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Need some help fleshing out a small army


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Hi all,

I dont know how it is for most of you, but I like to start an army with a list.

I cant 'just' paint miniatures and hope I can use them, I need a 'to do' list and then convert/built/paint the models.

That being said: recently I picked up a bunch of old metal catachans, some metal cadians and the older stormtroopers.

Including 2 chimeras and a leman russ, I think a demolisher (short big barrel).

What I really like is to have a small list, perhaps 2. One 500 points list and a 1000 points one. I wont go further because I have more than enough models already (or so my wife says rolleyes.gif).

If I will play a game, I will probably use the previous dex. Why? Because we will probably use 5/6th edition rules, and perhaps take from 7th what we like. And I cant make head or tails from the current dex... It's all over the place (sidenote: I hate flipping back-and-forward and searching for options, just tell me what it is, what it can do and how much it costs like they did in 3rd/4th edition! Sheesh...).

I am looking for a more or less mechanized army, my friends IG is more static-gunline like and I like to field something different.

Since we wont field any fliers, they are out.

I was hoping to use something like 2 chimeras with either vets or stormtroopers in them (perhaps I need to use ST as vets, must look into that for sure) and a few heavy weapon teams as back up.

The other heavy choice will be that tank. I could model it as a Demolisher, but surely there are better options out there...? Something with more range and still legal..?

I am a bit at a loss though. I've never done a lot with IG, most games were either SM/DA, and in 3rd/4th Necrons and CSM as well. These orders and stuff are really all new, and even though I have red a bunch of tactics here there are just so many options,... I'd like to see some pointers to the where and how.

Basically: no static gunline for me, no fliers either. I might add another chimera/tank chassis but should ahve a method to deal with enemy armour and bodies, IG style. And I will probably use the previous dex.

In return I will try to turn this into something like a blog, with painting and all. If you all can stand the metal- awesomeness from 3rd edition, that is... laugh.png

Any help? Please?



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That's a fair few caveats that won't be making it easy! The previous codex is good though so you'll still be able to build a flexible mechanised and mobile army from it. It'd be easier for people to help out if you listed the models you have and clarified which codex you'll need the list to be built from.

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Here's the list.

First up: the metal Catachans. Because they are the reason I collected this... bunch.

19 metal Catachans, uncluding 1 commlink and 2 sergs (chainsword, boltpistol).

5 special weapons (4 meltas, 1 flamer).

4 lascannon teams, 5 missles, 1 autocannon, 2 heavy bolters, 1 mortar.

2 captains with powerfist.

8 ratlings. I'd like to field these, too. Who doenst like Hobbits with guns anyway..? biggrin.png

10 Stormtroopers. Not the Kasrkin, but the ones before that. Perhaps they are now =][= stormtroopers..? 1 serg, 3 x different special weapon.

I want to field these, I dont mind the fact that they are not wysiwyg. And my opponent probably doesnt mind either.

9 Cadians, 1 with a comm link. Fodder/filler, probably. Not too sure what to do with them.

17 old, plastic beret-wearing stormtroopers. No idea how they will look newly undercoated and painted.

5 metal stormtroopers with berets. 1 serg, 2 with a boltpistol, 1 plasma and 1 meltagun.

2 autocannon teams and 1 heavy bolter team.

These are all the same style. I might use them as filler, or perhaps 'later' in an =][= warband or something... I am not sure what to do with them.

Other bits and bobs: 2 x Yarrick (old and new), 2 priests, 1 techpriest, 1 vindicare, some other metal GW guard minis (3-4).

2 chimeras, both wilt multilaser, heavy bolter. 1 demolisher tank (VERY short barrel), lascannon front and multimelta sides. This one needs rebuilding (he's in pieces).

I could use some advise on whre to take this... army. I am looking for a small and fluffy IG army. I was thinking of 2-3 chimeras, 1 tank, a small gunline (make use of all those nice heavy weapons) and a bunch of ratlings.

But I am unsure of the loadout and the efficiency of that... I mean, where does the command squad(s) go? Stay behind? How effective is that..!

And the stormies obviously 'need' their own Chimera, sure.

I dont want to add fliers (we wont be using them) and will probably mix some 3rd-till-6th rules together. Use what we like, and all that.

So using the previous IG dex would be my idea because I dont really like the current one. Too much info in too many places, that idea.

Some help here would be really appreciated...! Because I really need to start painting/building this list. wacko.png

Thanks for reading, btw. Post is waaaay longer than I expected, and this is the 2nd version. (lost the first one... d'oh!)ph34r.png

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That's an enviable supply of Stormies! Very nice indeed, you could run them as carapace Vets easily - only the volleygun is a new weapon so you need not worry about WYSIWYG as it's not an auto-include by any stretch :) You could make a Platoon from the Catachan models to give you some numbers but the VIndicare will require the Assassins supplement.

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