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The core rules already are free iirc and at least in AoS the datasheets are free too. That's the best GW can do if they still want to earn money with their rules imo and perfectly fine in my book.

As for the book+code thing, there are countries where they can't do that. In germany for example you aren't allowed to give discounts on books and including a code for a free digital version counts as such.


That being said, there are plenty of sources where you can get the PDF versions for free on the internet as is.

Edited by sfPanzer
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The core rules already are free iirc and at least in AoS the datasheets are free too. That's the best GW can do if they still want to earn money with their rules imo and perfectly fine in my book.


As for the book+code thing, there are countries where they can't do that. In germany for example you aren't allowed to give discounts on books and including a code for a free digital version counts as such.


That being said, there are plenty of sources where you can get the PDF versions for free on the internet as is.

The core rules aren't free?

If you want them (legitimately) you have to shell out for either the hardback or same price for a digital copy.

Now you'll have the small rulebook option I guess, after 8th has been out for ~2 years.

All the FAQ are free, but you also have to buy chapter approved.


And I'm well aware of how to acquire said stuff without paying for it, that isn't the issue.


The issue is that those books are hilariously expensive for rules that other companies wargames give out for free or incredibly cheaply, and fluff that is primarily recycled from earlier editions.



Didn't think about other countries not letting you sell codes on books.

It's so prevalent here in the states, especially for textbooks.

They make you buy the new textbooks to get a code for the online version for a semester/year, and it's how you access and turn in all your homework.

Meaning you can't just use an old book or *ahem* find it online.


Anyway, in proper BA news, my pile of shame has shrunk by 4 scout squads.

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was just about to say that too - the core rules are indeed free. The fancypants big rulebook, which contains a lot more than just the rules and could be better described as a background/sourcebook which happens to contain the rules in, is not free. Yes a lot of it is reprints of older material but shouldnt new players get a chance to read about that material and get a full introduction to the 40k universe just the same as older players did. I started playing at the start of 2nd edition - i dont begrudge newer players getting the chance to read about the HH, the creation of a space marine or the origins of power armour, though i've bought books with those in many many times over the years. They also do include new snippets in there each new book - i can well remember pouring over the timelines and flavour texts to see what has happened/changed or been fleshed out since the last edition.


Chapter approved - never bought one, dont need it.

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Chapter approved has some pretty interesting missions though, I like those a lot more than the BRB ones. Also, the new points values are in there, so it’s a bit of an expensive errata, no?


If nobody ever bought a copy of Chapter Approved, how would we get access to the new points for items, characters and units? Thoughts to ponder.

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Personally I'd like to see a range of abridged edition rule/source books. Just the latest datasheets, missions, and deployment maps, none of the fluff.

And I'm not just saying that because my wallet hurts at the mere thought of how much these books cost- It would be way more practical. I want books, I prefer books to a PDF on a tablet; but the current books are just horrible when you have to rifle backwards and forwards to look at points, check stratagems, find special rules, and so on. The older books had summary pages so you could keep the book open on one page for most of the game, what do you do with the current books? You have to flip through the book every time you need to check a datasheet.

And that doesn't even touch on the fact that you have to keep up with releases, sometimes buying an updated version of a book that you may only have used a handful of times, depending how often you get to play. That would sting much less if you could get a "rules only" version. Price it at half what you pay for the full book and I'd find it much more appetising.


Back on topic, tonight I am finishing the Terminators I've been working on slowly over the course of the last week. I'm pretty damn proud of them, I'm finally developing the kind of dexterity and brush control to lay down some pretty crisp highlights. Feels good.

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Personally I'd like to see a range of abridged edition rule/source books. Just the latest datasheets, missions, and deployment maps, none of the fluff.


That's probably what the mini-rulebook will be. However it'll be outdated again with release of the next CA a few months later anyway.

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Regarding errata's and points updates for data sheets, I've just started writing any relevant changes into my codex. I get that people may not want to do that themselves, but I've come to the realization that these books wont ever be collectors items since they are mass produced products and always having to check a change somewhere else just got to be way to tedious.  One thing i have considered but am just too lazy to actually do is make a foot note notation at the bottom of any page i change listing when and where that change is from.

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Regarding errata's and points updates for data sheets, I've just started writing any relevant changes into my codex. I get that people may not want to do that themselves, but I've come to the realization that these books wont ever be collectors items since they are mass produced products and always having to check a change somewhere else just got to be way to tedious.  One thing i have considered but am just too lazy to actually do is make a foot note notation at the bottom of any page i change listing when and where that change is from.

Yeah, I'm doing the same. It hurts to write into the Codex, but the rules and points are all-over the place.


Also finished a punchy boi today. https://imgur.com/a/NwV8CTT

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Well, well, well.  The new September FAQ Main Rulebook document has reversed course and allowed Blood Angels to use the new Space Marine stratagems as long as you bring a space marine detachment from a chapter in that codex.  Remember, since they are allied with Blood Angels they can't use their doctrines.

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Well, well, well.  The new September FAQ Main Rulebook document has reversed course and allowed Blood Angels to use the new Space Marine stratagems as long as you bring a space marine detachment from a chapter in that codex.  Remember, since they are allied with Blood Angels they can't use their doctrines.

Nope, you still can't. Got two strikes against this:



"A: Unless otherwise specified, yes, so long as the unit the Stratagem is being used on has the appropriate keywords (note that Codex: Chaos Daemons, Codex: Tyranids and Codex: Space Marines are examples that specify otherwise in their relevant FAQs, errata and codex)."


From Codex: Space Marines FAQ:

"Q. If I include a Space Marines Detachment in my army, can I use the Stratagems from Codex: Space Marines to affect Adeptus Astartes units from other codexes, such as Codex: Grey Knights or Codex: Deathwatch? A: No, as noted in the second paragraph under Space Marine Units and Detachments on page 174 of Codex: Space Marines."

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It is unfortunate that they made this ruling given that it is inconsistent with their previous ruling on CSM stratagems:


Q: Is it possible to use a Stratagem from one codex to target a unit from another?
A: Unless otherwise specified, yes, so long as the unit the Stratagem is being used on has the appropriate keywords (note that Codex: Chaos Daemons, Codex: Tyranids and Codex: Space Marines are examples that specify otherwise in their relevant FAQs, errata and codex). For example, you can use the Tide of Traitors Stratagem from Codex: Chaos Space Marines on a unit of Cultists from a Death Guard Detachment (from Codex: Death Guard) if your army has both an Alpha Legion Detachment and a Death Guard Detachment in a single Battle-forged army. Also note that the only requirement to have access to Stratagems is that you have a Detachment of the appropriate Faction.


This ruling was made despite the following paragraph on page 162 in Codex: Chaos Space Marines:


Note that the Death Guard and Thousand Sons deviate significantly in terms of organisation and therefore cannot make use of any of the rules or abilities listed in this section; instead they have bespoke rules and abilities detailed in their own codexes.


Which mirrors the quoted paragraph on page 174 of Codex: Space Marines:


Note that the Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Deathwatch, Grey Knights and Legion of the Damned deviate significantly in terms of organisation and fighting styles. These Chapters therefore cannot make use of any of the rules in this section, and instead have their own rules in other publications.


To be clear, these paragraphs are in the exact same place in both codexes, just prior to detailing stratagems etc. 

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It is unfortunate that they made this ruling given that it is inconsistent with their previous ruling on CSM stratagems:


Q: Is it possible to use a Stratagem from one codex to target a unit from another?

A: Unless otherwise specified, yes, so long as the unit the Stratagem is being used on has the appropriate keywords (note that Codex: Chaos Daemons, Codex: Tyranids and Codex: Space Marines are examples that specify otherwise in their relevant FAQs, errata and codex). For example, you can use the Tide of Traitors Stratagem from Codex: Chaos Space Marines on a unit of Cultists from a Death Guard Detachment (from Codex: Death Guard) if your army has both an Alpha Legion Detachment and a Death Guard Detachment in a single Battle-forged army. Also note that the only requirement to have access to Stratagems is that you have a Detachment of the appropriate Faction.


This ruling was made despite the following paragraph on page 162 in Codex: Chaos Space Marines:


Note that the Death Guard and Thousand Sons deviate significantly in terms of organisation and therefore cannot make use of any of the rules or abilities listed in this section; instead they have bespoke rules and abilities detailed in their own codexes.


Which mirrors the quoted paragraph on page 174 of Codex: Space Marines:


Note that the Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Deathwatch, Grey Knights and Legion of the Damned deviate significantly in terms of organisation and fighting styles. These Chapters therefore cannot make use of any of the rules in this section, and instead have their own rules in other publications.


To be clear, these paragraphs are in the exact same place in both codexes, just prior to detailing stratagems etc. 

I feel it should carry over to the Adeptus Astartes factions, then.

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