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Imperial Bunker (Buildings) Question


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I'm not sure if I understand correctly the rule so here we go:


Wall of Martyrs Imperial Bunker has a battlements section above it.  Battlements per rule are treated as a separate piece of terrain from the building they are upon. Buildings also per rule can only be occupied only by one unit at a time (as if they were vehicles).  Questions:



1 - Can I put one unit inside the bunker and other in the battlements as they are a separate piece of terrain?


2 - When the building collapses (roll of 6), do models inside take 2D6 hits and models in the battlement take D6 hits even if they are from the same unit?







a) Maybe a unit can only occupy either the inside of the bunker or the battlements, not both?  As buildings are treated as vehicles and units can not be half inside and half outside of a vehicle, it may be the same case with bunkers....


b) If a single unit can be in both: inside the bunker and also in the battlements, or two units can be in the bunker, one inside and the other outside then all my above questions are solved, but I'm not sure this is correct...



The wording of the rules is a little confusing to me and can be interpreted both ways; so please help me out of my confusion 


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My group has been playing it such that a Unit has to be completely in a Building or completely out on the Battlements (i.e. treating the Building as a Vehicle and the Battlements as separate Terrain).


Which is kind of bad if you just want one Model out on the Battlements manning the Quad Gun but that's the way we've interpreted the RAW.

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I'm moving this topic to the rules section where it belongs and you will get more appropriate help.


The building rules you want are on p110 - 112. It also states that the battlements are treated as a separate piece of terrain as well as an access point to the building - you don't need an access point if you're already inside the building!


A unit can't be both embarked and not, so there's no situation where the same unit will be on the battlements and inside the structure. As stated in the opening section of p110 buildings operate like transports vehicles so you can have one unit inside the building as the "transported unit", plus another on the battlements. The only exception to this if for larger buildings that have more segments (like the Fortress of Redemption) where they functionally operate as joined separate buildings.

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