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5-man 'meltacide' squad with two meltagunners, two regular assault marines and sarge with combi-melta. They will ride in a pod but the backpacks are magnetised so they can have jump packs. The sergeant's weapons are also magnetised so he can have a pistol and power weapon for other uses.





What's up with the power pack on the dude far right?

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Today, I finally decided which forum I paint for for this years ETL.


Blue Blood Angels.Blue. :wink:


By the way, feel free to add a piece about your blue Successors here. We need more submissions!

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Played in a team game of 2k points with an all-walker army: 1 Knight Paladin, a Furioso, a Fragioso, Cassor, and a Furioso Lib. I was allied with the Wolves against a Black Templar/Knight Errant army and an IG tank army. We won, but only b/c I rolled a 6 for a D3 VP Maelstrom card, and my army was tabled on Turn 5. 


The Knights went at each other, and, unfortunately, we rolled on our rank tables. He ended up with a standard pilot, while mine was a Knight Apparent. His knight killed mine, but then mine destroyed his in the ensuing explosion. A mixed bag for my knight's first foray.

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Finished two more Sternguard yesterday and another assault jumper...only to find that I magnetized his torso with the wrong polarity. :furious:  Trying to keep all the jumpers' packs interchangeable so I don't have to worry too much about "who's got the right pack?".  Grrrr...now I need to pop the magnet out of his torso, or decide whether to just have a dedicated pack for his wonky magnet.


And I'm using 1/8th inch magnets and I don't find wobble in my jump packs sufficient to require an alignment pin (either using the lighter plastic packs or heavier resin packs).  What size magnets are y'all using?

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Today, I finally decided which forum I paint for for this years ETL.


Blue Blood Angels.Blue. :wink:


By the way, feel free to add a piece about your blue Successors here. We need more submissions!


It's my eventual intention :happy.: I just need to work a few things out though first.

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After what seems like an age in Blu-tac, I've started knocking together my Sanguinary Guard with glue. Having a brain fart when it comes to the shoulder pads though. SG have the feathered pad on the left, correct?

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After what seems like an age in Blu-tac, I've started knocking together my Sanguinary Guard with glue. Having a brain fart when it comes to the shoulder pads though. SG have the feathered pad on the left, correct?



@sock - nice work...

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Finished a Cassor the Damned last week, my first BA model:








Was working on a Baal Predator last weekend, by my airbrush decided to be annoying and start blowing air back through the paint cup. So now I have to find a solution for that before I can continue. :sad.:

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After what seems like an age in Blu-tac, I've started knocking together my Sanguinary Guard with glue. Having a brain fart when it comes to the shoulder pads though. SG have the feathered pad on the left, correct?

Want five more? I've cut them out of my army.

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Nice Dread RedemptionNL!


About your airbrush, try dismantling it, cleaning it and putting it back together. When you put it back together make sure everything is tight.


It may just be that paint has dried on the needle tip but a thorough clean is best to be sure. I get bubbles in the paint cup often with my Infinity. Less so with my Patriot.

Edited by LutherMax
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Yeah, I've tried cleaning it a few times already, no dice so far. I have an Evolution for a few years now and I often have problems with it doing that, but usually a good clean is enough to fix it. And I just replaced the nozzle and needle a month ago. Perhaps it's an issue with H&S brushes, if your Infinity has the same problem? Maybe it's time to look into a different airbrush, what made you buy that Badger?
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