bluntblade Posted June 24, 2017 Share Posted June 24, 2017 May have to pinch these (with your permission) for the BotL. Nomus Sardauk 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted June 24, 2017 Author Share Posted June 24, 2017 For BotL - how do you mean? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted June 25, 2017 Share Posted June 25, 2017 As in we'd ask permission to use a tank or two in the FW-style books, for the "vehicles of Legion X" section. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted June 25, 2017 Author Share Posted June 25, 2017 If you mean constructing colour vehicle profiles from FW's own images, I'd have to say no - I had ethical quandaries with using other artists work without permission for my own ends back when I was doing the same which is ultimately why I stopped, and this wouldn't be any different I'm perfectly happy for you to mention them in the text though, and I'll be posting rules here in a bit if that's a component you're looking for Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted June 25, 2017 Share Posted June 25, 2017 OK. Well, we'd certainly be interested in that offer, and obviously would credit you for those designs and rules. Iron Hands Fanatic 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
STC Logisengine Posted June 25, 2017 Share Posted June 25, 2017 I belive the cascade will not be that hard to build, I made a few designstudies for your first iteration of the Cascade (sadly, I have not gotten around to buying a 3D-printer, but I have, at great expense, just bought a new flat so now I will soon have space for said printer) so for now the main issue is the measurements of the turrent-assembly and the appropriate lenght of the weapon in relation to the tank itself. That'll probably sort itself out once I get my hands on it though. Iron Hands Fanatic and Olis 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted June 25, 2017 Share Posted June 25, 2017 Choom, glorious choom. I'm still impressed with the design, IHF. In my humble opinion, FW would do well to consider this design for future production. ;) Iron Hands Fanatic 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted June 25, 2017 Author Share Posted June 25, 2017 (edited) Come on down to rules town: HEAVY SUPPORT: Legion Sicaran Ustor Assault Tank Designed in unison with the Sicaran Punisher, the Ustor variant of the Sicaran battle tank mounts the esoteric but nonetheless formidable Volkite Cascade in place of the former’s rotary cannon, a weapon otherwise unknown outside the armouries of a handful of Mechanicum Magos. It was with some consternation that many within the machine cult learnt of the Tempestora Sect’s bequeathal of the weapon’s design to the Forge Lords of the Legions, for while notoriously difficult to produce, the Volkite Cascade harnesses considerable destructive power for its size, and represents a cornerstone in the Mechanicum’s understanding of this class of energy weapon, whose origins date back to the Age of Strife. This Volkite Cascade provides the Sicaran Ustor with considerable infantry-killing capacity, becoming especially devastating against entrenched enemy positions, where the weapon’s rapid rate of fire combined with the inherent combustive potential of Volkite beams creates a searing wave of incendiary energy around the target position, driving foes from cover and blossoming outwards is a series of secondary ignitions. Sicaran Ustor: BS: 4 Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 13/12/12 HP: 3 Unit Composition: * 1 Sicaran Ustor Unit Type: * Vehicle (Tank, Fast) Wargear: * Volkite cascade * Heavy bolter * Extra armour * Search light * Smoke launchers Options: * The Sicaran Ustor may take any of the following upgrades: - Hunter-killer missile - Dozer blade - Auxiliary drive - Armoured ceramite * The Sicaran Ustor may take one of the following sets of two sponson weapons: - Heavy bolters - Lascannon Volkite Cascade: Although bearing common purpose with a number of rotary projectile weapons, the addition of a rotating component to the complicated internal assembly of Volkite class energy weapons is entirely impractical, with the Volkite Cascade’s fixed multi-barreled design instead firing in a cyclic pattern to similar effect, unleashing a continual barrage of incendiary energy to scythe down anything within range. Volkite Cascade: Range: 48” Str: 6 AP: 5 Type: Heavy 12, Ignores Cover, Deflagrate HEAVY SUPPORT: Legion Sicaran Vindex Air-Denial Tank With the early successes of the Sicaran Battle Tank during initial testing by the Xth and XIIIth Legions, a second stage of development was envisaged by the twin intellects of Ferrus Manus and Robute Guilliman, the ultimate goal of which would be the eventual supplanting of the venerable Predator and its myriad variants as the premier medium battle tank of the Legiones Astartes. One of the earliest ventures of this secondary project undertaken by the Magi of the Tempestora Sect was the modification of the Sicaran's extremely sophisticated turret targeting array to alter the vehicle's function into a dedicated anti-aircraft tank, capable of keeping pace with Legion vanguard formations whilst purging the skies of any opposing aircraft. The newly designated Sicaran Vindex had only seen limited deployment at the outset of the Heresy, with early contingents supplied to the Vth Legion, which had previously relied on dedicated aircraft to maintain air superiority parallel to its notoriously swift ground deployments. Although a number of Forge Worlds which owed fealty to the Iron Hands and Ultramarines continued to produce this variant of the Sicaran for Loyalist forces throughout the Heresy, the Warmaster's machinations had seen the lion's share assigned to those Legions which would discard their ties to the Imperium before the conflict's start. Sicaran Vindex: BS: 4 Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 13/12/12 HP: 3 Unit Composition: * 1 Sicaran Vindex Unit Type: * Vehicle (Tank, Fast) Wargear: * Vindex bolt cannon array * Heavy bolter * Extra armour * Search light * Smoke launchers Options: * The Sicaran Vindex may take any of the following upgrades: - Hunter-killer missile - Dozer blade - Auxiliary drive - Armoured ceramite * The Sicaran Vindex may take a single pair of missile launchers (with flakk missiles) Vindex Bolt Cannon Array: A caliber of bolt weapon rarely seen outside the hosts of the Mechanicum, the Vindex bolt cannon array prioritises accuracy over rate of fire, with complex gyro-stabilisers enabling for negligible loss of accuracy despite the Sicaran’s considerable speed. Vindex Bolt Cannon Array: Range: 36/48”* Str: 6 AP: 3 Type: Heavy 4, Skyfire, Sunder, Twin-linked * The Vindex bolt cannon array has 2 ranges depending upon whether the Sicaran Vindex has remained stationary. If the Sicaran Vindex has moved in the preceding Movement phase, the weapon has a range of 36”. If it did not move, the range is increased to 48”. FAST ATTACK: Legion Sicaran Advancer Armoured Transport Since the very first deployments of the Sicaran Battle Tank, a number of Forge Lords and Mechanicum Magi had contemplated the potential benefits of utilising the vehicle's speed and mobility as an Armoured Transport for the elite warriors of the Legiones Astartes. However, despite myriad different approaches from a dozen Forge Worlds, success could not be found, with the complexity of the Sicaran's internal construction hampering any attempts to extend its hull to allow for an expanded transport capacity. Instead, the Magi of Armatura conceived of a Sicaran variant which combined a smaller passenger contingent allowed for by the existing hull with a suite of sensory and communication systems, which would allow the transport to function as a reconnaissance or command vehicle whilst maintaining considerable firepower. Although the Sicaran Advancer tended to find favour amongst specialist Legion formations rather than mainline forces, the limited production run before the Heresy's outbreak resulted in most vehicles being assigned as dedicated transports for commanding officers, a role in which the vehicle excelled. Sicaran Advancer: BS: 4 Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 13/12/12 HP: 3 Unit Composition: * 1 Sicaran Advancer Unit Type: * Vehicle (Tank, Transport, Fast) Wargear: * Twin-linked heavy bolter * Heavy bolter * Extra armour * Search light * Smoke launchers * Enhanced auspex sweeper Transport Capacity: * The Sicaran Advancer has a transport capacity of 6 models, and may not transport models with the Bulky, Very Bulky or Extremely Bulky special rules. Fire Points: * None Access Points: * One access hatch on each side of the hull. Options: * The Sicaran Advancer may take any of the following upgrades: - Hunter-killer missile - Dozer blade - Auxiliary drive - Armoured cermite * The Sicaran Advancer may exchange its twin-linked heavy bolter for one of the following: - Twin-linked lascannon - Twin-linked missile launcher (with frag and krak missiles) Enhanced Auspex Sweeper: The Sicaran Advancer’s hull integrates a number of high-power auspex scanners, linked into a central communications array mounted upon the vehicle’s exterior armour and networked in such a manner to provide accompanying troops with highly detailed tactical information on nearby enemy disposition and strength. Shooting attacks made by friendly models against enemy units within 24” of the Sicaran Advancer ignore cover saves, including those provided by the Stealth and Shrouded special rules. This effect extends to the Sicaran Advancer’s own shooting attacks. The Legion Sicaran Advancer Armoured Transport is a Dedicated Transport option for Legion Command Squads, Legion Reconnaissance Squads and Legion Seeker Squads that number 6 models or fewer. I belive the cascade will not be that hard to build, I made a few designstudies for your first iteration of the Cascade (sadly, I have not gotten around to buying a 3D-printer, but I have, at great expense, just bought a new flat so now I will soon have space for said printer) so for now the main issue is the measurements of the turrent-assembly and the appropriate lenght of the weapon in relation to the tank itself. That'll probably sort itself out once I get my hands on it though. Yeah, it was one of those things that was pretty easy to conceive as a mental 3D object, but considerably trickier to convey on paper Choom, glorious choom. I'm still impressed with the design, IHF. In my humble opinion, FW would do well to consider this design for future production. Thanks dude, that means a lot - even if it may be slightly biased by your considerable enthusiasm for Choom Edited June 25, 2017 by Iron Hands Fanatic Sandlemad, infyrana, SpAcEGhOsT095 and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted January 17, 2018 Author Share Posted January 17, 2018 Hey folks, it's been a while since I made any content for this, and it's likely it'll be a while longer before I do anything significant (masters work, I'm focusing on non 40k-related art, etc...), but I thought I'd pop something up here as a record of ideas I've had to help me later, and as proof that I *never* stop thinking about this stuff. So I had a look at what fliers GW produces for 40k Astartes, and I came up with some ideas for 30k-era predecessors: LEGION FIRETALON STRIKE-FIGHTER: I've always like the design of the Nephilim, but find it's chassis a bit stubby for my preferences - fluff-wise, the Nephilim's corresponding STC was discovered by the Dark Angels and used to modify older Imperial Fighter designs, so I figured the Firetalon could conceivably fill this vacancy in the lore. Design-wise, much of the Nephilim's airframe would stay the same - the tail and main chassis would be pretty much identical, but the cockpit would be extended forwards, in front of the engine intakes (which might be enlarged a touch to deal with the longer airframe). The fighter's nose would be more streamlined, with the angles in front of the windscreen carried forwards into an angular point reminiscent of a hooked beak. The wings would be a hybrid of the voss lightning & storm eagle wings, keeping the under-slung weapon mounts. Wargear-wise, there'd be a small twin heavy bolter turret underneath the nose (think this), which could be swapped out for non TL versions of various heavy weapons. The wings would mount a couple of missile options, or be upgraded to twin lascannon under each wing, and where the heavy bolters sit on the Nephilim, the extended fuselage would allow for a predator autocannon in each mount, with detailing below the fuselage to show the autoloader systems & ammo feed embedded in the airframe. Purpose wise, it'd be a mixed air-superiority / ground attack fighter, with the autocannon primarily there to deal with aircraft, but the other weapons having a variable payload for an array of ground targets - a jack of all trades fighter used for various purposes. LEGION PYRRHOCORAX GUNSHIP: With the corvus blackstar, it's the bloated fuselage that puts me off, so the Pyrrhocorax (a cool-sounding corvidae genus) fulfills a similar role to the deathwatch vehicle with a few modifications. The main modification would be to remove the bulky twin cargo bays under the central airframe, replacing them with a slimmer central transport bay, and a pair of large engines in the 'armpits', so the exhausts would fit either side of where the twin tails are on the corvus. With the engines now sitting under the fuselage, the intakes on the corvus would be swapped out for missile pods or the twin cannons of a skyreaper battery (as seen on the Mastodon), and the exit ramp for the passengers would be placed between the tails, with the corvus's engine exhausts now displaced. A number of features would be streamlined, including the large =I= symbol on top, as well as inlaid decorative text. The cockpit windscreen might be replaced with an armoured shield similar to the Stormhawk's, potentially with it's outer Armour flush with the aircraft's nose. As mentioned before, it'd have dorsal missile pods / skyreaper cannon either side of the cockpit, along with wing-mouted weaponry similar to the Storm Eagle. It'd keep a chin-mounted turret for sweeping deployment zones, but with a tweaked aesthetic as the Corvus's one is a bit bulky for my taste, maybe mounting a streamlined quad heavy bolter (see the Fire Raptor turrets). It'd have a 10 person transport capacity, which would give it a fun spot as the airbourne equivalent of rhinos / land raiders in 30k, maybe working as a dedicated transport for some infantry units / in some Rites of War? LEGION ORGUS SCOUT FLYER I've always liked the aesthetic of the Stormhawk, but it suffers from the same short fuselage that's put me off other flyers, so I was pondering how to modify it in as minimal way to correct this, but I realised that if it wasn't a fixed-wing flyer I'd be fine with the shorter airframe, and I figured that it might be the perfect opportunity to represent the venerable orgus flyer. Cause the orgus is mentioned in the background of FW's IA books, I'd been waiting for a fun opportunity to design it, and the twin Stormhawk/talon kit means there's stuff in there that makes adapting it into an anti-grav VTOL much easier. The stormhawk's central fuselage would be almost identical, with the front gun swapped out for the chin-turret I designed for my earlier stab at the Firetalon. Because the missile pods on the Stormhawk hide the joints for the Stormtalon's rotating wings, the articulated wings for the anti-grav 'paddles' would fit perfeclty onto the hull. These'd be pretty beefy, covered with the anti-grav plating we see on landspeeders and vehicles like the Caestus, and on top each 'paddle' would have an inset missile pod to form a single cyclone missile launcher in the same style as the Tyrant Siege Terminators. With the grav-paddles able to angle & provide a degree of forward thrust, I think relying on the small ventral thrusters underneath the fuselage (third picture) would be okay, as with the primary engines on the stormhawk removed, I'm wary of adding too much bulk to the grav paddles by having engines on there. So yeah, it'd have a cyclone missile launcher & twin heavy bolter which could be upgraded, including to a lascannon to comply withe orgus's original weapons. It's heavier armoured than the classic, but as it's a Legion vehicle and we've seen ironclad bricks like the Caestus use anti-grav, I don't think it's too much of a stretch, plus I like the idea that maybe the Stormtalon evolved from the orgus, due to the loss of knowledge regarding anti-grav tech. LEGION MELICHAE ASSAULT RAM: Similar to the Pyrrhocorax, this is an attempt to create a new 10-passenger transport for 30k, allowing RoW to unlock them as dedicated transports for various infantry. Mellichae comes from meilichae, a type of cestus, so seemed a natural fit as a Caestus-related vehicle. The biggest change to the Stormwolf would be the removal of the engines, to replace them with larger thrusters which extend forward to where the sides of the hull start to slope inwards. They'd have large, semi-circular intakes akin to those on the Caestus, with armoured housings, and larger, heavier wings extending from their (sloped) upper edges. The turret would be removed, and the cockpit screen would be replaced with the Stormhawk's, which seems appropriate for a void-ram. The sponsons would also go, replaced with normal (rhino?) doors, one featuring a ladder to cover for the fact that the extended engines would cover the existing one. The lascannon mounts would be extended into angled intakes, and the elongated dorsal intake mounted above the assault ramp would be removed, providing space for a large 'Graviton Crusher' which would have a small amount of external detailing on the upper exterior hull, otherwise being flush with the armour, and the barrel would be small enough to fit above the assault ramp (similar to how the large siege melta is fitted on the mastodon). Lore-wise, this'd be a later development in the crusade, taking advantage of more available tech (hence the graviton weapon over melta) - it'd also have some kind of wing mounted weapons, but I haven't made up my mind on specifically what yet. LEGION HARPOON ASSAULT SKIMMER This is basically an excuse to turn the land speeder vengeance into a light skimmer-tank, and it's a pretty simple change. The frontal (lower hull) would have the turret removed, and the cockpit would be altered into a single-seat armoured canopy in the centre of the chassis. The 4 smaller thrusters would be removed in exchange for two heavier-duty, elongated thrusters which would sit the length of the upper hull. In place of the plasma cannon turret would be an enclosed, armoured turret in the style of the Sicaran / Tarantula, with a blocky aesthetic to match the hull. The only weapon it'd have would be on the turret, but this would be a quad heavy bolter / twin kheres / twin plasma cannon / quad lascannon. Anyway, hope you like these, I'll probably (maybe?) do wireframe concepts of them in the future Ryltar Thamior, sockwithaticket, Luna707 and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted January 18, 2018 Share Posted January 18, 2018 I watch with great interest, as ever Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted January 18, 2018 Share Posted January 18, 2018 Good to have you back my man, ever looking forward to more of these! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted February 21, 2018 Author Share Posted February 21, 2018 I'm just about to apply for a concept artist position at GW, so I'm in the midst of finally finishing off and collecting a handful of designs to post on my blog, so here they are - most you've seen before, but they've undergone some change, and a few are completely new - there'll be a few more to come, all Mechanicum stuff & hand drawn rather than overlaid vehicle variants, so that should be up shortly. Hope you like em' FAST ATTACK: Auxilia Lykaon Attack Squadron The first documented deployments of the Kalibrax-Pattern Lykaon Battle Tank during the Great Crusade are remarkable for the fact that they place the vehicles as arrayed against the forces of the Imperium, rather than among its hosts. Supplied by Kalibrax before the Forge World’s reunification to the neighbouring human dynast-enclave of Verpani in exchange for vast quantities of mineral wealth, the Lykaon was used to engage Solar Auxilia forces deployed when the Verpani’s emphatic rejections of Compliance turned violent. While incapable of matching the Auxilia Leman Russ squadrons’ endurance or firepower, divisions of Lykaon tanks instead used their greater speed and manoeuvrability to evade the toughest resistance, ambushing vulnerable forces and circumventing lines of defence, putting Imperial forces on the backfoot from the conflict’s outset. When the Verpani were ultimately crushed after Taghmata forces from the newly assimilated Kalibrax Mechanicum decimated their erstwhile customers’ hidden void strongholds, the schematics for the Lykaon were thoroughly examined for traces of techno-heresy by the office of the Fabricator General. Deemed doctrinally pure, an initial production run of the Lykaon incorporating atmospheric filtration systems featured by ‘Solar’ pattern vehicles was successfully integrated into the Solar Auxilia’s line of battle, with squadrons of Lykaon Battle Tanks going on to replace older patterns of vehicle in Auxilia outrider units and fast-attack divisions. By the time of the Heresy’s first battles, most Solar Auxilia Cohorts had access to the Lykaon and its variants, with lower specification but more easily mass-produced patterns of the tank being distributed further across the hosts of the Excertus Imperialis, including several Milita Regiments from wealthier worlds. Auxilia Lykaon Battle Tank: BS: 3 Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 12/12/11 HP: 3 Unit Composition: * 1-3 Auxilia Lykaon Battle Tanks Unit Type: * Vehicle (Tank, Fast) Wargear: * Turret-mounted conqueror battle cannon with co-axial multi-laser * Search light * Smoke launchers * Auxiliary drive Special Rules: * Explorator Adaptation Options: * Any model may take any of the following: - Hunter-killer missile - Dozer blade - Extra armour Conqueror Battle Cannon: A lower-caliber variant of the Battle Cannon, the Conqueror has also been mounted on variants of the ubiquitous Leman Russ encountered in compliance actions across the Galaxy. Conqueror Battle Cannon: Range: 48” Str: 7 AP: 4 Type: Heavy 1, Blast FAST ATTACK: Auxilia Damachus Strike Squadron A somewhat late addition to the Solar Auxilia’s arsenal, the Damachus was manufactured concurrently by several of the minor Forge Worlds collectively known as the ‘Belt of Iron’ during the latter Great Crusade, whose intermittent communication during the Age of Strife produced various tanks of similar design scattered among the Forge Worlds. Alongside the counterpart Lykaon and Agriopan Tanks, the Damachus is a hybrid product of several incomplete STC schematics, considered something of a mongrel design by the Magus of greater Forge Words. Fulfilling a similar rapid-strike role to the Lykaon Battle Tank, the primary feature which differentiates the Damachus is its twin-barrelled missile launcher, specifically designed to fire a range of warheads that provide the tank with a rare degree of versatility. Requiring a potent ventilation system to redirect the missile launcher’s exhaust, the Damachus requires little modification to operate in hostile environments, although any damage to this system renders its weaponry virtually inoperable. Auxilia Damachus Strike Tank: BS: 3 Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 12/12/11 HP: 3 Unit Composition: * 1-3 Auxilia Damachus Strike Tanks Unit Type: * Vehicle (Tank, Fast) Wargear: * Traverse-mounted twin-linked damachus missile launcher * Search light * Smoke launchers * Auxiliary drive Special Rules: * Explorator Adaptation Options: * Any model may take any of the following: - Hunter-killer missile - Dozer blade - Extra armour Damachus Missile Launcher: The variety of specialized missiles the Damachus can fire allow it to function as a competent tank hunter, assault vehicle or artillery tank, with its hull’s ammo stowage allowing for split payloads or single munition types for dedicated combat missions. Damachus Missile Launcher: (Kinetic Missile): Range: 48” Str: 4 AP: 6 Type: Heavy 2, Large Blast (5”) (Krak Missile): Range: 48” Str: 9 AP: 3 Type: Heavy 2 (Hailstorm Missile): Range: 36” Str: 4 AP: 6 Type: Heavy 2, Concussive, Ignores Cover, Blast (3”) HEAVY SUPPORT: Auxilia Agriopan Air-Defence Battery To provide aerial defence during planetary deployments, the Solar Auxilia primarily relies upon air-superiority fighters and emplaced batteries or lumbering support vehicles, such as the Halcyon Heavy Air-Defence Tank. Among this order of battle, the Agriopan is something of an anomaly, being a highly mobile Flak Tank fielded in sizeable formations, with a design lineage shared with the Lykaon and Damachus rapid-strike tanks. Squadrons of the Agriopan are often some of the first units to be deployed in a Solar Auxilia offensive, capable of rapidly moving into contested territory and providing defence against aerial attack where entrenched batteries are not yet available, and air-support is either unavailable or overwhelmed. In this manner, the Agriopan fills an invaluable niche, for while the Solar Auxilia has a reputation for steadfast defence, the myriad enemies and battlegrounds of the Great Crusade have proved the value of tactical flexibility time and again, and highly mobile air-defence divisions provide Auxilia Cohorts with a valuable fallback. Auxilia Agriopan Flak Tank: BS: 3 Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 12/12/11 HP: 3 Unit Composition: * 1-3 Auxilia Agriopan Flak Tanks Unit Type: * Vehicle (Tank, Fast) Wargear: * Turret-mounted daedalus multi-laser array * Search light * Smoke launchers * Auxiliary drive Special Rules: * Explorator Adaptation Options: * Any model may take any of the following: - Hunter-killer missile - Dozer blade - Extra armour Daedalus Multi-Laser Array: The heaviest variant of the multi-laser in use by the Imperial Host, the Daedelus’ ability to engage aerial targets without the need to carry large reserves of projectile munitions or specialized missiles is vital to the Agriopan’s role as a highly-mobile support vehicle by keeping its total weight relatively low. Daedalus Multi-Laser Array: Range: 60” Str: 7 AP: 5 Type: Heavy 6, Skyfire, Interceptor HEAVY SUPPORT: Auxilia Aurelian Support Squadron Initially entering into wider production for Solar Auxilia forces in the last quarter of the Great Crusade’s two-century span, the Aurelian was derived from the Basilisk and Medusa variants already in service with the Regiments of the Solar Auxilia, which made use of the Solar pattern Leman Russ hull. Primarily fielded within the Tank Detachments of the Solar Auxilia in support of mainline Leman Russ and Malcador squadrons, the Aurelian was deployed to provide specialist firepower in particular theatres of war. For this purpose, the Aurelian is a remarkably flexible tank, featuring a modular frontal weapon mount which can be refitted between engagements, allowing it to function equally well as an infantry fighting vehicle, tank hunter or siege assault vehicle, providing Solar Auxilia Cohorts with an array of specialist support vehicles without the need for an extensive armour pool. Nameless save for their schematic’s numeric designation, the prototype support tanks were first field-tested upon the world of Melkeji, in the brief but intense ground engagement which ended when Word Bearers’ assault companies obliterated the planet’s nine orbital cities. Wielding firepower comparable to that of a Rapier Carrier within a far swifter and more durable platform, the support tanks were deemed to have performed beyond expectations and were named in honour of the XVIIth Legion’s Primarch, who’s deftly executed plan had swiftly resolved a conflict which might easily have devolved into a grinding war of attrition. In the years following the Scouring, the Aurelian’s title was gradually erased from Imperial records, with production runs of the tank instead defaulting to their combat designation of Destroyer, Thunderer or Expunger, all association with their former namesake purged from history. Aurelian Expunger Assault Tank: BS: 3 Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 13/12/10 HP: 3 Aurelian Thunderer Siege Tank: BS: 3 Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 13/12/10 HP: 3 Aurelian Destroyer Tank Hunter: BS: 3 Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 13/12/10 HP: 3 Unit Composition: * 1 of the following: Aurelian Expunger, Aurelian Thunderer, Aurelian Destroyer Unit Type: * Vehicle (Tank) Wargear: * Search light * Smoke launchers * Quad multi-laser (Aurelian Expunger only) * Demolisher cannon (Aurelian Thunderer only) * Laser destroyer array (Aurelian Destroyer only) Special Rules: * Explorator Adaptation Options: * The squadron may include up to two more tanks of the same type for the cost listed in their profile * Any model may take one of the following: - Pintle-mounted heavy bolter - Pintle-mounted heavy flamer - Pintle-mounted multi-laser HEAVY SUPPORT: Auxilia Satyr Assault Squadron Carrying the heaviest weaponry commonly fielded upon the Leman Russ hull save for the Colossus Bombard, the Satyr is a singularly unsubtle and devastating engine of war, capable of decimating an infantry force with a single barrage. This capacity for destruction does not come without associated risk however, and the Satyr’s exposed autoloader assembly, ravenous munition consumption and limited firing angles ensure it is only ever deployed where target saturation is maximal. In these deployments however, the Satyr is an unrivalled linebreaker when compared to other vehicles of its class, and divisions of the Support Tank have served as the lynchpin for a number of the Great Crusade’s bloodiest battles, with the crews of these vehicles inevitably stained by the bellicose and bloody reputation that has followed the Satyr since the earliest days of the Imperium. Auxilia Satyr Assault Tank: BS: 3 Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 13/12/10 HP: 3 Unit Composition: * 1-3 Auxilia Satyr Assault Tanks Unit Type: * Vehicle (Tank) Wargear: * Hull-mounted twin-linked avenger assault cannon * Search light * Smoke launchers Special Rules: * Explorator Adaptation * All Power to Weapons! * Vulnerable Munitions Options: * Any model may exchange their twin-linked avenger bolt cannon for one of the following: - Hellstorm missile battery - Dual battlecannon * Any model may take any of the following: - Armoured ceramite - One hunter-killer missile - Dozer blade - Extra armour - Auxiliary drive Hellstorm Missile Battery: While the Satyr’s Hellstorm Missile Battery does not benefit from the range of advanced warhead types available to some vehicle-mounted missile launchers, this fearsome simplicity as a weapon system is the cornerstone to its success, designed to unleash waves of high-ordnance missiles into enemy infantry formations in an unstoppable barrage. Hellstorm Missile Battery: Range: 60” Str: 5 AP: 4 Type: Heavy 4, Pinning, Large Blast (5”) Vulnerable Munitions: The Satyr’s sizeable gun carriage leaves the rear autoloader assembly and munition stowage relatively exposed, and should the vehicle be flanked, it risks catastrophic damage from a well-aimed attack. Attacks made against the vehicle’s Rear Armour must re-roll failed Armour Penetration rolls. HEAVY SUPPORT: Auxilia Amentum Ordnance Battery The Amentum Mortar Carrier was one of the earliest modifications upon the initial Saturnyne pattern Aurox chassis fielded by the Solar Auxilia, and owes much of its success to its predecessors’ highly modular design, being a relatively simple retrofit. Replacing the Aurox’s passenger capacity, the Amentum instead uses the transport’s bay to support a ‘Thudd Gun’ Quad-mortar, field artillery long in use with the Solar Auxilia and highly prized for its capacity to support infantry assaults. Being enclosed within the Amentum’s armour allows these weapons a degree of mobility unavailable to their Rapier-mounted counterparts, as their decreased vulnerability to small-arms fire ensures the Amentum can provide close artillery support without stalling an assault in-progress. The Amentum’s gunnery bay also affords space to carry additional ammunition types, as well as allowing for several sponson configurations for defence in high-intensity theatres, standard loadout for Amentum Batteries assigned to Veletaris Tercios. Auxilia Amentum Mortar Carrier: BS: 3 Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 11/11/10 HP: 3 Unit Composition: * 1-3 Auxilia Amentum Mortar Carriers Unit Type: * Vehicle (Tank) Wargear: * Quad mortar (frag shells) * Extra armour Special Rules: * Explorator Adaptation Options: * Any model may take a pair of sponsons armed with: - Multi-lasers - Autocannon - Lascannon * Any model may take one of the following: - Pintle-mounted heavy bolter - Pintle-mounted heavy flamer - Pintle-mounted multi-laserm * Any model may be given the following ammunition types at the costs shown. All models in the Battery must be identically upgraded: - Incendiary shells - Shatter shells - Splinter shells sockwithaticket, Gorgoff, bluntblade and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted February 21, 2018 Author Share Posted February 21, 2018 And here's a trio of Storm Eagle Variants: FAST ATTACK: Legion Storm Eagle Transporter The Storm Eagle Transporter is the primary support variant of the widespread Storm Eagle Assault Gunship, developed during the mid-era Great Crusade to provide for the mounting transport needs of the Legions’ rapidly expanding arsenal of armoured vehicles. Smaller than most orbital interface transports used to ferry the Legions’ ground vehicles, the Storm Eagle Transporter was nevertheless one of the most numerous transports of its type, owing to its relative ease of production and breadth of deployment roles, although use of the newer Thunderhawk Transporter grew to eclipse the aircraft in the years before the Heresy. Despite its smaller carrying capacity compared to similarly-purposed vehicles like the Hellcrow Carrier and colossal Argo Drop Ship, capable of lifting only a single Rhino or Sicaran-sized vehicle, the Storm Eagle Transporter was far more agile than its contemporaries and represented a significantly less valuable target than these hulking aircraft. This allowed it to operate in conditions that would ground larger transports, deliver payloads to much smaller or unstable drop-zones, and conduct covert stealth flights when properly equipped, all the while remaining a significantly armed and armoured gunship. These qualities also lead to its widespread use in myriad non-combat roles, with Transporters being used to ferry cargo, recover damaged or spent wargear including the Legions’ various patterns of Drop Pods as well as deploying or redeploying emplaced equipment like Tarantula Sentry Guns. Storm Eagle Transporter: BS: 4 Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 12/12/12 HP: 4 Unit Composition: * 1 Storm Eagle Transporter Unit Type: * Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport) Wargear: * Turret-mounted quad heavy bolter * Hull-mounted vengeance launcher * Machine spirit Special Rules: * Deep Strike * Loading Vehicles * Unloading Vehicles * Independent Turret Fire Transport Capacity: * The Storm Eagle Transporter may carry one Rhino-sized or one Sicaran-sized vehicle. These vehicles may contain passengers. Fire Points: * None Access Points: * None Options: * A Storm Eagle Transporter may exchange its quad heavy bolter for one of the following: - Reaper autocannon battery - Twin-linked lascannon * A Storm Eagle Transporter may take any of the following upgrades: - Armoured ceramite - Searchlight - Extra armour HEAVY SUPPORT: Legion Fire Raptor Destroyer Owing its development to the impressive combat record of the original Fire Raptor gunship, the Destroyer was among the many vehicle variants produced as part of the Neutron Laser project, integrating powerful Atomantic Arc-Reactors and a Neutron Beam Laser in place of the standard Raptor's Avenger Bolt Cannons and extensive munition stowage. Alongside paired lascannon ball-turrets and an array of high-ordnance missiles, the Neutron Beam Laser modified the Fire Raptor into a dedicated tank hunter, combining hyper-destructive firepower with mobility and speed entirely unattainable to the Legions' vast fleet of anti-armour vehicles. Favoured by Legions which eschewed armoured ground vehicles in preference for high-speed deployments, the Fire Raptor Destroyer played a significant role in some of the Heresy's fiercest engagements, often fielded to counter large-scale armoured formations which would otherwise threaten lighter infantry forces, although the considerable investment in resources each air-frame represented resulted in increasingly conservative deployments of the dwindling number of Destroyers as the conflict wore on. Fire Raptor Destroyer: BS: 4 Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 12/12/12 HP: 4 Unit Composition: * 1 Fire Raptor Destroyer Unit Type: * Vehicle (Flyer, Hover) Wargear: * Hull-mounted neutron beam laser * Two turret-mounted twin-linked lascannon * Four wing-mounted tempest rockets * Machine spirit * Extra armour Special Rules: * Deep Strike * Strafing Run * Independent Turret Fire * Dangerous Reactor Core Options: * A Fire Raptor Destroyer may exchange its four tempest rockets for: - Four hellstrike missiles * A Fire Raptor Destroyer may take any of the following upgrades: - Armoured ceramite - Searchlight HEAVY SUPPORT: Legion Balefire-Pattern Storm Eagle Attack Bomber One of numerous modifications upon the Storm Eagle Gunship developed as the rigours of the Great Crusade depleted the Legions’ stocks of older, highly specialised aircraft, the Balefire-Pattern Attack Bomber was first field-tested by the Ist Legion against the mountain-citadels of Palehaven in the Golgoth Wastes. Unable to deploy significant field artillery due to the ragged terrain surrounding the citadels, and with the nightmarish silica-storms eternally raging in the planet’s upper atmosphere rendering conventional bombers useless, the Legionaries of the Ist had petitioned the forces of the Ordo Reductor for aid in levelling the inviolate fortresses. Instead, victory was delivered to them with the first shipments of the Balefire-pattern Storm Eagle, fresh from the forges of Phaeton, whose vector thrusters and vertical take-off capability allowed them to conduct bombing runs on the mountain-citadels between the shrieking silica clouds and their targets below, decimating the first fortress in a single Terran night of continual bombing. Exchanging the Storm Eagle Gunship’s transport capacity for a capacious munitions bay, in the rear assault ramp’s place the Balefire-pattern mounts a sophisticated targeting array and bomb launch system, capable of swiftly alternating between payload types during flight. Like its predecessor, the Balefire-pattern lacks the speed and full-velocity manoeuvrability of true fighters or bombers, but its heavy armour, range of defensive weapons, and vertical take-off and landing capability allow it to continuously operate in combat theatres that are too high-intensity for conventional bombers to survive, making it perfectly matched for the Legions’ methods of war. Balefire-pattern Storm Eagle: BS: 4 Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 12/12/12 HP: 4 Unit Composition: * 1 Balefire-pattern Storm Eagle Unit Type: * Vehicle (Flyer, Hover) Wargear: * Turret-mounted quad heavy bolter * Turret-mounted twin-linked heavy bolter * Four wing-mounted tempest rockets * Balefire cyclic bomb launcher with tactical bombs * Machine spirit Special Rules: * Deep Strike * Independent Turret Fire Options: * A Balefire-pattern Storm Eagle may exchange its quad heavy bolter for one of the following: - Reaper autocannon battery - Twin-linked lascannon * A Balefire-pattern Storm Eagle may exchange its four tempest rockets for: - Four hellstrike missiles * A Balefire-pattern Storm Eagle may take any of the following upgrades: - Armoured ceramite - Searchlight - Extra armour * A Balefire-pattern Storm Eagle may purchase any of the following additional munition types for its Balefire Cyclic Bomb Launcher: - Incendiary bombs - Phosphex canisters - Seismic charges - Siege bombs Balefire Cyclic Bomb Launcher: A cyclic launch system combined with an array of augurs and autoloaders enable the Balefire Launcher to vary the launch rate of its payload, as well as switching between several munition types during a single bombing run, a design which favours the use of specialised bombs and resulted in production of a considerable array of different ordnance by the Great Crusade’s end. When a Balefire-pattern Storm Eagle makes a Bombing Run using the Balefire Cyclic Bomb Launcher, the owning player chooses which one of the following profiles to use (note that profiles other than Tactical Bombs must be purchased through the unit’s Options): Balefire Cyclic Bomb Launcher: (Tactical Bombs): Range: - Str: 6 AP: 4 Type: Bomb 1+D3, Barrage, Blast (3”) (Incendiary Bombs): Range: - Str: 4 AP: 5 Type: Bomb 1+D3, Barrage, Ignores Cover, Large Blast (5”) (Phosphex Canisters): Range: - Str: 5 AP: 2 Type: Bomb 1+D3, Barrage, Blast (3”), Poisoned, Crawling Fire, Lingering Death, Deadly Cargo (Seismic Charges): Range: - Str: 5 AP: 4 Type: Bomb 1+D3, Barrage, Strikedown, Concussive, Blast (3”) (Siege Bombs): Range: - Str: 7 AP: 4 Type: Bomb 1+D3, Barrage, Sunder, Blast (3”) Sandlemad, Sulemain and sockwithaticket 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fenbain Posted February 21, 2018 Share Posted February 21, 2018 Best of luck, fingers crossed for you :-) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted February 21, 2018 Share Posted February 21, 2018 Good luck buddy, if anyone deserves it, it's you after all this cool stuff you've made! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted February 22, 2018 Author Share Posted February 22, 2018 Thanks guys, means a lot Here's the three Mechanicum Explorator units - the next lot (Ordo Reductor) are almost done, and once they're posted I'll be finishing my application FAST ATTACK: Hormeas Pattern Grav-Attack Believed to possess shared heritage with the relic Jocasta Pattern grav-craft which served the Emperor’s hosts during the Unification wars, the Hormeas grav-attack was purpose-built at the outset of the Great Crusade to serve with the Mechanicum’s Explorator forces, templated upon the various skimmer-craft used by Martian Magos to cross the blasted wastes of the Red Planet. To overcome the varied and bizarre planetary conditions the Expeditionary Fleets would undoubtedly encounter, the grav-attack was used as a testbed for a variety of poorly-understood and novel technology which would later pave the way for newer engines of war, including a uniquely powerful form of gravitic impellor used to keep the craft aloft even on higher-gravity worlds which would inform the design of Custodes and Astartes skimmer-craft throughout the Great Crusade. While the Hormeas was initially used by the Mechanicum to survey newly discovered worlds, as understanding of the technology underpinning its design grew, so too did the availability of the craft, with repair and production of the Hormeas becoming less troublesome, and so many craft saw use as scouting vehicles in more actively hostile environments. Originally armed to defend against aggressive fauna, by the Great Crusade’s end, most Hormeas pattern grav-attacks boasted a host of advanced weaponry, with split patronage between dedicated Explorator surveyors and Taghmata Cohorts, the same vehicles carrying Tech-Priests across bountiful, mineral-rich landscapes and corpse-strewn battlefields from one Compliance action to the next. Hormeas Pattern Grav-Attack: BS: 4 Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 11/11/11 HP: 2 Unit Composition: * 1 Hormeas Pattern Grav-Attack Unit Type: * Vehicle (Skimmer, Fast, Transport) Wargear: * Turret-mounted darkfire cannon * Setheno pattern havoc launcher * Flare shield * Searchlight * Two volkite sentinels Special Rules: * Deep Strike * Outflank * Grav-backwash Transport Capacity: * The Hormeas Pattern Grav-Attack can transport 6 models, but may not carry models with the Bulky, Very Bulky or Extremely Bulky special rules. Fire Points: * None Access Points: * Two access hatches, one on each side of the hull. Options: * A Hormeas Pattern Grav-Attack may exchange its darkfire cannon for an: - Accelerator autocannon * A Hormeas Pattern Grav-Attack may take any of the following upgrades: - Extra armour - Up to two hunter-killer missiles - Smoke launchers - Blessed autosimulacra * A Hormeas Pattern Grav-Attack that is not a dedicated transport may be equipped with: - Explorator augary web (if this option is taken, the vehicle’s Transport Capacity to 4 models) A Hormeas Pattern Grav-Attack may be taken as a dedicated transport option for Tech-Priest Auxilia units numbering no more than 6 models. FAST ATTACK: Silphar Ornithopter Covenant Among the Mechanicum’s myriad hosts, drawn from Forge Worlds the breadth of the Galaxy, there number countless patterns of construct, both of war and industry, whose acclaim and notoriety among the Machine Cult at large has waxed and waned as the tumultuous course of the Great Crusade surged onwards. Designs that achieve widespread adoption owe their success as much to the politics of the Mechanicum as to their own merit, and with the disdain for innovation and hybrid technology held by many within the Machine Cult, it is perhaps surprising how dominant the ‘Silphar’ Ornithopter pattern became among its field in the years before the Heresy. Instead, the Silphar’s prodigious capabilities are owed to this fusion of technologies, sourced from various other designs of low altitude flyer, be they Stratos-Automata, Servitor-Drones, or piloted Gyrocopters. Bourne aloft by a combination of turbofans, gravitic impellors, maneuvering thrusters and omnidirectional anti-grav vanes, the Silphar was conceived by the minds of Ohmn-Mat Mechanicum to overcome the flaws of conventional fliers and be maneuverable, rugged and portable enough to cater to the needs of any Taghmata mass-deployment. Piloted by a hardwired tech-thrall, the Silphar’s insectile construction allow it to cling to sheer surfaces even in gale-force conditions, as well as compact down to a volume far smaller than other aircraft in its class. The Silphar was initially manufactured primarily for Explorator divisions, but the Ornithopter’s utility made it increasingly pervasive, especially in defensive or escort roles, be it for colossal Macrotechnia vault-bastions or Autokrator orbital drops. Silphar Ornithopter: WS: 3 BS: 4 S: 4 T: 6 W: 2 I: 4 A: 1 Ld: 8 Sv: 3+ Unit Composition: * 1 Silphar Ornithopter Unit Type: * Flying monstrous Creature Wargear: * Two multi-lasers * Infravisor Special Rules: * Agile Options: * The unit may include: - Up to five additional Silphar Ornithopters * Any model may exchange both multi-lasers for one of the following options: - Two phased plasma fusils - Two photon thrusters FAST ATTACK: Agrimensor Cadre Agrimensor Surveyor-Thralls are the most numerous sapient human component of the Mechanicum’s Explorator divisions, and maintain significantly greater degrees of conscious freedom than other Thralls among the Mechanicum’s hosts, being primarily tasked with assessing the material value of new worlds encountered by the Great Crusade, from mineral wealth to harvestable biomass. To this end, they are enhanced with an array of auspex and sensor mechanisms, physical probes and sampling tools, as well as variant needler equipment to test native organisms’ resistance to a number of known toxins and chemicals. Agrimensor Cadres are also deployed with more combat-oriented directives, usually against novel foes to study their physiological limits and methods of war, garnering data which forms the basis of the vast meta-analyses key to many of the Taghmata’s battle doctrines. When the wars of the Horus Heresy ravaged the Imperium, many Agrimensor Cadres were deployed against erstwhile allies on either side of the conflict, pressed into battle as reserve forces or deployed as scouts, all exploratory purpose abandoned in the need for endless troops. Agrimensor Surveyor-Thrall: WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 4 T: 3 W: 1 I: 3 A: 1 Ld: 7 Sv: 4+ Unit Composition: * 5 Agrimensor Surveyor-Thralls Unit Type: * Jump Infantry Wargear: * Carapace armour * Volkite caliver * Needle pistol * Close combat weapon Special Rules: * Acute Senses * Night Vision * Relentless * Scout Options: * The unit may include: - Up to ten additional Agrimensor Surveyor-Thralls * For every five models in the unit, one Agrimensor Surveyor-Thrall may exchange their volkite caliver for one of the following: - Phased plasma fusil - Rad-cleanser - Graviton gun * One Agrimensor Surveyor-Thrall may be equipped with an augury scanner * The entire unit may be upgraded to have The Right of Pure Thought sockwithaticket, Sulemain and Petitioner's City 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reyner Posted February 22, 2018 Share Posted February 22, 2018 Awesome stuff IHF I hope the application process goes well for you Lum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted February 22, 2018 Share Posted February 22, 2018 Well now I want some Ornithopters... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spinsanity Posted February 22, 2018 Share Posted February 22, 2018 Awesome stuff IHF I hope the application process goes well for you us FTFY. If IHF ever were to get a position as concept artist, it could only mean good things for all of us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted February 23, 2018 Share Posted February 23, 2018 Well, you must have a superb portfolio by now. I love that Fire Raptor, and I also dig the idea of an expanded Solar Auxilia faction. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majorbookworm Posted February 24, 2018 Share Posted February 24, 2018 Best of luck! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted February 26, 2018 Author Share Posted February 26, 2018 Thanks folks, it's really nice to have your support, as it has been over all these years Here's the final few, this time for the Ordo Reductor: HEAVY SUPPORT: Matarax Cohort Conceived in the mid Great Crusade era, the Matarax were developed to provide additional support to the lumbering hulks of the Ordo Reductor’s colossal siege batteries, built to provide heavy firepower against any opposing force which would seek to exploit the animate weapons’ lack of mobility. Founded upon the successes of the Lorica Thallax, the Matarax sacrifice the thrust units of the Thallax to integrate a series of inertial dampeners, additional targeting arrays and an auxiliary weapon mount to provide a dedicated heavy weaponry platform, outfitted with some of the Ordo Reductor’s most devastating weaponry of it class. Like many of the Ordo Reductor’s most accomplished works during the Great Crusade, the Matarax was gradually disseminated to myriad sects and factions of the Mechanicum by a variety of means, with a number even reaching the arsenals of the Legiones Astartes. Although some amongst the Techno-orders of the Mechanicum considered the Thallax’ sacrificed manouvreability an unacceptable concession, the sheer destructive potential of these cybernetic tech-thralls ensured Matarax Cohorts endured within the order of battle on both sides of the Heresy. Matarax: WS: 2 BS: 5 S: 5 T: 5 W: 3 I: 2 A: 2 Ld: 8 Sv: 4+ Unit Composition: * 3 Matarax Unit Type: * Infantry Wargear: * Lorica Thallax * Reaper Autocannon * Maxim bolter * Close combat weapon * Frag grenades Special Rules: * Bulky * Stubborn * Djinn-sight * Relentless * Fusillade Attack * Ardex Machina (note this rule applies only to the Matarax’ Maxima bolters, or the weapons they are exchanged for) Dedicated Transport: * A Matarax Cohort unit may take a Triaros Armoured Conveyor as a Dedicated Transport Options: * The squad may include: - Up to an additional six Matarax * The entire squad may have: - Melta bombs * Any Matarax may exchange their close combat weapon for a: - Heavy chainblade - Chainfist * The Cohort may be upgraded with one of the following augment upgrades: - Icarian - Destructor * Any Matarax may exchange their maxima bolter for one of the following: - Volkite caliver - Graviton gun - Galvanic caster * Any Matarax may exchange their reaper autocannon for one of the following: - Volkite culverin - Conversion beamer - Darkfire Cannon HEAVY SUPPORT: Mangonel Dunecrawler Battery As the Onager Dunecrawler of the Fabricator Generals’ Skitarii Regiments was developed from technoarcheologist Arkhan Land’s original M.U.L.E schematic, so too was the Mangonel artillery of the Ordo Reductor developed from the Skitarii’ Onager, many years into the Great Crusade. With the Onager’s reinforced quadrupedal gait providing a perfect firing platform, the Mangonel was envisaged by the Magos of the Ordo Reductor to serve as potent artillery in terrain that would stymie larger artillery or weapons mounted upon conventional chassis. Eschewing heavy armour plating, the Mangonel Dunecrawler’s ungainly construction might seem exposed, but an array of overlapping flare shields protect both the vehicle’s gunner and it’s weapon from counter-battery fire, while providing ample access for reloading as well as cooling for the Mangonel’s powerful central fusion generator. The Mangonel’s early success in field-testing not only lead to its integration into the forces of most Ordo Reductor Covenants, but also laid the groundwork for a series of further modifications to the Onager design, to some consternation from the Skitarius, who held sole patronage of the Onager itself. Mangonel Dunecrawler: WS: 3 BS: 4 S: 5 Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 11/11/11 I: 2 A: 1 HP: 3 Unit Composition: * 1-3 Mangonel Dunecrawlers Unit Type: * Vehicle (Walker) Wargear: * Galvanic mortar * Blessed autosimulacra * Flare shield (applies to all armour facings, not just Front) Special Rules: * Atomantic Shielding * Crawler Options: * Any model may exchange its galvanic mortar for a scoria plasma projector * Any model may take any of the following upgrades: - Smoke launchers - Anbaric claw - Up to two volkite sentinels Crawler: A model with this special rule is never slowed by Difficult Terrain, and automatically passes Dangerous Terrain tests, but may never Run. Galvanic Mortar: The Galvanic Mortar most commonly carried by the Mangonel Dunecrawler was developed from the Galvanic-caster technology routinely used by the Secutarii forces of the Titan Legions, using electro-galvanic impellors to launch a variety of projectiles. Galvanic Mortar: (Ignis Shot): Range: 12-60” Str: 5 AP: 4 Type: Ordnance 1, Barrage, Blind, Large Blast (5”) (Quake Shells): Range: 12-60” Str: 4 AP: 5 Type: Ordnance 1, Barrage, Concussive, Strikedown, Large Blast (5”) (Melta Charge): Range: 12-60” Str: 8 AP: 1 Type: Ordnance 1, Barrage, Armourbane, Wrecker, Blast (3”) Scoria Plasma Projector: Similar in design to the patterns of plasma mortar mounted upon the mighty Thanatar Siege-Automata, the Scoria Plasma Projector’s searing plasma blasts have proven particularly effective at driving entrenched foes from their positions. Scoria Plasma Projector: Range: 12-48” Str: 7 AP: 2 Type: Ordnance 2, Barrage, Plasma Wave, Blast (3”) HEAVY SUPPORT: Petraria Dunecrawler Battery The Petraria is a design which built upon the Ordo Reductor’s earlier innovation with the Mangonel Dunecrawler, and is related in the same way as its forebear to the Onager combat walker of the Martian Skitarius. Incensed at the Ordo Reductors’ further modifications to a pattern of vehicle supposed to be the exclusive provenance of his Skitarii Regiments, the Fabricator General demanded the sanction of these ‘Bringers of Blessed Ruin’, with a number of Forge Worlds closely aligned to Mars withdrawing compacts of resupply and mutual exchange. In response, the Magos of the Ordo Reductor offered to release the schematics for the new Petraria Dunecrawler to the Taghmata of every Forge World numbered among the Imperium’s domain, approaching the ruling synods of individual worlds, forcing the Fabricator General to concede rather than appear vulnerable as several Forge Worlds lifted their embargoes. Whatever faction of the Mechanicum the Petraria is fielded under, it’s primary purpose is defensive, acting as a dedicated anti-aircraft platform, often for slower-moving or immobile constructs. Possessing a plethora of augurs and targeting arrays, the Petraria’s weapons are mounted upon a free-moving spherical turret, configured in a manner to provide almost unlimited fields of fire, with a hardwired thrall brain at its core mono-tasked with clearing the skies of the Omnissiah’s foes. Petraria Dunecrawler: WS: 3 BS: 4 S: 5 Armour (Front/Side/Rear): 11/11/11 I: 2 A: 1 HP: 3 Unit Composition: * 1-3 Petraria Dunecrawlers Unit Type: * Vehicle (Walker) Wargear: * Twin-linked sollex pattern heavy lascannon * Blessed autosimulacra * Flare shield (applies to all armour facings, not just Front) Special Rules: * Atomantic Shielding * Crawler * Skyfire * Interceptor Options: * Any model may exchange its twin-linked sollex pattern heavy lascannon for one of the following: - Twin-linked cyclothrathe pattern storm laser - Twin-linked hellfire plasma carronade * Any model may take any of the following upgrades: - Smoke launchers - Anbaric claw - Up to two volkite sentinels (these do not benefit from the Skyfire and Interceptor special rules) Crawler: A model with this special rule is never slowed by Difficult Terrain, and automatically passes Dangerous Terrain tests, but may never Run. Cyclothrathe Pattern Storm Laser: The Cyclothrathe Pattern Storm Laser is one of many esoteric and destructive weapons built by the hands of that Forge World’s sinister priesthood, created as it was to test weapons derived from the ruins of the Xenos empire which had once reigned over the surrounding worlds. It is unknown how the magos of the Ordo Reductor appeased the notoriously isolationist priesthood of the Cyclothrathe Mechanicum to the extent of acquiring this weapon (among others), but the degree to which the Cyclothrathe Taghmata exceeded previous force projection estimates at the outset of the Heresy may attest to the price they paid. Cyclothrathe Pattern Storm Laser: Range: 48” Str: 6 AP: 3 Type: Heavy D3+2, Blind 1ncarnadine, Petitioner's City and bluntblade 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hesh Kadesh Posted February 26, 2018 Share Posted February 26, 2018 Looks incredible! Any luck with getting the job as a Concept Artist? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Hands Fanatic Posted February 26, 2018 Author Share Posted February 26, 2018 Looks incredible! Any luck with getting the job as a Concept Artist? Thanks! I'm still working on my application at the minute, but I'll keep y'all updated if there's any news Fangbanger, Reyner, WITCHKING501 and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted March 1, 2018 Share Posted March 1, 2018 God damn I want some Matarax with double Volkite Iron Hands Fanatic 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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