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Mikey's BA project (pic heavy)- Mephiston


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That face is incredible. I am in genuine awe dude!

Thanks, that's very cool to hear. :)

I think you got those the wrong way round. The tyrant is 'obviously' just base detailing for the marine!

Ha ha, obviously! :P

Still a long way to go and I need to fix mistakes like the blue splotch on the axe but this is where I'm currently at-


The base is going to be very nurgley with a liberal use of Nurgle's Rot to hopefully give it a horrible waste look with the skeleton and Chaos Marine Helmet floating around in the filth. That's the plan anyway. :P

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Knocked him right out of the park. The face in particular is fantastic as is the shoulder pad freehand. How are you doing your scrolls and purity seals? They've got an interesting look to them.

I basecoated with Dryad Bark, layered on Gorthor Brown and then highlighted up with Baneblade brown, Karak stone and Screaming skull.



Can you show some steps on that freehand by chance? If so, I will give you all the praise. Because right now, seeing the final result, you already get tons of very well deserving praise.


I don't have any pics of how I went about painting it but what I did was make sure I had a picture for reference ( a pic in WD of the 'Eavy metal team's much better version of the design :P ) and blocked out the initial shape with Bad Moon Yellow ( think that's the right name, it's the yellow basecoat paint ).


From there I used thinned down Baneblade brown to paint in the shaded areas and try to form the basic shapes of the face. I used Yriel yellow to add the lightest yellow tone, keeping it thin enough so that if I messed up I could quickly wipe it away.

It involved a lot of trial and error and switching back and forth between the 3 colours untill I got it to where I was happy.


That's it basically. I know that wasn't a great breakdown of how to paint freehand but honestly just thinning your paints enough to draw a faint outline and then blocking it in is how I approach freehand. Hope that was helpful in some way. :P



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Thanks!! I'd never have thought of using a blue wash!

I didn't either 'till I accidentally did it and realized it actually works. Purple and green work too in varying ways, the coloured washes tend to give the gold a bit more depth and cool down the very warm tones GW's gold paints have. 




Looks good. No doubt it's been said before, but you are phenomenal at painting faces. Any advice?





I posted a tutorial on painting faces, check it out - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/295448-painting-faces-tutorial/

Other than that just practise, find a brush that is decent for small details that you feel comfortable using and make sure you brace your wrists together and your elbows on something solid to steady your hands. :)

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Thanks for the tutorial. Well laid out, and easy to follow. I still mostly have the older paints, so will substitute as necessary. Would you say that the glazes are worth buying, or will I get a similar result with watered down Merchrite Red, or the like?





I'd say they are worth buying. If you're going to water down Mechrite red use a medium instead of water because those foundation paints have a lot of pigment and you need it to go on really thin so it tints the colour underneath rather than cover it.

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