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Boarding Torpedoes (specifically of the Space Hulk variety)

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So having picked up the latest Space Hulk, I immediately decided I wanted to build a boarding torpedo for 40k based on the card section from the box.




(best picture I could find in a 15 second google search)


I also came across this picture that I like very much




So I figured if I was to make one, how would it look and what parts should I use?


I was thinking the main hull would be slimmer than the space wolf flying box ( possibly same size as one of the main hull's of the Caestus, or a little thicker?)


Storm Raven/Talon engine pods (even though the air turbine front end is ridiculous for void travel)


But that's as far as I've got.


What say you B&C members? Help a brother out

That artwork you've got actually depicts a Shark assault boat, which effectively functions similarly, but is most utilised by the Imperial Navy on their Emperor-class battle-carriers.


I would imagine boarding torpedoes would look more similar to a traditional torpedo or missile rather than a 'scifi spacecraft'. Just a big conical missile. A soft drink bottle would be pretty gnarly to use as a base if you've got the necessary model-fu to make it work.  


Just spitballing - various chapters, forge-worlds and production traditions separated by thousands of years and light-years give significant wiggle room to make the 'torpedo' look however you want really.

Cheers for the correction, it just looks very similar to the board section in Space Hulk is all.


Indeed I could make it look however I like, but the torpedo mentioned has a distinct look, and I wondered if anyone had had similar thoughts or idea on the matter.


thanks :)

I vaguely remember reading somewhere that the caestus assault ram has been used for such boarding actions in space combat in the past.  The interior of the caestus looks fairly similar to the launching point in space hulk as well.

I would start with the Stormwolf (it's cheaper than the Caestus) and then modify it. The cockpit might be replaced/modified to resemble an augur array. Additionally, all of the Space Wolves bits should be filed off if you aren't using the Space Wolves as your Chapter. You might take a cue from the Caestus and replace the heavy bolters with meltaguns (the better to soften up a ship's hull for penetration) and potentially extend the front to be more pointy (again, better penetration) while leaving the assault ramp visible. I haven't actually seen the Stormwolf in person, so if it lacks the dimensions for Terminator models, you might even increase its size using plasticard, foamboard, or other material. And you might rearrange things on the hull to more closely resemble the implications of the Space Hulk tile.


Note: I'm moving this over to PCA since we're effectively discussing constructing/converting.

No problem, I didn't know the best place for it.


See the Stormwolf seems too fat if you ask me. The torpedo looks as though it fits 5 termies in single file, and that's a squeeze. The stormwolf is effectively a flying landraider. Put the Caestus next to it and you have 5 termies from each exit point, so I figured it'd look more "right" if slimmer than the flying brick.


Good place to start though, as yes the Caestus is pricey. If I'm gonna get one though, I would just cast up the parts I want to use. Foamboard is another good way to go, if I can get the hang of using it.


Agree using meltas for gun, I have some space crusade multimeltas which might work ;)


What about the back end for it?


Cheers guys!

I would start with the Stormwolf (it's cheaper than the Caestus) and then modify it. The cockpit might be replaced/modified to resemble an augur array. Additionally, all of the Space Wolves bits should be filed off if you aren't using the Space Wolves as your Chapter. You might take a cue from the Caestus and replace the heavy bolters with meltaguns (the better to soften up a ship's hull for penetration) and potentially extend the front to be more pointy (again, better penetration) while leaving the assault ramp visible. I haven't actually seen the Stormwolf in person, so if it lacks the dimensions for Terminator models, you might even increase its size using plasticard, foamboard, or other material. And you might rearrange things on the hull to more closely resemble the implications of the Space Hulk tile.


Note: I'm moving this over to PCA since we're effectively discussing constructing/converting.


I def agree that it's an awesome tile, and the SW looks pretty close, honestly. It may be too big, as some noted. Honestly, with such a simple shape, I think you could scratch up the main bit. Those grav plates would be very simple to do with some plasticard. Use the ramp and engines from the Stormwolf, and then modify the rest into shape, maybe? 


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