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Can Chaos be good?

Lord Lee

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Hi guys


Can Chaos be good, can it in some way provide a better, brighter future for mankind that won't lead to enslavement and insanity. Is there somewhere inside the warp where mankind thrives, someplace like Ultramar and it's 500 worlds and if there is what warriors defend this paradise?


Lord Lee.

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In a way. Older fantasy interpretations had good aspects to the gods.


Now with total grimdark, it's more of an authors perogitive. It's a grey area relative to GW mainly focusing on the four and ignoring minor gods and etc etc.


It's better and more coherent that way: making eight or more individually diverse followers of deities that are distinct is far harder than four, and even those four often aren't done justice.


Plus, provides the scope for people like yourself to fill that void.

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There is no such thing as good or evil, just grey. 



Grey is, at its core, a combination of white and black. There have been and always will be definitively evil acts; warhammer40k is full of examples, likewise there will always be definitively good acts. The lack of the second in the warhammer universe is a major set back, I think, to the depth of its universe. 

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There is no such thing as good or evil, just grey.



That would strongly depend on who you ask. Believers of, what is it called, "natural ethics" would argue that there is only the things we know to do by instinct, and then everything that we do that is not ingrained into us at the instinctual level, if I understand it correctly. There are also many many many many many people who would say that "good" and "evil" is a matter of opinion to the society in question. For example, we would consider human sacrifice to be a great sin. The Aztecs? Probably not so much. Some people consider killing in any way, shape or form to be evil. Others say that while it is never good, it is sometimes necessary to survival and to mete out appropriate justice. Then you get the Nazis and the serial killers and the Crusaders and the Jihadists.
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Honestly it comes down to how you view good and evil. Heresy is defined by something that doesn't fit your own morals but many different people can have different series of morals to live by.


In some of the older Black Library books it wasn't uncommon to see chaos that wasn't exactly horrible on the small scale (I'm thinking Daemon World here), where it was rough to live because of the enviroment but it wasn't as though you had to sacrafice every day a child to some altar either. Something like Ultramar where someone could live in relative peace? Sure I don't see why not but stagnation means death so there will always be some sort of change happening at some point which will most likely by horrible and soul shredding when it does happen. Keep in mind this isn't the galaxy of rainbows and unicorns, this is the grim dark where your life doesn't matter.

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As I see it... Chaos isn't about creating an ideal paradise. It's about destroying a lie. Looking at the Imperium of Man you have an Empire founded on the lies of secularism and sustained on lies of theology. Mankind's true potential for growth and advancement is stunted by the culls of the black ships, ignorance of the Ecclisiarchy, and rigidity of the Adeptus Mechanicus. If Chaos succeeds in overthrowing the shackles of the Corpse God will the abysmal quality of life of the Imperial subject improve? Perhaps, perhaps not, but he will not be living in a empire of lies for Chaos is honest in its aspirations. Khorne wants blood, there is no doubt in a screaming World Eaters intentions, Slannesh wants excess, he maybe subtle in his corruptions, but all she ever asks is for just a little bit more. Nurgle wants disease his putrid followers make no effort to deny that fact as they slowly rot. Tzentch, The Great Schemer, we'll he tells the truth, even when he lies.

Without the imperial chains halting humanity's progress, perhaps life will be better in the long term. A comparatively few worlds, such as those in the realm of Ultramar, with good quality of life do not justify the horrid, man made conditions on hive worlds, forge worlds, etc...

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One thing the warp does is that it reflects the truth. Now, most will argue that the warp is a twisted reflection, that what it shows is different from reality. That is somewhat true. What if the reflection it showed, was actually the truth underneath the lie? What if you looked in the mirror and instead of seeing the face you grew up with, you saw your dishonesty, your sadism, your cowardice, your wit, your domineering personality, your very personality given full and physical form? Would you believe it was the truth, or a twisted lie?


After all, in 40K, the warp was real. Yet look at how many rejected its true existence when it revealed itself. Look at how many continue to resist that truth.

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I've wondered the same thing, and I'm a GK player.


Because if the chaos God's took over, and all life was consumed by the warp, where there is no death. Then surely it'll be like valhala/heaven/Houri? (if I spelt it correctly)

The only diseases will be from nurgle (who embrace it) tons of dark desires from the excess god/followers (so massive drug orgies). Endless fighting from khorn (for warriors) and then the knowledge nerds in a endless library of sorts.


My interpretation is probably completely wrong.

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