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@ SF and Slothy, all they have to do is get 8.1 inches away and then charge, then your flamers won't do squat as they start out of range when the charge is declared so no shooting of them, but they alter the charge roll required in their favour. It also means you are changing the entire purpose of your DS unit to be reactive, rather than pro-active.

That's okay, a 8“ charge is far less likely to succeed than a 7“ or less charge. ^^


Yup, odds of making an 8" charge are only 42% (assuming no rerolls or modifiers).



Wasn't that the odds for a 9" charge?




@ SF and Slothy, all they have to do is get 8.1 inches away and then charge, then your flamers won't do squat as they start out of range when the charge is declared so no shooting of them, but they alter the charge roll required in their favour. It also means you are changing the entire purpose of your DS unit to be reactive, rather than pro-active.

That's okay, a 8“ charge is far less likely to succeed than a 7“ or less charge. ^^


Yup, odds of making an 8" charge are only 42% (assuming no rerolls or modifiers).



Wasn't that the odds for a 9" charge?


9" charge is 36%





@ SF and Slothy, all they have to do is get 8.1 inches away and then charge, then your flamers won't do squat as they start out of range when the charge is declared so no shooting of them, but they alter the charge roll required in their favour. It also means you are changing the entire purpose of your DS unit to be reactive, rather than pro-active.

That's okay, a 8“ charge is far less likely to succeed than a 7“ or less charge. ^^


Yup, odds of making an 8" charge are only 42% (assuming no rerolls or modifiers).



Wasn't that the odds for a 9" charge?


9" charge is 36%


Alright, must have mixed it up with re-roll odds or something. Thanks.

Geez, now you guys made me check it myself again. ^^


Dice Score - Result or more

2 - 100

3 - 97.22

4 - 91.66

5 - 83.33

6 - 72.22

7 - 58.33

8 - 41.66

9 - 27.77

10 - 16.66

11 - 8.33

12 - 2.77


Source: http://www.thedarkfortress.co.uk/tech_reports/2_dice_rolls.htm#.WsrmazNCQ0M

Edited by sfPanzer

@ SF and Slothy, all they have to do is get 8.1 inches away and then charge, then your flamers won't do squat as they start out of range when the charge is declared so no shooting of them, but they alter the charge roll required in their favour. It also means you are changing the entire purpose of your DS unit to be reactive, rather than pro-active.

In a vacuum you're completely correct. However, as the Blood Angel players that we are, we're all about target saturation and being up in the enemies lines. If I were to send just this unit, with no outside assistance, I would almost be disappointed if it didn't get wrecked/surrounded. Every (most) unit(s) has its weaknesses, so we should be using other units to support those said weaknesses.


I'm also very biased in favour of the Drop Drill and am already shuffling my hobby budget around to get one ASAP, so I'm probably not the most objective person in this conversation.

Here to report an overwhelming victory vs the accursed necrons, 25 to 11 using ITC championship missions.

Game was called turn 3, as all he had remaining was a crippled nightscythe, and 2 units of immortals, with 8 and 4 remaining models respectively.


MVP was Captain with SS, Death Visions, and Foresight, not so much for the damage he dealt (while still considerable), but rather his sheer unwillingness to die.

He was shot at by 19 guass blasters double tapping (so 38 Str5 -3 AP shots) and then survived both a destroyer lord and an overlords best attempts to slay him, (11 warscythe attacks over 2 turns) and turned them both into scrap afterwards.


List was my BA Brigade, his was something like

Overlord with voidscythe

Barge overlord with warscythe, warlord

Destroyer lord warscythe

Cryptek with canoptek cloak

Nightbringer shard

3 units of 9 immortals, 2 gauss 1 tesla

6 destroyers

8 tomb blades with gauss

1 nightscythe

2x 5 death marks


He didn't have enough units to screen against both my scouts and bikers from the front, and the DC units deepstriking at the same time, so things got messy fast.

Geez, now you guys made me check it myself again. ^^


Dice Score - Result or more

2 - 100

3 - 97.22

4 - 91.66

5 - 83.33

6 - 72.22

7 - 58.33

8 - 41.66

9 - 27.77

10 - 16.66

11 - 8.33

12 - 2.77


Source: http://www.thedarkfortress.co.uk/tech_reports/2_dice_rolls.htm#.WsrmazNCQ0M

Guess my google fu failed horribly :P

MVP was Captain with SS, Death Visions, and Foresight, not so much for the damage he dealt (while still considerable), but rather his sheer unwillingness to die.

I have been experimenting with Foresight rather than Artisan and I find it well worth taking against shooty armies. Captain Smash is usually in a race to rack up kills before he dies and sometimes extra durability will do further than an extra point of damage on his hammer. I ran the same build against Tau and the 5+++ (rerolling 1s) was great for keeping him alive in the face of massed pulse fire and helped prevent death by a thousand paper cuts.


Geez, now you guys made me check it myself again. ^^


Dice Score - Result or more

2 - 100

3 - 97.22

4 - 91.66

5 - 83.33

6 - 72.22

7 - 58.33

8 - 41.66

9 - 27.77

10 - 16.66

11 - 8.33

12 - 2.77


Source: http://www.thedarkfortress.co.uk/tech_reports/2_dice_rolls.htm#.WsrmazNCQ0M

Guess my google fu failed horribly :tongue.:


There are more then 4 combinations on 2 dice that make 9+ (There are actually 10 (4-5, 5-4, 6-3, 3-6, 5-5, 6-4, 4-6, 5-6, 6-5, 6-6) 10/36 is 27.77%)

I've had success running 2x Captains (5x HQ's at times!):


Capt w/ Thunder hammer + inferno pistol (my version of Capt Smash) who buffs shooting then charges in


Capt w/ 2x LC's, aka Capt Blender. Gets the DC Strategem and the Wing of Sanguinius and bullies the :cuss out of squads. Will earn his 21x melta-bombs worth of cost back easily.


There are more then 4 combinations on 2 dice that make 9+ (There are actually 10 (4-5, 5-4, 6-3, 3-6, 5-5, 6-4, 4-6, 5-6, 6-5, 6-6) 10/36 is 27.77%)




I did not dive that deep into the stats, just the basics

Edited by Deathwalker
Almost done reading Devastation of Baal and, with a few minor parts, I feel like Dante plays on the table like he does in the book (or close to it). Maybe it's just how I use Dante, but it's pretty awesome to see him play so close to how he reads in the recent books.

I've come to the conclusion over the past few days that I'm a bit too disconnected from my army. Back in 7th edition my captain had a name, a command squad that I spent far too many points on who also had names. Many of my other models had stories as well, like the veteran sergeant who single-handedly killed an Eversor with his power fist. Lately something in my brain has changed though and I think it happened somewhere around the time that I pulled off my captains sword to give him a thunder hammer. Now he's not captain Aphael anymore, he's just a model that can put out a lot of damage. It's really starting to impact my enjoyment, even. A bit part of what I love about 40k are the stories and I'm just not feeling anymore like I'm doing anything other than playing a game- one I do enjoy for its own sake, mind you. Just less than I used to.


I've decided that as a result I'm going to start focusing more on the fluff of my army. My plan now is to run all or most of a full Battle Company in my games. I picked 4th Company, because Raphaen is newly promoted following the Devastation of Baal and I wanted the leader to be my Gravis Captain. My thought is that if Castigon died in the fighting that most of his company probably died with him, and so the replacements are probably mostly Primaris which is also something that I find desirable.


The core of my army is going to consist of Captain Raphaen, my Gravis Captain. He'll have both of his Lieutenants with him. Thoros will be Warden of the Blood and will be Primaris, while Hereon will be of the old type and wearing a jump pack. He'll also have an as yet unnamed Primaris Ancient alongside him carrying the Standard of Sacrifice. The core of the army will be 6 Intercessor squads, the Close Support will be a single squad of Reivers and a single squad of Inceptors and the Fire Support will likely be two squads of Hellblasters. This will generally leave me with around 500 points to work with for a 2000 point list, which I'll choose depending on story I build in my head around the missions I play. It's enough space to fit in a Predator or two alongside some assault troops and maybe a Librarian.

I'm making some progress on getting everything painted up so I might even start a thread on here to post about stuff. I really want to get myself back into a more narrative headspace.

This is the 3rd month of my local 4-month Paint N' Play, and this month the theme is GOOOOOLLLDDD. At least, for me it is. Sanguinary Ancient, 10 Sanguinary Guard and the Sanguinor himself are on my docket. Going with the method Duncan showed in a tip of the day.


Started on the Sanguinor today. Not a lot of time, as my wife returned to work and I am officially a stay at home dad. But I'll start to figure out when its safe to assume the child is going to sleep for more than a hot minute and work some time in.

In unrelated news, just by virtue on when it falls, I'll probably be on team Xenos for ETL. My Orks are calling, and I'm doing my best to resist the urge, but once my Paint N' Play is over, I fear the temptation will be too stronk.


MVP was Captain with SS, Death Visions, and Foresight, not so much for the damage he dealt (while still considerable), but rather his sheer unwillingness to die.

I have been experimenting with Foresight rather than Artisan and I find it well worth taking against shooty armies. Captain Smash is usually in a race to rack up kills before he dies and sometimes extra durability will do further than an extra point of damage on his hammer. I ran the same build against Tau and the 5+++ (rerolling 1s) was great for keeping him alive in the face of massed pulse fire and helped prevent death by a thousand paper cuts.


Have you used Foresight without Death Visions? I think it's a good choice with the stratagem, but I'm not sure if it would be worth it alone. I have mostly used Artisan, but did use Foresight in the one game that I also used Death Visions. I'm still not decided on which warlord trait I like yet.

Have you used Foresight without Death Visions? I think it's a good choice with the stratagem, but I'm not sure if it would be worth it alone. I have mostly used Artisan, but did use Foresight in the one game that I also used Death Visions. I'm still not decided on which warlord trait I like yet.

No, I was still running Death Visions. I agree that it is more doubtful on its own.

Death Visions + Gift of Foresight for 5+++ re-rolling 1's is not bad at all. It makes your Capt Smash a bit more self-reliant, though like so many things in the game, don't bet the farm on it.


Where "naked" Gift of Foresight really shines is on a Librarian Dreadnought. Between psychic powers and that added 6+++ re-rolling 1's, your Libby Dread can pretend to be a DC Dread.


However, for my money, the "best" use of Gift of Foresight is with a hardy unit that is eligible for buffs from the Standard of Sacrifice as well. That way you're double-dipping the FNP.




Captain Unkillable

Hidden Content

Captain in Cataphractii Terminator Armor

-2+/3++ 6W built-in

-6+++ re-rolling 1's from Gift of Foresight

-5+++ from Standard of Sacrifice which counts as a separate roll

-Company Veterans to eat any wounds that are failed


Again, that's just the textbook maximum application of Gift of Foresight...flavor to taste.

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