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Must try to get more built today having been laid low with illness for the last 2 weeks - one positive got to order plenty of parts from ebay that i needed 

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Picked up the blood angels start collecting box yesterday. Going to try and convert the heavy flamer sponsons from the Baal predator to regular heavy flamers for my marines. Have a lot of heavy bolters from BaC and BoP sets so might try and work from them. Have too many tacticals and not enough heavy flamers!
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Picked up the blood angels start collecting box yesterday. Going to try and convert the heavy flamer sponsons from the Baal predator to regular heavy flamers for my marines. Have a lot of heavy bolters from BaC and BoP sets so might try and work from them. Have too many tacticals and not enough heavy flamers!

I've found that Tactical TDA heavy flamer make the best conversions. I recently saw this cool tutorial that took the flame storm cannon and turned it into a twin-linked heavy flamer for our razorbacks. That was actually really cool.

Cheers & good luck!

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