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[PC] Eternal Crusade.


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Um, hello! this is my first post here, and I was sort of led into this forum when looking some of ADBs stuff. For the most part i'v just kind of been lurking here for the last day, until I realized there was an "Other Games" section.

I noticed there was a bit for referral codes down below, but I think just that rather then discussion, if not feel free to call me an idiot. biggrin.png

I got invested in the game, I want to say, about a month ago. I'm big on Slaaneshi armies(Yes I know, feel free to boo, i'm used to it. ) and also on Roleplay! as I really love the Warhammer Universe and when I heard it could be canonical I was naturally excited, I wasn't much into tabletop although I liked reading about it, so given I was much more into the story and also video games it seemed like a winning combination. Plus, I had just come off of WAR...and...yeah...i'm hoping this turns out better.

Shameless plugging follows: I'v just started on a Slaaneshi Strike Force, or Guild, called the Lash of Loesh back there and i'v started working on a character with...a rather lengthy backstory that I could ramble forever about and I doubt anyone wants to see. In the unlikely event any of you happen to be Slaaneshi fans too, i'd love ot have you aboard.

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You've come to the wrong forum if you expected vitriol just for liking Slaanesh happy.png

Here at B&C, we enjoy all aspects of 40k, as long as they can roughly be tied back to power armor.

If you're looking for Slaanesh inspiration or would like to share your character, I'm sure the Excessive Perfection group would be happy to help: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294572-excessive-perfection-an-emperors-children-gathering/

Considering the Emperor's Children aren't currently an option in Eternal Crusade, may I ask which legion you chose as the base?

Myself, I managed to snag The Exalted, of Night Lords fame as my character and I'm quite happy about it.

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Ah! I see, well it's a bit complicated and ties back to that character story...


Sigvald, or Sigvald the Signified as i'v propped him up on the EC forums, I like to think is a fairly complex character. At the moment he is with the Black Legion though his origins lay with the Emperors Children, when Fulgrim ascended to Princedom Sigvald saw the sort of price that came with it...while he still adores his Primarch unendingly, he also realizes that Fulgrim has become wholly entangled in the great game, only as a mortal does Sigvald really think he can wage the Long War.


Already he's a bit different from most Emperors Children who disengaged at Terra to make a mess of the planet, for Sigvalds part he was too much full of spite and hate for that...he believed the Emperor had mocked him personally for awarding him and his legions so many awards and praises only to lie to them about Chaos. As such during the siege of Terra he had already, inadvertently, tied himself to the Sons of Horus as he flung spells alongside them while he pushed inside with sword and bolter(The Emperors Children didn't have Librarians and so Chaos Sorcerers only came around during the Siege of Terra, in his instance he was a palatine blade who got a taste for warpcraft.) and so, when things collapsed he bid the Sons farewell and fled to the Eye of Terror with a noticeably smaller amount of slaves and plunder then his rivals.


After the Slave Wars and the splintering of the legion he realized the awful truth that it was unlikely the Emperors Children in their current state could hope to launch any sort of coordinated war on the Imperium, and if he wanted to fight them effectively he had one choice: The Black Legion. It wasn't an easy choice, he despised the Children of Torment just as much as his fellows, but he didn't feel he had many options. So he decided to wear the black after laying low enough for the heat to die down. From then on i'v got a number of things like how he grew to admire the torments Zagathean the Broken inflicted on the Agri World of Valesia and how he may or may not of assisted in knocking Devram Korda out of Sarora with his rival Emperors Children Warband(If he could get away with it, he almost certainly would.) and other brief mentions to background events like that.


Essentially he's a Black Legionnaire that is waiting for the perfect moment to repaint his armor, Arkhona is that chance.


With so many factions involved, indeed *way more* factions then most other Warhammer games, it stands to reason not only is the land going to be rife with ancient technology but soon a lot of geneseed as the loyalists are fought from four different directions at once. While he does legitmently enjoy lighting fast attacks, the guilds reliance on them is in part an excuse to be the first to harvest from the battlefield. The hope is for his own personal warband to swell in such size that the Emperors Children(And the ragtag groups of other Slaaneshi Warbands and undivided that choose to come along for the ride.) are able to contribute majorly to the Black Crusade, too big for Abaddon to punish him for his treachery easily, and too small and/or out of the way for him to really focus on it besides. He just wants to worship his Primarch ins peace again regardless of if he's paying attention, and for the Emperors Children to regain their reputation as some of the most vicious and organized Mofos on that side of the galaxy. When the Black Crusade ends and the curtain falls, he wants a billion words to whisper of how his legion brought almost as much terror to the Solar Systems as Abaddon.


Annnnnnnnd that's my extremely lengthy and contrived reason for Sigvald being Black Legion and not a member of the Emperors Children! 

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EC is an entirely different "animal" compared to any previous title.  The way they are going about it is completely different and they are accepting fan input to keep them on track as well as maintaining direct contact with GW to ensure canon fluff and lore are adhered to.  Just watch their Twitch/YouTube videos and you will hear directly from members of the development team discussing things they "can" talk about as well as the head of the Studio.  They repeat constantly (which is why I have difficulty with some raising concerns and comparisons to previous titles) that this is still in a "pre-alpha stage".  You can already see the improvements in the character motions and such at this early stage driven by fan feedback.  They have hired a martial artist who is performing the motion animation that is cpatured and then rendered.  The sneak peeks they show once in a while are tantilizing as well...."Nid animation" (recently).  They post a new video weekly with gameplay and commentary as well as answer questions from their various social media inputs.  Tentatively slotted for a late '15 release, I am excited mostly based on their business model and development progress being shown in real time from week to week.


Detractors will always be around and complaining about personal preferences as well as lamenting comparisons to previous titles.


Welcome to B&C.

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Quite so, in fact TenTonHammer released an extremely negative 'review' recently that was immediately called out by AngryJoe and a number of fans for misrepresenting, and in some cases outright lying, about the game.


It also gets plus points from me for having a very friendly and thoughtful community, I suppose the somewhat vitriolic Khornite Fanbase on 1d4chan just got me used to being made fun of for playing the ':cuss' god.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys! Just thought i'd give a little heads up now and again when updates come around.


Still working on that small Slaaneshi strike force, a couple of Heresy(Or as they are now known, 'Dawn of the Imperium') items got added and there's going to be a rogue trader revamp soon with both lower prices and more items.


Apparently Daemons are being considered as a sorcerer summonable entity post-launch, which is all very exciting to me.

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