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Space Wolves: Morkai Great Company

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Lo, there do I see my father.  Lo, there do I see my mother.  And my sister and my brother.  Lo, there do I see the line of my people.  Back to the beginning.  Lo, they do call to me.  They bid me take my place among them  In the halls of Valhalla.  Where the brave may live forever....


Hi everyone


This will be the start of my Space Wolves army log.  I started this Space Wolf army back in 2009 just when the last ed of the codex was release & the models where pre-release that the UK Games Day 2009, I think I spent over a good £200 on the day.  Back then I aim for the Space Wolves army to be a new force to take to events, along with my trusted & favrout army - my Iron Warriors force which I am well know for.
Just I find army log on the forum help give a bit more focuse & general great for getting idea.


I went for Space Wolves as they offer a lot of conversion which is the main part of the hobby for me, to make the army my own.  Also I was always inspired by George Dellapina models from the Orks, Guards & in the 4th ed Rule book you can find his Space Wolves force.

Just as said there, for me it all about the conversion.  I will always pick the units I think look cool & I think can do well in games.  I will never go for a army because it the current "phase", they come & go & it a little boring & it not why I'm in this hobby.


I really enjoy taken my Space Wolves to many events from Throne of Skulls to local tournament.  They fought in a lot of great games which help shape the models that where worthy of a saga.


So I'll be adding ton of cool new models & units.  There a pretty big list of models I will be adding, like Wolf Guards who I'll be useing for Kill team games to adding a Knight in my Space Wolves colour.  Each unit will have there own theme.  Like wise, Forge World brought out a lot of great kits as well for the Heresy range


With the release of the Storm Claw box set with the brillaint Wolf Lord model & the release of a new codex.  It time to get back to my Space Wolves force & get them on the go.


I'll be adding to my army, but I will also be update the models I've already got.  It mainly things like useing turft grass over static grass, since that was release I've never look back.  Also Games Workshop release a lot of cool effect paints & I want to add a bit more battle damnge to my current models.  Like wise, when I started my Iron Warriors again to mark ten year of collecting, one of the main things I use was Forge World weather powder which I'd like to use on my Space Wolves.

While the new models will make use of all the cool new Space Marines kits release last year from the updated Tactical Marines & the brand new Sternguard.


Anyway here photos of the current army - Photos taken by the Warhammer World event team during the Throne of Skulls event & Dan from the Games Workshop What new Today Blog back in April 2012








Photos from Games Workshop What new today by Dan in April 2012.  If there a yellow glow, that from my friend t-shirt from my local wargaming club - Stirling wargamer.  Was taken when a few store went down for Invasion event in Warhammer World, I'd been awake for 36 hour, getting models painted the day before, then travel down to Nottingham.










So these where the Wolves I painted back when I started the army in 2009 & useing in events during 2010 & 2011



One of the new Grey Hunter Packs for my Space Wolves, useing the new Tactical Marine kit.  Also part of his Pack




Some new models I build two hour or so ago for the second new Grey Hunter pack which will be getting painted this week.  They'll be fully built tomorrow







Also I pick up Companies of Fenris yesterday.  This is a really good book, given some background on a few of the Company as well as shown the armies & a bit of background on the units, follow by painting guide.  There some nice conversion for there Space Wolves Lord as well.
I hope to see more of these books in the near future for diffrent armies, it somthing I'd happily buy.




Also some of George Dellapina models that where on the Games Workshop web site a good few year ago (2004?)








Finial, you can find my Iron Warriors army logs on these links





Chaos Marines


I think that it.  I'll try get a update during the week, just down to time as I've been really busy this year.





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Legion of the damned models you've done are beautiful


Thanks.  I forgot to add, these where my Object Marker.  Back in 5th ed, Legion of the Damned models where release & I wanted to add them.  But back then there was no "legal" way to add them, like there is in 7th ed (I really like the amount freedom we have in 7th ed now).  I wanted to convert the models, I've always like the background.


So object marker where the answer.  It base on a art work which see two Legion of the Damned helping a fallen Blood Angel vs a hoard of Orks.


While the background I've done for the army.  Pretty much the Imperial world there on in that - it pretty much the end, the last stand.  They've paint the helmet black as a honour marking toward Morkai the Space Wolves god of death & the name of there great company.  But, it seem there help in the shadow, the damned of death, or flames & are legion :D



Thanks for the comments biggrin.png

I've just sorted out my army list with the models I currently got so I can get games in right away & just give me a idea on what I need to add to my army right away. Right now it just a third Dreadnought as Wolf Guard no longer take up a Elite slot if I want to add them to my Grey Hunter units. So money permitting, this will be next on my list or to finish the second new Grey Hunter unit I just shown (being built yesterday).

I've also just to get a Wolf Guard Battle Leader sorted out soon with a Storm Shield & Frost Axe.

Then after that, like my Iron Warriors. I'll just keep adding cool new models & units I like. Just when it come to armies, I prefer getting a 1500pts army list writen, collect to that. Then once I've got all that lot built & painted, I'll start to go on & add all the other cool models & units. My Iron Warriors being over 7000pts & give me a lot of chose when it come to gaming now. So I want the same with the Space Wolves.

What I have planned - It good to have a list/idea so you can plan & gather all the bits you need for any conversion. My Iron Warriors list always see new models added to the note book I got recently, as it always down to adding cool new models biggrin.png

- Third Dreadnought: As said just allow me to get a few games right away.

- Wolf Guard Battle Leader w/Storm Shield & Frost axe: After looking through the Company of Wolves, I've got a lot of idea

- Bjorn: Will I have bought & painted the new Bjorn kit recently. I would like to model my own/theme it on a Wolf Lord who was in command of the Great Company before my current Lord before falling in battle. Bit like 3rd ed how there where standard Venrable Dreadnought as a HQ chose.

- Lone Wolves: I just like the whole idea behind them & there will be a lot added to my army

- Wolf Guards: Just diffrent arm models to forum unit or to swap about in my Grey Hunter units. Also I just want to make use on the Vanguard & Sternguard kits.

- Predators

- Vindicators

- Biker units: After complete my Ravenwing & adding biker to my Iron Warriors, I like them & I think I can get a lot nice conversion planned for my Wolves.

- Venrable Dreadnought w/Axe & Shield: We'll be seen a few them added to my army as I'm a fan of Dreadnought biggrin.png

- Second Rune Priest, sort of apprentice type for theme to the Rune Priest I current have in my Space Wolves force.

- Wolf Priest: just always been a fan of Chaplain & use to add them a lot in my Space Marines armies during 3/4th ed.

- Third unit of Long Fangs

- New Flyer

- Knight: I just like the Knight models, there great to build & a good focuse point for a army. Bit like how a Guard Armour company should have a baneblade.

I've also got my Wolf Wing army I started back during Christmas 2010? When I complete the army during the holidays (two weeks). So get them updated a bit with new paints & turft grass Games Workshop sells. Try get the Logan Supplament & also finial get around to convert the Wolf Lord of my Great Company to add to my Terminators force. General allow me to mix models between standard Space Wolves codex & the supplament give me a wide range of freedom when it come to gaming for friends & events.

I've currently been watch the Viking TV show on the history channel & re-watch 13th Warrior for theme & conversion idea's, same with Game of Thrones :D As this has been somthing I've enjoy adding to my Iron Warriors, is given each model & unit there own theme. Give them there history which added depth to the army & for me make them more enjoible to use in games which also add to the models own history while they've done somthing really cool.

I'll be aim to get a update by the end of the week with both new packs of Grey Hunters.


Update, just some quick WIP photos

So today I've been trying to get the new Battle brother paints for my Space Wolves force. The models are still WIP, just trying to get back into the habit of painting Space Wolves as it been since April 2012 when I last painted a Space Wolf - Wolf Guard Battle leader already shown in the orignaly post

This is the first Grey Hunter pack I made for my Space Wolves since then. I started building the unit after buying the Storm Claw box set, useing the 3rd ed Space Wolf spure (sadily out of stock right now sad.png ) & the current Tactical Marines which are brillaint models.


This Grey Hunter Battle brother with the shield was orignaly going to be Mark of Wulfen. Just I done this, part of it because it look cool & from seen a lot of cool art work like the front cover of Battle for the Fang. Other part was just to make it easyer for myself & my oppent to know who the Mark of Wulfen was. Just if I painted the model with a tatto for exsample, I might pick the model up by mistake when remove wounded models in the heat of the game, this was back in 5th ed.

But now I'll just add more Grey Hunter arm with Shield just because it look cool.




This was the first Space Wolf I painted in a good few years. Just so I could rememeber who I painted them & what step where done. Since then I've started useing a note book for the hobby to note down way's I've painted my models & what I need to add to my armies, with the adding to armies part just add focuse on what I'll be getting next. Also just any conversion idea get writen down in the note book.



Part of the second Grey Hunter unit I started painting today


They'll get finish painted during the weekend. I was about to place a order for the 3rd ed spure but found out today there out of stock :( So it'll be a little while until I get this unit ready.

The first pack shown going to be a Rhino unit. While the two models just painted today are going to be part of another Razorback unit. I'm wanting to use the Forge World Space Wolves doors for this one.
I'll also get my first squad all finish so they are ready for gaming.

I've finial work out my army list as well. So I just need to buy a brand new Dreadnought which will be part of my main army list for games. Just while I'm trying to add many other cool models in the near future & just mean I can get games with the models I've already got right away.
So this should be bought in a few week time. I've also had a look that the Logan supplament & really like what I read so far. I've seen I'm table to take 8 Elites in total & a standard HQ. So one army list I'd like to try in the future is Bjorn (my version) leding 8 Dreadnought into battle. I've always been a fan of Dreadnought & it very rare to see me with no Dread in any Space Marine & Chaos Marine army.

Also little preview into a future army - Black Templars





Black Templars is a pretty old army for me. I started collecting them with the release of the limited ed Emperor Champion, it was all because of this one model. During that time, I read up a lot on the Templar Knight in our own histroy for idea.
I'd like to bring the army back, I alway have.

So if all goes to plan, I'd like to start my Templar army around Christmas, I will paint strip the Emperor Champion I got to repaint/fit with my style of painting. Like wise I'll also convert up a Emperor Champion as I enjoy conversion & just incase I take Templars to events in the future. Little worry about limited ed model & not everyone can be trusted.

Same time I'd also like to get my Chaos Guard Armour Tank company on the go & more so after seen some armour company style army list kicking about. Some about seen that army look cool & be a great way to follow the guide for Chaos Guard tanks in the Forge World Masterclass book. As always there great models to add to my Iron Warriors & my Space Wolves :D


One Templar, against an entire Great Company...challenge accepted. biggrin.png

Lovely work. Always glad to see someone tackle hand painting the Templar iconography head on. Boo decals tongue.png

You don't tend to see people go with the Shadow Grey highlights these days, either. Neat.

I suppose the Wolves are alright, too.

One Templar, against an entire Great Company...challenge accepted. biggrin.png

Lovely work. Always glad to see someone tackle hand painting the Templar iconography head on. Boo decals tongue.png

You don't tend to see people go with the Shadow Grey highlights these days, either. Neat.

I suppose the Wolves are alright, too.

Thanks - I always painted my Templars with Shadow Grey (Fang), just way I was taught many year ago when I start Templars. I though them I enjoy the painting side of the hobby.

But with the new models I use the Fang & Russ Grey for the highlight. While the shoulder pad spray Black, then spray with white undercaot followed by a wash of Russ Grey mix with medium into a glaze.

With the Icon, was a bit nervies. Only time been object marker & on the base of my Iron Warriors, but they could be cover up with battle damnge. This one I needed to be really careful & it has been nearly ten years since I done this. Just with the pads being undercaoted White & how the white paint can be a little diffrent - same with Black Spray & painting Abaddon black there a slight differance.

Not really keen on tranfer, always avoid useing them. Ether use molded shoulder pads or free hand. Just not to keen on the plastic pads or the metal one.

But this army is planned for Christmas time :D


This is great


I'm really excited you decided to share your Space Wolves, I think they are perfect.

Some of the best looking space wolves around.


So many little details without seeming cluttered or crowded.

I really like your approach of using the tactical + SW accessories sprue.


The other thing I have always been impressed by is the level of consistency you bring to your projects.

You really are a machine mate.


I also picked up the Companies of Fenris book and found it great value too, really great to see GW supporting the creative aspect of the hobby with new releases like this.


This is going to be great inspiration for my own project.

Just for clarity what colour grey is that?


Really pumped for this project, I'm in the middle of moving house ATM, but when I finish I'll be sure to get my wolves cranking out again.


What a glorious month to be a Space Wolf.


I'll be watching :)

Thanks for the comments :D


This is going to be great inspiration for my own project.
Just for clarity what colour grey is that?
Really pumped for this project, I'm in the middle of moving house ATM, but when I finish I'll be sure to get my wolves cranking out again.

What a glorious month to be a Space Wolf.

I'll be watching smile.png

Quote from Games Workshop what new today blog before the update

"I painted mine using Adeptus Battlegrey follow by a Badab Black wash, then highlighted using Codex Grey, before a final highlight of Fortress Grey. With this being a darker tone, I needed something to act as a spot colour. I went for blue Runes, using Regal Blue, Ultramarine Blue and then a final highlight of Ice Blue."

Just I wanted a darker tone to my army, as each Great company meant to be unique. This was with the last ed of the paint, but can easily be swap over to the new (now current) type of paints. I think Games Workshop done a chart letting you know the new names.~
But when painting them, I get the dark grey done, the browns & metal. Once there all dry, then I'll give the models a black wash before going on to highlight & add detail. Just help save time.

Also I know how it can be moving house. Move last year & cause dely to my Ravenwing army. A year after that them almost complete, but that a standard I'm happy with gaming wise & allow me to get other models built & painted. Just need to try get time to take photos of the models & the army as a whole. But that least everything not in storage which annouyed me the most, spend month trying to find somthing. Back around Decemeber 2012 & Jan 2013, just rememeber going into the garage & some how ended up finding 1x Land Raider, 2x Predators all on spure, Ravenwing Battle force (missing a bike) & part I kept aside when I was going to start my second Ravenwing force - old 2nd ed era Space Wolf Scout Backpack & old Deathwing power armour shoulder pads.
The Land Raider & preds added to my Iron Warriors army :D

The other thing I have always been impressed by is the level of consistency you bring to your projects.
You really are a machine mate.

There a lot more to happen over the next few months from Iron Warriors, Space Wolves, Heresy era IW, Templars & Chaos Armour company!!


Thanks for the comments


Your Wolves look amazing, I really like the freehand.


Out of curiosity, how big are the shields?


There the standard shield from the Beastmen (not sure there name as I'm more of a Warhammer 40,000 player, just standard troops beastmen).  There smaller once with the Beastmen arm with Bow/spear & then the large one from the minatour.
They are cool & just always felt they tie in with the Space Wolves theme.


Hope that helps :D


Companies is a good book, isn't it? I'm impressed with it. Liking your wolves a lot, they've got a savage 13th company-esque vibe to them. The freehand is fantastic, those blue runes in particular. The wooden shields tie in nicely with the Prospero Burns cover art (why is that guy carrying a wooden shield when he's going to fight space wizards with boltguns? he's a goddamn viking, that's why)


Oh, the large and small beastmen are gors and ungors respectively, by the way. The latter make pretty great cultists for those of us who miss the old lost and the damned chaos list...

Thanks for the comments.

Quick update


I've mange get some time to get the last three models shown in the last update painted.  Still a few thing left to paint which will get done during the weekend.  Also one of my friends have given me some Space Wolf icon shoulder pads to use on the new models.  Just like useing the molded icon shoulder pads when I can.  So they'll get undercaoted tomorrow & ready to paint on Saturday.








The Deathwatch memeber was inspired by the Bood of Ashime (sp?) novel by Chris from Black Library.  I'd just finish reading the novel a few week ago & will need to get around & buy the second novel from the serise.


Next up - I need to get a third Dreadnought so my current Space Wolves force is ready for gaming.  So that'll be getting bought in the next week or two.  Then after that I do have a whole list of models I will be adding to my Space Wolves force :D

Also though shown another bit on the Templars.  Pretty much the 3rd ed SW spure where out of stock last week when I was hope to place a order for them.  So instead I ended up buying a box of Sternguard & though I try getting a small unit of Templars painted








They where just painted today.

I saw the spure I was after was back on sale today & place a order for that.  So should hopeful have the second new Grey Hunter squad all finish in the next few weeks.


Also, I've been really busy painting my friend Space Marine army over the past few months for a few local events.  It nearly finish & with my birthday next week, aim to take that week off.  Part this just time off, but a few days will be spent on the hobby between both my Iron Warriors & Space Wolves armies, just get few new models mainly built, but try get some painting time as well.



  • 2 months later...



I finial go around to picking up the third Dreadnought for my Space Wolves force.  What this mean is, I can finial get some games with the new Space Wolves codex in the next few weeks & during the Christmas holidays








I've converted the Dreadnought useing the standard Space Marines & Venrable Dreadnought kit.  Like my Iron Warriors, my Space Wolves make use of trophies base on a few games I've fought over the years.

For this Dreadnought, I wanted to add a Bloodletter trophie.  This is from a game I fought back that Throne of Skulls Novemeber 2010, round 2 I was against a Khorne Daemon theme force.  In the end we both only had one model each, my oppent had a Bloodletter & I had a Wolf Guard with Power Fist.  Game ended on turn 7 & object base, both out models contesting the object.






It thanks to brillaint games like this, that add history to my army & the models that take part.  It why I find it important to give each unit & those in charge names as well.  I'll be getting a name sorted for this Dreadnought.

This has been a game I've rememeber because how close fought it was.  That whole Throne of Skulls weekend back then was really great & when I got my first army nominee from a Warhammer World event.


Next update - Pretty much Christmas time a great time for me in the hobby, before that it see like I'm always busy, April to May I don't get a lot of time with so much happing.  It two weeks + two days that I had off & I can get a lot done during that time - I got a Wolf Wing army fully painted during those two weeks a good few year ago (2010?).
I've got a lot planned, from adding onto my Iron Warriors force with Call of Chaos & also a Heresy era side for a hobby challenge I'm take part.
But I also aim to get a bit done for my Space Wolves.  One of these is to remove the static grass & move on to the truft grass, I just find it look cooler.  Also to just add a bit to the models I current have, Blood for the Blood god & a few other effect paints.  If I've not already - Forge World weather powder to my tanks.


New model wise - I'm aim to try get a new Wolf Guard Battle Leader converted up soon & I think I've added a Lone Wolf to my list.  I want to use the Night Lord Terror Squad helmet that Forge World sell.  This will add to the whole theme & story behind my Great Company.
Also money permitting, I'm going to convert up my version of Bjorn who "count as" a old veteran of my Great Company, pretty much like back in 3rd ed when Space Wolves could take a Venrable Dreadnought as a HQ chose.

So this lot just to help get my Space Wolves back up to gaming ready.  I general start off with a army list when building up a army.  Then once I got all that lot done, it to look into add even more cool models.  With the supplament release same time as the codex, I'd not mind collecting a Space Wolves Biker army thanks to the Wolf Guards & how that supplament work out.


But right now the focuse is to get the above Dreadnought painted.  Get a Wolf Guard Battle leader & Lone Wolf converted up.  Also get my own version of Bjorn converted up, as I like useing Dreadnoughts in my armies when I am able to :D

Christmas holidays is going be busy with new Space Wolves models, getting my Ravenwing army finish off, Call of Chaos with my Iron Warriors & getting IW ready for a Heresy era hobby challenge which has been on going for a year now.


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