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Captain Tycho Lists and Synergies


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Way back when I got into the hobby, GW stores used to have sales when they moved location/open new ones. It was during one of these that I purchased a lead version of the Captain Tycho model sold today. Despite being happy with my purchase, it saddens me to admit that I can't remember taking Tycho outside of Apocalypse games.


Perhaps it's because my Tactical and Devastator squads are on the bench, perhaps it's because my Sternguard and Terminators have been "in the armoury for repairs", but I just can't see how he fits. To me, Tycho should - despite the Armageddon fluff - lead a static force. By that I mean that you have a firebase with a decent alpha strike and counter attack elements.


Certainly he has great synergism with the Sternguard. Throw a Drop Pod and a Priest/Corbulo into the mix and you have a very good unit, but what else? Take a locator beacon to allow for Terminators to arrive on the following turn? Go for a Rhino/Razorback rush with Tacticals in tow?


Those of you that run Tycho, how do you do it and what do you use?


[Disclaimer: Death Company Tycho should be for another thread, please keep this on the topic of Captain Tycho]

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I've run a razor spam list with him as HQ, that worked out ok as he had 8 small units to buff with his LD.


How about triple dev squads, triple 3*MM bikers and then fill out on razors or pods?






1*Assault squad in land raider

4*assault squads in TLAC razorbacks

3*3MM attackbikes

3*dev squad with missile launchers


1950-2000 pts depending on options


That's 11 units that benefit from his LD, 1 LR to cover the razors on turn one, nice firebase from the devs and fast melta from the bikers.


Looks like a quite capable list to me for maelstrom missions.

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I tend to always take Captain Tycho as my Blood Angels are from his company and I love the model. Strategically I use him for the leadership bonus and attach him to a tactical squad to give them a combat boost when holding objectives. One day I shall get my Sternguard veterans built and painted then he shall be escorted by them.
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I don't think we can do that in an effective way, not enough guns. 


When taking a 5 man assault squad they can only take one special and the sarge is limited to pistols, tacticals can't take any specials unless going full. 

Start to fill up every pod with 10 marines and you'll have difficulty building an effective force. Not enough special weapons and our over priced marines start to add up as well. 


If you want to god pod and infantry heavy I think vanilla (and wolves, holy moly that new codex) marines do it a lot better.



Tycho to me is a little bit of everything, he's flexible in that way, but he doesn't excel anywhere so having a dedicated role for him in a list isn't the best approach.

Somewhat shooty, somewhat fighty, somewhat survivable. Maximize the LD buff and stick in different places depending on the opposition. 

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