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Today's Challenge: 1000 Points


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With our aging Codex, small games become extremely difficult to forge a decent list and it has often been said that C:BA comes into its own over 1500 points or so. That said, if you had to form a list at lower points, how would you go about it?


7th edition has see the advent of Unbound lists which makes things somewhat easier and fielding Mephiston is still the best way to get a slap at this level, but I still find it a struggle.


Auto includes would be a Fragioso and Attack Bikes. A Stormraven would be useful but that's a fifth of your points right there... Decisions, decisions.


[Disclaimer: I'm basically asking because I *may* have a 1k game coming up shortly and I'm stuck for suggestions]

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A good start, however, it lacks a punch imo.


In your (the reader's) opinion, are Death Company feasible at this level? RAS and Razors are probably our best options for troops but they do so little. Would Scouts be a better option?


Is a Baal a viable choice?

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Why take scouts when an auto-cannon Pred with Heavy bolters costs the same? smile.png

I've only just assembled my Baal, so I can’t comment on how useful it is at 1,000 but I do know this: A Fragioso Dread with a heavy Flamer in a drop pod is a beautiful thing at any points level.

I also never leave the house without brother Corbs, park him with a 5 man RAM squad and they can sit on objectives. all. day. long.

My normal 1,000 pointer goes something like this:

Librarian, MLV2 with a Force Axe.

Fragioso in a pod

Brother Corbulo

5* RAM with a melta and a power fist in a las/plas Razorback.

5* RAM with a melta and a power sword & Meltabomb in a las/plas Razorback.

Auto-Pred with HB sponsons

1 vindicator.

*points may vary according to memory, this does not affect your statutory right to kill xenos, terminators and conditions apply.*

You've got a suicidal (but almost certain first blood) dread in their back field, 2* armour 13 tanks, 2* armour 11 tanks, anti-elite, anti-tank, anti-troop and 4 very fast super-scoring troops.


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List 1



5Assault marines

LRC Transport, multimelta


5Assault marines

LRC Transport, multimelta


2 MM Attack bikes.



List 2



5Assault marines

LRC Transport, multimelta


5Assault marines

LRC Transport, multimelta


Stormraven, Typhoone missile launcher, Hurricane bolters



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We mostly play 1k or 1250. I dont always take the Baal, but something like this has worked pretty well. Razorspam works pretty good to, but i prefer a triple pod template in 1k points.


2 Fragioso in pods

9 DC 1 fist 1 axe rest with pistols/sword in pod

Divination libby no upgrades

Razorback no upgrades

Attack bike, multimelta

Baal Pred


Usually drop the DC last, depends on what opponent has. I tried Vindicator in 1k points a few times, i don't like it at all. It's either dead or can't shoot all game.  There are some very good low model count 1k lists as well, but these are tricky to play with many objectives. Stormraven, Mephiston and hidden deployment turn 1, but i dont like being at the mercy of reserve rolls.

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For a 750 match once I played

Capt (stock)
2x 5 assault marines (bone stock - minus packs)

2 land raiders as dedicated transports 


That's 750 exactly.  The other 250 gives you some flexibility past that.  Adding in something with more mobility to offset the durability (more marines or a dread in pods for example).  don't get out of the land raiders until you're ready to take a chance at losing them but played very tactically.  Since they are dedicated transports the land raiders are also now super scoring.  big change from my 6E match.

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Battled forged BA Army (1000 pts)



Reclusiarch in power armor (joins DC squad)



5x Sternguard veterans w/ 3x combi melta - drop pod

1x Furioso Dreadnought w/ Frag Cannon and melta - drop pod



10x assault marines w/ 1x melta

10x assault marines w/ 1x melta

5x Death Company - drop pod

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Our biggest drawback is our HQ which is now overpriced. 


I think with ASM discount, we need to make use of that.  

Only 10 points more than SM equivalent for fast and more CC attacks and a Vet! 

In short, i think we need to make use of every unit that is either well costed, or discounted and focus on that.  It's sadly what makes competitive BA look a little similar.



Id go:




Frag Dread 




5x ASM 

Razor - las/plas

5x ASM 

Razor - las/plas

5x ASM - mg, axe



2x Attack Bikes - 2MM

2x Attack Bikes - 2MM


(could also lose 1x Attack bike, pick up a magna grapple, lvl2 lib upgrade and 2x flamers on the ASM)

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Our biggest drawback is our HQ which is now overpriced. 


I think with ASM discount, we need to make use of that.  

Only 10 points more than SM equivalent for fast and more CC attacks and a Vet! 

In short, i think we need to make use of every unit that is either well costed, or discounted and focus on that.  It's sadly what makes competitive BA look a little similar.



Id go:




Frag Dread 




5x ASM 

Razor - las/plas

5x ASM 

Razor - las/plas

5x ASM - mg, axe



2x Attack Bikes - 2MM

2x Attack Bikes - 2MM


(could also lose 1x Attack bike, pick up a magna grapple, lvl2 lib upgrade and 2x flamers on the ASM)


It seems unclear what Corb's role will be in this list, frag dread will drop and do some good dmg then distract. All anti armor will proably be focused on the dread, while razorbacks get into position. A 5man unit with Corb's and Libby dosnt seem to impactful, a few str 8+ shots will force look out sir's and thin the squad out pretty fast.

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The theory is that at 1k you're looking at a limited amount of high str shots coming your way.

Every unit in list draws that.  With attack bikes, razors and the frag, any high Str shots being put into that squad will see the opponent punished hard. 

I just dont see high strength shots being invested there.


Beyond that, Corbs soaks up ALL the small arms fire, and Corbs, libby and axe squad mean you're looking at 8x S6 Ap2 hits on the charge + 5x S5rending and 11x S5 regular attacks - it's not AMAZING and its not a death squad, but its solid and absorbs a lot.


The cherry on top is that the reroll Corbs allows saves games.


Thats obviously not including the FNP on the bikers and the other razor squads. We gain fighting prowess and staying power - both very important at 1k.

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Oh, i missed the last 5 man pod, seemed weird putting Corb's in a las/plas razorback, my bad! Yeah that look's like a solid list I'd be tempted to throw some Sternguard or DC in that pod. But having objective secured, means the unit can't be ignored and it's alot cheaper. 

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