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Shadow war has arrived, I can't help but feel a little sad that the injury and experience mechanics are so over simple.


Likewise the new thunderhawk looks good he I struggle to feel it's enough of an improvement to buy as I have the old one (May change my mind I suppose).


In the world of hobby for me I've been plodding through building marines but haven't actually painted anything for ages...

Edited by Blindhamster
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How are we feeling about ETL? I'm unsure if I'm burned out after the last one! I have a few things that have been on my desk for a while that it would be good to clear out, also the characters from the GBBO.


I'm looking forward to entering my GBBO characters, but I think the only other thing I have that it isn't partially started is a dev squad. At least they can get fairly pointy at just five.

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There are other ways to make money, but you gotta do what you gotta do.



How are we feeling about ETL? I'm unsure if I'm burned out after the last one! I have a few things that have been on my desk for a while that it would be good to clear out, also the characters from the GBBO.

I always have stuff to paint, and always have a desire to paint. The only issue for me is having the time for it. This year I'll definitely have time early May so will make sure I capitalise on that.

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How are we feeling about ETL? I'm unsure if I'm burned out after the last one! I have a few things that have been on my desk for a while that it would be good to clear out, also the characters from the GBBO.


Unsurprisingly, I'm feeling great about it ;)


Will start the preparing us for the campaign soon...

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Short report from the ork game.

He had alot of looters and flash gitz as also an snotzooka, some bosses in megarmor, one gorkanaut boss with lucky stick and some boys and snotlings.

Things went verry balanced. One fragioso stuck in a criplefight with the gorkanaut. Fragioso got his frag cannon ripped of but he managed to explode the gorka after two full cc rounds off wiffing each other.

Coteaz tanked alot of wounds and casted better reserves and rerolls on the Quad but died to mass fire from the flashgitz.

My vindicare wiffed most of the time trying to kill some characters but killed the boss in the last round. We hqd to cancel after round 4 but i had a great lead in the end he could never get behind. So we agreed the ba won and called it a day. Was an verry relaxed match and we had much fun. Pic follow tomorrow. :)

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So I got a good amount for the ETL. My GBBO stuff, a termie captain and librarian, another sanguinary priest (probably relic plasma but unknown other items).


Got plenty of bulk items to flesh out points. My goal is 250-300 pts per vow if possible. I'd like to get a good 3 vows minimum.

Edited by Spagunk
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*** Incoming message ***




Intel incorrect, no sign of Xenos activity. Returning to base...




Air support requested! Renegade Imperial Knight Detachment sighted! For Sanguinius, and The Emperor!




Heavy damage sustained, but the objectives are secure. Additional reinforcements required to track down the surviving Knight. Relics safe.




*** Message ends ***


Battle Report transcript has been released from the archives on Baal.

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Shadow war has arrived, I can't help but feel a little sad that the injury and experience mechanics are so over simple.


Experience, probably, but dont forget these are well supported (ish) soldiers, not the independant gangs of Necromunds. Any with a serious injust (lost eye, arm etc) will be taken from the front lines, given a bionic replacement and sent back.


Otherwise, the old injury tables are available to be found online, and can add a lot of dimension and fun to a campaign, even if converting SM scouts will be a pain in the ass.

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I see our hopes for plastic T-Hawks have crashed and burned. ;(



Quite literally for me: I ordered the FW Industrial Sector, which I received last Friday, but one of the plates was mistakenly swapped with the Crashed Thunderhawk plate. :laugh.:


Working out with FW support to send me the correct plate. Here's to hoping they let me keep the TH plate for free. :smile.:

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I see our hopes for plastic T-Hawks have crashed and burned. ;(



Quite literally for me: I ordered the FW Industrial Sector, which I received last Friday, but one of the plates was mistakenly swapped with the Crashed Thunderhawk plate. :laugh.:


Working out with FW support to send me the correct plate. Here's to hoping they let me keep the TH plate for free. :smile.:



They likely will. The cost of having you ship the tile back to them is probably more than it cost them to make.


You can always get a saw* and cut the crashed T-Hawk from the tile and mount it on a flying stand :teehee:




*Dont do this.

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So i've been sitting here pondering my shadow war kill team.

I'll be playing some games with a mate of mine either at warhammer fest, or at our hotel after warhammer fest. He's going to bring orks, and if they aren't fun... chaos.



I'm going to stick with scouts, i did briefly think about doing loyalist PA marines (easily done, use the chaos list, drop the cultists, replace marks with ATSKNF, use the BA skill table). But don't think that'd be all that much fun, it also feels like too much of a half job.


Do I go for small and very well equipped? Go for Numbers? go for getting a heavy weapon in there?


toyed with either:



Sergeant with bolt pistol, power sword and camo gear
Scout with shotgun
Scout with shotgun
Scout with Assault Blade and Bolt Pistol
Scout with Assault Blade and Bolt Pistol

Scout Novitiate with Combat Blade and Bolt Pistol
Scout Novitiate with Combat Blade and Bolt Pistol



Sergeant with bolt pistol, power sword and camo gear
Scout with Camo gear, Photo-visor and sniper rifle

Scout with Camo gear, Photo-visor and sniper rifle
Scout with shotgun
Scout with Assault Blade and Bolt Pistol
Scout with Assault Blade and Bolt Pistol





Sergeant with bolt pistol, power sword
Scout with Camo gear and sniper rifle
Scout with Assault Blade and Bolt Pistol

Scout Gunner with Camo Gear and Missile Launcher with Frag and Super Krak
Scout Novitiate with Combat Blade and Bolt Pistol

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Basing my experience in a lot of mordheim, numbers generally win. The "boys over toys" rule applies here also. Admittedly, the heavy bolter or frag missile can even the odds, but then you're pinning your hopes on one model.


I can't remember the points, but will you be able to buy a heavy with the 200pts you get after a game, or will you only be able to get one upon warband creation?

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Basing my experience in a lot of mordheim, numbers generally win. The "boys over toys" rule applies here also. Admittedly, the heavy bolter or frag missile can even the odds, but then you're pinning your hopes on one model.


I can't remember the points, but will you be able to buy a heavy with the 200pts you get after a game, or will you only be able to get one upon warband creation?

So, my last mordheim experience was as shadow elves in a huge campaign... so will avoid further comment on that :D


Heavy with a heavy weapon is around the 300 point mark. The heavy bolter would be a good choice vs orks I guess!


In mordheim youngbloods actually got increases too, so they swiftly became better than the normal troops. That isn't the case here, in fact, novitiates sort of suck... actually the whole system for advancing sucks.

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You can spend 100p after a game. With an additional 100p if you spend one of your promethium cases. So 200p max (which is pretty bad for GK since their cheapest guys cost a bit more than 200p....yep the campaign rules aren't exactly made for the free pdf factions which is one more reason why I believe those are only temporary lists and we'll get more stuff in the future).

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You can spend 100p after a game. With an additional 100p if you spend one of your promethium cases. So 200p max (which is pretty bad for GK since their cheapest guys cost a bit more than 200p....yep the campaign rules aren't exactly made for the free pdf factions which is one more reason why I believe those are only temporary lists and we'll get more stuff in the future).


We may get more, but I think the lists will stay as they are - You need different play styles for different armies. If GK cost a lot more, then they need to spend the first games building up their force, then making a push to win a campaign, while groups with cheaper troops can make an early push for victory, but be caught up by more elite warbands later.

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If you take the kill teams approach, numbers win over. That's one of the reasons Skaven were such a headache in mordheim. That and they were ridiculously fast.


If you have a lot of shooty man's, you're opponent is going to have trouble dealing with your trench line. Plus losing chaff units isn't as big of a deal since they aren't large investments.

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