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Razorback weapon synergy


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Ok folks, I'm fishing for wisdom.

For fluff reasons, I've decided to build an army of rapid moving tactically flexible marines using the Ultras chapter tactics. To this end, my army will start with four five-man tactical squads riding razorbacks, each packing a special weapon and a matching combi on the sergeant. My question is, which weapon options for the razors are the best match for the various special weapon/combi options?

So far I've built the obvious one: flamer/combi flamer/heavy flamer for horde-torching, but what are the others that match up well? I'm thinking las/plas, plasma gun, combi plasma for whacking terminators.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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It really depends on what you have in the rest of the list?


The most flexible, all purpose, load out is probably TL-assault cannon razorback with a flamer on the squad. Combi-melta or melta bomb on the sergeant optional. HK missiles is also an option, dozer blade optional but recommended.

I've tested razor spam lists with 4-8 razorbacks with this gear and it works quite well. They don't excel against any target but have the potential to harm anything in the game while not being crazy expensive. TL-AC is also the best weapon to fire snapshots with, stunned and shaken being the most common results on the damage table. If there's nothing better for them to do it's also not a waste to shoot at a flyer or flying monster. 


When you build specialized squads you give the opponent right and wrong things to shoot at. The most effective threat saturation happens when you deny him that ability. There's nothing wrong with having a few specialized units like your all flamer squad above, but they need help to get within template range. Definitely put a dozer blade on your flamer razor though, it will save you so many times. 


Lascannon + TL plasma is a also a popular general purpose loadout. Not really a fan myself but a lot of people apparently are. 

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I figure with four razors filled with tac marines, another carrying a sternguard squad and a sixth carrying a command squad, along with a pair of predators, any opponent will have to choose carefully what he shoots. On the whole, my objective is to keep my army flexible and mobile, and take advantage of the objective secured rule to deny opponents objectives. I'm using the razorbacks to replace the heavy weapons in tac squads as I find them too static.
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This topic has been discussed to death already (didnt i see a lengthy topic about this recently? didnt i post in there? oh yeah: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/293405-razorbacks-in-7th-edition/)


Summarizing, I personally think that paying 20 points more than a rhino, just for the heavy bolter, isnt worth it. So, the only worthwhile options would be to go all-out and get one of the upgrades. From these, I have had some succes using the twin-linked lascannons. It's just very nice to have that extra lascannon that always hits, in order to kill a tank or a heavy infantry like a terminator or a space marine bike (i play against dark angels a lot). However it is purely because that works well with my list, I am spamming missiles and lascannons all throughout my army, so it's a central tactic in my army to blast the enemy from afar with anti tank weapons, and im imperial fists, so it works extra good. So in the end, it depends on what you want to do with the army as a whole, then decide if it's worth the extra 40 pts per razorback compared to a rhino (consider carefully, 2 razorbacks would cost 80pts more than 2 rhino's, so you could also take an extra land speeder or something). 

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personally i really only find psybacks worth it since its not too expensive and packs good fire power, cept the word is that gk lost psybolt (and a lot more) so only inquisitioncan run em

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