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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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So, I have worked up two ideas for 30k armies, both are a mix of imperial army and astartes legions, hear me out.


1. A force of Imperial army and Alpha legion. My purpose would be to make a small elite army with few astartes to achieve that "mankinds greatest soldiers" feeling. So imagine the Imperial army regiment is the main assault force of the battle and while they distract the enemy the alpha legion sneaks up behind the enemy lines assasinating their officers, sabotaging supplies and armored units, etc. Camouflage all over, because I prefer the alpha legion wearing camo. The imperial army would make use of more modern-day tactics, so small well equiped fire teams supporting making use of hit and run and trying to avoid getting blown to bits by the enemy. This army has a lot of painting potential I think. In short: Professional infiltration strike force.


2. A force of Imperial army, using death korps grenadiers because I love great coats, and Iron Warriors or Luna Wolves Reaver company. This is your standard big guns, heavy infantry and mass assault. The death korps fit the Iron Warriors very well and I might even combine both legions. In this case no camouflage, but flat colored uniforms that just screams "the imperium of man is here!". This army kind of follows my own strategic point of view: complete bombardment of the enemy positions followed by a massed assault, no mercy given.


Both forced would be set in late great crusade/early heresy. So all would be loyalists (although we never know about the Alpha legion, do we? :P ). BTW, is Unbound an acceptable rule in 30k? I rarely play and mostly collect but I do like to have an acceptable force in case I ever had a match with someone and unbound if done correctly offers a lot of nice fluff options.


So, what do you think. I'm torn on this one, I'm not sure what to go for.

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As an adept of IRON WITHIN, IRON WITHOUT, I can only urge you to go for option 2 tongue.png but really the reason I'd recommend you do that is that you say that is your own tactical preference.

Have there actually been any rules for Imperial Army proper yet, rather than Solar Auxiliae ?

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As an adept of IRON WITHIN, IRON WITHOUT, I can only urge you to go for option 2 tongue.png but really the reason I'd recommend you do that is that you say that is your own tactical preference.

Have there actually been any rules for Imperial Army proper yet, rather than Solar Auxiliae ?

Horus Heresy tempest has Imperial Army and Chaos Cults rules. I would be using those. They are quite awesome.

Thanks for your input :D

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Grandmagnus, a reminder that the Imperial Army is BB with Alpha Legion (but hilariously not the other way around, haha), so that would work good. I can imagine quite a few combinations there. :)

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Grandmagnus, a reminder that the Imperial Army is BB with Alpha Legion (but hilariously not the other way around, haha), so that would work good. I can imagine quite a few combinations there. smile.png

But they are also battle brothers with the sons of horus, but you do make a good point.

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Is there a Legion that specializes on long-ranged firepower? In terms of rules that is. Not alpha strike with pods or infiltrate but just pounding the enemy with 36" heavy hitters. Or is it achieved with unit that are available to all Legions? If so, which Legion has the rules that makes most out of this?


Cheers ;)

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Is there a Legion that specializes on long-ranged firepower? In terms of rules that is. Not alpha strike with pods or infiltrate but just pounding the enemy with 36" heavy hitters. Or is it achieved with unit that are available to all Legions? If so, which Legion has the rules that makes most out of this?

Cheers msn-wink.gif

Iron hands because you can take it back with the -1S on everything at you but Ultras do a surprising job with thier cyclone missile terms and interlocking reroll tactics.

Iron Warriors of course too.

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Imperial Fists strike me as being a short-ranged firepower army thanks to that +1 to BS on all bolt weapons, and then they've got all those slinky Solarite Power Gauntlets, Templars and Phalanx Warders.


@Immersturm; I would go with what Charlo said. It's really those three Legions that specialise in long-range combat like you describe, and I don't see that as changing unless FW comes up with a new approach for the unreleased Legions.

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Is there a Legion that specializes on long-ranged firepower? In terms of rules that is. Not alpha strike with pods or infiltrate but just pounding the enemy with 36" heavy hitters. Or is it achieved with unit that are available to all Legions? If so, which Legion has the rules that makes most out of this?

Cheers msn-wink.gif

I'd say the IV Legion. The Iron Warriors. They can take tons of artillery, and Tyrant Terminators can wreck you at range, and Iron Havocs are amazing.

Also, I've got a question: I'd like an assault-y legion, but also a mechanized one. I've been thinking a mix of Luna Wolves and Blood Angels, but what do you guys think?

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Hey guys ! Just to let you know that I've finally settled on the Ultramarines as my Legion of choice smile.png I know it is super vanilla, but I was really enthused by this Legion thanks to Know No Fear !

The upcoming plastic Heresy will probably be my starting point (and depending on how it drives the community in my gaming area, I might completely switch over and convert my 40k force) ! I don't have any theme going on yet for the force, but I'm very interested in optimizing board control (I play with a small Elite army for Raven Guard in 40k), so going for many Troops.

Also, trying to innovate to go for complete infantry superiority versus the enemy and winning through the objectives rather than the kill. So, while the force might seem "weak" in terms of number of high Strength weapons, the goal will be to kill whatever can reliably kill the infantry force (so obviously this will include some anti-tank, but the main threat against infantry is other infantry thanks to the large amount of shots smile.png ).

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That I will ! The rough outline would be to spam Implacable Advance/scoring units as much as possible (Tactical Squad, Terminators, Support Squads) then complete the army by support units that make it tougher to kill or that will kill what kills infantry much faster (probably going for the 2nd route in order to avoid having the usual blob of 20 Tacticals with Apothecary, although it might be the most competitive option down the road).

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Being a teenager, I'm very flighty. I don't think Luna Wolves are my legion of choice, so I need some ideas for my HH army. I will be buying the Horus Heresy box, and painting half of them Blood Angels, but I'm not sure about the other half. I'd like a hard-hitting army, one that can both assault and shoot (I may forgo assault if there aren't any good ones like that). I really like tanks, and am cool with artillery. I'd prefer a traitor legion, especially one that allies well with Imperial Army (I'd probably use the Militia/Cults list, but not go into the Chaos-y aspects).

EDIT: I've decided. I will do an Iron Warriors force. They will have some Militia auxiliaries, and have lots of tanks! Reading Angel Exterminatus swayed me happy.png

Mods you can delete the post if you want

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Well well well as the ship gets bigger I feel we need to start dedicated Legion help threads as I can guarantee we are due for some more I can't decide shenanigans


It's very likely; I'm almost definitely going to be picking up a couple of the Calth boxes and while a few of those Tactical models will get integrated in to my 40k Minotaurs to give a bit of visual variety, I'm starting to seriously consider a 30k force with the remaining models but not really sure how to go about choosing!

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Oh wise community, I am in need of your opinions.


With the near release of the "Battle of Calth" set from GW I am just itching again to build a heresy-era Imperial Fists army. However I have a few problems with it the first being "Should I do another space marine army after the last 5+?".


As it stands the marine chapters I collected over the years are:

Blood Angels, with elements of Flesh Tearers

Dark Angels 

Black Templars

Helion Legion (Semi-Official Ultramarine successors)

Chaos Undivided. (Mainly a Night Lords army but with elements of other traitor warbands in it turning it into a 13th Black Crusade army)


If by chance I do proceed with a heresy army I am also wondering if I should recycle my Black Templars' bitz/models in order to give my IF veteran makings and Templar Brethren. I was wondering if this is viable to use even though most of the bitz are very modern for the 31st millennium.


Appreciate any input you have. Thanks.


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Oh wise community, I am in need of your opinions.


With the near release of the "Battle of Calth" set from GW I am just itching again to build a heresy-era Imperial Fists army. However I have a few problems with it the first being "Should I do another space marine army after the last 5+?".


As it stands the marine chapters I collected over the years are:

Blood Angels, with elements of Flesh Tearers

Dark Angels 

Black Templars

Helion Legion (Semi-Official Ultramarine successors)

Chaos Undivided. (Mainly a Night Lords army but with elements of other traitor warbands in it turning it into a 13th Black Crusade army)


If by chance I do proceed with a heresy army I am also wondering if I should recycle my Black Templars' bitz/models in order to give my IF veteran makings and Templar Brethren. I was wondering if this is viable to use even though most of the bitz are very modern for the 31st millennium.


Appreciate any input you have. Thanks.


Go for it. While I don't know if chaining their weapons was a Templar custom in the time of the Heresy, we do know that members of the World Eaters did it. It's entirely reasonable for them to have passed that habit onto their brothers of other Legions. As for the modern bits, I wouldn't worry. As someone said to me, the designs we see in 40k are usually the most successful of the designs from thousands of years beforehand.

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I'd say go with what makes you happy, get that 6th army if the itch to get 30k Imperial Fists is not going to go away. I fully understand the compulsion to have multiple marine armies-I like Word Bearers and Night Lords, so I'm planning on eventually getting both for 30k. However, that doesn't mean you can save yourself some money by using Black Templar models, which definitely work Templar Brethren units. Yes they won't look exactly like they should with 40k era markings, but that's not too much of a big deal, I mix 30k an 40k bits all the time. Plus with Sigismund Templar Brethren are troops, that gives you a solid start to a fists army based off what you have without getting anymore models. 

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Greetings Brothers. The time has come for me to board the Hersey train. However I am at an impasses as to what Legion to join, I have few ideas floating around my head, I prostrate myself upon the wisdom of forum and look to your advice.


Option 1: Rather fluffy Army based upon the loyalist defenders of the Precenters Palace on Istvaan III: Would be based around three legions, with the majority coming from EC and SoH but a small spattering of WE too. Positives: Speaks to me as reading Galaxy in Flames got me back into the Hobby 8 years ago. Fluffy. Will be a painting and modelling challenge. Negatives: Multiple paint schemes to do (one of which SoH looks like a pig to get right), no LoW to paint.


Option 2: Ultramarines army. Positives: Love to colours, (They were my initial entry into the hobby in the '90's). Loads of cool upgrades and special units and Low. Negatives: Rather popular. 


Option 3: Raven Guard army: Positives: I think these are rather niche. Like the idea of a army that strikes from the shadows. I enjoy painting black. Negatives: No idea on rules yet as haven't got HH book 3. Not a fan of MkVI armour.


Option 4: Word Bearers around Istvaan V: Positives: Great looking FW models, the mix of grey and red paint schemes would interest me. Negatives: Find there Special Characters (currently produced by FW) a little odious. Plus the Lorgar model is a bit meh in my opinion.


These are my thoughts I appreciate any input from you guys.





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Hey guys,


Quick question (on my final legion deciding leg) - would you say there are more night lords out there than Alphas?


Lexicanum has them both at lower end of 90,000 legionnaires, but the NL cap off at 120,000 while the Alphas reportedly have up to 180,000.


I'd say with thier overall structure the Alphas probably have more legionnaires, but they are much more fragmented in thier deployment.

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