's back. The beast gave a mighty roar as it tried to fling him off.


Vdragon: you are indeed like your father, angel of fire but whose flame is strongest?


At that the dragon let lose a great black flame that flew at pyros. He didn't know how to block it so he pointed the sword at the dragon and released his own flames. The two opposing fires pushed at eachother as their masters struggled for dominance.


The dragon had grabbed pyros when he wasn't looking and flung him into a cathedral, then followed after him.




Pyros was slowly getting up when he saw some children huddled in a corner, he was about to walk towards them when the dragon burst through the doors. When he saw the children, he unleashed a ball of flame towards them, only for it to be blocked by pyros. Some of the fire angels managed to get to pyros.


Spyro: my primarch, we stand with you -


Pyros: no get the children out of here, i'll hold him off.


The tone he said it in left no room for argument, so the angels evacuated the children.








Pyros charged with his now named sword " phoenix blade" and attacked the void dragon, yelling out his battlecry to be heard by all.





The fire angels were evacuating the civilians when the cathedral exploded with fire, and the dragon flew out of the wreckage with pyros not far behind.


Pyros: prepare to die vile xeno!


Vdragon: it is you who will die this day meatbag!


The void dragon attacked with everything it had but pyros cut through them all, never taking his eyes off the dragon. The dragon roared again and moved the metal on the ground to continue attacking him, the fire angels quickly shot these down . Pyros finally caught to the void dragon and cut off his wings, causing him to crash into the ground.




Pyros: just try it!


The two combatants again fired upon eachother again and again, both tiring but unwilling to give up. The dragon finally lunged and captured pyros in his jaws and then swallowed to the horror of the fire angels.


Vdragon: hahahaahhahaha. No mortal is a match for me, the nightbringer! I will - huh?(he stopped mid-rant when he felt something in his stomach.


Night bringer clutched his stomach in pain and eventually let out a loud roar, as a sword burst out and started moving down freeing pyros.


Pyros(smiling): what's wrong? too spicy for ya?


Nightbringer held his stomach and glared at pyros, only to hear a beeping sound in his stomach, when he looked down and saw the melta-charge, his last thoughts were "crap" before he exploded!


Pyros stood tall for a few minutes before he passed out from exhaustion, his sons had to carry him to their homeworld.


They couldn't stay long, for word of the rebellion came to them, as they scrambled to get to Terra.




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