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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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I like the look of mk 3 iron armor as well, would this fit with a iron warriors army?

MkIII works for Iron Warriors. They've even got the same name ! laugh.png (seriously, if ever one of the early power armour marks were designed to fit one of the legions, it would be mk3 for the IVth)

When you say you're thinking of becoming a heretic, don't forget that "loyalist" legions often have traitorous elements, so you might like to also have a look at Iron Hands, Imperial Fists or Salies.


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for the moment, indeed, there aren't any tyrants, but I can't believe they won't be out too soon, what with two legions having them (grrrr furious.gif )

Yeah, Iron Warriors do like vehicles and foot sloggers, but since in the Legions, everybody has to have everything, others can do vehicles and foot sloggers just fine, they just might have different specialities. Other Legions that actually use this as preferred tactic are Iron Hands and Death Guard.

From what I gather, the choice of a Legion shouldn't come from its specialities, it should come from its spirit and (I was surprised to discover) its paint scheme. If you want a Legion of bitter-hearted paranoid soldiers who love to pound away with their large cannons* then the Iron Warriors could be for you. However, if you don't think you'd like painting lots and lots... and more lots of little resin models in silver, then you might want to look into some of the other legions.

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Think I found a viable replacement for Eidolon's/EC officers left shoulder pad for late-Heresy models. :p Puppets War probably do the best shoulder pad accessories, really.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So i play 40k and more specifically i play Space wolves - I have seen guys play heresy armies in my local GW and have seen some cool models and the primarchs and all the cool rules that come with it. I have heard some of the guys talking the potentially they will be releasing a wolves heresy army as well as Leman Russ does anyone know when it is expected? any idea how the current 40k wolves will differ from a heresy wolves army?


Failing the above not happening can anyone give me a brief insight into each legion? I have never heard of iron warriors or night lords etc... what were they doing during these times? are they good or bad? what is their backstory? The only ones i have heard of are imperial fists because well they are also in the current 40k. If this is a too bigger question i.e the answer is too long to write down here can anyone perhaps give me a website or blog where i can read about what each legion did, which side they were on, how they like fighting, what they're good at/bad at?


Thanks :)

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I've been finishing my iron warrior legion army to a list and painting standard I enjoy. But it is a rhino rush type list close to my csm lists I normally play.


I need a change and have never played a drop pod list. I've been thinking of doing word eaters or word bearers for the list and would like advice on the idea. I felt the more melee heavy rules for those legions would work well.

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Hi, nice to see a fellow Space Wolves player wanting to join the Heresy.


At the moment we have very little to go off of, except the artwork in collected vision and also the stories release by Black Library. According to the rumour mill the 30K Wolves will be different to the 40K Wolves, but in what way, we do not know. I reckon the aesthetics will be broadly similar unless they make a fair departure from the literature and images already supplied.


For example Russ' honour guard swathed in furs and carrying great harpoons etc....


As for me I am keeping my Wolves stripped back for now, with minimal pack markings and furs etc until I se which way FW take our legion. Rumour is that an upgrade kit may be available towards the end of the year butI wouldn't expect to see anything rules-wise until middle of next year as book 6 is shattered legions and if we are really lucky Prospero will be book 7 (third time lucky in the delaying stakes). Fingers crossed there will be a mass release with a unique unit or 2 some more upgrades and a Primarch. Might also see Rune Priests and/or wulfen make a show of themselves.


As for the rest, I'll allow the guys and gals around here to spill the beans on the other legions, but it will be good for you to learn about them. After all the key to beating your enemy is to know your enemy ;)


Good luck & Fenrys Hjolda!!

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I think they will broadly be like the other legions, you would get your signature units, which slot in to the existing legion army list and your own Rites of War etc for flavor. The book also has to deal with a psyker heavy army, Custodes, Sisters of Silence and 2 new Primarchs.


If they did get their own army lists that would be really cool, but as there is already a lot of wolf-apathy (hat is a bit strong)... I could imagine there would be screams of special snowflake-ism all over the interwebs if Wolves and T-SOns got unique army lists.


Custodes and Sisters of Silence are not Legionnes Astartes, so yes they would require their own Army lists. However to my minds eye, they are highly elite and highly specialist, akin to Grey Knights although in some aspects maybe more so. I would imagine them more as a bolt-on for existing armies rather than armies in and of themselves...


I think getting the game balance right has been the big issue and caused the delays. Fingers crossed they have managed to bottom out the issues and we can see the rules released in an upcoming book sometime in the next year.

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The rumour came from a forge world open day. When a designer was asked why the burning of Prospero has been delayed he replied that the space wolves and 1ksons legions functioned very differently from other 30k legions and that they needed special attention to get the feel of them right.


The implication of his comments is that they will both be unquie army lists.


In my gaming group we have been encouraging potential 1ksons and space wolves players to only paint a lot of the basic units for now since we heard about this. Building a army now is to risky ATM with so little info on how these two legions will play.

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Oh I totally understand about the building of T-Son and Wolf armies. I am in totally the same longboat as these guys. I haven't gone beyond basics either, in models or painting until I see what they come out with. It's frustrating.


I can't imagine Space Wolves being too different from many legions, however Thousand Sons are very psyker heavy, so getting the psychic powers balanced is a real issue, trying not to make them too OP or too weak. Especially as they still have to function as Astartes. How then do you make an army which can overcome this without making it too OP compared to other legions? Then you have Sisters of silence who are null-maidens and kill all psyker powers around them.


It is a fair old juggling act.

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So i play 40k and more specifically i play Space wolves - I have seen guys play heresy armies in my local GW and have seen some cool models and the primarchs and all the cool rules that come with it. I have heard some of the guys talking the potentially they will be releasing a wolves heresy army as well as Leman Russ does anyone know when it is expected? any idea how the current 40k wolves will differ from a heresy wolves army?

Failing the above not happening can anyone give me a brief insight into each legion? I have never heard of iron warriors or night lords etc... what were they doing during these times? are they good or bad? what is their backstory? The only ones i have heard of are imperial fists because well they are also in the current 40k. If this is a too bigger question i.e the answer is too long to write down here can anyone perhaps give me a website or blog where i can read about what each legion did, which side they were on, how they like fighting, what they're good at/bad at?

Thanks smile.png

Don't worry, the wolves of Fenris will be unleashed (one day). Even if a lot of people don't like them in 40k, there are still lots of wolf players (there wouldn't be a wolf codex otherwise)

However, if I were you, I'd probably try and look at another Legion. Not because the wolves are bad (far from it, I think they are one of the coolest legions, then chapters), but because playing another Legion would allow you to explore a completely new facet of the universe.

I have to be honest, I don't see how you can not know of the existence of these other Legions. This isn't mockery or a rebuke, it's genuine incomprehension: all of the space marine codices talk about the 18 legions and you see them all over the different sites dedicated to the game. And all of them are also still in 40k.

Anyway, here's a couple of sites with all your fluff needs ; http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_40k_Wiki http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page

There are 18 Legions, (plus 2 that have been scrubbed from history) in order :

  1. Dark Angels............... Tactical genius, able to do anything, but with certain specialist divisions (in 40k there are the Ravenwing and the Deathwing, but in 30k there are 6, that have yet to be revealed)
  2. Scrubbed
  3. Emperor's Children..... Perfection in all things, in particular martial prowess. They also start introducing sonic weapons. I think they are also considered speedy over strong
  4. Iron Warriors............... Excellent siege masters, love big guns and explosives and blowing things up with them. Bitter that the Imperial Fists (the other siege masters) get all the credit, and their players are bitter that the Imperial Fists get all the better rules and equipment
  5. White Scars................. Speedy speedy speedy, therefore lots of jetbikes and bikes, but also transport vehicles
  6. Space Wolves.............. The Executionners, (supposedly) barbaric viking warriors, just like in 40k. They probably don't ride wolves yet, as people in this time are generally a bit more serious.
  7. Imperial Fists................ Siege masters, space combat masters, close combat masters. Their primarch is the custodian of Terra, and their first captain is the emperor's champion. They have an admiral that can defeat a primarch (namely Perturabo of the Iron Warriors)... You sort of get why the Iron Warriors are bitter about them...
  8. Night Lords................... Use terror as a weapon. Probably the most gruesome, definitely the most psychopathic legion there is.
  9. Blood Angels................ Paragons of nobility for the most part, they love assaults (so lots of jump packs and quite a few jetbikes). They already have the Flaw that you know of in 40k, but it isn't as present. I absolutely detest them, but I know that lots of people do really like them, so I'll let them explain what's so interesting about them
  10. Iron Hands.................... The Flesh is weak is their motto, and that's how they act, Think lots of bionics and mechanised infantry, and you start to get the picture. Their Primarch was the first to be killed, so they are still pretty sore about that.
  11. Scrubbed
  12. World Eaters.................. Do you see Khornate berserkers ? well, that's pretty much what the World Eaters are. A chain-axe to the face is their first and often their only mode of communication
  13. Ultramarines................... Perfect masters of a perfect sub-empire who know how to do everything better than any one. One of their special units was stolen from the Iron Warriors and supposedly made better by their Primarch. (still more bitterness inducing for the 4th, don't you think ?). I also absolutely detest them, (though marginaly less so than in 40k) so I'll leave that to others to explain again.
  14. Death Guard................... Like poisons in pretty much every form: gases, toxins, radiation poisoning... and use them to great effect on the battlefield. They also use them on themselves when off duty, which makes them incredibly tough. So yeah, Implacable destroyers...
  15. Thousand Sons............... The sorceror legion par excellence. You probably know about them because they are one of the Space Wolves' sworn enemies. Whereas they do have the most and the best librarians, don't believe that they only have psykers, they aren't the grey knights...
  16. Luna Wolves -> Sons of Horus (eventually the Black Legion).. Pretty much all rounders. Their Primarch is the Warmaster, so they're allowed to be better at things than everyone tongue.png
  17. Word Bearers................... Religious fanatics. Start out venerating the Emperor as a god, get a ticking off, go and find other gods to venerate and find the Chaos gods. They are literally the first Chaos Space Marines, and they have the first possessed (called Gal Vorbak)
  18. Salamanders.................... Love fire in all its forms. They are slightly slower than other legionnaries, so they favour heavier kinds of squads and armour (not to say that they don't have assault squads!)
  19. Raven Guard.................... Sneaky guerilla warfare specialists, love jump packs and recon/scout/sniper squads, that kind of thing.
  20. Alpha Legion..................... Sneaky spies. that's all anyone knows about them because they scrub all information about them, or else they deliberatly plant false information etc. masters of infiltration and such. Ask an alpha legionnaire what his name is and he'll say "Alpharius" because he's always hidden...

They are all capable of doing any task assigned them, but I've given them the generally accepted preferred combat doctrines/tactics...

I've put the ones that already have rules out in bold.

Hope this helps out

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It's worth pointing out that Prospero has been delayed due to balancing issues between the Thousand Sons and Sisters of Silence; ensuring the former isn't neutered so much that the latter can overpower them, and vice versa. Although to be perfectly honest the SoS should really be a small allied detachment at best. 


As far as the Wolves go there really isn't much to go off asides from a handful of mentions in the novels, the art in Collected Visions and an outdated pre-Heresy piece of artwork from a few editions ago. A Thousand Sons indicates that they were clad in furs and talismans, with "wolf" familiars following certain characters, such as Othere Wyrdmake. As far as the design of them goes the general consensus was that they wouldn't share the same cartoonish appearance as some of the 40k SW units currently do, such as the Thunderwolf Cavalry. Alan Bligh was pretty clear when he said that people who adored 40k Wolves would hate 30k Wolves.


Still, glad to see another SW player join the field. As far as representing them at the moment goes I'd consider using another Legion, like the World Eaters or Sons of Horus. Rampagers/Reavers are a decent substitute for Wulfen.

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This is the most up to date reference for 30k space wolves I know of.




It was put out by forge world at one of their hh events.


This look can probley be converted quite easily using the modern plastics and the fur press molds if I recall it's max mini or micro art studio that makes. I always get the two mixed up.


Of the legions I consider space wolves and word bearers have the most kit bashing opertuinities of any of the legions.

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Kromlech do some fantastic shoulder pads for the Space Wolves. That said, until they get the Forge World treatment a large amount of the 40k range has some good stand-ins.

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They are cool, just a shame they are the only ones not in the sale...


I tend to make moulds from existing models using blue stuff, works pretty well too. I think the furs would look god on World Eaters also.

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I'm almost set on Iron Warriors but been looking into Death Guard also. Which is more popular? Im wanting it to be primarily infantry based and I liked the aesthetic of the foot slogging iron warriors but recently found the death shroud minis and I like those as well. What are the primary character eristics of each? I am slowly making my way through betrayal.
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DG: poison doesn't hurt you much, lots of terminators, immune to fear (powerful in 30k), lots of rad grenade goodness for - 1T on enemies, widespread access to move through cover, lots of heavy weapons, unique units aren't overly powerful but very fluffy and balanced.


IW: brings extra heavy support, can charge after rapid firing, lots of pinning, siege terminators are incredible, havocs are great too, little to no morale issues due to army wide stubborn.


There's more, but can't remember off the top of my head. I'd give 1d4chan's heresy tactics article a read for a nice (if tongue in cheek) overview!

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I'm almost set on Iron Warriors but been looking into Death Guard also. Which is more popular? Im wanting it to be primarily infantry based and I liked the aesthetic of the foot slogging iron warriors but recently found the death shroud minis and I like those as well. What are the primary character eristics of each? I am slowly making my way through betrayal.

with the upcoming HH plastics you could do an IW army with allied Death Guard^^ (or the other way round)


tbh, both are similiar, but IW are more about Siege and big guns, while Death Guard is more about chem weapons and foot-slodging^^


but in fluff, both use alot of tanks, both have good artillery, both are good in trench warfare :P

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