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Thagmata Mourndark vs Astra Militarum

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Hello Brothers and Sisters,

after a Long time a batrep from me. Yesterday i made my first game with 7th Edition and with my Adeptus Mechanicum Thagmata.


Thagmata Mourndark


Archmagos Prime Mourndark 245 points

-Arch Magos


-Machinator Array






6 Myrmidon Secutors 385 points

-8 Maxim Bolter

-4 Phased Plasma-fusil



6 Thallaxii 295 points

-1 Multi Melter



6 Thallaxii 295 points

-1 Multi Melter




Thanatar Siege-Automata 290 points

-Enhanced Targeting Array

-Paragon of Metal


Krios Battle Tank 125 points


Mechanicum Questoris Knight Errant 375 points


2010 points




Astra Militarum

I don´t know the exact list of my Opponent. He was a bit late after the match and left in a hurry.


Company HQ


Tank Commander

-Leman Russ Executioner

-2 Leman Russ



10 Militarum Tempestus Scions

-Taurox Prime


4 Bullgryns




Infantry Platoon

-Platoon HQ

30 Men combined squad

Laser cannon squad

-3 Laser cannons

Autocannon squad

-3 Autocannons


10 Veterans







Here are some pics bevor the battle. My Thagmata looks like not much, but that are 56 wounds and two vehicles.









Maelstorm of War: Taktical Escalation

I got first turn


1st Turn


To my left Thallax Cohorte Red moved forward. Gawain, in his Knight Errant Godslayer, marched straight through the mid toward the enemy. Thallax Cohorte Black followed in his shadow. Arch Magos Mourndark and his Myrmidon Secutor bodyguards covered the right flank. The Krios Battle Tank and the Thanatar kept their position.

Arch Magos Mourndark communicated the position of the Las cannon squad to Thanatar. He eliminated the whole squad with one well placed shot from his Hellex Plasma Mortar.

Thallax Cohorte Red caused a glancing hit at the Taurox of the Veterans.

The Krios Battle Tank killed 3 soldiers of the combined squad.



It seems that the Astra Militarum had been unsettled by the loose of the las cannon squad. The Tank Commander as well as the combined squad moved only slowly forward. Only the Veteran Taurox, the Militarum Tempestus Scions Taurox Prime and the Chimera with the Bullgryns moved resolute forward. The Scions and the Bullgryns disembarked from their vehicles. The fire from the Taurox Prime destroyed one Thallaxii of Cohorte Red. The Las cannon of the Tank commander´s Executioner immobilised the Krios Battle Tank. The Master of Ordnance called an Artillery Bombardment against Arch Magos Mourndark in. Two Myrmidon Secutoren died in that barrage.


2nd Turn



Both Thallax Cohorts identified the Bullgryns as most potential threat. They opened fire and brought down two of the abhumans. The remaining two decided to flee.

The Krios Battle Tank fired again at the combined squad and killed another three of them.

Provided with the targeting solution for the Wyvern by Arch Magos Mourndark, the Thanatar archieved a penetrating hit, that prevented that the wyvern could fire next turn. The Knight misfired for the second round.



The Moral of the Astra Militarum seemed to Folder. Only the Taurox caused a wound to Thallax Cohorte Red. The Master of Ordnance fired at the Knight and caused the lose of one hull Point.



3rd Turn



Thallax Cohorte Red analized the Situation and came to the result that the veterans wanted to break through the lines to destroy the Krios Battle Tank. They moved into Position behind the Taurox and destroyed the vehicle. The Explosion killed three of the Veterans. The Krios fired again at the combined squad and killed another three of them. This time he also caused a penetrating hit at the Chimera and destroyed the hull mounted heavy bolter.

Meanwhile Arch Magos Mourndark and his squad got into range, opened fire at the Platoon HQ and killed the two veterans with melta guns. The Knight moved around the ruin to his right and fired at the Wyvern but caused only a glancing hit. He finished the vehicle with his Reaper Chainsword.

Thallax Cohorte Red decided to help the Krios Battle Tank and tried to bind the veterans in close combat. But they failed to Close range with them and lost one of their own to the overwatch fire of the veterans.

Again the Thanatar used the provided targeting solution from Arch Magos Mourndark for his Hellex Plasma Mortar. Taking aim at the Chimera, the shot scattered and landed amoung the Scions who still kept their Parade Formation and killed eight of them.


The Tank commander gave order to his squadrone to split fire. While the two Leman Russe should fire at the Knight, he wanted to take out Thallax Cohorte Black. All tanks missed dearly. Only the autocannon squad caused two wounds to Thallax Cohorte Black. The Veteran squad reached the Krios battle tank and destroyed him with their melta bombs but at a high toll. Four of them died in the Explosion.


4th Turn




Thallax Cohorte Red aimed at the surviving veterans but killed only one. In the following close combat they wounded the veterans five times but their armour saved them. Arch Magos Mourndark came into reach for the combines squad. Ten soldiers died in the staccato of bolter und plasma fire.

Godslayer stormed into the tank squadrone. He targeted the Tank Commander in his Executioner with his Thermal cannon and pulled the trigger. The turret evaporated within an eye blink. With two long strides he moved into close combat. Sadly three of his strokes missed. Only one hit one of Leman Russes and ripped the las cannon off. Roaring in frustration Godslayer kicked in the other Leman Russ and destroyed the vehicle.



With most of his force dead there had been not many Option left to the Imperial Commander. The Taurox Prime caused a wound to one Thallaxii of Cohorte Black and the Autocannon squad finished him. The last two veterans died under the chainswarods of Cohorte Red.


5. Turn





Now it was time to clean up for the statistic. Arch Magos Mourndark and his Secutors fired at the Platoon HQ that holds a Mission target and killed them without mercy. Thallax Cohorte Red destroyed the Taurox Prime while Cohorte Black took out one of the surviving two Scions.

Godslayer finished the second Leman Russ with his Thermal cannon.


At that Point my Opponent gave up. Thagmata Mourndark won with two Missions objects, First Blood and Linebreaker 4:1.

I was surprised how much punishment the Thallaxii could bear.

Even that they had been most of the match out of range, i could see how much potential the Myrmidon Secutors have. The amount of fire power is brutal. But they Need a transport to close quickly the gap to the enemy. I hope that FW will release the Triaros Armoured Conveyer as soon as possible.

The combination of the Thanatar and the Djinn-Skein of the Arch Magos is incredible powerful. It allows me to draw the line of sight for the Hellex Plasma Mortar of the Thanatar from my Arch Magos, so that i can use the high BS to reduce the scatter.

The Krios Battle Tank was okay. He was not able to kill much cause my Opponent kept the Maximum distance between the models of the combined squad. And the fact that the tank was immobily from turn two on didn´t make it any better. I have to test him again.

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