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I have a Khorne themed army (Mark of Khorne only, melee focus) and I have run into a problem.


The bezerkers that Khârn usually ride with end up being overkill when he is in their unit, so I want to stick him elsewhere. I am hung up on what unit should accompany him though, preferable something durable that can take shots for him while still being a threat. So I am putting it out to the community.


Restrictions are:


Unit must be less than 200 points including transport.

Mark of Khorne ONLY.

Needs to be in a rhino.


I was thinking Chosen(for ranged punch on disembark) or Possesed(for the invuln), what would you do? Who should be giving Khârn a lift?

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Slightly left field suggestion - Havocs loaded with flamers/meltas. This way the unit can do something the turn they get out, will get blasted in responce, then Khârn + fearless survivors can go chop up some dudes.

This is the kind of suggestion I am looking for, I had not thought of that!


I am a bit worried about giving up the heavy support slot though.

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Slightly left field suggestion - Havocs loaded with flamers/meltas. This way the unit can do something the turn they get out, will get blasted in responce, then Khârn + fearless survivors can go chop up some dudes.

This is the kind of suggestion I am looking for, I had not thought of that!


I am a bit worried about giving up the heavy support slot though.

Chosen then? 9 with MoK is around 200 points, bit more with a few specials.

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Chosen instead of havocs, elite vs. heavy, and special weapons instead of heavy weapons, but the same principle applies.



Edit - Beaten, by eight minutes even, by Dallas. What I get for not refreshing before I reply.

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In my experience nothing less than a Landraider is sufficient to transport Khârn, the transport will draw too much firepower and you cannot assault out of a Rhino. 

I don't think waiting a turn to assault will be an issue if he is paired with a unit of chosen. I will give it a shot and post my results. Two threats moving up the field is better than one!


I am aware I am going against common knowledge here, but that is my favorite way to play 40k. In fact the only 40k tourney I ever won was done with a list the guy who came in 2nd ( a vet tourney player) told me was crap.

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Something i did that prove's to be effectif even if costy.


Khârn +7 chosen, 2 power weapons, 2 meltas, IoW and add in this Cypher.


The 2 extra Plasma shots that hits on 2+ and reroll on 2+ even in  Overwatch is hilarious, also the fact that he gives the whole squad Stealth and H&R is gold.


The whole in a Raider, or some times for the kicks of it a Stormeagle.

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