Iron Hands Fanatic Posted December 19, 2015 Author Share Posted December 19, 2015 The original plan was for the 'generators' towards the back of the hull to have some form of comms array, but the limitation with all of this stuff is viable source images to edit in - and yeah, 'cool tactical rules' I referred to would have been command oriented. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hesh Kadesh Posted December 20, 2015 Share Posted December 20, 2015 For something so fast, it would need to have been developed in regards to working with a fast army. Any Fast Vehicles or Flyers gain the Outflank special rule and if it is on the battlefield at the start of the turn, then any outflanking units gain the Acute Senses rule? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor Perils Posted December 20, 2015 Share Posted December 20, 2015 For something so fast, it would need to have been developed in regards to working with a fast army. Any Fast Vehicles or Flyers gain the Outflank special rule and if it is on the battlefield at the start of the turn, then any outflanking units gain the Acute Senses rule? I suppose that that could work, but I think Jetbikes could also join the list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted May 1, 2016 Author Share Posted May 1, 2016 (edited) It's been quite some time since I added anything new to this, but I'm really digging the up-armoured aesthetic of the new Stormhawk, but I have a few niggles about the overall design, so I thought it was about time to try and visualise this idea for a Legion ground-attack fighter I've had for a while, so without further ado: LEGION FIRE TALON STRIKE-FIGHTER: Similar statline to the Stormhawk, starts off with wing missile pods & chin twin-linked heavy bolters, has the following options: Can swap missile pods for: - Fulmen Storm Cannon (similar to Leviathan storm cannon) - Laser Destroyer Array Can swap heavy bolters for: - TL heavy flamers - TL rotor cannon - Multi-melta - Volkite Culverin - Plasma Cannon I'll give it a little fluff blurb in a bit, but the general idea is that it's STC was severely damaged in the Heresy, and took centuries of recovery & combination with other fragments to enable the production of the newer Stormhawk. I'm also looking into assembling an image for the 'Stormshrike Gunship', with the same armoured cockpit style, but with a transport capacity of 10 Legionaries, wing missile pods & a nose mounted quad heavy bolter / reaper autocannon battery / kheres assault cannon. Edited May 1, 2016 by Iron Hands Fanatic marine7312000, Aqui, Runefyre and 11 others 14 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted May 7, 2016 Author Share Posted May 7, 2016 (edited) Although this isn't a vehicle or automata design, I'm putting it here because I don't really feel it fits with the HH Designs thread Anyhow, I've noticed that the Dark Angels & Blood Angels get considerably more cool new wargear than some of the Legions covered earlier in FW's HH series (and yeah, I know that for the DA it's super fluff, but each Legion had a whole load of special gear), so I've been thinking up some additional wargear for all the other Legions, which includes making sure each Legion gets their own cool melee weapon. This is gonna be semi-regular, and I should get through every Legion eventually, but I'll start off with the Emperor's Children. Just to note, I'm gonna try and make this stuff as balanced as possible, but I've never been an experienced gamer, and adhering to the fluff is my main aim - also, red text is for 'Designers Notes' because I'm mad and must be stopped LEGION SPECIFIC WARGEAR: LEGION III - THE EMPEROR'S CHILDREN: Sun-killer Lascannon: Originally wielded by the IIIrd Legion's elite tank hunter divisions, for whom the weapon is named, the Sun-killer pattern Lascannon modulates the wavelength of energy unleashed by the weapon in a manner which accompanies each coruscating beam of energy with a searing flash of light, so that the enemy might be blinded in the face of the Legion's unleashed firepower. Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Emperor's Children) special rule equipped with a lascannon adds the Blind special rule to the weapon's profile for no additional cost. Additionally, any Emperor's Children Vehicle equipped with a lascannon, twin-linked lascannon, quad-linked lascannon or laser destroyer array may give any such weapons the Blind rule for +5 points per model (note this includes Rapier Carriers). I know that blind on lascannons isn't super effective considering most of their targets don't have an initiative value, but that's why its free for infantry / only 5 points for vehicles - I loved the idea of the EC using these blinding beams of light as covering fire as they descended upon the enemy and the Sun-killers were already a thing, so it seemed perfect. Plasma Grenades: Although the IIIrd Legion eschewed maintaining significant reserves of wargear which favoured attrition warfare, their Artificers ensured that the Emperor's Children went into battle with some of the finest-quality arms, including such weapons as plasma grenades, rarely used in significant numbers by other Legions in favour of weapons far easier to fabricate. Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Emperor's Children) special rule equipped with frag grenades may exchange them for plasma grenades for +2 points per model, and if this option is taken by a unit then all eligible models must do so. Ever since I noticed that Fulgrim has them, I couldn't shake the idea of how cool it would be for the EC's to use hand-crafted plasma grenades instead of their mass-produced frag contemporaries - not really sure how the cost applies, so if its under / over costed let me know. Blademasters: Whether carried by the individual swordmasters of the Legion, or borne by the serried ranks of Sky Hunter squadrons, specialist blades have oft been the hallmark of the Emperor's Children, epitomised in the form of the Palatine Blades and matching the Legion's focus on skill-at-arms. Any model in a Legion Sky Hunter Squadron in the army may exchange their chainsword or combat blade for a power lance at +7 points per model. Additionally, and character with the Legiones Astartes (Emperor's Children) special rule with access to a power weapon as part of their Wargear options may instead take a charnabal sabre and combat shield for the same cost. The IIIrd might not strike you as the 'knightliest' Legion, but it's specifically mentioned in Betrayal that they use a large number of Sky Hunter squadrons partially because Fulgrim appreciates the poetry of these airborne 'knights' - hence, lances. I know 7 points is undercosted for power weapons, but I get the feeling that there's a general consensus that power lances are the weakest of power weapons. I always thought that charnabal sabres should be more widespread in the IIIrd Legion, and thought matching one with a combat shield would be a cool alternative for power weapons on squad sergeants - admittedly, a combat shield and sabre are a bit overcosted for 10 points, but with duelists edge adding an even greater initiative bonus, I thought that was okay (does the stacking with the EC's Legion rules make the initiative bonus a bit broken?) Edited May 12, 2016 by Iron Hands Fanatic lokkorex, Petitioner's City, Pazuzu and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted May 9, 2016 Author Share Posted May 9, 2016 (edited) LEGION SPECIFIC WARGEAR: LEGION IV - THE IRON WARRIORS: Graviton Mace: Constructed by the Warsmiths of the IVth Legion in imitation of the colossal weapons wielded by Perturabo's Iron Circle, the first graviton mauls were assembled from the vast array of graviton weaponry scavenged from the fallen of the Xth Legion upon the black sands of Isstvan V, capable of unleashing catastrophic force unrivaled by most weapons of their size. Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) special rule equipped with a power fist may exchange it for a Graviton mace for +5 points. Weapon: Graviton Mace Range: - Str: As User AP: 2 Type: Melee, Concussive, Smash, Unwieldy* * Unwieldy only applies when utilising the Smash special rule The idea for the Graviton Mace came before I had any idea of a ruleset, so I figured it would be cool as a slightly poorer power axe with concussion that can be used as a power fist / thunder hammer in exchange for making only a single attack - basically I was dying to use the Smash rule for something. Unto the Breach: Over the course of the Great Crusade, the Iron Warriors' particular acumen for siege and attrition warfare altered the martial culture within the Legion, reflected in both the mentality of its warriors and the way they prepared for war. This resulted in equipment which would usually be reserved for specialist divisions within other Legions becoming commonplace amongst the rank-and-file of the IVth Legion, even when their deployment did not necessarily warrant such armament. Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) special rule and the Infantry (Character) unit type may purchase a single breacher charge in addition to their normal wargear for +10 points if they cannot already do so. Additionally, any vehicle with access to a dozer blade as part of their wargear options may instead take a mine plough for +10 points per model, and any Legion Medusa in the army may take breacher shells for +5 points per model. All pretty straightforward here - breaching charges, mine ploughs & medusa breacher shells all exist already, so they seemed a logical fit. Edited June 14, 2016 by Iron Hands Fanatic Sulemain, lokkorex, Doctor Perils and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fenbain Posted May 9, 2016 Share Posted May 9, 2016 Personally I think the Graviton Mace is a tad overcosted currently. Though I'm no expert so I could be very wrong. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted May 9, 2016 Author Share Posted May 9, 2016 Personally I think the Graviton Mace is a tad overcosted currently. Though I'm no expert so I could be very wrong. Me neither, but I was thinking along the lines of it kinda gives you a power fist and a power axe from one perspective? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slips Posted May 9, 2016 Share Posted May 9, 2016 Change it so that only when using the Smash Attack (S10 Ap2) that the Weapon Counts as unwieldy. Otherwise, its just an Ap2 Power Maul at -2S for the Cost of a Thunder Hammer (Power Fist +5) Fenbain 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted May 9, 2016 Author Share Posted May 9, 2016 Change it so that only when using the Smash Attack (S10 Ap2) that the Weapon Counts as unwieldy. Otherwise, its just an Ap2 Power Maul at -2S for the Cost of a Thunder Hammer (Power Fist +5) Ah, good shout, hadn't thought about that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted May 11, 2016 Author Share Posted May 11, 2016 (edited) LEGION SPECIFIC WARGEAR: LEGION V - THE WHITE SCARS: Induction Chargers: Known across the Imperium's forces for the fearsome speed of their offensives, even the heaviest armour deployed by the Vth Legion is adapted to ensure the momentum of their assaults are utterly unmatched. Any model with the Vehicle (tank) unit type which doesn't have the Fast special rule with access to an auxiliary drive as part of its options may also select and induction charger for +5 points. Harbingers of Woe: As much a product of Chogoris' culture as the Vth Legion's battle-practices before the discovery of their Primarch, the warriors of the White Scars take particular joy in the rigours of single combat, viewed by some as the truest expression of martial prowess. Any model with the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) special rule with the Jump Infantry, Bike or Jetbike unit type may purchase a combat shield for +3 points each, and if this option is taken by a unit then all eligible models must do so. Additionally, for any unit consisting of models with the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) special rule which is not an Independent Character, a single non-character model may purchase a Blooded Trophy for +7 points, which gives the model the chosen warrior special rule (note that this should be modeled appropriately so that the model can be distinguished from the rest of the unit). The combat shield is pretty much a straight up representation of the mongolian bambai shield that's on quite a few models. The Blooded Trophy is a way of representing the slightly unruly nature of the Scars whilst giving them a bit of variety. Edited May 12, 2016 by Iron Hands Fanatic Sulemain and lokkorex 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted May 12, 2016 Author Share Posted May 12, 2016 (edited) LEGION SPECIFIC WARGEAR: LEGION VIi - THE IMPERIAL FISTS: Void Adaptation: Particularly adept at ship-bound warfare, many sub-divisions of the VIIth Legion equip specially modified power armour as standard practice, exchanging a degree of maneuverability for enhanced endurance in 'Zone Mortalis' environments. Any unit with the Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists) special rule equipped with power armour may gain the Hardened Armour rule for +20 points per unit. Only one addition for the IF, cause they already have quite an array of unique stuff, but I thought giving them hardened armour was too appropriate to pass up. Edited May 12, 2016 by Iron Hands Fanatic Olis and lokkorex 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted May 12, 2016 Share Posted May 12, 2016 (edited) Am about to read through this wall of awesome, but can the designers text not be yellow? Its hell for us on mobile! I just read everything and it's all awesome. Especially the IW stuff. The Grav Maul seems a little powerful for ap2 at initiative, but the scars get it so why not. Edited May 12, 2016 by Charlo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted May 12, 2016 Share Posted May 12, 2016 Am about to read through this wall of awesome, but can the designers text not be yellow? Its hell for us on mobile! Press quote and read that. Will help for now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted May 12, 2016 Share Posted May 12, 2016 Am about to read through this wall of awesome, but can the designers text not be yellow? Its hell for us on mobile!Press quote and read that. Will help for now. Nah its cool I just hilgihted it. I don't mind too much but some fraters may experience difficulty! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted May 12, 2016 Author Share Posted May 12, 2016 Am about to read through this wall of awesome, but can the designers text not be yellow? Its hell for us on mobile! I just read everything and it's all awesome. Especially the IW stuff. The Grav Maul seems a little powerful for ap2 at initiative, but the scars get it so why not. I've changed it to red, which will hopefully be readable on both the black & white backgrounds. Yeah that's why I originally had the whole profile being unwieldy, but I figured that considering it's the price of a Thunder Hammer, with the Smash version arguably worse than a standard Thunder Hammer (considering it can only make one attack, and is an option for Power Fist-equipped models, which usually have 2 attacks), having the standard profile be a non-unwieldy Power Axe at base strength (although with Concussive) seemed reasonable. Anyway, glad you like it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted May 13, 2016 Author Share Posted May 13, 2016 (edited) LEGION SPECIFIC WARGEAR: LEGION VIII - THE NIGHT LORDS: Luctus-vox: Further enhancing the Night Lords' use of fear itself as a weapon of war, the Luctus-vox hijacks communications systems, cutting of chains of command and broadcasting the the harrowing screams of the dying amidst the enemy, often relaying the tortured wails of butchered innocents. At the climax of the Razing of Tyrric, for for 4 days every vox-network across the world relayed the screamed confessions of the planet's Supreme Magister as she was flayed alive by the VIIIth Legion's Apothecaries. Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Night Lords) special rule with access to a Nuncio-vox as part of their options may instead select a Luctus-vox for + 25 points. A Luctus-vox counts as being a Nuncio-vox, and additionally, any enemy units within 12" of a model with a Luctus-vox must use their lowest Leadership value, not their highest. This is really just a way of representing the Night Lord's vox-based shenanigans on the tabletop, basically giving units with a Nuncio-vox the Intimidating Presence Warlord Trait. Psychotropic Munitions: Rumored to have been reverse-engineered from salvaged xenos weapons, the Night Lords made wide use of Psychotropic gas weaponry towards the end of the Great Crusade, one of many excesses for which the Imperial administration demanded their admonishment, with rumours of the VIIIth Legion encircling non-compliant cities before releasing billowing clouds of the compound upon their entrenched prey, leaving the city's civilians to tear each other apart without a single Legionary setting foot within the settlement's bounds. Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Night Lords) special rule equipped with a grenade launcher, twin-linked grenade launcher or missile launcher may purchase Psychotropic Munitions as an additional ammunition type for +10 points per model. Weapon: Psychotropic Munitions (grenade launcher) Range: 18" Str: 3 AP: - Type: Assault 1, Blast (3"), Hallucinogenic Weapon: Psychotropic Munitions (missile) Range: 36" Str: 4 AP: - Type: Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Hallucinogenic This just transplants the Harlequins' Hallucinogenic rule onto frag grenades / missiles for a slight range reduction & increased cost - I've had this concept for ages, and the idea of the Night Lords scavenging the technology from dead eldar as another on a long list of 'crimes' as their Legion fell from grace seemed appropriate. Edited May 13, 2016 by Iron Hands Fanatic Doctor Perils, lokkorex, Pazuzu and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted May 14, 2016 Author Share Posted May 14, 2016 LEGION SPECIFIC WARGEAR: LEGION X - THE IRON HANDS: Just a disclaimer - I'm not gonna pretend there isn't any favouratism here, but although I've given the Hands more new stuff than the other Legions, I've tried to ensure it's balanced as much as possible. Medusan Battleaxe: A weapon akin to its peoples' own chimeric heritage, the war-blades of Medusa are at once familiar to the adepts of the Mechanicum and yet alien in subtle ways. The power fields emitted by these weapons can disrupt protective energy sources, vital for combating the deadly machine constructs which roam the dark places of Medusa. Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) special rule equipped with a power weapon may exchange them for a Medusan Battleaxe for +7 points. Weapon: Medusan Battleaxe Range: - Str: +1 AP: 2 Type: Melee, Unwieldy, Energy Disruption Energy Disruption: Any successful Invulnerable save taken against a weapon with this rule must be re-rolled. Welp, the Iron Hands always seem to have power axes, so giving them a slightly different variant seemed cool, plus re-rolling invulnerable saves seems kinda novel? Archaeotech Longsword: Recovered from the depths of Medusa's machine-vaults and the Telstarax's frozen armouries, Archaeotech blades are the relics of Medusa's civilisation at its apex, powerful remnants of the dark age of technology which can unleash coruscating energy to tear apart flesh and metal. Any Praetor, Centurion and Consul with the Legion Astartes (Iron Hands) special rule with access to a power fist as part of their wargear options may instead take an Archaeotech Longsword for + 20 points. Weapon: Archaeotech Longsword Range: - Str: User/+1 AP: 3/2 Type: Melee, Versatile, Deflagrate I didn't want to give the Xth anything too powerful in this regard, so I avoided making it really juicy in a challenge, which isn't really the Iron Hands' style - it's kinda a watered down Blade of Perdition, but with versatile to give it a different flavour. The Forges of Medusa: Rivaled among their brother Legions only by the Iron Warriors in technological aptitude, the Xth Legions' ties to the Mechancium, treasure trove of Dark Age of Technology artifacts and Primarch's own genius saw their wargear diverge significantly from that set out in the Principia Belicosa. Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) special rule equipped with a flamer or heavy flamer (not twin-linked variants) may upgrade this to a graviton gun for + 10 points, and any units of Castellax selected by a Legion Praevian as their Legion Inductees unit may upgrade their boltguns to graviton guns in this manner for +10 points per individual boltgun. Additionally, any Moritat or Destroyer with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) special rule equipped with a volkite serpenta may exchange it for a lucifex for + 10 points, or if they are equipped with a missile launcher may exchange it for a rad/irad cleanser for free. Legion predator tanks may exchange their predator cannon for a graviton cannon for +25 points. I'm justifying this mad quantity of wargear with the fact that we all know the Hands get the best tech - if the 1st Legion get loads of cool stuff as the 'original' Legion, the Xth should get their own bag of tricks too. The Graviton guns being universal seemed too logical to avoid, and I've included heavy flamers now to allow termies to get them - but without reducing the cost so it doesn't seem to much of a spam. Dunno how effective Lucifex & irad cleansers on destroyers are, but too fluffy to avoid y'know? Finally, there's been mention in FW's IA books of Graviton cannon predators, and considering we've never seen them & the Blood Angels get their Baal preds, it seems to be appropriate. lokkorex and Doctor Perils 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
malika666 Posted May 14, 2016 Share Posted May 14, 2016 And no more pictures? :( Awesome stuff by the way! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted May 14, 2016 Author Share Posted May 14, 2016 There will be more images, but they're entirely dependent on me having a design that can feasibly be photoshopped together from images available on the FW & GW websites Also, this stuff really doesn't warrant designs as they're pretty straileaverward More images will be forthcoming, but I've got a load of other projects on the forum, and I'm super busy with other stuff right now Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted May 15, 2016 Author Share Posted May 15, 2016 Weirdly enough I was absentmindedly doodling, and I thought I'd have a go at figuring out what FW's inevitable colossus-class battle-automata would look like if it was similar to the Chaos Decimator (as in, the Decimator engines were developed by the Dark Mech from these battle-automata): Olis, Marshal Rohr, depthcharge12 and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor Perils Posted May 15, 2016 Share Posted May 15, 2016 Oooh, you have my attention !!! This looks awesome ! Iron Hands Fanatic 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corsovitt Posted May 15, 2016 Share Posted May 15, 2016 LEGION SPECIFIC WARGEAR: LEGION VIII - THE NIGHT LORDS: Luctus-vox: Further enhancing the Night Lords' use of fear itself as a weapon of war, the Luctus-vox hijacks communications systems, cutting of chains of command and broadcasting the the harrowing screams of the dying amidst the enemy, often relaying the tortured wails of butchered innocents. At the climax of the Razing of Tyrric, for for 4 days every vox-network across the world relayed the screamed confessions of the planet's Supreme Magister as she was flayed alive by the VIIIth Legion's Apothecaries. Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Night Lords) special rule with access to a Nuncio-vox as part of their options may instead select a Luctus-vox for + 25 points. A Luctus-vox counts as being a Nuncio-vox, and additionally, any enemy units within 12" of a model with a Luctus-vox must use their lowest Leadership value, not their highest. This is really just a way of representing the Night Lord's vox-based shenanigans on the tabletop, basically giving units with a Nuncio-vox the Intimidating Presence Warlord Trait. Psychotropic Munitions: Rumored to have been reverse-engineered from salvaged xenos weapons, the Night Lords made wide use of Psychotropic gas weaponry towards the end of the Great Crusade, one of many excesses for which the Imperial administration demanded their admonishment, with rumours of the VIIIth Legion encircling non-compliant cities before releasing billowing clouds of the compound upon their entrenched prey, leaving the city's civilians to tear each other apart without a single Legionary setting foot within the settlement's bounds. Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Night Lords) special rule equipped with a grenade launcher, twin-linked grenade launcher or missile launcher may purchase Psychotropic Munitions as an additional ammunition type for +10 points per model. Weapon: Psychotropic Munitions (grenade launcher) Range: 18" Str: 3 AP: - Type: Assault 1, Blast (3"), Hallucinogenic Weapon: Psychotropic Munitions (missile) Range: 36" Str: 4 AP: - Type: Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Hallucinogenic This just transplants the Harlequins' Hallucinogenic rule onto frag grenades / missiles for a slight range reduction & increased cost - I've had this concept for ages, and the idea of the Night Lords scavenging the technology from dead eldar as another on a long list of 'crimes' as their Legion fell from grace seemed appropriate. I like this I'd just been thinking about something similar with the master of Signal consul replacing orbital bombardment with the ability to buff a night Lord's unit so that it causes fear. I'm loving the detail you put into all your work on your threads IHF. Iron Hands Fanatic 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted May 30, 2016 Author Share Posted May 30, 2016 (edited) LEGION AIR-DEFENCE BATTERY: The vast majority of air-defence vehicles commonly deployed by the Legions make use of the versatile Rhino chassis, enabling their supporting fire to keep pace with any Legion advance or decimate waves of enemy aircraft from entrenched positions. Whilst some Legions tended to rely upon their own air-superiority fighters to maintain dominance above the battlefields of the Great Crusade, air-defence batteries were the primary counter to the most advanced air-forces encountered among the Imperium's foes, with some conflicts seeing Expeditionary Fleets' entire munition reserves depleted in a number of days as the skies of alien worlds were torn asunder. Legion Whirlwind Hyperios BS: 4 Armour: 13/12/10 HP: 3 Legion Hydra BS: 4 Armour: 13/12/10 HP: 3 Legion Caelus BS: 4 Armour: 13/12/10 HP: 3 Legion Artemis BS: 4 Armour: 13/12/10 HP: 3 Unit Composition: 1-3 tanks in any combination chosen from the following: Whirlwind Hyperios, Hydra, Caelus, ArtemisUnit Type (All): Vehicle (Tank)Wargear (Whirlwind Hyperios): Hyperios missile launcher Smoke launchers Twin-linked bolter Searchlight Wargear (Hydra): Twin-linked anvilus autocannon battery* Smoke launchers Twin-linked bolter Searchlight * Note: The twin-linked anvilus autocannon has the Skyfire special rule Wargear (Caelus): Anemoi pattern avenger bolt cannon Smoke launchers Twin-linked bolter Searchlight Wargear (Artemis): Skyreaper battery Smoke launchers Twin-linked bolter Searchlight Options (All): Any model may take any of the following:- Hunter-killer missile - Dozer blade - Auxiliary drive - Extra armour In squadrons of three, one model may be upgraded to:- Command tank Anemoi Pattern Avenger Bolt Cannon: Chambered for modified rounds fitted with proximity charges rather than mass-reactive fuses, the Anemoi pattern saturates targets with shrapnel from multiple rounds, utilising tracer flares and high-luminosity explosive cores within its shells to 'paint' aircraft for the other anti-aircraft tanks in the battery whilst exploiting any structural weaknesses with a tempest of shot. Anemoi Pattern Avenger Bolt Cannon: Range: 36" Strength: 6 AP: 3 Type: Heavy 7, Blind, Tracer, Skyfire, Interceptor Tracer: if any successful hits are made with the weapon against a unit with the flyer type, any additional attacks against the target in the same turn by any model within 24" gain the Tank Hunter special rule. Legion Whirlwind Hyperios Air-Defence Tank: Legion Hydra Flak Tank: A wide array of Hydra variants were produced for the Legions throughout the Great Crusade, with the latest pattern in production before the start of the Heresy bearing a pattern of autocannon originally prototyped on Deredo Dreadnoughts, having proven highly successful in providing anti-aircraft support for the Legions' ground forces. Proving highly robust under the horrific conditions in which many of the Heresy's conflicts were fought, the Hydra became the mainstay of most Legions' air-defence during the civil war, searing the skies with their relentless firepower. Legion Caelus Air-Defence Tank: Designed in the latter days of the Great Crusade, the Caelus was produced to address re-supply issues which had begun to emerge as the Expeditionary Fleets pushed further out into the far reaches of the Galaxy. Prior to its deployment, most Legion anit-aircraft assets relied upon specialised missile munitions, which were complex to manufacture and often in short supply with Legion deployments away from the major Expeditionary Fleets. By fitting a Rhino chassis with an Avenger Bolt Cannon variant, Legions were provided with anti-aircraft firepower that made use of the ubiquitous and easy to manufacture heavy bolter shell. Despite its practicality, the Caelus was controversial within the ranks of the Mechanicum, its turret assembly being developed an undisclosed prototype obtained from a rival Forge World via 'unorthodox' means. Legion Artemis Flak Tank: The Skyreaper batter carried into battle upon the Artemis air-defence tank gained a fearsome reputation in the early days of the Great Crusade, clearing the skies of many battlefields upon planets which would later become key worlds in the nascent Imperium. Consigned to the reserves of most Legions due to their extreme ammunition consumption and external magazines after the introduction of a number of other anti-aircraft vehicles, the attrition rate of the Heresy saw their re-introduction to multiple Legion divisions, many utilised to decimate the air-forces of planets they had claimed in the name of the Emperor decades before. Edited May 31, 2016 by Iron Hands Fanatic helterskelter, lokkorex, Black Cohort and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Rohr Posted May 30, 2016 Share Posted May 30, 2016 LEGION AIR-DEFENCE BATTERY: The vast majority of air-defence vehicles commonly deployed by the Legions make use of the versatile Rhino chassis, enabling their supporting fire to keep pace with any Legion advance or decimate waves of enemy aircraft from entrenched positions. Whilst some Legions tended to rely upon their own air-superiority fighters to maintain dominance above the battlefields of the Great Crusade, air-defence batteries were the primary counter to the most advanced air-forces encountered among the Imperium's foes, with some conflicts seeing Expeditionary Fleets' entire munition reserves depleted in a number of days as the skies of alien worlds were torn asunder. Armour: BS: Front: Side: Rear: HP: Legion Whirlwind Hyperios 4 13 12 10 3 Legion Hydra 4 13 12 10 3 Legion Caelus 4 13 12 10 3 Legion Artemis 4 13 12 10 3 Unit Composition: 1-3 tanks in any combination chosen from the following: Whirlwind Hyperios, Hydra, Caelus, Artemis Unit Type (All): Vehicle (Tank) Wargear (Whirlwind Hyperios): Hyperios missile launcher Smoke launchers Twin-linked bolter Searchlight Wargear (Hydra): Twin-linked anvilus autocannon battery* Smoke launchers Twin-linked bolter Searchlight * Note: The twin-linked anvilus autocannon has the Skyfire special rule Wargear (Caelus): Anemoi pattern avenger bolt cannon Smoke launchers Twin-linked bolter Searchlight Wargear (Artemis): Skyreaper battery Smoke launchers Twin-linked bolter Searchlight Options (All): Any model may take any of the following: - Hunter-killer missile - Dozer blade - Auxiliary drive - Extra armour In squadrons of three, one model may be upgraded to: - Command tank Anemoi Pattern Avenger Bolt Cannon: Chambered for modified rounds fitted with proximity charges rather than mass-reactive fuses, the Anemoi pattern saturates targets with shrapnel from multiple rounds, utilising tracer flares and high-luminosity explosive cores within its shells to 'paint' aircraft for the other anti-aircraft tanks in the battery whilst exploiting any structural weaknesses with a tempest of shot. Anemoi Pattern Avenger Bolt Cannon: Range: 36" Strength: 6 AP: 3 Type: Heavy 7, Tracer, Skyfire, Interceptor Tracer: if any successful hits are made with the weapon against a unit with the flyer type, any additional attacks against the target in the same turn by any model within 24" gain the Tank Hunter special rule. Legion Whirlwind Hyperios Air-Defence Tank: Legion Hydra Flak Tank: A wide array of Hydra variants were produced for the Legions throughout the Great Crusade, with the latest pattern in production before the start of the Heresy bearing a pattern of autocannon originally prototyped on Deredo Dreadnoughts, having proven highly successful in providing anti-aircraft support for the Legions' ground forces. Proving highly robust under the horrific conditions in which many of the Heresy's conflicts were fought, the Hydra became the mainstay of most Legions' air-defence during the civil war, searing the skies with their relentless firepower. Legion Caelus Air-Defence Tank: Designed in the latter days of the Great Crusade, the Caelus was produced to address re-supply issues which had begun to emerge as the Expeditionary Fleets pushed further out into the far reaches of the Galaxy. Prior to its deployment, most Legion anit-aircraft assets relied upon specialised missile munitions, which were complex to manufacture and often in short supply with Legion deployments away from the major Expeditionary Fleets. By fitting a Rhino chassis with an Avenger Bolt Cannon variant, Legions were provided with anti-aircraft firepower that made use of the ubiquitous and easy to manufacture heavy bolter shell. Despite its practicality, the Caelus was controversial within the ranks of the Mechanicum, its turret assembly being developed an undisclosed prototype obtained from a rival Forge World via 'unorthodox' means. Legion Artemis Flak Tank: The Skyreaper batter carried into battle upon the Artemis air-defence tank gained a fearsome reputation in the early days of the Great Crusade, clearing the skies of many battlefields upon planets which would later become key worlds in the nascent Imperium. Consigned to the reserves of most Legions due to their extreme ammunition consumption and external magazines after the introduction of a number of other anti-aircraft vehicles, the attrition rate of the Heresy saw their re-introduction to multiple Legion divisions, many utilised to decimate the air-forces of planets they had claimed in the name of the Emperor decades before. Oh, how could you!?! Such and expensive conversion. So worth it. Iron Hands Fanatic 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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