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A quick reminder for those doing the GBBO, not only is there less than three weeks to go but can you all check the vows list on the OP to make sure it's correct please?

If I ever get a bloody off day and no honey do's I'll finish my counts-as Gabriel Seth. (I talked myself out of quitting my job until I have another lined up.)

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I decided that I needed another banner man in my SG since the release of the Golden Host( Just used it in a 2k game with Celestine and ruined some Genestealer Cult, almost table them) and that he needs AP2 with a badass axe that will sometimes be a powerfist. This fella is nigh finished. -potato cam-gallery_79287_10026_2438.jpg

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Well, Tartaros is a thing in 40k now too, but not for us, DA, SW or Chaos.

You know....slowly but surely I hope GW does the AoS tag thingy for 8e so they maybe stop leaving us out. T_T

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Oh I will use them as well for sure since I am really no fan of the original TDA design. It's so outdated it hurts imo.

I mean I like the design of the old one, just some of the proportions need updated (like the thigh).

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Oh I will use them as well for sure since I am really no fan of the original TDA design. It's so outdated it hurts imo.

I would feel 100 times happier with Terminators​ if they had normal helmets...
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Hey guys! Long time lurker but i finally got accepted onto the forums today! Huge Blood Angel fan, been playing them since i was 11 years old in 3rd edition. I've been working on trying to make a competitive Blood Angel-only list and I think i've some up with something interesting involving the Archangels and Karlean! Made a post in the army lists part of the forums!


Anyway, very happy to be here and chat about the best Chapter going!



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Oh I will use them as well for sure since I am really no fan of the original TDA design. It's so outdated it hurts imo.

I would feel 100 times happier with Terminators​ if they had normal helmets...


Different helmets and pauldrons for me.

Grey Knight Terminators already look so much better with their helmets and if the pauldrons weren't that....round (i guess?) it would look better to me as well.

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Welcome welcome!


Bad news I'm afraid. It seems as though the Dreadnought Pod is going the way of the Dodo. The word is the mould was in disrepair and they have little desire to bring it back into production. This makes me sad. Looks like smaller regular pods will be proxies.

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Welcome welcome!


Bad news I'm afraid. It seems as though the Dreadnought Pod is going the way of the Dodo. The word is the mould was in disrepair and they have little desire to bring it back into production. This makes me sad. Looks like smaller regular pods will be proxies.


That sounds kinda ridicuous seeing how integral it is in the Heresy...


Unless they just say plastic pods count as it...


My Leviathan needs a ride... That isn't a Kharibdis :teehee:

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Welcome welcome!


Bad news I'm afraid. It seems as though the Dreadnought Pod is going the way of the Dodo. The word is the mould was in disrepair and they have little desire to bring it back into production. This makes me sad. Looks like smaller regular pods will be proxies.

Source? Only I was told by FW that the mould would be re-doing before Xmas last year.

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