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Really great Death Guard force.  I really like the use of the classic models from the metal Nurgle Chaos Marine & the plastic Warriors of Chaos parts (still remember when they where release). 


Are you planning on buying any of the recent Nurgle release for Warhammer Fantasy.


Also just to say it well worth take part in call of chaos as Forte point out.  Three months to get a few units painted for a new force or just adding on to one a member currently collecting.  General see a lot of great Chaos army logs & great conversion & painted models by 15th Jan.  You can join in any time for Call of Chaos during the next three month.  Forte posted a link to the topic to sign up to along with units member wish to enter.

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I love the way you paint them. Could we have the recipe for that lusty DG white?

I would really appreciate it ☺

The off white (nicotine white I call it) is a bit convoluted and I wish I'd come up with something simpler at the start! Still you asked =) also the names of the colours have changed.


White undercoat

Rotting Flesh base (I use Army Painter spray now)

Devlan Mud wash

Gryphonne Sepia wash

Scorched Brown line shade (you could use Rhinox Hide now)

Rotting Flesh and white mix for layering (I mix in a TINY amount of washing up liquid to stop tide marks)

White edge highlight

Gryphonne Sepia filter (or glaze with a tiny amount of washing up liquid)


Sorry it's not that quick... TL/DR Rotting Flesh and Gryphonne Sepia


@InsanePsychopath I might give a go actually I a very slow painter so it might give me a kick up the bum!

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