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Well, on my worklog, I posted the pictures. After a complete month and a half of my hobby time (which is probably not much for most people one here) I got 39 terminators cleaned, assembled, put on bases, and ready for primering. I posted too many photos as the link below, but here's a group shot:




More details about the kit bashes and conversions are in the thread.


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Run two archangel detachments at 2000 points. I think it's 2250 for 39. 45 of them are for 2500. I wanted Karlaen, captain, librarian, chaplain, then 20 tactical terminators and 20 assault terminators. The lists are on my computer. There's a 20 terminator list with 3 furioso in drop pods and Karlaen to ensure rerolls on reserves. It's fluffy. If I wanted to be competitive, death wing, gray knights, or codex marines do it better.


I love lightning claw terminators who charge with 4 attacks, S5, reroll wounds, hits also with a chaplain, and in Baal formations get I5.

Edited by Father Mapple
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Hey guys!


Long time no paint, time's very limited at the moment. Currently I'm working on Aphael and Valkia(WHFB), but both are still very WIP, so I reckoned I'd rather show you some pictures of the finished dudes.


Here's my Tactical Squad so far:










I've given up painting the squad markings on the knees. Too much pain in the arse.


Hope you like it! See ya!




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Seth-Astorath... Interesting! What head are you using?


Noth Seth's chubby noggin' that's for sure. He's metal though so I'm going to have to have at it pretty hard to remove.


I'm thinking either something classy like a Mk4 (i'll paint it bone) or perhaps one of these:




Or maybe one from the NL upgrades, this one is chaplain enough without going too Terror Squad:




top it off with a DC Jump Pack too.

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Picked up Seth today. I'm thinking of painting up a 6 man tac squad and razorback in flesh tearers so he isn't out of place in my BA list. I know fluff wise Seth probably wouldn't tag along with BA but do you guys reckon it would be sort of plausible?

Totally, he probably just went for a meeting and then the Klaxons start wailing. One thing leafs to another and he's in a drop, massive chainsword revving...



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Nah, Seth is trying to mend the schism between his chapter and his parent one. He's trying to lead the FT into a new age of glory and build over the super aggressive bloodthirsty rumors of the age gone by.


Plus his rules are really really cool.

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Nah, Seth is trying to mend the schism between his chapter and his parent one. He's trying to lead the FT into a new age of glory and build over the super aggressive bloodthirsty rumors of the age gone by.


Plus his rules are really really cool.

Okay, that is cooler.





Just quoting the actual fluff at the moment :smile.:


today for me though I got these in the mail:




Seem like they'd be great for wound/ hull point/ objective markers :biggrin.:

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Started work on a heavy flamer chap using these.


Trouble is, I need to find a suitable right hand. I'm using the SM Tactical box as a basis and the arms in their lack right hands (they are molded onto the guns)...

A little cube of green stuff or cannibalise a hand from the bits box?

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Luckily I have a load of the old tactical arms, back when you had to cut the grips with off the bolters so all the hands are intact.


Aye time is a killer... I should really order a Deredeo Base so I can finish my RTS vow...


Yeah, I'm sure I have something somewhere. As for the base, put a 32 mm on each foot :wink::tongue.:


Would outstretched arms work? I was contemplating doing the same thing myself and logically these arms look about the best suited for it.


On the back on the SM Tactical instructions there's a parts guide. I'm probably going to go with the bits for the top circles on one your picture but the outstretched arm shouldn't be a problem. it's the trigger finger I'm struggling to find (it's quite possible that rummaging through your bits box at 2330 isn't a good idea...) It's going to have the BA re-breather head and a BA shoulder pad so it should look good. Quite interested to see what you come up with too!

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On the back on the SM Tactical instructions there's a parts guide. I'm probably going to go with the bits for the top circles on one your picture but the outstretched arm shouldn't be a problem. it's the trigger finger I'm struggling to find (it's quite possible that rummaging through your bits box at 2330 isn't a good idea...) It's going to have the BA re-breather head and a BA shoulder pad so it should look good. Quite interested to see what you come up with too!



It won't happen. My local store is no longer going to be running forgeworld orders so I missed the boat (literally) on getting those heavy flamers.

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