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Looking at a Tzeentch themed daemon army


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I would like to go mono god but I have read that that isn't the most viable route. So I was thinking that I could convert and do "counts as" and saty in the Tzeentch theme. I have ordered the codex so I am eagerly awaiting it, but if I wanted to do a quick 1000 point demon army what would you suggest? I will try to do counts as for as much as I can, so what would be 1k of tzeentch or combined deamons?

I would like to stick with tzeentch as much as possible.

Thanks for any help

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Well The Jeske has a 1500 point tzeentch list in his signature, which is oddly conventent, but I believe that's a jibe at GWs direction of army list balancing more than anything else. My understanding is that with such a list, you divert all of your warp charge into summoning more daemons, and flood the battlefield with free bodies.

However, his approach is unlikely to earn you many friends, as doubling your army for free doesn't really make for good sport. That said, if competitive is what you are going for, it seems like a solid starting point.


Hope this helps, and someone who actually owns the daemons codex weighs in with some list suggestions. Any more info you can provide on your play style, etc would be useful. If you hate painting vehicles, avoid multiple soul grinders for example. How competitive a list do you want? A beer and pretzels list for a bit of banter with a few mates, or a tourney list taking advantage of every rules lawyering opportunity that presents itself?



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Yeah, sorry  I should have been more descriptive. My long time gaming buddy has started GK and will probably use some inq. allies whenever that book comes out. I would like a list that is solid but it doesn't have to be a tournament list. We mainly play for fun and a few laughs. But it would still be nice not to get steamrolled, or to steam roll someone else

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I can't advise you on a Tzeentchian army list, but since you're considering conversion and counts-as ... well, I'd like to draw your attention to the ingenious Cubes of Tzeentch army over at dakkadakka.com. To be honest, chances are not everybody will play you with something like that. But it's nevertheless worth to check out for inspiration.

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