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Daemonic Pact II


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Remind me - need to post a pre-picture before I start painting...

Post pre-pictures before you start painting. 



Just the reminder I needed! 


I will therefore vow the following, one Herald of Tzeentch on a lovely flying disk:




I've literally just popped him in the Fairy Power Spray, and tomorrow, he should be clean. Huzzah! No idea what colours I'll do him though. Dark purple, maybe? I do have a lot of blues too...

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Seeing as I did so well at the ETL, Why not join here!


I'm in.


One question, do we only get 1 entry allowed? Or in the unlikely event I finish with enough time to add another, could I?


Here are my (admittedly poor) pre painted model photos.


I Present:


Warpsmith Helikon of the Magma Hounds, Disciple of Warpsmith Valadrak.





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Wait, how hard was it to get THs on the dv brute?


In two words:


Not very :)


Simply saw off the PF on the DV brute, the construct the TH arm, level off the inside of the arm where it joins the main body and stick it to the side, green stuff any gaps. done.


15-20min work, tops. If you want a better pic let me know

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A burst of blinding light, brighter than a supernova, flared and Helikon’s helmet autosensors tried their best to filter the image and allow him to continue viewing the impossible scene playing out through the rear view port of the retreating stormeagle. Below him the furthest of his brethren’s dropships was caught by the expanding gale of light and its engines shut down. It didn’t plummet to the accursed ground below though, but fired its landing jets.


What is the pilot doing? Thought Helikon. His whole chapter had deployed onto the traitorous forgeworld with the intention of purging the hereteks that inhabited it. How foolish they had been, to think they could so easily dislodge those that had made their home on that rock for so long. So many had died just fighting their way back to the ships, Helikon couldn’t imagine what could have made the pilot change course like that.


More of the chapter’s ships were engulfed, one after another in quick succession, to the same effect, and then it was Helikon’s turn. The light filled the ship, impossibly bright, bleaching all colour from is vision. Even his armoured gauntlet, usually a crimson red to signify his allegiance to Mars, was a washed out grey.


Accompanied with the light came a crackling, whispering laugh that filled the vox. The howl of the engines died, replaced with the wash of landing jets. “What in the Emperor’s name are you doing!?” He shouted at the pilot, to no avail. The crackling laugh intensified, and altered into a voice Helikon recognised, and filled him with dread. “It’s no use running, my Knights Excelsior, You’ll not get far now my latest creation has you!” The techmarine took a few faltering steps towards the cockpit, desperate to find a way to revert the shuddering bird’s decent, but found his armour non responsive. “Don’t try to fight it” came the voice of Warpsmith Valadrak again. “Right now my daemon spirits are worming their way into your armour’s heart, taking over control of your life support systems and power. It’s best to just submit now and save yourselves the agony”


Helikon pushed on towards the front of the ship, each step more tortuous than the last. He had to find a way to block out the interference, to regain control of the ship’s systems, his brethren were counting upon him. The crackling laugh filled the vox and his head, his helm began to go dark as his suit shut down and began to starve him of oxygen. He had to fight, to resist to…


The flare of light faded, and with it so too did the memory. Helikon blinked his remaining organic eye and the room drew back into sharp focus. He looked down at the cabling he’d just connected, pulsing with power and daemonic life. Cursing himself for the ever more frequent lapses in concentration that had sparked the latest remembering of his rebirth, he busied himself with the final preparations of the newest helbrute he had created. The dormant hulk began to twitch and hum as the power coursed through it.


As he waited for the brute to awaken, The warpsmith mused upon the events of his life that had brought him here, to the bowls of the void ship ‘Heretek’s Revenge’. His recruitment into the Knights Excelsior, his induction into the priesthood on Mars, the chapter’s judgement and subsequent crusade into the Eye of Terror and their ill fated landing on the forgeworld Temporia, where he was to meet his eventual mentor Valadrak and his awakening to the true nature of the universe and mankind’s role within it….


A Klaxon sounded, warning lights bathing the surrounding area and the warpsmith in crimson, bringing Helikon back to the present once again. Cursing and muttering to himself he interfaced with the ships ancient sensors to see what had caused the alarm. An incoming orbital craft was speeding towards the ship and broadcasting an encoded message, which once decrypted, commanded the immediate withdrawal of Heretek’s Revenge from orbit and to head to the nearest warp gate.


“Altis” he breathed “What have you gotten yourself into this time?”

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I shall amuse you oh progeny of the true gods. I shall vow a Chaos Lord, a scion of Magnus, a strategos of the XV legion, a being bred with sorcery and deceit, tempered by the tides of change and the revelations of the Long War. I shall vow Lord Taroth, Chaos Lord of the Thousand Sons, second born, the Strategos of the Heralds of Change. 




This is the "alpha" stage, the assembled and basecoated model. I apologize for the "broken" sword, I have only noticed it on the photo. Still nothing which cannot be salvaged with a bit of glue. 

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