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Space Marines AND Sisters...?


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Ok, quick question here.

Ignoring aesthetic differences and lore and all that, is there enough of a difference between Space Marine forces and Sisters of Battle to field both in the same army? I know there ARE differences, but in the end they are both relatively elite, bolter wielding, special weapon focused, rhino based armies. Have any of you fielded both on the field as allies? Did they feel different enough rule wises to warrant BOTH armies at once? 

Just a musing of thoughts as I ponder a come-back army. Also, can you have more than 1 allied detachment? (Don't have the rulebook yet.)

Thanks in advance!

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I ally in BA with my Sisters. The BA drop pod assault and heavier mobile units complement the Sisters base of fire nicely. I form a base of fire with Exorcists and/or Retributors with BSS or Dominions in a sort multipurpose reserve for rapid reaction and objective duty. Then the BA plonk down amongst the enemy and hit hard targets of opportunity. Classic hammer and anvil tactic. The Dominions also do fun dangerous stuff too, like working as a blocking/hit squad.
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Big differences. Sisters of Battle are a bit of a clown car army - tons of models, tons of rhinos, lots of durable (ie. 3+) bodies. Space Marines are much more elite, and often struggle to bring enough boots. Sisters can provide good objective-holding and fire support while the Astartes close.

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I ally in BA with my Sisters. The BA drop pod assault and heavier mobile units complement the Sisters base of fire nicely. I form a base of fire with Exorcists and/or Retributors with BSS or Dominions in a sort multipurpose reserve for rapid reaction and objective duty. Then the BA plonk down amongst the enemy and hit hard targets of opportunity. Classic hammer and anvil tactic. The Dominions also do fun dangerous stuff too, like working as a blocking/hit squad.

Cool idea. But if you traded the sisters out for BA tacticals/devastators/Space Marine fire support, would you see a difference.


Also, I hate the Rhino model. So blocky. >_> But that's besides the point.


I do understand that sisters are cheaper than Space Marines, but unless you spam infantry, it doesn't seem to matter. I mean, a lot of sister lists I have seen look so much like the Space Marine lists of 5th edition. Or is that just me...?

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I've used Sisters and Marines together for years and they work well. Perhaps less of a benefit than mixing with others (like Guard) but when focused into their roles they can hit very hard. Sisters can offer good numbers and plenty of close range special weapons, specialise them in what they're good at and you can then build your Marines around that. They work well as a fully mechanised force, putting more power armoured bolters and special weapons than most opponents can deal with on their doorstep. Marines can assault and provide additional armour and long range if required.


You could also have the Marines provide long ranged support to advancing Sisters, but I don't think that's as effective. Like -Max- said Sisters can also be quite good with long ranged support though it doesn't have much variety, this makes more sense for BA rather than normal Marines.

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My latest list was a stupid thing I threw together of Space Marines and sisters, its currently 5 for 5 in wins and got my highest scoring win to date!  So yeah, it works.


Space marines have no real weaknesses whilst Sisters do a lot of what Astartes do, only better.  Combining the two strengths works well.

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I find that the only Marine units worth taking with Sisters are things like Assault Terminators... that's not really so much of a thing these days.


This was kind of my thinking. Like, if your list was piles of power armored peeps (say THAT five times fast! lol....ahem) all in rhinos, with a max amount of special weapons, with the sisters, you would get more rhinos and weapons for your points as the squads are cheaper, but points wise you maybe get an extra squad or two. But Marines can do the same thing and when then rhinos go down, Marines are obviously better at surviving then. 


BUT, obviously, Space Marines have a lot of things that Sisters DON'T. Assault Terminators obviously being the biggest outlier. Drop pods being the other, IMO. So, yeah, if you take the unique Marine units and use the Sisters as a cheaper foundation, I guess I can see the combination being worth while... 


Has anyone tried SIsters in Drop Pods (which seem to be an option with Space Wolves only, as all other drop pods are Dedicated Transports, but whatever)? That seems like a fantastic delivery device for them. That seems like the best combination of Space Marines and Sisters. Drop Sisters up the field for a wall of firepower, then flank with some termies and/or Bikes and wreck face. Bam! Thoughts?

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My latest list was a stupid thing I threw together of Space Marines and sisters, its currently 5 for 5 in wins and got my highest scoring win to date! So yeah, it works.


Space marines have no real weaknesses whilst Sisters do a lot of what Astartes do, only better. Combining the two strengths works well.

Post it?

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My latest list was a stupid thing I threw together of Space Marines and sisters, its currently 5 for 5 in wins and got my highest scoring win to date! So yeah, it works.

Space marines have no real weaknesses whilst Sisters do a lot of what Astartes do, only better. Combining the two strengths works well.

Post it?

Okay here goes:

Warlord Uriah Jacobus

Priest with Litanies

2 other priests with combi-flamers

2x9 battle sister squads with flamer, combi-flamer, Heavy flamer. Rhinos with dozers

5 Dominions with 4 meltaguns, Rhino.

3 Penitent Engines

10 Repentia.

Master of the forge with storm shield

2x 10 Tactical marines with flamer, combi-flamer, lascannon. Rhinos with dozers

2 Vindicators with dozers

Land Raider Redeemer with Multi-melta.

Marines are Iron Hands tongue.png

EDIT: Forgot to mention this is 2000 points

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Cool idea. But if you traded the sisters out for BA tacticals/devastators/Space Marine fire support, would you see a difference.


I think the main difference would be that I'd no longer be a Sisters player at that point.


I find that the only Marine units worth taking with Sisters are things like Assault Terminators... that's not really so much of a thing these days.


I fly in Assault Terminators in a Storm Raven, sometimes with a Dreadnought if there's lots of points to play with, and use one or two Assault Marines squads in Drop Pods to melta or flame something in the backfield. If I want to get really fancy I'll bring in a squad of Scouts. The cool thing about having Space Marine allies is that you can put beacons here and there to help you bring in your Avenger with accuracy.

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