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Mikey's BA project (pic heavy)- Mephiston


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Hey all,

Recently started a Blood Angels army as an alternative to painting and playing my Wolves. Thought the highly decorative models and painting red would be a nice change of pace from my usual dark grey, plus you can never have too many power armoured armies and the sons of Sanguinius have such a strong character that I just couldn't overlook them. That and my Girlfriend bought me Space Hulk for our Anniversary which swayed me more than just a little bit. tongue.png

Anyway, onto pics of what I've painted so far:

First 4 Tac Marines. Going for a squad that I can break down into a 5 man camping unit with a Plasma Cannon while the other 5 will be in a Razorback with a Plasma or Melta Gun.








The two Terminators that I've painted from SH-





As you can see I've gone for a darker tone of red than usual which I find helps with both the speed of painting them and giving the models a darker look which I prefer.

Hoping to get a few more Tac Marines done over the weekend so I'll post progress as it happens.



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How did you get that dark red?

I basecoat with Khorne red and then shade the recesses with Athonian Camoshade, highlight with Wazdakka Red and then a fine highlight of Evil Sunz Scarlet.

Beautiful work smile.png

Love the gems and really like your metallic effects too. How did you get the gold for the skull on the terminator's knee?

I basecoat with Balthazar Gold then use thinned Druchii Purple to shade the recesses, layer on Gehenna's gold and highlight with Runefang silver.

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Gotta agree on the face of that first model, that's an impressive amount of detail you've gotten out of that sculpt. 

If I didn't know the model I would have guess it was a 50-something scale. 


Any tips for painting faces like that? 

I'm glad you like it. :) Faces are one of the areas where I'm really trying to push my self and improve so I appreciate the feedback.

I did do a tutorial for painting faces a month or so ago, the link is in this thread- http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/295448-painting-faces-tutorial/

Hope that helps. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This update has taken longer than I'd expected it would but real life stuff has gotten in the way but now things have settled I've had time to sit and finish these two honourable sons of Sanguinius! :)



Thinking I might paint up the Space Hulk Librarian next for a treat for getting through a crappy week. :P

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Just amazing! Very well done. I'm going to go with a darker red too for my blood angels after seeing yours. What do you prime them in? Black? Red?

I prime them black but if you can get a spray that matches the basecoat colour you're intending to use then I'd advise giving it a go just for the time it could save you.

I love how much details you put in your minis smile.png it must take forever to paint up a force in this manner though ohmy.png

Thanks. It does take a while to finish each model but I feel it is worth it. Just means I have a stupid amount of models for various armies that need painting. tongue.png

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Thought I'd share a few pics of this model who will be acting as my Assault squad Sgt. This model was the first I painted for my Blood Angels however I painted it for decoration for my Hive Tyrant's base rather than for an actual army. Thought it deserved a place i my army now as it was essentially my test model despite being painted in January. Just needs a bit of touching up in areas that aren't up to scratch.

I'm aware Xenos pics are against the forum rules but I thought in this instance it would be okay but if I'm wrong feel free to remove it or ask me to do it.





Working on my Libby's base and hope to get painting him tomorrow. :)

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