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Something interesting about Sanguinius!


Dante spoiler

"And always the rage, the terrible desire to kill and slay at the edge of his consciousness which he dared not reveal to any being. He looked at his brother Angron, and feared what he might become. He turned away, but the anger never left him. In his soul mercy and violence hung in precarious balance." Dante, page 204


I think that's pretty interesting. (And yes, I know that the old IA article with Sanguinius covered a moment when he was overcome with rage and then destroyed the mutants attacking his people). Between the actual vampirism and the descriptions we've been given on Sanguinius and the BA, on all aspects, I think Dante is probably one of the best things we've gotten for the BA.


I wonder if FW will have that rage aspect when they make Sanguinius.


By the way, that scene goes on for a while, and mentions that Sanguinius's life was one of despair. It kind of reflects what Dante himself would become, which is pretty awesome.

Edited by Arkangilos
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If you were to play the full battle company, would you go full drop pods or would you go all tanks or hybrid it perhaps 5/4 5/5?

I think I prefer rhinos/razors to all pods because mine have a tendency to become a nuisance later in the game unless actual firepower is directed at them.

That really seems like confirmation of a plastic one...
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I think I prefer rhinos/razors to all pods because mine have a tendency to become a nuisance later in the game unless actual firepower is directed at them.

I think I like a 5 pod 5Rhino/Razorback combination. It makes it just at 2500 points.

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So ive put the marines together i need for my 6050 point game. Transports and Tanks are not in the picture. Time to sort out how to transport the stuff.




Death Company Chaplain

Chaplian for Mephistion and an Techmarine from the Lucifer Strike Force.

60 Tacticals (30 Angels Fury and 30 from a Cad)

1 Command Squad

30 DC

15 Assault Terminators


Had problems to find all minis but now i´m fine.

Sadly not everything painted but hey you cant have it all. :biggrin.:

Edited by Riot Earp
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Nicely done Luther! How do you make the rust in the metal recesses?

Thanks Jønke! The metal was done by base coating Vallejo Model Air Aluminium, shading with Druchi Violet, then Seraphim Sepia, then Nuln Oil and lastly a drybrush with Vallejo Model Air Gunmetal.



Think i need to try that. Thx man!

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Shortcuts to all the completions can be found here. This is correct according to the vow status in the OP as of the time of writing. Please double check I have everything in order.


For those who are yet to complete, please make a final push as we'd love to see your creations :smile.:


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Picked up a Blood Angels start collecting box to kick off my new Lamenters army for a Badab war project going on at my GW!  After that gets built, I'm picking up a box of Sanguinary Guard to kitbash Malakim Phoros... they praying forgeworld updates the Badab war characters for 8th! :wacko.:

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They've not updated them for 7th.... Good luck!

Starting to think that they have been holding off on purpose as they've known about the 8th edition for a while now. Doubt we'll see Fires of Cyraxes this side of June either...

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