Brother Dakath Posted October 15, 2014 Share Posted October 15, 2014 Well, I've decided to come out of hiding after being so inactive on the forum for so long, and noticed the Call of Chaos VII going on and decided that it was just the thing to get me motivated to finish painting the large group of Chaos models I have sitting on shelves and in foam. So here's the start of my WIP thread for my Chaos collection, beginning with my Call of Chaos VII vow. I'll also post pictures of the rest of the stuff I have and mark each post I do for the Call of Chaos in some fancy big text or such so you can know the difference. I have Word Bearers, Daemons, and soon hopefully traitor guard models. I currently have roughly 12,000 points of Chaos collected, (yes, that's making some units like my Chosen dead expensive with upgrades but anywho.), so I have a lot of work to get done seeing as how my goal/dream army has a points cost that makes me want to break down and cry. Here's a little bit of hobby background for you, so you can see where I'm standing at/coming from within the hobby: I started diving into the hobby around 4-5 months before the release of Codex:Armageddon. I originally played with a borrowed Ork army from a friend, but was highly attracted to the Salamanders I noticed in Codex:Armageddon. I switched gears and started collecting my Salamanders at that point. Chaos first called to and claimed my soul with the release of the 3.5 Chaos Codex, the one with the rules for all the Legions. I hopped on the band wagon and started collection Black Legion but after seeing someone play with a "daemon bomb" army of Word Bearers, I started looking into the background of the WB and fell in love with their background and story and pretty much immediately started repainting my models to match. Over the years I have bought and sold multiple versions of my Salamanders and my Word Bearers as I needed money/interest fell through. I fell out of the hobby very heavily for a year or two until around a year ago when I discovered that MMORPGs and video games just were not filling that void in my soul that the hobby did. (Any miniature hobby really. I also collect Fantasy and Warmahordes, though 40k is my main focus). I picked up the paintbrush and glue at that point and had a decent amount of Chaos Marines that I hadn't sold off and now here I am! Originally I had made a promise to myself to not play with anything unpainted but a trip to the FLGS convinced me to break that promise when the campaign going on had a lot less "evil" players than it did "good" players. I jumped on to tip the scales. (We eventually won the campaign's mega-battle ). Enough background, onto the paint scheme and a little bit after that.....PICS! The paint scheme I'm following is pretty straightforward I like to think. I like to sometimes assembly line paint vehicles and units, characters I usually leave to be done on their own as a single project. Some of the paint names might be outdated, I have some old, but still in good condition paints. Here are a few pictures of some of the models I've already completed so you can see the end result: I'm not the best photographer in the world, I don't even have an actual camera or lightbox set up yet. I just use my iPhone and my desk with paper towels for the moment. I really should badger my sister to help get me set up with something nice as she is a photographer. So pardon me for my crappy pics. I'll try to get it corrected soon. Paint Steps/Technique: 1: Prime the model with the Dragon Red color from Army Painter. 2: Give the model a medium/heavy wash using Druchii Violet. 3: Paint out some metallic areas (trim, treads, some symbols) using Leadbelcher (a dark silver). 4: Paint other metallic areas (gun nozzles, "normal" vents, backpack "stems", banner poles) using Runefang Silver (a light silver). 5: Paint the last metallic areas (gun casings, decorative vents, gun barrel ends, the rest of the symbols) using Runelord Brass (a dark brass/copper). 6: Pick out cables, tubes, other cords and such using a mix and match type of thing with Moot Green, Caledor Sky, Liche Purple, and Ice Blue. 7: Give the entire model a medium/heavy wash using Nuln Oil. 8: Paint the scrolls, skulls, bones, purity seals and etc, using Ceramite White and/or Ushabti Bone. 9: Wash the parchemtn/skulls using Seraphim Sepia and/or Ogryn Flesh. 10: Power Weapons are painted using Liche Purple, Daemonette Hide, Screamer Pink and Pink Horror. 11: Wash Power Weapons using Druchii Violet. 12: Paint assorted details, such as flames on the Word Bearer shoulders pads, using the colors that are appropraite. 13: Using Ceramite White/Abaddon Black and a detail brush, make script and little freehand chaos stars over the model until it seems almost overdone. and finally... 14: Base the model using Steel Legion Drab, drybrushed with Ceramite White. Well, that's it for techinque and background and such. I'll first be posting my Call of Chaos VII part and then be updating randomly here and there. I'll also try to hopefully tonight get up more pics in the Hall of Honor of the models that I already have completed as well. Stay tuned! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Dakath Posted October 15, 2014 Author Share Posted October 15, 2014 Call of Chaos VII Pledge: Here is where the WIP begins! Here are the models for my pledge for the Call of Chaos VII 1x Bloodthirster 2x units of 10 Chosen 3x Chaos Rhinos 1x Chaos Predator 1x Chaos Decimator Daemon Engine 1x Chaos Knight (I'm using the Gerantus rules from the White Dwarf it was in. If anyone has any cool suggestions on a name, I'd love to hear them!) and finally, I'm not sure if this counts as it has a decent amount of paint on it but there is still a ton of work left to do, 1x Chaos Fire Raptor. Whew, 10 units. This is gonna be fun! Onto the pics! Call of Chaos VII Vow Picture #1: Here is the first picture of units for my vow, I had to take separate pictures seeing as how the second one features some....large models. Starting from the front left and going right: The black model on the left is a converted Bloodthirster, using a Juggernaught head and some wings and body from the Ultraforge line. (I think anyway, I picked up this model from a friend.) Bloodthirster Paint Status: 15-20% He currently has just a small amount of silver painted onto him over the base coat. The Chosen unit in the middle is mostly just a kitbash of lots of different kits to try and make some custom Chosen. They are armed with a Meltagun, Lightning Claws, Power Axe, Power Sword and Power Fist. The Champion is armed with a Power Sword and a Power Axe. Chosen squad #1 Paint Status: 0% This entire unit has need of being base coated with my red I use from Army Painter. The Chosen unit on the right has mostly been assembled from Dark Vengeance Chosen, (I also picked some more of those Chosen up from a friend). They are armed with Lightning Claws, Power Axe, Power Sword and Power Fist. The Champion is armed with twin Lightning Claws. Chosen squad #2 Paint Status: 5% Most of the unit has only base coated though the 4 chaps that stick out need to be base coated so they will be on the same level as the rest of the unit, they were somewhat painted for my buddies Black Legion before I picked them up from him. (Not very points cost efficient and yes, Chosen are AWESOME with 5 assault weapons but I like having close combat chosen, call me weird.) On the back row: A Chaos Decimator Daemon Engine armed with a Storm Laser and a Decimator Siege Claw. Chaos Decimator Paint Status: 20% So far he has had his violet wash and most of the dark silver trim added on to him. Three of my Rhinos are parked in the middle. They are each armed with a combi-melta, dozer blades, dirge caster and havoc launcher. (I ran short of Havoc Launcher bits somehow but has a lot of Deathwind Missle Launchers from the Drop Pod sprue. (I think that's what they are anyway). I cannot claim glory for the construction of the unprimed Rhino's construction, it was mostly assembled by the same friend. (Made me sad when he decided to drop his Chaos Marines, he is an awesome converter, I do look forward to see his custom Adeptus Mechanicus army when he has it all done though, his progress right now is looking amazing.) Rhino #1 Paint Status: 0% The Rhino on the left has not been primed. Rhino #2 Paint Status: 10% The Rhino has been primed and had the violet wash done. Rhino #3 Paint Status: 20% The Rhino is currently on step 3, painting the dark silver. My Chaos Predator armed with Twin-linked Lascannons, Lascannon sponsons and a Havoc Launcher. Predator Paint Status: 10% It has been primed and only had the violet wash done. Call of Chaos VII Vow Picture #2: Here is the second picture with the models for my vow: From left to right: My Chaos Fire Raptor, the model that convinced me I need professional lessons on how to un-warp resin models as there was significant problems during the assembly and some large gaps ended up showing up in the back. I was able to add bits and stuff onto it so that it looks pretty decent, I'm sure those who are canny enough can notice where some stuff is wrong, but I have heard no one say anything negative about it's construction at the FLGS so far, just comments on how it's cool. So I either did a decent job of hiding the flaws or I just generally play with very nice fellows Paint Status: 35% This is probably the model that might not make it into the vow legitimately seeing as how it has most of steps 1-5 done already, there's still some metallic areas I need to pick out in all 3 metallic colors, I was trying to get it done in time for a mega-battle so I was spot painting instead of doing my normal technique, though I ended up falling short. (Even though it still looked cool on the table as about 85% of the opposing sides army didn't even have a primed coat on them). I would say that with the detail on this bits, along with all the free hand script/Chaos symbols I'm going to put on it, that is why I gave it the 35%. It's got a lot of surface area and detail. My Chaos Knight was a model I picked up after participating in a mega-battle and finding myself lacking super heavies. I have liked the Knights since they came out and finally decided to pick one up. The spikes all over his top hull are spikes from the dozer blades off the Chaos Vehicle kit and the horns are from some Skorne warbeast from the Hordes line. Paint Status: 0% The model has not even been primed yet. More pics and updates when I get more done! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MagicMan Posted October 15, 2014 Share Posted October 15, 2014 Great start to the thread man! Good luck with the Call of Chaos. That Knight looks like a beast. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonlover Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 Name suggestion for the Knight: Kar Akash, The Void that Walks. I'll have to have a look at the Chosen when I'm not on my phone, but they look cool. Dragonlover Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Dakath Posted October 21, 2014 Author Share Posted October 21, 2014 Sorry about the lack of updates so far guys. I pretty much posted my vow and started this thread the night before I left to go on a family vacation. It was a nice change of pace, but I'm back and ready to keep painting! I've started working on Rhino #3 as it was the closest to being done of all the Rhinos and it makes sense for me to finish it first as that will give me three 15 man squads, including their transports, fully painted. I got the Rhino all the way up to about 85% completed on Step 7, the black wash with Nuln Oil. Tonight I'm planning on finishing up Step 7 and adding color to all the bones/skulls and scroll-work/books and doing their washes hopefully. If I find some spare time I might go post pics of the models I already have completed so far, though getting paint on more models is my primary focus at the moment. I've taken some more WIP pics of just the Rhino, and I'll post them below, tell me what you think! Front: Back: Sides: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Dakath Posted October 23, 2014 Author Share Posted October 23, 2014 So, I got a little bit more time to work on the Rhino and also to base coat the Chosen and the Knight. I haven't taken any pictures of the Knight and Chosen as of yet, they are actually still sitting there drying. I was able to get up to the part where I start adding script/amateur free hand on the books and various parts of the Rhino. I've also decided to start naming all the vehicles and such with Latin words/phrases such as truth and scourge of the gods and what not. This Rhino is "Truth". Here's the photos: I haven't decided what I really want to do on the back top part of the Rhino as of yet. I'll be sitting down here in a few minutes to get in some more painting time and I hope inspiration will strike! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 Your rhinos look like the two I just bought off ebay a few weeks ago... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight of the Raven Posted October 24, 2014 Share Posted October 24, 2014 I guess Brother Dakath is slowly spreading his heresy across earth... More seriously, many Word Bearers vehicles have scriptures written all over them. I think even some of the GW staff did the same in White Dwarf when the 3.5 codex was released. Or the Index Astartes article, at least. That's like a staple of Word Bearers armies. Have you washed the skulls on the rhino? Their colors are perfectly regular, which makes them look more like toys than trophies. That said, I love your models. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Dakath Posted October 24, 2014 Author Share Posted October 24, 2014 I finished the Rhino the other night, but due to work and such I haven't taken any pictures of it yet. @Knight: I did wash them at the end of it, as I said above I'll take the finished pictures today ot tomorrow hopefully @incinerator: I haven't put any rhinos on eBay, so I know they aren't mine you bought. What about them is the same as the ones you bought? 3 of the Rhinos I have I did pick up from my buddy so I can't take credit for building them. I dunno if he has others that he put up to sell or not. I guess I don't know how to edit a post on here from my iPhone, but I forgot to mention that the squiggly fat white lines are supposed to be chaotic religious writings and such. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted November 9, 2014 Share Posted November 9, 2014 Great thread so far mate! I love the Chaos Fire Raptor - only other one I've ever seen. What did you do for the turret weapons (I assume you play it with reaper batteries)? :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Dakath Posted November 11, 2014 Author Share Posted November 11, 2014 Sorry for the lack of updates guys. Life has been happening, as I'm sure you all know. Despite that, I have actually gotten work done! I'll post pics below in a minute. Thanks for the compliments guys ^^. It keeps me going. I've fallen behind a little bit but I'm sure I can catch up if I dedicate myself to it. @ Augustus: For the turret weapons I took the heavy bolter turrets and chopped the heavy bolters off and stuck on Reaper Cannons from the Chaos Terminators sprue. As for pics, here they are, I'm going to keep painting though so not much talking here. Here is Rhino #3 completed. I've also gotten work started on the Decimator. I'm about 80% done. Here's the pics! Work keeps going! Let me know what you guys think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted November 12, 2014 Share Posted November 12, 2014 The Rhino looks Great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Dakath Posted November 12, 2014 Author Share Posted November 12, 2014 Thanks death! So here's an update on the Decimator. He is all done except for free hand on the parchment/loincloth thing and some detail work on the base. I should be finishing these tonight and I believe that I'll move on to my Fire Raptor next. Here are the pics: This one is because the other front view really didn't give a good look at the front of hime. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Dakath Posted November 13, 2014 Author Share Posted November 13, 2014 Well, I finished the Decimator last night. That's one more down, and a bunch more to go. Here are the finished pics of the Decimator: Now onto the Fire Raptor! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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