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Mikey's BA project (pic heavy)- Mephiston


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Death Company look awesome Mikey, how did you do their eyes? did you paint them white and do layers of a red glaze?



Glad you like them.

I base them with Khorne red, layer on Wazdakka red, highlight with Evil Sunz scarlet and add a little bit of white in the centre. Then I add a few glazes of Bloodletter. :)

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That FW Mk.IV helm looks incredible, I've never seen one on a death company model before. Makes him look absolutely murderous. Also, the freehand blood on the face of the helmetless battle-brother is excellent. You have a real talent for faces.


As for battle damage, I think you might be underselling your painting skills - I'm pretty sure you could pull it off convincingly if you ever feel like giving it a shot. By the way, did you do the red cloth on the death company the same way you do your armour? It looks slightly different, but that could just be the contrast of the black surrounding it.

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That FW Mk.IV helm looks incredible, I've never seen one on a death company model before. Makes him look absolutely murderous. Also, the freehand blood on the face of the helmetless battle-brother is excellent. You have a real talent for faces.


As for battle damage, I think you might be underselling your painting skills - I'm pretty sure you could pull it off convincingly if you ever feel like giving it a shot. By the way, did you do the red cloth on the death company the same way you do your armour? It looks slightly different, but that could just be the contrast of the black surrounding it.

I saw the MK IV helm in my bits box and thought it'd look unique on a DC Marine so I'm glad to hear it works. :)


Yeah the red cloth is slightly different. It's the same paints ( Khorne Red, Wazdakka red, Evil Sunz scarlett) but I painted the highlights on in thin horizontal lines to try to mimic a fabric like texture. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished these last night, another 3 Tactical Marines ( the start of 2nd Squad) and the last of my Assault Terminators ( for now anyway ;) ).




I also started on a test model for my Sanguinary Guard but a few of the paints I needed are nearly empty so I only managed to get his right leg down but at least I have an example of how the gold will look and I'm happy with it.


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A genuinely dynamic terminator! Don't see those every day, kudos to you, sir. The gold on the Sanguinary Guard looks excellent so far, nicely weathered yet still looks cared for. Tacticals look good, too. Not enough people do credible aiming poses.

The generic Assault Terminator kit does make it hard to dynamically pose the models but a few of the pieces in the Blood Angel Terminator kit allow for some variety which is nice. Glad you like it, he's probably my favourite in the unit. :)

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Been working on the test model for my Sanguinary Guard and so far I've finished the gold armour and the model's face.




I'm really happy with how it's turning out so far. Not as happy with the pictures though as the shading on the wings and the jump pack don't really show sadly.
Hoping to get this guy finished sometime next week after I paint some Chaos for a friend.

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  • 1 month later...

This is what I'm using as my Mephiston. Love the Dark Vengeance model and as the Mephy model is getting on a bit I decided I wanted something a bit different and this model fit the bill. Plus I've wanted an excuse to paint it since it was first released, lovely sculpt.

Kept his Power Armour red just to tie into the official models colour scheme and to pick him out from my other Librarian models.







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