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Want to keep working on my Sanguinary Guard but its Tuesday...and I'm a WoW player...


One one hand, Ewwww. :yucky:

On the other, how'd the raid go? :smile.:

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Want to keep working on my Sanguinary Guard but its Tuesday...and I'm a WoW player...

One one hand, Ewwww. :yucky:

On the other, how'd the raid go? :smile.:

I pray they never make a 40k MMO as good as WoW. I only just escaped that beast!

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EQ2 was/is better.


As for 40k, aren't they bringing out Eternal Crusade soon?

Yeah, but I don't think it's due until 2016. Don't think I'll brave that until the initial reviews come in. At this point I don't think were ever going to get a game on as awesome a scale as DoW 1 or as flufftacularly accurate and enjoyable as Space Marine :(

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Today I painted a jump pack chaplain and finished another two sets of arms for my magnetized Death Company (I now have a full set of 5 arms!). This marks my first fully painted squad, as well as my 4th painted HQ choice... I need to get started on some troops.

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Today I painted a jump pack chaplain and finished another two sets of arms for my magnetized Death Company (I now have a full set of 5 arms!). This marks my first fully painted squad, as well as my 4th painted HQ choice... I need to get started on some troops.


Feel free to vow them towards our ETL cause! All are welcome :)

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Today I painted a jump pack chaplain and finished another two sets of arms for my magnetized Death Company (I now have a full set of 5 arms!). This marks my first fully painted squad, as well as my 4th painted HQ choice... I need to get started on some troops.


Feel free to vow them towards our ETL cause! All are welcome :smile.:



I think I might have to do that. For the Emperor and Sanguinious!


By the way, here's a shot of my DC and Chaplain! (link provided because the picture is huge and I don't want to break the forums!)

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*** Message Log 003456 ***


Black Leader, status!...


[bL] Approaching site now. It's quiet...


Exercise extreme caution; these Xenos are like ghosts...


[bL] Contact sighted. Approaching with extreme prejudice...


[bL] Enemy fleeing. Where is that Ancient?...


Transit delayed. Leave him something to play with!...


[bL] Taking heavy fire; we need backup!...


[bL] Reinforcements, NOW! Before it's too la...


Black Leader: status!...


Black Leader, come in. Do you read me?...




*** Mission Log Ends ***


Final battle report up -> here

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Okay, ten heads are at a point where I'm going to soon glue them! Now for pads and basing then I'm DONE with these Melta!

Blue tacked sergeant. Pads with spray that went a bit nasty.


Considering all these guys will have been made out of some very old marine legs/ torsos/ arms with only (mostly) new heads and pads, they should be alright.


....Also just submitted a *small* vow for ETL, but that will increase once I get into it!


Edited by Charlo
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Hey Charlo,

I like the scheme, the only thing that seems to bother me is the tint of the aquilla on the chest...seems like it should be shining gold or maybe some kind of bronze/copper.


Also, what are you planning to make the eye pop, caus that seems to be a bid necessary?

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Hey Charlo,

I like the scheme, the only thing that seems to bother me is the tint of the aquilla on the chest...seems like it should be shining gold or maybe some kind of bronze/copper.


Also, what are you planning to make the eye pop, caus that seems to be a bid necessary?


Howdy Dolchiate!


I wanted the aquilla a muddier yellow as it is meant to be golden brown but non-metallic, as it is ceramite afterall! It goes well with the weapons which are painted in the same way but with an extra lighter shade on top. These shots are a bit better at showing the weapon and aquilla colour:





As for the eyes, at the moment I am terrified of painting them. Originally are meant to be yellow (like my profile pic) but until I at least get a new fine brush, as mine is split to heck, won't be attempting this!


I am amazed with myself I managed to paint the blood drop on the forehead neatly, as well as the ones on the other squad members. I still need to do the metal parts of the heads.


One thing I do like though is how the FW Heresy Marines usually have a dark eye shade with a white dot in, so I'm considering this to keep the darker palette.

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I will :) need to do the pads now too, some details lost on the original red spray incident but otherwise manageable, especially the flat ones. But as I discovered with the head undercoating without a spray is very easy.

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So I found something special today... While not my missing bikes, tanks and books (boo!) it was these(!!!):



Even got a Son of Sanguinius on the box ;)



Unsure what to do with them yet, I'm thinking I'll make them my sternguard, the beakies being a mark of veterans! Any suggestions? ... And "give them to me" is not allowed :tongue.:

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Realised I have this model from 2004, limited edition. I could ofc sell it, but I'm really feeling an ambitious Chapter Master / Dante conversion for him....



I think if you can find an open handed arm or outstretched arm instead of the shield arm you have a simple Mephiston conversion.


Or...Plasma pistol.

Edited by Dolchiate Remembrancer
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Already going to use the Dark Vengeance Librarian as my Mephiston :D


My Chapter master fluff is that he's a huge bugger anyway, and artifice, so the armour isn't out of place. Probably going to put an Anvil Industry head on him with a chain glaive/ axe to make him my monster Dante :P maybe even magnetise a jump packs and use him as seth if not xD

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