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Malal, thoughts on that cheeky chappy?

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Taken from another thread, I thought I'll share it here, let have a girly sleepover and talk about boys Malal

Warsmith Gorrched, on 05 Oct 2014 - 8:28 PM, said:snapback.png

The warp is still the warp and inside of it you have the chaos gods. Makal or however you spell the name hasn't been around since Rogue Trader days. But even after that there was still Chaos Undivided. It hasn't been until these last (two?) codexes that you HAD to pick a god.

Malal predates 40k entirely by at least a year, WHFRPG was published in 86, 40k was 87-88 (copyrighted in 87 though I'm unsure of the release date,, I'm not THAT old, unlike Forte msn-wink.gif). Also Malal never really made it into 40k fluff, so technically never existed in the 41st millenniinniinnillum. Unless there is something in a Black Library story somewhere linking the Sons of Malice to Malal (as far as I'm aware the only connection between the two is that the Sons of Malace wear Black and White plate and a cartoon character 'Kaleb Daark' who worhipped Malal wore the ame, 40k conspiracy theorists just made assumptions biggrin.png )then I'd say the Renegade god has nothing to do with the pantheon at all. Personally I think Malal players are just chaos hipsters trynna be cool msn-wink.gif


Edit 1 - If there is a Black Library story linking the two then please let me know, I'd be interested in reading that.

Edit 2 - I am aware that there is concept sketches for Malal Daemons that were originally done for RoC, that would also mean Malal would have been a 40k god, but as the creator was no longer with GW and he held the rights GW couldn't use them, thus Malal never made it into RoC and the 40k fluff, that why I commented on Malal never existing n 40k...

I do apologize if this post came across a bit asshattish, I have been on that 'Christians against Dinosaurs' group on FB trolling both sides and I am now stuck in the 'FACTS' and 'PROOF' mindset, gonna wind down now and plan a Sons of Malice quad for the Call tongue.png

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I do apologize if this post came across a bit asshattish, I have been on that 'Christians against Dinosaurs' group on FB trolling both sides and I am now stuck in the 'FACTS' and 'PROOF' mindset, gonna wind down now and plan a Sons of Malice quad for the Call tongue.png

Come on man, let people believe what they want to believe (even if it is weird and funny), no need to be rude about it. But this is off topic.

Anywho, I've heard of Malal but I don't know much about him, other than he was supposed to be the warp god of chaos. Which sounds really cool, and it would be cool to see him introduced into 40k. I could see him even causing trouble with the other four, which would be interesting fluff-wise.

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I do apologize if this post came across a bit asshattish, I have been on that 'Christians against Dinosaurs' group on FB trolling both sides and I am now stuck in the 'FACTS' and 'PROOF' mindset, gonna wind down now and plan a Sons of Malice quad for the Call tongue.png

Come on man, let people believe what they want to believe (even if it is weird and funny), no need to be rude about it. But this is off topic.

Its actually a page by Atheists made to troll other Atheists, its hilarious how wound up people get over it, but yea, back on topic. Its a shame that GW now have the 'only 4 gods' and chaos undivided not existing anymore stance, a 5th anti chaos god could really make the fluff richer.

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Personally, I'm fine with the Big Four being the only capital G level Gods. The kind of gods who cast shadows across the whole galaxy.


It leaves plenty of room for other gods. The kind that are, in truth, nothing more than Daemons, but who cast shadows over worlds and systems.

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Edit 1 - If there is a Black Library story linking the two then please let me know, I'd be interested in reading that.



In this story the Sons of Malice summon "Malice" the "Renegade God". It doesn't go into detail about Malice though.


nice one

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Which would be half-decent if they made it to the tabletop. They don't, infact they kind of dissapeared, along with a lot of customization abilities (paint and esoteric mutation modelling doesn't count) and pride in playing the army.

Eh. The rules mean nothing to me as long as they exist in the lore.


And they do. There are still tidbit d here and there of spirits and gods who haunt worlds. Like Samus.

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The fluff is open to lots of Gods, it's hinted at a lot that there is a Raptor God that the Cults keep quiet about.


As the "Gods" only have so much power to share with followers depending on how many followers they have. I imagine that Malal and his following would be isolated to a small planet or like other Small Daemon Gods attached to a Renegade chapter.

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The fluff is open to lots of Gods, it's hinted at a lot that there is a Raptor God that the Cults keep quiet about.


As the "Gods" only have so much power to share with followers depending on how many followers they have. I imagine that Malal and his following would be isolated to a small planet or like other Small Daemon Gods attached to a Renegade chapter.

The thing is though that Malal should be up with the other four. His followers are those that have been betrayed by forces in power. Say hello to the Traitor Legions who, to my understanding, alot went to chaos do to feeling betrayed by someone. Malal was not meant to be a small god.

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I think what Malal was intended for is from multiple conflicting views.


GW clearly stopped caring about him two editions ago. His original creator in fantasy made his champion originally fight against Chaos forces before revealing he wanted the God of Anarchy to be more disastrous than Khorne.


He's a minor god in the sense that is what Malice was left at after the original writers left with him. You're unlikely to see progression until another writer picks up the mantle. The trouble with that is how skewed Chaos has been, either blanketing everything in the drabity of the 4, or revisiting mirror mirror on the wall warp sage Khayon.


Quite honestly I'd love for minor gods and Undivided to actually mean something, GW says otherwise.

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GW looks at it this way.


You have the warp which is the opposite of the 'real universe'. Inside of this warp emotions and demons run around the place, the warp fuels/feeds/whathaveyou the demons just like air/carbon/water/nitrogen etc fuel basic life. These only give rise to the big 4 and their minor demons. Which in turn means you can only have demons from the 4 gods but furries are alright for some reason? Because why not?


Black Library looks at it similarly (at least from what I've seen) however...there has been instances where demons are not aligned. You have the 'warp beasts' that bash against the hulls of the ships in the void. Not to metion the warp beasts that assault Arhiman and the space wolf rune priest while they talk to each other in the warp.


Would I like it differently? Sure, I'd love for them to bring back undivided as that is really the warp itself not just one god but all of the emotions involved in it. Will it happen? Nope. Will they bring back Malal? Nope. It is what it is.

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Been toying with making one of two unknown legions and making them Malal worshipers. Not sure what to do about the colors though. Maybe a half white half black instead of the quartered of the SoM, or leaving the quarter and changing either the black or white to a different color. Not really sure.
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Idea: Have the Legionaries wear either black or white, with the distinction having relevance within the Legion's culture but defying conventional signifiers such as rank, tools classification, etc.


So the Legion as a whole has that hodgepodge black/white look, rather than the individual Marines.

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Idea: Have the Legionaries wear either black or white, with the distinction having relevance within the Legion's culture but defying conventional signifiers such as rank, tools classification, etc.

So the Legion as a whole has that hodgepodge black/white look, rather than the individual Marines.

What like normal CSMs are black while say Havocs are white?
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Idea: Have the Legionaries wear either black or white, with the distinction having relevance within the Legion's culture but defying conventional signifiers such as rank, tools classification, etc.

So the Legion as a whole has that hodgepodge black/white look, rather than the individual Marines.

What like normal CSMs are black while say Havocs are white?

Personally I'd say mix it up completely go for squads in completely different colours or mix in black and white patterns that don't even unify in squads. Checks, half and half, spots, helms alt colour etc

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Maybe it's like forty breaching squads whose shields come together to form one massive symbol but individually look like a couple of lines and maybe a few symbols.


So....... Cormac's idea. No outright discernible rhyme or reason, but definitely one there, just only known to you and those you share it with.

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Maybe it's like forty breaching squads whose shields come together to form one massive symbol but individually look like a couple of lines and maybe a few symbols.


So....... Cormac's idea. No outright discernible rhyme or reason, but definitely one there, just only known to you and those you share it with.

That would look awesome. Like a military version of the stadium card-tricks. ( http://hoaxes.org/archive/permalink/rose_bowl_hoax/)


And just thinking about buying 40 breachers makes my wallet start running for the hills. 

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