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who are your favorite and least favorite WH40k authors?why?


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Didn't he also smack talk the four chaos gods or something like that?



Christ, no. Nothing like that. Not even close.



I was exaggerating a bit, sorry. Though I do remember that Talos was not that interrested in two of them, one of them was not interested in him (was that Nurgle? it has been a while). But I think I do remember that Talos did rebuff one of the four rather harshly. I think that was Khorne.



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I tend to like the Imperial Guard novels more than any of the books involving Space Marine. The Ghost series is great, and I have even recommended it to outsiders as just good military sci-fi stories. So I do have some appreciation for Dan Abnett because of that. Unfortunately, anything he does with Space Marines seems to be terrible. Not because of writing, but because of lore meddling. I suppose Abnett's attitude in that regard was already visible in the IG stories, but it just was not as glaring (or people not as fanatic about their lore) as it is with Space Marines.


I also enjoyed Sandy Mitchels Cain novels, even though they may not be as overall engaging as the Gaunt stories. Though the portrayal of Space Marines in 'Emperor's Finest' was the best representation I have come across in any Black Library publication.


I enjoyed Aaron Dembski Bowden's Night Lords books (after having been thorroughly disappointed by the previous NL book), but haven't really read many of his other books other than 'Betrayer'. He is very good at writing engaging characters and their interactions. I did have a few small issues with his books here and there, but overall his effort to stay true to the lore shows, and I appreciate that a lot.


Some people here are probably aware that I am not all that fond of Graham McNeill. Again, not because of the quality of his writing, but because of lore related issues. Specifically that he has it in for the Ultramarines. It is a pity how the "Ultramarines guy" at GW so strongly disapproves of their core background characteristic.

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Didn't he also smack talk the four chaos gods or something like that?



Christ, no. Nothing like that. Not even close.



I was exaggerating a bit, sorry. 


My bad, I forgot you'd actually read it. I was bursting in with "No, man, I wouldn't do that to you, I swear."

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My favorites are Graham Mcneil, David Annadale and ADB, Abnett is a close second I suppose, the guy who wrote the BA horus heresy book (the one about Signus) is bad in my opinion, can't remember his name...

James Swallow?


I really like his BA books. I've read Fear to Tread & both his BA omnibus and he's my go to man for BA. Just like McNeil is for Ultra's and Iron Warriors.

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Who wrote the Word Bearer series? Anthony Reynolds I think?  I just could not get into that at all. Same with the Kyme Salamander series. I WANTED to like both but it just couldn't get going for me.


My favorites are William King, Abnett and ADB. I also know for some reason he doesn't write for BL any longer but "Lord of the Night" will always be up there for me. So I have to give a nod to Spurrier.

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ADB shall be hated when he kills Siggy. For the rest of his days.

But I must say it was Helsreach that brought me to 40k and Templars. Damn you. My poor wallet...

Now im watching Guy Haley as the Templar lore I loved gets butchered...

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There are some authors I prefer over others, but every BL author has moments where they shine and moments where they fall flat.  James Swallow, for example, is hit or miss for me.  I didn't like his Blood Angels novels, but Fear to Tread was pretty good, at least in comparison.  I usually prefer Abnett, McNeil, and AD-B over others, but even they turn in some turd-blossoms sometimes, albeit not on a novel-wide scale.


For instance, while I very much enjoyed Unremembered Empire, I could not abide Abnett's overplayed Curze.  It was fine at first, but with each "claws came out of the shadows", "a tall shadow leapt...and slowly straightened up", and "Curze became like shadow and smoke", it got farcical.  It was far far too overdone.  Also, Abnett's Space Wolves are at times a bit too over the top and contrived for my tastes, but for the most part he toes the line between cool and ludicrous with those (a fine fine line). 


I also really liked the Night Lords Trilogy, but thought the end seemed rushed and out of place.  Talos' actions at the very end in regards to Septimus and Octavia, suggesting the two go to the Imperium to live out their days, were incomprehensible and, to me, just not believable.  In no way did that ruin the books for me, not by a long shot.  It's not reasonable to presume that everything you read is going to be really awesome, all of the time, even when written by authors whose work you admire and enjoy. 


Also, these days there is so much material to choose from that I tend to go by topic and setting rather than author anyway.  

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