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IA13: Dedicated Transport Dreadclaws, and More!


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I really wish for the ferrus that we could arm it with two ranged weapons like loyalist dreads-2 autocannons probably being my preferred build and with bs5 would be very nice. The contemptor can do that but I think it's too expensive. 


The ferrus isn't bad though, and I'd probably go with a plasma cannon and its close combat weapon. 


I was thinking about the Seige version of the Ferrus. On the one hand I was thinking the AV13 would be handy. On the other hand I already have Contemptors and Decimators so maybe not.



Little more expensive but I think it's worth the cost. Nice thing is about the siege drill, unlike the decimator's siege claws it auto hits all models in a transport/building, instead of d6. Probably go autocannon or plasma for the other arm. 


Not sure if this was mentioned by someone already, but the regular version of IA 13 is out. Price is not much different from the special edition, though.


I'm guessing that's because the special edition didn't get anything except for the poster and case, though it was well worth it to get the book early and the case. 


I don't think 3 meduas is too much, however I wouldn't go breacher shells since it's already decent anti armor without them, plus large blast. 

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Didn't notice the flamestorm part, seems to me like no you can't, there's no mention of replacing the flamestorm with something else. 


That makes it a little less useful given the siege ferrum can't do anything until turn 2/3 when it's in flamer range, might just stick to dread arm/plasma cannon. 

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Anyone know if the rapier weapon batteries on the contentes are essentially the space marine ones, and if so which slot can they be taken in and do they seem good/okay? 
How would you rate the book in terms of contents, and is there a quick run down on wherever the stuff in it could be usefull/fun t use?

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I kinda like the chaos version of the conversion beamer, large blast on all ranges, over 24" S10 AP1...


225p for three, it's like a squad of oblits, but different...

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I noticed that as well, over 24" is a pretty good deal for that amount of firepower. Deploy them off in a corner, they'll be using their s10 ap1 most of the game. Definitely worth trying out, just have to make sure they are protected. 

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The Chaos Rapiers are different to the loyalist ones. After standard weapons (Quad-HB and Laser Destroyer) they can take Hades Autocannons, Ectoplasma Cannon, or Cyclotrathe-pattern Conversion Beamers (shorter range than normal, but can fire when moved), and have a special rule for death explosions (they have a warp-reactor so they're extra explodey). They are HS slot. 

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Despite the tracks, I would assume that rapiers cannot move and fire correct?


I'm liking the idea of 3 rapiers with Hades cannon, coming a melta bomb cheaper than an Ectofiend, but has that all important BS that kills the Hadesfiend could be a big difference. 12 Strength 8 AP 4 shots doesn't sound bad at all. Same price as a Sicaran with Lascannons and Armoured Ceremite.


I'm wondering a Sicaran with 3 Heavy Bolters and Malefic Ammunition is worth it? Against Tau and Eldar it might have utility but it's a big points sink for something so fragile. 215 points with Malefic ammunition is a big points sink especially when These armies have enough firepower to glance to death in the sides.

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I plan on taking a sicaran with heavy bolters, but I don't think malefic is worth it. Would it be useful? Without a doubt, especially with 9 shots. But I think it's jsut too expensive, and what I like about the sicaran is it's pretty cheap with just heavy bolter side sponsons..start adding armored ceramite, malefic ammo and other toys and the price stacks up quickly. 


Rapiers sounds cool but we have such a crowded heavy support section now I'd fine it hard to fit them in were I take take them. 

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Despite the tracks, I would assume that rapiers cannot move and fire correct?


I'm liking the idea of 3 rapiers with Hades cannon, coming a melta bomb cheaper than an Ectofiend, but has that all important BS that kills the Hadesfiend could be a big difference. 12 Strength 8 AP 4 shots doesn't sound bad at all. Same price as a Sicaran with Lascannons and Armoured Ceremite.


I'm wondering a Sicaran with 3 Heavy Bolters and Malefic Ammunition is worth it? Against Tau and Eldar it might have utility but it's a big points sink for something so fragile. 215 points with Malefic ammunition is a big points sink especially when These armies have enough firepower to glance to death in the sides.


  I believe with the rapiers it would depend on the weapons, obviously any ordnance ones would not be able to move and fire. Not sure about a BRB rules concerning artillery units and moving then shooting?


  My preference for the Sicaran will be lascannon sponsons, I usually run a fire raptor and past a certain point more HB shots aren't worth it as much for me. I think the malefic ammo is okay on the Sicaran, but it's not competively priced, I like the idea of the upgrade, but when it comes down to paying for it I can always think of a better use of the points.

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Well artillery are not relentless and not slow and purposeful so if you move, that means snap shots for heavy weapons. 


Well I'm not running a fire raptor, and I can see why if you are taking a fire raptor you won't need more heavy bolter shots but just considering the sicran by itself I'm wondering why take lascannons? I'm going to be using mine as a bit of a jack of all trades-anti infantry, anti flier, and anti light vehicles-lascannons you want to use for heavier vehicles and not against fliers, which conflicts with the sicaran's autocannon. Malefic ammo would actually be very helpful for the role I have in mind so I might have to try it out once, it would I'm not wasting HB shots against AV12 targets, and making them more effective against lighter vehicles. 

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The fire and move comment was directed at the Conversion Beamer option. The specific pattern that can be put on the rapier (as opposed to the ones on Decimators or Contemptor dreads) does not have the 'Firing Calibration' special rule (which prevents firing and moving in the same turn, relentless or not). I suppose other restrictions on shooting would still apply over that (snap shots, etc).

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I'm thinking I will go for the sicaran. Little over 60 euroes but I think it will be worth taking, solid heavy support option you'd rarely leave at home. My plan is to grab that and maybe the hell blade. Only concern about the hell blade is Av10 all around is very weak-enough bolters pointed at it and it's going down. 

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If you can get a Spartan for 60 Euros...well...


TBH, Depends on what you feel your army is lacking and what among the lists of Resin-Crack of Forgeworld Entices you.


Sicarian is a pretty Solid choice. A Contemptor is a nice model but its Chaos rules are meh. Maybe some Cataphractii Terminators if you don't have any and want to field terminators?


I'm more of a Horus Heresy guy myself so I wouldn't really know what to suggest...

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I have my eye on the Hell Blade Fighter. Cheap AA that looks cool and saves me from buying a Heldrake.


Otherwise the Relic Plasma Pred is always a good choice. My friend has one and I've always been impressed by it.

The Hell Blade is solid, a bit weak in armour & HPs but useful. The Fire Raptor is very good too, the stand out choice for me. Personally I think the Sicaran is amazing too, a 6 shot rending autocannon that ignores jink saves, great!
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I'm thinking I will go for the sicaran. Little over 60 euroes but I think it will be worth taking, solid heavy support option you'd rarely leave at home. My plan is to grab that and maybe the hell blade. Only concern about the hell blade is Av10 all around is very weak-enough bolters pointed at it and it's going down. 


Lets not forget that the blade has a 5++

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I'm thinking I will go for the sicaran. Little over 60 euroes but I think it will be worth taking, solid heavy support option you'd rarely leave at home. My plan is to grab that and maybe the hell blade. Only concern about the hell blade is Av10 all around is very weak-enough bolters pointed at it and it's going down.


Lets not forget that the blade has a 5++

Don't forget the free d6+2" move every movement phase AND refilling 1's on a nominated target for AP or to wound rolls. Very good buy for 115pts. I'm assuming g you'll get the autocannon upgrade.


I'll be buying a sicaran, its just to good of a deal not to. I also want a few legion armour marks to seed through the ranks.

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I've recently been using Dreadclaw Drop pods as transports for my Chosen. Boy, does that work! The Chosen are armed with the full remit of plasma guns (there's a plasma theme running through my army. It fits Slaanesh quite well, if you think hard enough about it), the Mark of Slaanesh (of course) and often with the Icon of Excess. Getting them this close this early in the game with that amount of firepower has changed the unit entirely, especially given that the Dreadclaw is a fairly decent threat in and of itself; it doesn't just sit there and shoot like most drop pods, but can fly around burninating things and presenting a legitimate alternative target to your Chosen. It's especially fun if your guys are accompanied by a Sorcerer who can provide buffing and/or defensive powers or even summon a few nice new threats whilst you're waiting.

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