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Do you mean the paintings on the Forge World artwork? Is that supposed to be Sanguinius??

The angelic figure that they have painted on their vehicle. I would say it's supposed to be. It is dressed the same as the banners (the banners are just "lower quality". But look at the armor, the cloth, the sword, etc. Plus, he's the only Angelic figure that would be continuously depicted on various craft. Plus, we have nothing that says he is not, or that they would depict any other person like that. So until FW says it's not, I'm going to say it's basically a painting of St. Michael, only as Sanguinius.


As an aside, I'm not saying it is, I'm just saying that that's what I think it is, and what I *hope* it is. :p

Edited by Arkangilos
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Couldn't that be Azkellon himself? All wet know is that he was the head of the guard in 30k, they all died but him, and he remoulded the 40k sanguinary guard in his image.

Did he remold it in his image or just rebuild it? After all, he was the head of the Sanguinary Guard, so it's likely it's literally the exact same.

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Do you mean the paintings on the Forge World artwork? Is that supposed to be Sanguinius??

The angelic figure that they have painted on their vehicle. I would say it's supposed to be. It is dressed the same as the banners (the banners are just "lower quality". But look at the armor, the cloth, the sword, etc. Plus, he's the only Angelic figure that would be continuously depicted on various craft. Plus, we have nothing that says he is not, or that they would depict any other person like that. So until FW says it's not, I'm going to say it's basically a painting of St. Michael, only as Sanguinius.


As an aside, I'm not saying it is, I'm just saying that that's what I think it is, and what I *hope* it is. :tongue.:


You mean this one?




No, then I like the long haired version in golden armour much better. :smile.:

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Dudes - Sculpted shoulder pads or plain pads with transfers?


I do like the sculpted ones, however my OCD must certainly does not - What do you guys prefer?


And if it's transfers, do I hold off until the Forge World Legion sheet is released later in the year?

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Dudes - Sculpted shoulder pads or plain pads with transfers?

I do like the sculpted ones, however my OCD must certainly does not - What do you guys prefer?

And if it's transfers, do I hold off until the Forge World Legion sheet is released later in the year?

I've been using sculpted ones lately but I like look of decals too. Gotta apply them properly of course. The GW sheet is great and still available on the U.K. website I think.

Edited by LutherMax
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Yeah I don't think that's supposed to be Sanguinius - I think it's just a concept sketch.

It's a vehicle decal, not a sketch. It's a fully blown "painting on a vehicle"

You mean that image RedemptionNL posted above?

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That doesn't look like Sang to me. I also don't think it would be strange at all for an army called "angels" to have a generic angel painted on a vehicle.


Edit: the pose on that decal is definitely more dynamic, but I think the older drawing looks better. Hopefully we get a mixture of the two!

Edited by Tyriks
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Yeah I don't think that's supposed to be Sanguinius - I think it's just a concept sketch.

It's a vehicle decal, not a sketch. It's a fully blown "painting on a vehicle"
You mean that image RedemptionNL posted above?
Yes. That's going to be a decal for a vehicle.


Look, it doesn't matter if we think it is or isn't Sanguinius. We don't know how FW is going with it. Most likely they *will* go with the Blanche art. What I'm saying is that I *hope* they use the *head* from the painting of Sanguinius (which, until they actually say it isn't, that is what *I* will refer to it as). *I* refer to it as such because it resembles the banner art of Sanguinius, and the oldest art we have of him.


Regardless, I really hope they make his head better than what we have had so far, because his head has thus far been atrocious.


And I hope they give us either a masked or helmeted option.

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I'm not saying it's not - it just never occurred to me that it might be because it looked so different to any depiction I'd seen / heard before (although now you mention it it does kind of resemble the banners). It looks a bit 'basic' for want of a better word for the basis of a Primarch model though. It looks reminiscent of a Greek or Roman soldier, with a historic rather than futuristic armour style.


That's why I thought it was concept art - I thought that was like a mood board to establish the influences for the FW Blood Angels look!

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I'm not saying it's not - it just never occurred to me that it might be because it looked so different to any depiction I'd seen / heard before (although now you mention it it does kind of resemble the banners). It looks a bit 'basic' for want of a better word for the basis of a Primarch model though. It looks reminiscent of a Greek or Roman soldier, with a historic rather than futuristic armour style.


That's why I thought it was concept art - I thought that was like a mood board to establish the influences for the FW Blood Angels look!

Oh no, I agree with that! That's why I was saying it was like the painting of St. Michael. It's stylized. And I don't want the armor to be like that. I love the armor from the normal art we see of him. I just abhor that head!

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I can't believe I've totally forgotten this, and the interwebz aren't really helping. What's the significance of Blood Angels inspired to wear the white leopard pelt and where does in come from in the lore? I've seen some awfully nice white lion cloaks from the WHFB range that I've wanted to add to a captain or two...
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I can't believe I've totally forgotten this, and the interwebz aren't really helping. What's the significance of Blood Angels inspired to wear the white leopard pelt and where does in come from in the lore? I've seen some awfully nice white lion cloaks from the WHFB range that I've wanted to add to a captain or two...

Sanguinius' first battle after being found by the Emperor was the Pacification of Teghar Pentarus, with his first kill a ferocious carnodon (think 900kg snow leopard). The pelt of the beast was fashioned into the ceremonial war cloak you see him wearing in most of his artwork.

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I assembled some non Baalite Bakeoff librarians. Now I have my librarius equivalent of Blood Angel terminator librarians. Pictures to follow in the future.


But this had me chuckle while assembling:


What do you call a group of Blood Angel Librarians?


A Blood Clot.


What do you call them while casting witch fires?


A Blood Transfusion.


How do you say both of those in High Gothic?

A Sanguine Clotus.

A Sanguine Transfusionus.


Drum, drum, cymbal.

Edited by Father Mapple
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So, massively inspired by the Baalite Bake-Off, I've come up with this guy...

Question is, do I defend the walls of Terra in 30k? Or defend Baal from the Tyranids in 40k?

Front View


Side view


Rear view


It's the first model I've made in years that I'm 100% happy with - I think I've finally found my Legion/Chapter...

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