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Today in BA.
Well, yesterday..
Started finishing up the flesh tones on the shadow spear mini's.
And got a call from my friend, more models are on the way for our trade. 2 boxes of Revers 1 more box of Infiltrators.
I also started painting the base layer for the red armour on a captain in Greavis Armour from the last starter set.
Tracking says I should get my hands on the codex either today or tomorrow.

I'll have a chance to swing by the game shop either this evening or tomorrow afternoon and maybe bring another model home. I need to see how much store credit I still have.
I've not had a lot of motivation to paint, hope to get out of that by the weekend.

Today's wip.

Edited by Warhead01
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I've been working on this all day.
Hopefully it gets faster after a few more.

med_gallery_3442_16212_270007.jpg med_gallery_3442_16212_161228.jpg
The cape took a very long time and for a little bit I thought it wasn't going to come together.
Still more to do but the armour's done, 5 reds. I had at first thought I would stop at 3 but kept on as it kept looking good to me the more I did. My finished army by 2021 is now in doubt.
We'll see.
I like this a lot more than the others I've done so far. I really like the clean look. Surprised me, I do love grimy filthy models.
I have another Capetian on the table next. I'm amazed at how many heroes I have ended up with.

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Today in BA started off really well. I won an auction for the SM half of the starter box for less than 120.00 usd. just before 0600 in the morning. 
Should be in next week. The sheller lives in the same state! 
I picked up blood Angels codex, 3 bottles of paint and 3 boxes of squads from the post office today as well. Putting Revers together tonight.
Things are really starting to roll now.  
I am a little let down by the BA codex I forgot how new the new current SM book is and that the BA codex is older. 
But I needed it for the pictures to help with the painting. 

Hopefully next month some one will have a BRB up for auction I can win for less than 50.00. 

It's a good start to the weekend. 

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Sounds like a productive weekend, man! Even though it seems like the BA codex will be outdated in a couple of months when the SM codex hits with a possible BA supplement in tow.

Haha yep!:biggrin.: 

That's on me for not paying enough attention. For some reason I thought there would be Primaris Death Company. No idea why I thought that. 

I shouldn't really complain, I'd rather have the book to look at that constantly search google images. 


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Sounds like a productive weekend, man! Even though it seems like the BA codex will be outdated in a couple of months when the SM codex hits with a possible BA supplement in tow.

Haha yep!:biggrin.:

That's on me for not paying enough attention. For some reason I thought there would be Primaris Death Company. No idea why I thought that.

I shouldn't really complain, I'd rather have the book to look at that constantly search google images.

Primaris death company are in blood of baal.

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Today in BA.
Some time in the early morning after midnight...


He's coming along. I think getting the armour done up on as many models as i can will be the best way to get this army done. I need to start getting more than 1 model painted at a time.
The detail takes less time and they can all be done together in the same step later.
The reds really remind me of the old Blood Angels red from the mid to late 90's that was almost orange. That was the only time I can remember even attempting blood angels models.
Oddly I almost regret not paint Ultras, but not really.
Next models will be a repaint of the suppressor squads I just painted. I want them to look more like these, more clean.

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Today in BA.

Some time in the early morning after midnight...



He's coming along. I think getting the armour done up on as many models as i can will be the best way to get this army done. I need to start getting more than 1 model painted at a time.

The detail takes less time and they can all be done together in the same step later.

The reds really remind me of the old Blood Angels red from the mid to late 90's that was almost orange. That was the only time I can remember even attempting blood angels models.

Oddly I almost regret not paint Ultras, but not really.

Next models will be a repaint of the suppressor squads I just painted. I want them to look more like these, more clean.

Since you 're talking about the old reds, here's my version.

3rd company Captain B

3rd company Captain A

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Where does everyone get their favorite non-GW shoulderpads?  I got two sets of Indomitus space marines and I am realizing I have nowhere near enough shoulder pads to replace all of them with at least one BA inspired shoulder pad, which is what I've done with all of the starter set units I've gotten over the years.


Edit: just saw the bits thread woops.  That being said, not much in the way of BA specific bits, just successor chapters.

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also if you replace pads on these you lose the up-armoured left shoulder. I think it may be better to go with stick on icons or press molds.

That is true, I guess I could just randomly bling out certain right shoulderpads on the assault guys and finally get over my aversion to decals :tongue.:

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Yeeeaaaa boiiiiiii my Indomitus set arrived this morning.


I'm supposed to be going out for a nice hike out in the lovely sunshine amidst the great outdoors and all the beauty of nature with the missus. But now I just want to sit at home and look at all my little grey dudes.


Alas! There will be much reading and coveting of miniatures later on.

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Yeeeaaaa boiiiiiii my Indomitus set arrived this morning.


I'm supposed to be going out for a nice hike out in the lovely sunshine amidst the great outdoors and all the beauty of nature with the missus. But now I just want to sit at home and look at all my little grey dudes.


Alas! There will be much reading and coveting of miniatures later on.

I run into a similar issue where no matter how nice a summer day is, I feel like I should be “productive” by painting/modeling/priming something. I find if I at least do a something a few days a week I can relax more since it feels like I’ve made “progress” on the hobby in the background.


I know, I need to get checked.

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Yeeeaaaa boiiiiiii my Indomitus set arrived this morning.


I'm supposed to be going out for a nice hike out in the lovely sunshine amidst the great outdoors and all the beauty of nature with the missus. But now I just want to sit at home and look at all my little grey dudes.


Alas! There will be much reading and coveting of miniatures later on.

I run into a similar issue where no matter how nice a summer day is, I feel like I should be “productive” by painting/modeling/priming something. I find if I at least do a something a few days a week I can relax more since it feels like I’ve made “progress” on the hobby in the background.


I know, I need to get checked.

Nothing wrong with that I would say :D same for me. At least I managed to build, bling up a bit and prime the assault intercessors and the bikers by now. Now I'm looking forward to slap some paint on those nice models!

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So I was lowkey kinda hoping that I wouldn't like the look of the bikes, or the necron Martian Tripod thing, so I could put a couple of bits up on eBay or something and not have to bother painting them.


But... Damnit, they're all awesome. I can even see myself getting some more of those bikes, they'll be pretty tasty in action I'm sure.

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After 18mos* I finally assembled my Crimson Paladins and am letting the primer dry. 


Too bad their rules are so wonky...they are pretty neat models. The leftover assault cannon, sword(s) and shield just scream conversion opportunity.


*how long it took my order to arrive, then I moved, then I had a kid, then I got them swapped out from FW since the originals I had (and didn't inspect until recently) were warped beyond repair, and then the replacements to ship. 

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But... Damnit, they're all awesome. I can even see myself getting some more of those bikes, they'll be pretty tasty in action I'm sure.


The rule is soemthing like +2A on the charge from the bike...which is then on top of Angels of Death and Echoes of Rage. A standard biker will be getting something like 7A each on the T3 charge and AP-1 with their Astartes Chainswords, and 8 on the serge. They're also fast, T5, W4, I believe. If theyre actually 40pts, I think they're really undercosted, considering an attack bike had worse stats and was more points in 8th. I think they'll dominate tables for a while. 

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But... Damnit, they're all awesome. I can even see myself getting some more of those bikes, they'll be pretty tasty in action I'm sure.

The rule is soemthing like +2A on the charge from the bike...which is then on top of Angels of Death and Echoes of Rage. A standard biker will be getting something like 7A each on the T3 charge and AP-1 with their Astartes Chainswords, and 8 on the serge. They're also fast, T5, W4, I believe. If theyre actually 40pts, I think they're really undercosted, considering an attack bike had worse stats and was more points in 8th. I think they'll dominate tables for a while.

The total is 135 for 3, which is 45 points each. JFYI, BattleScribe has been updated with the new points!


The attacks from these guys are insane. If you want to shower something with LOTS of S4 AP-1 attacks, then these are the way to go. They’ll have really good chaff clearing capabilities until they get re-costed to the more reasonable 60-point mark.

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