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42,000 point Apocalypse battle this weekend, I just primed a tons of models, though unfortunately that's probably as much paint as they'll get by game time.


Marines and Sisters versus Daemons and Eldar... I don't think we stand a chance but we'll see!

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At the pub. Thinning about the future of our chapter because, *reasons*


Do I buy more assbacks/rhinos or drop pods? I can't decide brothers and sisters. These are the vexes that haunt me lol.


Sounds like you're in a dangerous place right now, drinking and thinking about buying... that was me 2 weeks ago and I drunk eBay-ed a TON of terrain, and I didn't get a very good price either hah.

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Marines and Sisters versus Daemons and Eldar... I don't think we stand a chance but we'll see!


You have Sisters of Battle? You'll have no problems, then! A single Sororitas is worth three to four times as much as any Eldar. 

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At the pub. Thinning about the future of our chapter because, *reasons*


Do I buy more assbacks/rhinos or drop pods? I can't decide brothers and sisters. These are the vexes that haunt me lol.

With 8th looming I don't think I'd buy anything.  One might be hugely superior soon...

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With 8th looming I don't think I'd buy anything.  One might be hugely superior soon...


Their whole spiel was that everything was extensively play tested. I'd assume with their tourney organiser play testers anything as significant as a huge discrepancy between rhino and drop pod would be picked up immediately. 


They said every unit would have a use in the army.


As always, pick the units that you like the look of, that you want to buy and paint, and they will always have a place in your army, and survive every edition change.

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I'm willing to give GW the benefit of the doubt, but I'm not willing to completely trust them on balance issues until I see more.  Therefore, I'm holding off on buying stuff.  And we don't know what, if anything, from our line will be getting upgraded models at release.  It seems likely that we might.  

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Played a 1500 point game against a friend's grey knights last night.

Rolled relic mission.

I brought dante, dc chap, large death company squad, large assault squad and tacticals with drop pods and locater beacons and an empty land raider redeemer (because land raider>everything).

He managed to destroy all my pods with beacons so my assault squad mishaps and he places them in the corner. I drop dante and dc in who are charged by dreadknight and strike squads. Completely forget about hit and run so only dante and the chap make it out of combat by turn 4 only for voldus to gate next to them and cleansing flame. I kitted draigo around after my land raider, my friend failed to destroy it until turn 4 and it managed to kill most of the terminators accompanying him before exploding.

Then turn 5 my assault squad which had to trudge from the other side of the board could have hopped over draigo and taken the relic.

So i charged draigo and managed to strip him down to 1 wound with HoW (he rolled 3 1s!) and then he preceded to butcher the squad and the remaining marine fled onto the relic and the mission ended. A fun game and a complete loss 2-0

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The 42K Apoc game is today... all of my army is at least airbrush highlighted or better but sadly not good enough for close-ups. I'll take tons of pics anyway.


The Iron Hands 'Bastion of Medusa' fort has been taken by Chaos and Xenos in our campaign, today the Blood Angels, Iron Hands, Sisters of Battle and Dark Angels fight to take it back.

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Bought a Stormhawk Interceptor. Such a sweet model and loads of spares!


It actually is. I magnetized the forward thrusters, the missiles/heavy bolters and the front weapons so I can swap them and make a count as storm talon if I need.




Yup, I've seen Ushtaradors a while ago, and seeing yours in brighter red pushed me over the edge! Any pics on he magnets to see how easy this would be?

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Yup, I've seen Ushtaradors a while ago, and seeing yours in brighter red pushed me over the edge! Any pics on he magnets to see how easy this would be?

This one is the best I got:


You end up drilling through the thruster spots but that's fine because there is enough plastic to hold the magnets.

The front one is easy and you don't end up breaking through though.

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Yup, I've seen Ushtaradors a while ago, and seeing yours in brighter red pushed me over the edge! Any pics on he magnets to see how easy this would be?

This one is the best I got:

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You end up drilling through the thruster spots but that's fine because there is enough plastic to hold the magnets.

The front one is easy and you don't end up breaking through though.

If you drill through presumably you can glue a piece of plasticard over the hole on the inside? Or does that mess up the connection to another part of the kit?

Looks great painted by the way!

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As I am finishing the assembly of ~50 legion marines purposed for different rolesit occurred to me that this is a opportune moment to do a complete overhaul of all bases of my previous models using new, more sophisticated materials and techniques. At which point, it occurred to me that therein lies a problem:


What Is The Damned Difference Between The old 25mm and the new 32mm? 









Do different bases go on different unit-types?


Or is this just a GW base overhaul, dictating that all future models previously based on 25mm are to switch to 32mm?

Seeing that the 25mm are currently on the "email me" status makes me inclined to believe in the latter, in which case I will be buying all 32mms for the refitting.


Just would like to see what you guys think before I make a blunder..

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As I am finishing the assembly of ~50 legion marines purposed for different rolesit occurred to me that this is a opportune moment to do a complete overhaul of all bases of my previous models using new, more sophisticated materials and techniques. At which point, it occurred to me that therein lies a problem:


What Is The Damned Difference Between The old 25mm and the new 32mm? 









Do different bases go on different unit-types?


Or is this just a GW base overhaul, dictating that all future models previously based on 25mm are to switch to 32mm?

Seeing that the 25mm are currently on the "email me" status makes me inclined to believe in the latter, in which case I will be buying all 32mms for the refitting.


Just would like to see what you guys think before I make a blunder..

Well basically it's just GW deciding that 32mm fits the models better than 25mm.

Officially in their FAQ they said we can use whatever base we want (before the FAQ it was "use the base the model got delivered with").


HOWEVER iirc in 8th each unit will have a specific base size on their datasheet, so maybe you want to wait a bit before re-baseing all your models.

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