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The Tyranids stand no chance with the Sons of Sanguinius worked into such a fervor lol.

I'm just peachy! Both of my main armies are in this book! It's a no brainer for me to pick up!



Indeed - Nids were going to be my 8th ed Army, but I got sucked back into BA with a vengeance. I'm still keen to reinforce the gribblies though, 

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I'm looking forward to the book too. One of my usual opponents plays tyrannids a lot, so I'm looking forward to the new tricks our games will have.

I haven't really kept up with what all is in these books other than the new rules. Are there narrative missions at all? It would be awesome to have a small narrative campaign to play. 

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Sanguinary guard (unconfirmed) dropping so many points may let then finally shine

If the rumored changes are correct, even if their base price stays the same, swords going down 8 and Angelus Bolters going down 3 makes then significantly more attractive as a heavy infantry/character mulching, and powerfist potentially dropping to 7 makes a unit of them also slightly cheaper.

And the strategem to give another character a warlord trait is a hidden buff for them, your actual warlord trait can be the ancient, and you can still give your smash captain what he needs.



The +1 to charge rolls also makes non-DC descent of angels maybe viable?


I used a unit of 8 yesterday, and even with losing 2 to defensive gunners, the remaining 6 with reroll to hit and reroll 1s to wound from an ancient turned a leman russ into scrap and put a 2nd one down to half, shock assault really helped them put a lot.

Edited by The Unseen
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Put some work in on my IX Legion while the tryptophan from all that turkey was burning off.


Painting a brick of 20x Assault Marines can be laborious....so I've sprinkled in characters and a Machinekiller Veteran squad as well, painting 1x vet and 1x character for every 5x ASM I do. Helps break things up.



  • 2x Apothecaries w/ jump and power sword
  • 1x Forge Lord w/ jump pack, cyber familiar, bolt pistol, Blade of Perdition
  • 1x Praetor w/ jump pack, iron halo, digital lasers, master-crafting, bolt pistol, Blade of Perdition
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Put some work in on my IX Legion while the tryptophan from all that turkey was burning off.


Painting a brick of 20x Assault Marines can be laborious....so I've sprinkled in characters and a Machinekiller Veteran squad as well, painting 1x vet and 1x character for every 5x ASM I do. Helps break things up.



  • 2x Apothecaries w/ jump and power sword
  • 1x Forge Lord w/ jump pack, cyber familiar, bolt pistol, Blade of Perdition
  • 1x Praetor w/ jump pack, iron halo, digital lasers, master-crafting, bolt pistol, Blade of Perdition


Ooh, you play Heresy? I neeeeeed to start that Heresy army.


By the way, tryptophan, while it can cause sleepiness, is actually less present in turkey than other poultry. There is no reason having turkey would cause any sort of sleepy reaction any more than, say, fried chicken. The cause of general fatigue after a Thanksgiving dinner is more likely to be caused by high-carb foods such as mashed potatoes.

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Was able to pre-order the Darkness in the Blood collector's edition today! I'm looking forward to getting that.

Looked sold out in the US when I checked, but maybe I’m wrong. I’d loooooove those Dice and a LE copy but I feel missing out on this stuff is fate’s way of rewarding my wallet.

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It should be out in a few months. I think Spears of the Emperor came out about 6 months after the collectors edition. I got the email in the morning that it was coming out yesterday, so I was able to keep an eye out for when it went live. I hadn't seen anything about it prior to that. 

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Welp. Believed the hype and ordered BoB. I really wanted to go down the flesh tearers route, but the +1 to charge range really makes BA phenomenal, and they get the AP-1 when assault doctrine is active anyway. Although innate Ap-2 on a flesh tearers bare hands from turn 3 would be hilarious.
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I'd consider FT if they just had improved AP by default, however having to roll 6s really sucks. I hate having to rely on 6s and +1 to charge rolls really helps our JP units a ton so in the end the decision was an easy one unfortunately.

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I'd consider FT if they just had improved AP by default, however having to roll 6s really sucks. I hate having to rely on 6s and +1 to charge rolls really helps our JP units a ton so in the end the decision was an easy one unfortunately.

Indeed. Passive buff > active buff every day of the week. I might be painting them as FT but using BA rules.

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Yesterday I built a death company intercessor model and added a final model to an intercessor squad that is going go be painted up as veterans.


I also won an ebay lot for blood Angels accessories so I can add blood drop pendants to my incursor squad which is otherwise built and just awaiting being under coated.


Ordered a couple of dark imperium intercessor torsos which I'll use regular arms on/use the dark imperium arms on regular torsos. I've found this to be a really great way to add variation. With that I ordered a couple of crimson paladin sword arms, considering using their swords on a couple of models instead of the conversion world ones but wanted to compare in person before deciding. And ordered a few bare heads from various chapter upgrades as I like variety!


Also got to rummaging through my stuff and remembered I have inbuilt aggressors which I want to do tabards on rather than the random odd dangly bits they come with.


Finally, pondering adding tabards to some of the models in the veteran intercessor squad and looking at sourcing some Blood Angel thunder hammers, figure I may as well do at least one model with one!

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This reminds us we haven't seen an update of your lovely plog here for some time now;)

Yeah I've been in a weird place due to an ongoing house move process messing with my hobby area and work being very crazy!


I will try and do a general update soon though :)


Really appreciate the interest, helps with motivation!

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This reminds us we haven't seen an update of your lovely plog here for some time now;)

Yeah I've been in a weird place due to an ongoing house move process messing with my hobby area and work being very crazy!


I will try and do a general update soon though :smile.:


Really appreciate the interest, helps with motivation!



Yeah, RL seems to be hitting a lot of people in the run yp to 2020, I'm also keen to see what youve been working on as I venture into painting Primaris. 

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