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The official photos usually have saturated colours for better or worse. In the case of Astorath, the actual problem is the unnatural pose that looks like an articulated doll instead of an armoured man raising his arms. The pauldrons should not be positioned like that and his armpits should be visible. Other minis have done the same correctly.

Edit: I think it may look better with the arms slightly lowered like he's doing a side axe swing...

Edited by lansalt
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Got the set, as I have been holding off on more assault marines waiting for a new chapter upgrade sprue and to see what we got re death company upgrades so it's all useful for me (i will be using spare/old pads and parts from old sets to bling them up a bit). Not sure if I should be surprised that it's still available nearly an hour after release time though...

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The official photos usually have saturated colours for better or worse. In the case of Astorath, the actual problem is the unnatural pose that looks like an articulated doll instead of an armoured man raising his arms. The pauldrons should not be positioned like that and his armpits should be visible. Other minis have done the same correctly.

Edit: I think it may look better with the arms slightly lowered like he's doing a side axe swing...

I was talking about the face, a lot of people were negative about the deathmask, I think less saturated it looks pretty great though.


as for the pose, yeah 100% lowering the axe and aiming for this is my goal:



Got the set, as I have been holding off on more assault marines waiting for a new chapter upgrade sprue and to see what we got re death company upgrades so it's all useful for me (i will be using spare/old pads and parts from old sets to bling them up a bit). Not sure if I should be surprised that it's still available nearly an hour after release time though...

I wouldn't be surprised, there was no queue system and a lot of these FOMO boxes have been in stock for a few days or even longer.

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It's good to also see a better picture of the decal sheet, which we can see is labelled up as "Death Company Transfer sheet".


I think we'll probably get another new sheet with our other releases to cover everything else (fingers crossed). I'm intrigued to see what we get on there.


It appears that some of the decals used on some of the Death Company aren't on this sheet. I think the icon on the Sanguinors shoulder pad is also a decal, but I could be wrong. As far as I know, the only transfer sheet we've had that's had a white Capter Icon that's small enough to fit on Lemartes knee was the tiny sheet that came with the Space Marine Heroes 2 paint box. This was the box that had the Terminator Standard bearer in. This sheet was almost impossible to get in the UK.



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Yep me and a buddy both got it as well at 15% off (plus rewards discount for myself, nice to get the whole box for $170 US).



I didn't remember that illustration! I think it's clear that the sculptor was going for imitating that pose, at least initially. It makes a lot more sense.


The sculptor was trying to remake the old one but without the scale problems.





It like, the exact same model.  Biggest difference is which leg is forward lol 

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I think if he was actually in the pose in the picture, where the axe is below his head as above, I would agree that it was based around that art.

Considering they gave him mechanical wings as opposed to the old feather style that they show above, I don't think it's "Inspiration" any more than any other art is inspiration.

It's a cool art!  I think the inspiration is pretty obvious where it comes from; the relatively terrible old model.  The new one is so much better, there's no argument there, and I think the art could be accomplished, but I don't think it's the inspiration for the current model in anything other than that it's Astorath.

Edited by DemonGSides
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Listening to Horus Rising, have tried taking up listening to audio books while painting.

Trying to put the finishing touches on the first half of my Vowed Vindicators, and just thinking, damn, what might have been. 


Sejanus dying, Maloghurst living, and Jubals possession

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I've done some knivework today to get my old models in line with the new rules. 

The guy with the plasma pistol and chainsword will be the scapegoat for overheating :rolleyes:. I've recklessly stolen the idea for the Eviscerator conversion from Mikey from Hellstorm Wargaming. I think it looks cool and should be obvious for other players. 


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Lawrence from Tabletop Tactics ran his Jump SPriest as a jump captain with relic blade in the latest battle report. I think I'm going to do the same and run him with my SGuard!

I used a SG jump pack on him, so it fits the bill pretty nicely!



I love those folk. Loved how excited Bard was for the new models. I refuse to call Lawrence Spider too. I live in Australia and know several people nicknamed Spider and unless Lawrence is called Spider because his handwriting looks like a spider has crawled across the page covered in ink, then he's not the kind of person we can spider down under.


I think the SP with JP will be back in 11th when they drop Sang guard AP back to -2. Geeze I'd love to see them hit something with ap4. Good bye armour save.

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It seems to me like Gift of Foresight might be best on a terminator librarian. An automatic six on an overcharged smite would be pretty nasty (or doubling up a hit roll with the SH1 depending on the target!). Alternatively, stacking lethal and sustained hits in Melee with red rampage is also pretty tasty!


Options galore!


Now if only he wasn't stuck with AP -1 in Melee…

Edited by Paladin777
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My wife treated me to the Ballistus Dreadnought as an anniversary present. Since the new BA models were revealed I’ve been a bit more eager to paint again, and I felt like I should start with this as she bought it for me!


The torso is magnetised to the legs so I can break the model down for transporting.


btw, he won’t be wearing his cork stilettos into combat!


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