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The Fall Of Seraph - Histories of the IXth


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You guys. You make me a happy miserable Welshman.

1000heathens - thanks very much man, much appreciated. Melancholy is what I was aiming for smile.png

Marshal2Crusaders - glad you liked it mate.

Barabbas Solagon - job well done then msn-wink.gif Tried hard to capture the spirit of the Angels, weird doing a 'set' Chapter after working on my own homebrew Astartes.

The_Chaplain - thanks fella, hopefully should get some more fluff up soon.

Demon2027 - there's a little taster coming up for you today msn-wink.gif

Jaspcat - thanks man, glad you enjoy things so far.

Kizzdougs - controversially, Fallon is one of my least favourites. That helm is nice, but is a touch too big for the FW torsos. It's a small thing though, he still looks good. And the mixing of bits seems to be working out so far - less is more in this case I think.

Ace Debonair - hah I think magnificent might be too kind mate msn-wink.gif

Marine7312000 - ah thanks man, much appreciated. I have a feeling that my Angels might turn out special, which is nice. Been a while since I did one of the big Chapters/Legions so its good to know that it seems to working out so far.

The Yak - sounds like I've given myself a lot to live up to...and thank you smile.png

So, let's take a look at the newest few Astartes I got together over the weekend:


From left to right: Another two Veterans for the Blooded, and on the end is the initial mock-up for the Breacher Sgt.

Here's a few other angles of each of these chaps:


Also managed to get this chap finished off - the backpack might change though, if I can source a Grey Knight one....


That's it for now chaps - need to get some undercoat before I can get some more painting done, and there's a few fluff pieces I have to get sorted out.

Cheers as ever,


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Well damn fellas - can't get over that reaction to Kulen Sha. Good to know I'm on the right track with him. Spent last night chilling out with a fellow Warbasterd, geting some construction done and spent an hour tonight getting the greenstuff done on everything assembled so far - including getting all the pelts done on the models that have them. That includes Sha, but I'm gonna wait for the greenstuff to cure before taking some pics of that. His cloak needs a little extra work as well to tatter it up anyway.

Marshal2Crusaders - thanks man, he came out alright didn't he? You should get your versions done as well man.

Anaziel - the lion head does seem pretty popular msn-wink.gif

Sanguinius Reborn - I'm hoping that's a mighty need for more of my Angels? Cos there are more coming.

DietOfLiquor - thanks man, much appreciated.

Noctus Cornix - ha, no msn-wink.gif 1000Heathens already tagged this as melancholic, and that's exactly what I am aiming for. No happy endings here.

Brother Excedis - thanks very much fella, glad to hear you're enjoying it.

DeathSpectreSgt7 - you'll find about that chap later on msn-wink.gif Need more lion heads I think...

Brother Dallo - thanks bud, pm will be on it's way.

Daemon2027 - yeah that lion head seems to be a winner.

One-eye - considering how gorgeous your White Scars are, that's a huge compliment. The Palatines do make some great Angels, they are a lovely kit.

So, a few more pics to whet your appetites and show off the construction progress. First up, another Assault Legionary - nothing too fancy, just a standard line Assault chap:


And now something a little more special - Wangbikes! The Scimitars have grown on me loads since they came out and I do really like them now. I think the larger round bases work a lot better on them than the standard bike bases, gives them some width to balance out the length. Five of them in the army eventually, these two being the Sergeant and a standard chap, who you can't really see is dibbing away at his screen with the finger arm from the Master of Signals:


And because I know who you all really want to see, another couple of pics of Kulen Sha, pre-greenstuffing.


Bonus points to anyone who can guess why the ring and gemstone are still on there.....

That's it for now chaps and chappesses, more once I can get some stuff sorted for the second Tactical Fireteam.



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Afternoon chaps, hope you are all good. Replies for all and then something a little more substantial later on :)


Marshal2Crusaders - Heraldry of a kind I guess, and linked to the Legion as a whole rather than just Seraph...


1000Heathens - How dare you utter a LOTR reference here - unclean! unclean!  ;)


Dantay_xv - Good, but no cigar. And thanks very much man, I think these Angels have the potential to surpass my Talons eventually.


DeathSpectresgt7 - Thanks man, good to know it wasnt just me.


The_Chaplain - Weirdly, when I look at them now, they are the right size and showing all the formatting I did on them. When I posted them up, none of that showed, hence my question. Good to know you can see everything nicely though.


Veteran Sergeant - It definately works over that half-cloak arm and I reckon with some judicious filling and curving, it should sit nicely over a regular pauldron as well.


Argent Aquila - Honours of a kind yeah, more regarding a planet than anything else... And thanks, I do try and make each chap individual and characterful as possible without loosing the overall cohesiveness of the unit. Good to know its working.


Right, give me a few moments chaps and you will have something else to look at....





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Legionnaries of the Line


"After Signus, Terra was a blade to the gut, cutting and twisting and bleeding us. We didn't run home like the Thirteenth, nor stand idly by in the stars like the First. We stood, we fought. We died. We died slowy, but Leopard-9 and the other Tacticals would not let us fall quickly, would not let Seraph die easily."
From Blood on the Steel: the lives of Seraph
Bastian Ortega, once named Icarium, of the IXth Legion Astartes.


*Image Codicium accessed: Visual cortex stimulation commencing
*Display: Fireteam Tertius, Leopard-9 Tactical of Seraph Company, IXth Legion Asartes

Legionary Alejandro, KIA day 13 of the Fall

Legionary Ortiz, KIA day 13 of the Fall

Legionary Duroc, KIA day 13 of the Fall

Legionary Hawl, KIA day 8 of the Fall

Grail-keeper Hyro Ascelpus, KIA day 18 of the Fall

*Image Codicium access released: Visual cortex stimulation ended

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