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Ultramarines by SinVraal

Sin Vraal

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Greetings, BnC! It's been a while. But 40K is a lamprey of a hobby... even though I drift away for a while, sometimes a long while, I always end up drifting back. I started these guys a little while ago, and got a bee in my bonnet to finish and expand them. I chose Ultras because I love the blue, their heraldry and fluff. After a fairly work-intensive DIY chapter, they'll be a nice break. And also because with the crazy churn of editions and codices, I'll have an army that'll always have good rules support.
I made myself some vows before starting this project, and so far they've done me a world of good;
Thou Shalt Not Embiggen the Closet of Shame
This is the most important vow - no buying anything new on this army until what I have is painted. Extra points for making use of stuff already in the CoS. Corollary: thou shalt make extensive use of the Bitz Box.
Thou Shalt Not Overconvert
I've been bitten before by being overly ambitious with army-wide conversions. Cool as it is, the amount of work involved isn't feasible for me. Better to keep my goals modest and finish what I start.
Thou Shalt Not Sweat the Mathhammer
It's way too easy to get bogged down trying to imagine every tabletop contingency. I haven't actually played in years, and when I do again it'll be with friends, not in tournament or even store-stranger environments. I'm not modelling to win. I'm doing it for personal enjoyment. No more psyching myself out with imaginary games.
Thou Shalt Obey the Rule of Cool
The army will be rules-compliant and hopefully fluffy, but I'm also going to make some choices just because they're cool and I've always wanted X unit or weapon. Again, personal enjoyment.
Thou Shalt Table-Paint and Squad-Paint
Better whole squads done with some flaws than one perfect mini and 9 unfinished ones collecting dust.
Here's what I've got painted so far:

Small Army Shot

Ironclad Drednought


Tactical Squad

Tactical Squad





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Thanks! :)


Recently finished a group of Devastators that had been sitting around half-finished for too long. The idea here was to get enough marine bodies to build all of the heavy weapons in the box, with a squad sergeant, and enough bolter marines to do a full 10-man team with switch-out weapon options. The Sergeant was made from Dev parts as well as some other leftovers I had in the bitz box.


Devastators 4

Devastators 3

Devastators 2

Devastators 1

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