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Eternal Crusade wallpaper: DA vs Eldar


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  Hello sons of the Lion!


  This piece I painted about one year ago was recently released in the Eternal Crusade forums, and I thought you might enjoy it:



I spotted a key error in the composition of your work.  I mean, don't get me wrong - I get the basic gist of what it's trying to convey:  the Dark Angels managed to teleport a stronghold of theirs in the middle of an Eldar Craftworld, and are using it as a Trojan Horse loaded with guns and a weather machine.  Yet another haven of the dying Eldar race is about to fall to the inheritors of the First Legion.


Objectively speaking, though, you're not really conveying that powerful scene all that well.  It looks more like it's the filthy xenos that are instead assaulting a stronghold of the Dark Angels.  Even more improbably, they seem to have gotten within close assault range and are somehow causing damage to said structure.


I urge you to reassess this otherwise impressive illustration, fix the glaring errors, and then contact the good people at Eternal Crusade as soon as possible.



  On 10/18/2014 at 3:01 PM, Isiah said:

Looking at it on phone screen so can't see much detail, but what I can see looks awesome sauce thumbsup.gif. Shall look at it on a larger screen later.

Just out of interest what did you create it in?


I work always with photoshop :)

Thanks for the nice comments, people!

  On 10/20/2014 at 11:16 AM, Badaboom said:


  On 10/19/2014 at 8:00 PM, Retaliation said:

Did you intentionally gave that front facing veteran a broken sword on his shoulder pad?


 Yes, did I do wrong?


Depends. The official Dark Angel insignia is an unbroken winged sword. The broken version (also red with thinner wings) is the company icon of the 1st company of dark angels who always deploy in their bone white terminator armor. It represents how the Dark Angels broke themselves apart after the Heresy, a secret only the Inner Circle  (which the 1st company is part of) knows.


However, it could have also been a reference to the potential of hiding members of the 1st company in the power armor companies. It's something talked about here every once in awhile because in older editions we could upgrade sergeants to be inner circle members. 


Basically I was curious if it was an intentional nod to our little conspiracy or a happy accident.

  On 10/20/2014 at 11:22 AM, Stormxlr said:

Great wallpaper, but not the resolution! Could we please have this in at least HD 1080p? (registered just to request this smile.png )

Wish granted. You can download it here: http://diegogisbertllorens.deviantart.com/art/Eternal-Crusade-Wallpaper-489038865?ga_submit_new=10%253A1413995738&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1


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