Chaplain Lucifer Posted August 12, 2014 Share Posted August 12, 2014 While perusing the rulebook in order to assimilate better the rules to spare precious minutes finding info I stumbled upon grenades. I know that throwing grenades are here since 6th (or maybe 5th) but in all battle reports I see no reference of throwing grenades. Sure it's only 8" range but those sgts with bolt pistol should be throwing S6 AP4 grenade instead.. or if against IG,DE or Tau the S3 blast is also good. IMHO there's only few situations were shooting is better then throwing grenades. Is everybody throwing grenades or it's just easy to forget they exist? I mean, even in Black Knights people go for rad or stasis and they forget that the RWGL can throw 2 krak's /frag's at 12"!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
djgoldsmith Posted August 12, 2014 Share Posted August 12, 2014 Must admit I tend to forget they can be thrown. I have a game on Thursday, will be sure to try it if I have the opportunity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dam13n Posted August 12, 2014 Share Posted August 12, 2014 My local group are fans of the thrown grenade. Me included. In one of my early 7th edition games I managed to wreck a Vindicator with 1HP left with a thrown Krak Grenade into its side armour. I've even seen them thrown at flyers... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gillyfish Posted August 12, 2014 Share Posted August 12, 2014 Reminds me of 2nd edition - you tended to use them in smaller games, but they tended to get lost in the bigger battles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isiah Posted August 12, 2014 Share Posted August 12, 2014 I must admit to not knowing they could be thrown. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tanhausen Posted August 12, 2014 Share Posted August 12, 2014 On 8/12/2014 at 6:59 AM, Chaplain Lucifer said: I mean, even in Black Knights people go for rad or stasis and they forget that the RWGL can throw 2 krak's /frag's at 12"!! I usually use this ammo type when hunting flyers ;) 2 S6 shots and be pretty nice...and as you say, most people only use the rad and forget the rest. I still have to look deeply into the blinding effect...I'm sure there HAS to be some profit hidden there! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shabbadoo Posted August 12, 2014 Share Posted August 12, 2014 Yep, I throw them. And make sure your Dreadnoughts keep an eye out for chum units stuffing krak grenades into their knee joints, up under their armor, dropping them down exhausts, etc. A lot more things come with grenades as standard now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pigshead Posted August 12, 2014 Share Posted August 12, 2014 We often have grenades being chucked about all over the place in our local group. Kill Team is interesting, since every model acts independently... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SvenONE Posted August 12, 2014 Share Posted August 12, 2014 I throw them at Bugs and Orks all the time!! Mixed results, but still satisfying! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother dean Posted August 12, 2014 Share Posted August 12, 2014 I do love the grenades on BKs... A double tap of krak is the same as the plasma talons so you dont lose anything with a free GL.I knew we could throw but I've only used it once since it came out in 6th. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SnakeChisler Posted August 12, 2014 Share Posted August 12, 2014 I've had a few instances where the Attack Bike MM has missed my opponent has gone phew and I've then gone Wait I shall throw a grenade and as if the Emperor himself has a sense of humor the grenade proceeds to pierce the vehicle, same with the bike squads 2 melta's shoot then the Sgt chucks a grenade. Also not having any anti air when I need to down a flyer its all hands to the pouches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[TA]Typher Posted August 12, 2014 Share Posted August 12, 2014 Deathwing don't carry nades :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flam Posted August 12, 2014 Share Posted August 12, 2014 I use krak grenades only against vehicles and quite often, but have never even looked at frag grenades. Always thought they were just used for negating problems with assaulting through cover. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZONKEY Posted August 12, 2014 Share Posted August 12, 2014 I have finish a rhino off with a krak grenade Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ultra Magnus Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 It is also another point in favor of combat squading; two combat squads disembarking out of a drop pod now get TWO grenades to toss. A nice compliment to a melta squad adding two more AV piercing opportunities to your bag of tricks. Ultra Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
durdle-durdle Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 I use krak grenades all the time. Everyone i play with always forgets about it though. I never use the frag grenades for anything other than assaulting through cover. i'm very wary of blasts, especially up close. I don't like scattering on myself. Then again, it is only strength 3. then again again, it's only strength 3. I'd rather get my 2 rapid fire shots/ 2 storm bolter shots that hit on 3's at s4 ap 5 as opposed to a blast (which usually nets at most 3 targets) which can scatter completely off at a lower strength and AP. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JeffJedi Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 I have used frag and krak grenades and I like Krak for hurting tough or 4+ armored foes. I've fragged a few enemies also, multiple hits on a bunched up gaunt squad or even firewarriors is fun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
twopounder Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 I toss krak grenades all the time. Actually wounded a riptide with one. They're more effective than a pistol and it's always funny to kill your opponent's squad leader by throwing an anti-tank grenade at his face. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 I have to admit I never, ever remember to throw them. This is indeed something that has come up many times in my gaming group, but still I never remember. I would like to add that being a self proclaimed Dark Angel tactician of mediocrity, I will cite the might Lion and his reasons for never throwing a grenade; I believe Lionel once said, " A grenade in the hand is worth 2 in the bush." I have lived by those words during my playtime with the DA...... (Okay, I made all that up. I have no excuse.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epimetheus13 Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 The turn that my Drop Pod Veterans land on the enemy's doorstep, the guy carrying the heavy weapon is always the one to chuck the grenade. I admit that I've never even thought about bikers throwing grenades tho - I just assumed that TL-rapid firing bolters are best, but I suppose that won't always be the case... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
twopounder Posted August 14, 2014 Share Posted August 14, 2014 On 8/13/2014 at 10:14 PM, Epimetheus13 said: The turn that my Drop Pod Veterans land on the enemy's doorstep, the guy carrying the heavy weapon is always the one to chuck the grenade. I admit that I've never even thought about bikers throwing grenades tho - I just assumed that TL-rapid firing bolters are best, but I suppose that won't always be the case... Tossing a krack grenade from a biker at a T6+ model gives you a better chance at wounding it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firepower Posted August 14, 2014 Share Posted August 14, 2014 On 8/12/2014 at 7:42 AM, Dam13n said: My local group are fans of the thrown grenade. Me included. In one of my early 7th edition games I managed to wreck a Vindicator with 1HP left with a thrown Krak Grenade into its side armour. I've even seen them thrown at flyers... How I would love to see a fully loaded Storm Raven downed by a lobbed grenade :lol: Not sure if it's even possible mind you. I have a hard time with Flyer rules. But still, so much epicness :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lhg033 Posted August 14, 2014 Share Posted August 14, 2014 On 8/14/2014 at 5:20 AM, Firepower said: On 8/12/2014 at 7:42 AM, Dam13n said: My local group are fans of the thrown grenade. Me included. In one of my early 7th edition games I managed to wreck a Vindicator with 1HP left with a thrown Krak Grenade into its side armour. I've even seen them thrown at flyers... How I would love to see a fully loaded Storm Raven downed by a lobbed grenade Not sure if it's even possible mind you. I have a hard time with Flyer rules. But still, so much epicness by brother McClane? "yippie ki yay" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shortysl Posted August 15, 2014 Share Posted August 15, 2014 Although I've STILL yet to get a game in with 7th Edition rules , it's worth remembering that Krak Grenades are no longer capable of destroying a vehicle in one hit. Sort of narrows down their usefulness quite a bit....... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shabbadoo Posted August 16, 2014 Share Posted August 16, 2014 There is still a chance of taking out a Flyer with a krak grande...if the result is a penetrating hit, you roll an Immobilized result, and then roll a 1 or 2 to make it crash and burn. So, it will happen all the time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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