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Black Cohort's Space wolf expansion

Black Cohort

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I finally started working on the power armoured marines that I got with stormclaw and figured I might as well post some photos of the mostly completed blood claws I made from the kit along with my converted wolf lord made from the unique model in stormclaw.


First up a group shot.

Blood Claws

Close up of their wolf guard minder w/ power sword

Blood Claws wolf guard


close up of the blood claw with flamer

Blood Claws flamer

close up of the blood claw with power fist

Blood Claws power fist

And then a pair of shots with the rest of the blood claws

Blood Claws mooks 2

Blood Claws mooks 1

I went with unhelmeted blood claws as I figured it would make them stand out from my almost entirely helmeted grey hunters/ wolf guard.  The wolf guard needs some green stuff to bulk out his left shoulder pad, and all of them need more knives, grenades and maybe some battle damage.


Edit: Then of course I forget to put the picture of the wolf lord in

wolf lord

I don't like using special characters and am not a fan of I1 weapons on Independent Characters, so he got converted into a generic wolf lord with a power sword.



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