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Space Wolves: Morkai Great Company

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Just got my new Dreadnought (name still to be chosen) painted during the week there, just a few thing left to finish.  But he ready for battle.










With his Fallen Battle Brothers




My Space Wolves will be take part in a pretty big game against Nids in a month time.  Just a few friends though be good to arrange a 6000-9000pts game? as a send off to the end of this year & also with a lot of them working a lot during the Christmas holidays or other stuff.  So it going to be the Imperial vs Nids.  Plan is, everything be painted as it'll look cool.


Next for the Wolves - Part this help remind me more than anything else.


- Wolf Guard Battle Leader.  Now I've check my list again.  I'll be getting this model converted during the Christmas holidays.  I still need to sort out my army list, seem my lap top only has it save to 1500pts, aim for that & add on to bring it to 1850pts so I can change between points.


- My own "count as" Bjorn as I like useing Dreadnought in Marine armies.  A friend said there going to give me the left over part for Bjorn after they'd build the Dreadnought w/Lighting Claws, not sure the name.  But they've said they'd give me those part & depend what family get me for Christmas, hopeful have some money to pick up the Dreadnought kits to convert him.


- Lone Wolf.

Once I've got that lot out of the way & start of next year I will be getting more units built & added.  As said before right now just aim to get the army up to 1850pts get some games in. 

  • 2 weeks later...

       Really like your Dreadnoughts IP very nice paint job, only thing is i think the blood splatter detracts from overall model ( But that's a personnel opinion). I do look forward to seeing more of your space wolves.


     Incidently have you ever thought of using some of the khorne berserkers parts and blend them with space wolves parts, you might be pleasantly surprised.



       Really like your Dreadnoughts IP very nice paint job, only thing is i think the blood splatter detracts from overall model ( But that's a personnel opinion). I do look forward to seeing more of your space wolves.


     Incidently have you ever thought of using some of the khorne berserkers parts and blend them with space wolves parts, you might be pleasantly surprised.




Thank Throat

For the Blood - I go for this as part of it is - I like the Space Marine game, I like the image of the Ultramarine Captain having just slaughter a hoard of orks & cover in blood, just always though it look cool.  Like you said it down to personnel view. 

I like it as a way to break up the model.  Painted Vulken for a friend recently, if I never added Blood for the blood god to the base - it would have just been solid grey colour with only the fallen Space Marines breaking it up, just never look right but as soon as blood for the bloog god added, just broke it up a little bit so the grey was no in your face type way.  Added that & Typhis carrosien? to help break this up.


It same with my friend Son's of Horus army, just the look & impack it give the models along with the diffrent effect paints.  I think he will be updated his Wolves to have a few of these effect paints


I like useing the effect paints & somthing I'll keep useing on a lot of my armies, same as FW weather powder as all this fit the style I want my armies to look.  I want my models to look like there in battle.  I'm never keen on clean models & armies - my own personal view for my own armies & also I like converting/never keen on collecting a army from the box. 



Incidently have you ever thought of using some of the khorne berserkers parts and blend them with space wolves parts, you might be pleasantly surprised.


The right shoulder pads are from the plastic Khorne Bezerker set.  Beside that I've kept away from useing other part (apart from T face Bezerker helmets).  Just I have strong view/way I want my models to look.  The rest of the Bezerker kit don't fit that.  It also why I've sort of kep away from the current Wolves models, there cool but for me there a bit to much.

I go for Tactical Marines & the 3rd ed era Space Wolves spure that are still on sale by mail order.  I'll be making more use of the Night Lord Terror squad Helmets.


But pretty much it 3rd ed era Space Wolves spure & mainly the Space marines kits.  With the release last year with ton cool new kits, there so much there to convert with them with Tactical, Sternguard & Vanguard just to name a few.

Also I want to try bring in Forge World to this army, with the diffrent mark of armour, would mainly be MkIII, IV & V.  Then when the Wolves get there release for the Heresy, add them to the army much like my IW's would see any Heresy era model release added to them all converted into a Chaos era look.


It like how my Iron Warriors stay away from the Horn look for Chaos Marines.  I'm not all to keen on that for my IW's.  I want them as Heresy era look but in Chaos era, I see the spike as another weapon to use in battle say like Urik Hai in LotR have blade on the side of there helmets & elbow pads during siege of Helm's Deep.

Just always got a strong view on the look I want toward the models & armies I'm collecting that the time :D


Update due soon - I've just pick up a Venrable Dreadnought today & one of my friends have given me the Bjorn left over bits from a Wolves Dreadnought they've recently built for there army.  So looking to try get him built on Friday?  Try get my "count as" Bjorn model built for this game I got in a few weeks.

It now looking like Bjorn & 5x Dreadnoughts & I'm taken my 1850pts Ravewing army after talk with my friends about this game.

Also trying to convert up my Wolf Guard Battle leader as well so he ready for painting.  Also going to try look into adding a Space Wolves kill team, as Kill team has been somthing I've been getting more into since the rule where release last year.  Would be great for model some cool Wolf Guards & Scouts?  See what happen.


Also from 16th December, my holidays start.  Two & a half weeks of my own time.  A lot of this will be spent getting unit for my Iron Warriors painted for Call of Chaos.  Adding onto the Space Wolves & updating current models as well as replace static grass with tuft grass.

Also working on my Chaos Guard army (two Demolisher & two Sentianls (sp?)) & Heresy era IW's as part of a hobby challenge I'm part off.  Try get a lot of this done before I get hook onto Assassin's Creed Unity.  Also this time will allow me to plan out what cool new units I want to add to my armies from my Iron Warriors to Space Wolves.


I'm really looking forward to this time & just get as much done during those two week as possible.



First up - I found these two Dreadnought, the orignaly the Battle Brother - Rothgar the Skald (Twin Lascannon) & Odin (Plasma Cannon) when I started my Space Wolves around around 2009-2010, before both models got updated to show trophies on a great game they where part off & adding extra bits.
Just with this game in a few week time.  It seem the point cost has went up & I'm still sort out my Wolves army.  So I'll be taken my Ravenwing army & useing the Dreadnought from my Wolves as allies under the Champion of Feris? Supplament with Bjorn leding 5x Dreadnought Battle Brother.




So during the Christmas holidays, both these models will get updated & get some new name as well.  Pretty much I need to replace the claw on the Dreadnought CCW arm.  When I build these, the Blood Angel Dreadnought was not release that the time or the now Space Wolves Dreadnought.  So only way to get a claw effect for the Dread-CCW was useing the sythes (sp?) from the Zombie spure.

I'll also get a few other things added, like Beastmen shields, purity seals.  Add more battle worn look to the models & like the rest of my Wolves replace the static grass with tuft grass.


Also here my "Count as" Bjorn








The arms are only there for the time being.  They will be replace in the future with a Plasma Cannon & I want to make a Dreadnought CCW stand out a little bit more.  Just due to lack of bits right now & just so there somthing a little diffrent in the game in a few week time since I've already got 3x Lascannon & 2x Plasma Cannon Dreadnought.


I've went with the Night Lord Terror squad helmet to tie in with the theme & background of my army.  It also why I wanted to have a HQ Dreadnought (Bjorn) leding my Great Company




I'll ether be painting him this week or next week, as I want everything in my army ready for this big game of Imperial vs Nids.  Also I just don't like useing unpainted models.


Ravenwing - I'll get better photos in the near future.  These are just quick once I took earily this year to let a few friends see how the army was getting on








There almost finish since these photos where taken.  I started the army just before moving house last year.  Then start some point this year pushing forward to get the army complete.  There almost there, I just need a day or two to get all the finial stuff painted, so there on my - to do list for the Christmas holidays.

I've possible got a game with the Ravenwing this week & see if I can get some photos of them.


Wow, with all that heavy armour I bet your opponents "Dread" facing them :) Thank You, Thank You , tip your waitresses everyone.


But seriously, loving these. A Space Wolf Dreadnaught in a GW window front was the model drew me into the store and ultimately into this great hobby. I like the blood spatter personally. That technique is easy to get wrong with bad placement and too much but you nailed it. 

  • 1 month later...

Thanks Psy-Crow for the comment :D


Quick update


I mange to get my Bjorn (re-name soon, for my own Great Company) painted before the Christmas holidays & ready for the 3000pt game where himself & 6 other Space Wolves Dreadnought fought along with my Ravenwing, Blood Angels & Marines vs Nids.

Since the photo was taken, I've mange to get the arm - Plasma Cannon & CCW sorted, get them built during the weekend.




Just got rune to write & Tech-priest icon to paint









The Wolf Guard Battle leader should also be ready during the weekend, which will allow me to get some games with the new codex.

I'm going to place a Forge World order during the week & hopful going to pick up a few things for new Space Wolves models.  Mainly the doors. 
I'm wanting to get a Rhino sorted out for the Grey Hunter unit I painted up a few month back.  I also want to try get a Predator into the army.

Right now my list for the Wolves is:

- Rhino for new Grey Hunter Unit.

- Get the second Grey Hunter unit I posted a while back up to 6 models & get them a Razorback transport.

- Wolf Guards

- Try get one of the new Space Wolves flyer

- Predator tanks


Then I want to look into create a Biker force for the Wolves useing the Fenris supplament.

  • 1 year later...



It been just over a year since I last updated my Space Wolves army log.  But now seem like the right time to go back to the Wolves & push forward with getting them back up to date, with a new book soon to be release & yet more models :D
Also getting copy of ADB Ragnar novel, limited ed version back in October & then finial getting around to reading the Black Library novel with a Space Wolves battle brother retuing from his duty with the Deathwatch have all help/given idea during the past few months.

Also since last year, there been lot of other cool release with Space Marines getting new update kits with the Assault Marines & then the Space Wolves upgrade spure.  Both of which I bought on the release day.


So here one Battle Brother who was built dueing past few weeks.  I was hoping to get the rest of his Battle Brother built today, but ended up with a headache & it that the stage while it settle down, could return a lot worst.  So I'll try get some time tomorrow get the other models built or that least during this week.






Also search out Wulfen models I bought back in 2002?  When they where first release, there is a few more Wulfen models, it just trying to find which boxies they are in as there still a lot search though after moving house few year ago.

I bought them back then when I did start a 13th Company force, but ended up swtich armies & collecting Guard that the time & useing my Iron Warriors force though out the world wide 13th Black Crusade campign (sp?).  So they've sat there unpainted.  But I'll get them onto 32mm base & painted up for my force with the release of the new book due for release next weekend.




Right now my to-do list for my Space Wolves is


Beside the new sqaud Grey Hunter.  I'm aim to get the rebase & tuft grass stuff done during my holidays in March.


Rune Priest for exsample been getting part of him repaint to tie in with the way I current paint part models.



Thanks for the comments.




Spent a few hours rebase my current Space Wolves units onto 32mm base.  So far I've only got both Long Fang units, my Rune Priest & a unit of Grey Hunter.

Since rebase my Iron Warriors to 32mm base, they just look cool & I can't see past them for Power Armour base models.  Thankful like my Iron Warriors, my Space Wolves have a bit of green stuff that I use to help blend some of the stuff on the base & meant it been easy to just remove the base.  Just I want to keep a lot of the stuff I've use for the base from the slate & skulls.




Here the unit as they currently are.








I've only had a bit time during the week to get this lone Grey Hunter built. 




Right now I'm going to focuse on rebase my current Space Wolves force & get them ready for gaming again.  As well as start re-painting part of the models from old ink or way I use to paint stuff to the current way I paint my models like the skulls for exsample.


I'm also going to pick up the Wulfen book next week as well.  From what I've seen in today White Dwarf, it looking really cool & just get lot of idea for future models & units I'd like to add to this force.



That's the best way to switch to 32mm. Saves so much time and effort. The new Space Wolves stuff has me itching to break out my old Great Company and do some work, only problem is they were painted about 7 years ago when the 5th Ed codex came out, and I'm not only a much better painter now, but the paints have changed. 

That's the best way to switch to 32mm. Saves so much time and effort. The new Space Wolves stuff has me itching to break out my old Great Company and do some work, only problem is they were painted about 7 years ago when the 5th Ed codex came out, and I'm not only a much better painter now, but the paints have changed. 


Yes 32mm base just look cool.




So here the first model from my Wolves force, one of the models built back around 2010-2011?  He been rebase & static grass remove & replace with Games Workshop tuft grass.  Then I've repainted a few parts, like the bronze wolf & the red.  I've still add battle damage & a few other bit detail.  But I'm happy how the Grey Hunter looking.




Also a few other units that have been rebase, with the base painted.  Again still bit repainting here & there.








Then the two Grey Hunter I build over the past month.  Just spent bit time today painting both models.  Just add the Grey Hunter marking, battle damage & a few other parts still to finish.  They'll be join one of the newer Grey Hunter units I was trying to build few pagies back when I was trying to orignaly get my Wolves back up to date.




My Rune Priest, also spent today getting him painted & repainting some other part of the model.  Hopeful re-varnish the model during the weekend.








So right now I'm just going to get all current models new base sorted & repaint some parts move away from older paints or the way I current paint few things.




I've also place a order for the Wulfen book & pick that up this weekend.  That'll help give me some idea on what units I'd like to add in the future ether from the background, art work &/or formation I might try to use for my army.  But as always going to add models I like to build & paint.  It'll be like my Iron Warriors 5th Grand Company & just allow me diffrent chose when gaming.

Thanks for the comments




First up I just bought the Wulfen book during the weekend there.  Mange to finish reading the background on Monday while I was recovering from really great Parkway Drive gig in Glasgow.


I've really enjoyed the background & the art work really great.  It help give me a lot idea & I will be looking back when I go on to add more models & units to my Wolves.


Also been checking out the formastion.  Right now I'm aim on going with the Iron Wolves formastion.  End of the day I've always prefer useing Mech heavy armies in my games, seen all those tanks is just really cool.  It also help me on what I should add next.  So I've got 2x unit of Blood Claws to add with transport & also to add transport to my Long Fangs.  Have all the upgrade for free been really great as well, as I've always tool up my tanks in my army list with extra armour, dozerblade, etc.....


I think for the Bloodclaws, I'd like to use a lot of the Beastmen shield from the Age of Sigmar range, cover with purity seal/oath of moment as well as trophies.  As seen with a few Grey Hunter models.  Also use the updated Assault Marines models a lot for them.
While transports, just try make more use of the Forge World Wolves doors.




I've also been spending a hour here & there over the past few days, again while recovering from the great Parkway Drive gig.  Just getting the base all finish on most of my units.

So right now there ready to get re-varnish to help seal in all the new part added to the base.  Also just help the tuft grass as well.  Though I'm going have to wait a little bit as the weather not been so great - Had snow on Saturday & just pretty damp/ice weather as well.


If I can get them varnish, I might try get them ready for a game I've got arrange next week against my friend Orks.  Last time I've use my Wolves was last year to let a friend see how the codex & units work before starting there own army.  Then before that it been since 2013.  I was hoping get them ready for a game I had this week against another friend Wolves army, but not had the time to get everything ready.  But it does give me the chance to try my Ravenwing as it been a few months since I've last use them in a game.












I've just got the 8 Grey Hunter + 1 Wolf Guard unit to get tuft grass to get added to, so that'll most like get done some point on Friday.  Then it just to sort out both Dreadnought with tuft grass.






Current home for my Wolves models over the past few weeks.  Just after I'd gotten a lot of my Iron Warriors rebase to the 32mm base.







Pick up the new Iron Priest model today.  He cool model.  If I can get my current Space Wolves units re-varnish (weather permitting) I'd like to try out the Dreadnought formastion from the Wulfen book in a game I've got planned during next week.


I've just add a few purity seal onto the Iron Priest & then slate onto the base.  Possible get him painted during next week.




Spent today just re-painting parts of this unit of Wolves.  Hopeful get some spare time tomorrow to remove the static grass & apply tuft grass from Games Workshop.




Also just seen the new Deathwatch models that where posted on the forum some point today?  I will be looking into adding a squad of these models to my Space Wolves force.  If I can get spare Deathwatch Blood Claw memeber, try convert him into a Lone Wolf for my company.



  • 2 weeks later...



I've recently been painting up the brand new Iron Priest for my Space Wolves force.  I aim to have the new model fully painted for a game I had against my friend Orks & just allow me to use the Dreadnought formastion from the new Wulfen book.








Here the photos I'd taken on Wed, I think I spent about three & a half hour painting the Iron Priest model if you don't included waiting on shade/wash to dry.








Here how the whole force is looking.  I'm still re-painting parts on models, but there almost there.  It just the Dreadnoughts & Land Speeder that need the static grass remove & replace with tuft grass.  That'll be done in a few week time near the end of my holidays in March.






Also found this today when going though a few boxies.  This is the second Wolf Priest model I've got, the first one was already painted & is in a box with my Wolf Guard Terminators force which I will also need to try get updated.


He just a cool model & I'm looking forward getting the second Wolf Priest model built & painted.




Also I've just place a order with Bitz Box on advance order the Space Wolf model from the Deathwatch game.  He will be converted into a Wolf Guard Battle Leader as he just a really cool model & I always like adding sub theme to my models/units.


I'm also hoping to pick up a few Forge World Rhino doors when I'm that Nottingham - Warhammer World, when I'm there for Throne of Skulls.  Just for my Blood Claws & Long Fang transport when I added them later on during the year.

My Long Fang units will get Razorback with Assault cannons - Pretty much Predator turrets converted with the Assault Cannon from the Land Speeder kit.  This has been somthing I've wanted to do for a while & now I'm adding transport to my Long Fangs.


Also need to try get around & add a unit of Blood Claws some point over March.  Right now I'm aim on picking up the Assault Marine set as the new spure are really cool.  Then look out Beastme shield to help add onto the unit theme I want for them.


All this is just help my force to follow the Iron Wolves formastion.

  • 3 weeks later...



Been a little time since last updated my Space Wolves force.  Past few weeks I've been getting my Iron Warriors (main/all time favrout legion) ready for Throne of Skulls that Warhammer World, which was held last weekended.  Focuse on getting my unbound Chaos Terminators list ready & then led up to the event, my unbound Chaos Knight force as well.

It was a really great weekend of gaming, seen Warhammer World, seen cool armies & seen cool display like the Chaos vs Ultramarine display, as well as the classic Wolves vs Nids display which has new models added onto it.




On the Space Wolves, while still recovering from the travel side of going to/back from Nottingham.  I though take it easy & get my new Wolf Guard Battle Leader painted.  Useing the Wolf battle brother from the new Deathwatch box game.  Just I wasn't keen on the bare head that with the model.  I forgot to pick up a set of the Night Lord Terror squad helmet for this model.  Op to use a spare from the Horus Heresy box set.


I just need to add a beastmen shield to the model to act as his storm shield.  Then once he varnish it to add blood for the blood god, also add some battle damage/chip effect.













I've still got my unit of Bloodclaws to build.  They should be getting built ether Friday or next Sunday - Easter Day, which always take off & aim as a hobby day over the past few years now.

  • 2 weeks later...


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