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Astra Squatarium...


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  • 2 weeks later...

There's a couple of guard arms in there, on the grenade launchers and also on the command squad that I haven't posted yet. They require a little trimming to shorten them slightly, or they look

quite odd.


I've another chimera and the plasma sentinel complete now, I'll post pics tomorrow morning if I get chance.


I'm also working on the fluff for these guys, which is also a part of my future marine chapter fluff. There's all sorts of darkness and mystery associated with them after they vanished into the warp and weren't seen for a couple of centuries, before showing up again in a rather convenient place... Which also leads to how they become associated with my inquisition force, and leads nicely into the campaign I'm planning with my friends eldar and chaos forces... Which in turn gets my dark Angels force involved...


The plot thickens, as they say.

  • 2 weeks later...

So, next up, the first of three Plasma Cannon Sentinels, excuse the random roof mounted missile launcher, this was an ebay purchase, but I left it on to distinguish it as the "leader" of the squadren.





Coming soon, the Chimera to go with the second veteran squad, a lord commisar, and a Company Command Squad.

  • 3 months later...

So I haven't updated this for a while, but I haven't been slacking! Well, I kind of was for the Big Guns Never Tire event, where reality invaded my little corner of the Imperium and caused me to forgot to post pics of my Pask Punisher.....but anyway, lets put my own stupidity and forgetfulness aside, and look at more squats! Everyone loves squats! Right?

Here's an as yet unnamed Ministorum Priest, made from a GW Runepriest and a Plasma gun, not the most adventurous conversion, I know, but it works for me. This guy usually runs with some conscripts (who I might post later), and has so far been something of a powerhouse, tanking shots from two full squads of Iron Hands and killing a Librarian in the following turn in one game alone...





More coming later today.

Yeah, the varnish is a good idea. I'll look into that.

Next up, a third veteran squad... Bases need a little tidying up. I had a little glue related accident.


My personal favourite in this squad is this guy, I found what I think are ancient binoculars from either a space marine or ork box set of rogue trader era. I like the idea of a short sighted dwarf with a grenade lanucher.


This is a stand in for an autocannon team, it'll have to do until I get round to buying some actual heavy weapons.


Then there's this chap, a lord commissar who recently pummeled a couple of Eldar Harlequins with his power maul.




Coming up soon, Pask, a company command squad, a Valkyrie, and some non-squat models.


I've just noticed the guy with the hat in the auto cannon team bears an uncanny resemblance to Jean Reno...

This stuff looks fantastic. Makes me want to start a squat army. Always liked Dwarves, but could never get into them in WHFB because I like fast-moving aggressive armies. In 40K I could see a mechanized Astra Militarum force of squats though. Great stuff.


I especially love that commissar.

Very glad to see this thread get updated. Sadly, I have no fuzzy memories of Squats because the hobby was unknown to me way back when but, seeing pictures of them from the past and seeing yours- wow. As everyone has said already, that Lord Commissar is quite superb and the priest model is my personal favourite of what you have so far (kind of have a soft spot for them msn-wink.gif).

Well, carry on with more loveliness smile.png.

Final additions for now!

First up, a company command squad, whose chimera is currently being painted and will appear in a couple of days...



The banner bearer is probably my oldest mini, I think I bought him the first time I went in a GW store back in t'day.


I think that's an old school Ork Plasma gun...


Despite wearing mirrored aviators, this guy manages to look worried...



Medic conversion with some Scions bits...


Company commander with a power fist, an old space marine power fist, he was going to be a "counts as Strakken" until I had a better Idea...


Crappy pic, but his cloak is a Deathwing knight robe...


a 99% complete Valkyrie...


The pilots heads are from Mantic Forge Father range....more of that sort of thing to come....



Great models, the old Ork plasma gun fits the Squat aesthetic well so yet another good conversion :tu: The highlighting on your vehicles is consistently good, the more tanks you paint the better - what could be more Squat than vehicle anyway?

Thanks, Fish!


I'm almost at the stage where I've painted everything I have. There's a Wyvern with some "interesting" little conversions, the command squads chimera, two sentinel squadrens on the vehicle front, then I have an infantry platoon of about 60 models from Mantics range. After that I'm going to get into some serious conversions and make an Inquisitorial retinue consisting of mainly squats. That should be fun.

Ok, here's my "counts as Pask", who i've posted before elsewhere, but not in a completed state.









Here's one of many infantry squads...



Close up of a trooper...


Close up of the Sarge...


Platoon command squad...


And finally a close up on the officer...






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